

Hope's words stung even though they weren't intended to. If he loved her? "Don't play that card," he warns. "Whether I love you or not has nothing to do with this. I've got a problem you can't fix, so you think you can just send me off like some malfunctioned equipment to get repaired."

His eyes narrow. "Don't you dare force me. I told you I wasn't going and I meant it. This is my house and I will do what I darn well please, whether it's missing breakfast or listening to music you two don't like. This is my life. And I'm staying." Too distracted by talking with Hope, he hadn't realized that Reese had slipped around to the other doorway. He starts to back up again, feeling cornered.

Reese steps inside and lays a hand on Scott's shoulder to stop him. Scott whirls around in surprise, almost falling backward.

"Easy." Reese doesn't give him an inch to get around him. "Just let us help, Scott. That's all we're trying to do."

"Help?" Scott gropes for the counter as he backs away from Reese. "You call this help? Forcing me from my own home?" Seeing a way into the hall, he jumps at it, to skirt around Reese and get to his room where he could lock the door. Unfortunately, Reese was faster.

Reese catches Scott and pulls him into a bear hug, immobilizing his arms. Scott howls and throws his head back, whacking Reese squarely in the mouth. Though in pain now, Reese doesn't let go. "Scott, calm down," he barks. "You're going ot hurt yourself."

"Let me go!" Panic set in as Scott was held from behind. His heart began to race and he fought for all he was worth, sending Reese into the counter, knocking things over. Still held, he kicks at Reese's shins and tries to break free, but Reese was simply more powerful.

Hearing her master in trouble, Domino comes skirting around the corner, barking and going for Reese's ankles, grabbing his jeans with her teeth. Reese tries to maintain a grip on Scott, now with more to worry about. He looks to Hope, desperate. "I need your help right about now."

"No!" Scott screams. "Let me go!"

If you love me

Standing herself Hope's heart screamed at her. She wanted to run and hug him, tell him it would be ok, she wanted to say ok forget it. But she couldn't not this time. Scott had gone to far on letting himself go and in someways he looked worse then when she had first met him.

"Scott, please don't make this any harder than it is. We care, and this is not forever its only for a little bit. You'll have a telephone and you can bring your camera too if you like. This is whats best for you."

Hope keeps her hands in her pocket fingers around the syringe she had with the sedative. She didn't want to use it on Scott, she didn't want to force him but if she had to she would.

"You've lost a lot of weight Scott, and you have fallen into the pit of depression. Time, space we were happy to give you that, but now we are scared too. Your going with us, but we would rather you came by will, than force. Please...if you love me, do this for me. Get the help you know you need."

Hope glances to Reese again telling him to go around the other side. If Scott still refused than they would have to make him.

Forget it

Scott blinks, sure that he isn't hearing correctly at first. But listening to Hope, he realizes that it was true what she was saying. His expression goes from total shock, to almost blank.

"You're kidding me, right?" He looks between Hope and Reese. "Just because I took some time off, you two thought up a little scheme to get me to a hospital?"

Reese intervenes. "You know that's not it. There's a difference between taking time off and hiding yourself away. You're killing yourself, Scott, look at yourself. When was the last time you had a decent nights' sleep? Or a decent meal?"

"That's none of your business," Scott hisses. "I'm fine." His hand slips away from Hope's. "I'm fine the way I am, so you can forget it. I don't need help. I just need my space."

"You've had your space," Reese replies calmly. "And it's only hurting you more."

"So I lost some weight, big deal!" Scott's eyes turn frustrated. "So I prefer spending more time with my camera than people - what's different about that now than it was before? There's nothing wrong with me!"

"You know that's not true."

Scott stands up from the table, his chair scraping on the floor. "You two can just forget it. I'm not going anywhere."

"It's for your own good, Scott. We care. Now come on... don't fight us about it. We're trying to help."

"I don't need your help! I just need to be left alone! Can't anyone see that? I just need to be left alone!" Scott backs up several steps. "I'm not going."

Reese stands up slowly, his stomach starting to churn. He looks at Scott, seeing the fear and anger. Then he looks at Hope. He wouldn't make any move without her go-ahead. Brute force was the last resort, but he was ready if it needed to be done that way.

Because I love

Letting out a long sigh and coming into the house Hope gives a smile to Scott bringing him what comfort she could. This was going to be hard, and she new it but non the less Reese and herself thought it best for Scott's own health.

Sitting down next to Scott Hope takes his hand in her own. If anything she just wanted him to know she was there. She loved him and she would never leave him.

"Scott, Reese and I are worried about you. You hardly eat, see anyone and....I've...I've tried to help but there is nothing else I can do."

Hope looks to Reese for support this was hard...this was so hard to do when you were close to someone even though you new it was what was best.

"We have arranged for you to stay some place else for a little while. Its not a hospital exactly. You will have your own nice room and its done up like a house but you will be able to get more help there than I can offer you. I love you Scott and I am worried thats why I did this."

Looking at Scott Hope pauses not sure if Reese wanted to add anything before hearing what Scott had to say.


"Aw...." Gunner grins and accepts the gum. "You do know how to make me feel good, don't you?"

Tucking the gum in his pocket, he hides it for now for him to enjoy later. Standing up, he walks as far as he can next to Bree before he has to stop. Taking her hand and giving her one last kiss through the bars, he smiles his farewell. "Chin up... I'll see you soon."

Watching her leave, he nods to JT, with whom he hadn't been able to speak, but it was okay. JT knew that his job was to take care of Bree, and he would.

And once again, silence falls over the jail cell. Gunner stands for a long time, just looking at the door before finally retreating to his cot once again. Sucking the last bit of float from the cup, he tosses it in the waste can and leans back against the wall, closing his eyes. There was light at the end of the tunnel.

And so life continues to move on. The hands of time spin around the clock faces faster than anyone would like, bringing every moment closer to becoming the past. And it seems without warning, two days have gone by, leaving only memories.

Scott sits on the floor in his living room, his arms around his legs. The last couple days had been quiet. He'd turned off the ringer on his phone and hadn't gone out but once or twice to get the mail. He'd focused on developing more film, and had slept much of the days away, feeling too weary to do much else. Nightmares kept him awake in terror in the night, so sleeping during the day had become a habit. Today though, he'd found the picture he'd wanted. He'd taken it over a week ago in a flower shop, gaining permission to shoot a bright red lily. It had turned out better than planned, and he was sure that this one he could sell.

For now though, he was tired again, and sitting on the floor in the corner was somehow safer than out in the open, even in his own house. He wasn't sure what time it was. Skipping most meals, losing track of time was easy.

Reese parks his car on the curb and shuts off the engine, looking to Hope and taking a deep breath. "Well... let's do this."

Hope had confirmed that Brookshire was a safe place, and had also confirmed that Scott had shown no signs of improvement, only more decline. Reese had made the arrangements for taking Scott to the hospital and now they were at Scott's house, ready to go and break the news to him.

Mustering up what gumption he could, Reese exits the car and waits for Hope before walking up to the front door. He rings the doorbell and waits. Hearing nothing, he knocks and calls out. "Scott? Are you home?"

Scott stirs from his seat on the floor, hearing the doorbell. A chill runs down his spine. Who was here? What did they want? Then hearing Reese's voice, he relaxes. He didn't know what Reese wanted, but it wasn't an enemy.

Finally getting up, he wanders to the door and unlocks it, opening it up. Seeing both Reese and Hope though, catches him by surprise. "Oh... hi." Confusion was in his voice. "What's up?"

Reese offers a smile. "Can we come in."

"Yeah... sure." Still leery, Scott backs up so they can come in. His living room looked like it had become a photo lab... an obsession of the art instead of a hobby.

Reese gestures to the kitchen table. "Shall we sit?"

Scott looks at Hope, wondering what was going on. Something felt strange. Why were they here together? What had happened? What was wrong. He searches her eyes, but doesn't find the answers. "Um... sure."

Joining them at the table, all three sit and Scott continues to look at them for answers. "This doesn't feel like a social call... what's going on?"

Reese looks to Hope, letting her speak first.

Got this

Just enjoying talking with Gunner the time seemed to move all to fast and Bree wasn't ready to say good bye. It wasn't long enough to spend with him, as her fingers seemed to tighten just a little more. Giving a nod of her head Bree replyed.

"I try and look at the starts every night. Tonight I will look even harder."

Using her free hand Bree reaches into her pocket pulling out a pack of cinnamon gum. It was Gunner favorate and she hadn't forgot.

"I got this for you too."


Gunner listens quietly, his eyes not moving from Bree as she explains how she was. He could tell that she was hurting and it wasn't a surprise. But she was surviving... and at this point, that's what mattered.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "It wasn't supposed to happen this way. But at least you're safe. And me... I'll get out of here." He makes himself smile for her sake. "They can't hold a vampire for too long."

Reaching down, he picks up the rootbeer float and takes a sip, leaning back and sighing with content. "Mmm....now that's good stuff. You... a float... what more could a guy ask for huh?"

Managing another smile, he gives her hand a squeeze. "Hang in there.... for me, okay? It won't last forever. And when it's over..." He gives a lame laugh. "Okay, so we won't laugh over it, but we can at least say we survived and we beat them."

The next half hour, Gunner encourages smalltalk and tries to make it lighthearted, despite where they were. He was glad to see Bree and knew she was glad to see him. That was enough for now, even though they both wanted more. Some minutes passed in silence, but Gunner never let go of Bree's hand, not wanting to let go... not wanting to lose her again.

But soon, JT was gesturing that their time was up and they needed to part. Gunner looks to Bree, still sitting next to her and cocks his head. "Well... you gonna stargaze tonight?"

Another Time

As Gunner pulls away Bree watching him with a carouse look on her face to what he was doing. Finally understanding Bree cant help but the small laugh that escaped her lips.

"The biting will have to wait for another time."

Walking over to the bench to sit next to Gunner Bree wraps her fingers around his. Just holding him right almost as if she didn't he might vanish right before her eyes.

Thinking for a moment about his question Bree new the answer wouldn't be to great but she would explain a little to Gunner away. If it meant giving her more time with him than it was well worth it.

"Well...I've been pretty quiet. Not back to work yet let alone know if I even have a job. Things are just really rough right now. I miss you something awful and I can't wait to have you around again. The sun just doesn't seem to shin are bright without getting to see you every day. I try to stay positive, but it doesn't help much."

Bree still had so many emotions raging inside that went to so many different places. Her parents, what had happened to her, what they were doing to Gunner. She was hurt inside, even though she had made it through everything, she was still hurting and not having her solid ground there, someone who was a little crazy like her was hard and it felt so lonely.


Gunner gives a little growl, humor twinkling in his eye at Bree's comment. He doesn't have time to respond though when she's returning for more kiss.

Not resisting, he just lets the exchange continue, loathing the bars between them that kept him from wrapping his arms around her like he wanted to. He'd been growing close to Bree before all this... but being without her for so long... he knew now he felt so much more for her.

Drawing back, his eyes shine with a deep care for her, still with a little humor mixed in. Tilting his head, he aims for her neck, but the bars are in the way, and his teeth clink against them. "Nope," he shakes his head. "Can't do it." His hand reaches through instead to run along her face and to the back of her neck. "It's okay though... your uncle doesn't need to see you with a hickey."

Grinning, he kisses her again then draws back. "Come on." Nodding to the side, he walks to the bench that was on both sides of the bars. Sitting down, he gestures to where Bree could sit beside him, and his hand slips through again to hold hers. "I want to know how you are... how you've been."


Hearing Gunner's words and feeling his lips brush her it makes Bree feel so good inside, and realize just how much more she had missed him. Feeling the passion, something she never had felt before, she didn't hate it.

Pulling away just a little Bree look deep into Gunner's eyes. A humor laced in her voice, not for Gunner but for her comment.

"Is this the part where you bite my neck so I can be with you forever?"

Before he could reply though Bree bringing her lips back to his continuing the kiss with a passion never shared with anyone else before. Her hand slipping from the side of his back to the back of his head.

The emotions flowed over her, sending chills down her back. Oh how this moment nothing else seemed to matter, lost in time, and where they were the kiss, the bliss that she didnt want to break.


A low chuckle emerges at Bree's comment and Gunner leans his face into her hand. "I didn't know vampires could be smexy," he teases.

Seeing the tears behind her eyes, his own hand moves to her face, his thumb running up from the side of her mouth to under her eye, just caressing her softly. "Freedom is in here," he taps his chest. "These bars are just an annoyance. But they'll be gone soon."

Moving his face down to hers again, his lips brush past hers, remembering the kisses they had shared... the kisses he missed. At one time, he had thought he was meant to forever be alone. But after letting Bree into his heart... he knew he wouldn't be able to stand not having her around. And these past weeks had been torture.

Kissing her lips again, his eyes close as he moves as close as he can to her, despite the bars. He had always been so cautious... so gentle... so timid with his affection. Today though, he was so glad to see Bree... so happy she was in front of him, weary but well, and safe... she was safe.

His kiss becomes more passionate than it had before, daring to deepen and show how much he cared for and had missed her.


Feeling Gunner's hand locked with her his skin, so soft on her it felt like a millions years, a life time since she had last felt this. The warmth that ran from him to her it brought her the comfort she had so desperately needed.

"When...when I was back in the hospital Gunner....your the one who saw me thought. You saved me in more ways than one."

Moving her head a little to look Gunner in the eyes she searches them, her eyes held back the tears that wanted to come. The emotions that so well could be hidden on her face just didn't now. She wanted to see, she wanted him to know. He was a part of her, and to him she was willing to share.

"I would have gone crazy if I hadn't of knowing you. But I kept you in my sights, locked in that darkroom, I had your face the whole time. Than you came and you saved me with my Uncle. You..."

Bree chokes on her words.

"...you gave up your freedom for me. I hope they get you out soon, I hate moving through the days without you."

Bringing her arm through the bars her fingers run along the side of Gunner's face, and mapping his cheeks and his jaw.

"You look at smexy like you always do, my memorie didn't fail me, but actually seeing you is so much better."

Continuing to walk Hope stops outside a burger king maybe she would get some lunch for her and Scott. If she could get him to eat at least something she would feel a little better about leaving him so she could go do some work.

"Ok I'll check it out, and keep you updated. It will only take me a day or two to find out what I need. Thanks Reese, it means a lot."

Hanging up the phone Hope ties Domino to a pole outside squating down she gives a smile.

"Stay, I'll be right out and I will bring you something to eat too ok?"

Standing up again and going inside it doesn't take long before Hope was out again and throwing a few chicken nuggets to Domino before continuing home. It wasn't a long walk and she would get there in about ten minutes.

Confined little world

Gunner breaks out in a smile as Bree comes near, resting his hands on the bars. He can't help a little chuckle as he sees the float. "Aw, you didn't have to do that. But I thank you."

Reaching through to take the cup, he sets it to the side then straightens again, just looking at Bree's face. He could tell just by her eyes that she had been through so much and he wished he'd been able to be there for her. But right now he needed to show her that he was fine so she had one less thing to worry about.

Leaning down, he rests his head on his side of the bars, his forehead just touching hers. "It's okay," he responds quietly. "You don't need to say anything."

His hands slip through the bars to find hers, giving her fingers a squeeze. "I'm just glad to see you here... see you're okay...." He looks into her eyes, trying to assure her that things really were okay. "You're as beautiful as ever," he whispers. "A real sight for sore eyes. I found you in the stars but... this is better."

Hope had a good point about not telling Scott too soon, and Reese rubs his forehead wearily. "Alright... go ahead and check out Brookshire. As soon as you know it's okay, give me a call and I'll make the arrangements to get him there... how, I'm not sure if he doesn't want to go, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. And..."

He pauses, trying to think of anything else. "Just let me know I guess. If anything happens sooner, call me. Sometime we'll have to tell his family too if we get him to the hospital."

Scott wakes up with a jolt, not sure what had roused him. He didn't even know how long he'd been out, but it couldn't have been too long. His mouth felt like cotton and his head was spinning.

Managing to get up, he trudges to the kitchen for a glass of water. His stomach growls, followed up by some pain, but after looking at the refrigerator, he ignores it and goes back to the living room.

Looking over his mess of pictures again, he gathers up about half of them, folding them up and stuffing them into a nearby waste basket. Then standing over what was left, he focuses on finding the best, obsessing over something that would keep his mind off of the Agency. It was the only distraction he had. He'd been spending all his time sleeping, taking pictures and talking on the phone with art galleries. And that was it. This was his world and this was where he was staying.


Walking down the long hall of cells Bree felt strange being her but her stomach churned wanting to see Gunner so bad. She missed him so much and it hurt so bad now to know she could see him.

Drawing closer and seeing his hands, hearing his voice Bree hurry a little faster still she was in front of his cell. A wide smile breaks out of her face.

"Gunner...oh Gunner.."

She steps as close as she can to the bars holding out the float to him.

"I remembered, I said I was going to bring you one."

It felt like every last thing Bree had wanted to say to him was caught now in her throat. Her voice was so hard to find but the emotion of tears welled in her eyes. She wanted to grab him and hug him close but the bars prevent that. So leaning her head aganst the bars she hers where a whisper.

"I miss you so much Gunner, and now your here and I have no idea what to say."

Thinking for a long moment Hope lets out another long sigh. She was happy Reese offered to do this, it was night of him but still a question lingered was this right?

"I would say our best bet would be to talk to him the day he needs to go. Anytime before that he could put on a show that he was ok when really, he's not."

Getting up and starting to walk again Hope continues to think wondering about Reese questions that filled her mind. She wished it hadn't come to this really she did.

"I"d say we might want to do it as soon as possible. Its been a while since Scott had a good meal or night sleep and I wouldn't want to wait to long. Maybe give him a day or two, it will give me time to check out this hospital myself if you don't mind so I know its ok. As well as give you time to call them and make arrangements. I just want Scott well again Reese. and I am at a lose on what to do."

Different story

Reese takes in what Hope is saying, trying to be logical about the whole thing. Scott was harming himself by not taking care of himself and it was not healthy.

"If... you think he needs to be taken somewhere, then we need to work on that," Reese agrees. "I don't think it should be Northside. I don't think Scott would do well there. It needs to be a more sensitive atmosphere where they aren't going to dope him up like they did with Gunner. I do know of another hospital about two hours from here... Brookshire I think. You might be familiar with it. The head guy is a Christian so things are run a little differently. I heard about it a while back - a cousin of mine had a daughter who was suicidal after she found out she was pregnant, and she's a completely different person now - doing real well."

He stops to think again, contemplating the consequences of this whole thing. There were many people he could call on to help move Scott. Dalton was the first that came to mind, but Reese didn't want to put him through that - not when he and Scott were such good friends. Con? Jason? Nate? He sighs.

"I'll come myself," he offers. "I don't want Scott hating anybody else. If there's got to be a bad guy, let it be me. I feel responsible for this whole thing anyway." It was true - he did. Ever since the day they thought Scott died, Reese had felt the burden of responsibility whether he should have or not. "I could handle him if I needed to," he concludes. "If this is what you really think he needs... how do we do it? Do we need to talk to him about it? Do you want me to? Or.... when?" He knew he was asking a lot of questions, but he really had no idea how to go about this. Gunner had been one thing - a willing party once it came down to it. Scott was a different story altogether.

Jason smiles a little.

Yeah... I should eat something too. No wonder I'm so grouchy. Give me about five minutes and I'll be there. Have Rick nearby too - I need him to look at my mouth.

"Good call." Leo heads for the bathroom, but turns around again as she asks him about the sub. "Uh.... just give me whatever they've got close to Italian or club - I'm not picky. But no onions! You've gotta stand me for the rest of the day."

Grinning at her, he turns back to the bathroom to wash up. It doesn't take him long and he's back with most of the paint washed off his skin, though his clothes were spattered in various places.

With the radio still going, he performs some smooth dance moves across the floor, ending with several spins right in front of Cassy, a cheesy grin on his face. "I was gonna do the splits, but I don't think my jeans would tolerate that move."

Seeing his niece emerge, JT can't help it that his eyes widen. He didn't know if he'd ever seen Bree in a dress, let alone thinking she even owned one. He didn't want to draw too much attention to it though and embarrass her, so he just gives her a gentle smile. "I think we're ready too. You look great."

Heading to the door, it doesn't take long to stop and get a rootbeer float, then aim for the police station. David himself was there to take them inside, ensuring things went as they were supposed to. Once they had permission to see Gunner, an officer leads them back down a corridor to where the cells were. Unlocking the last door, the officer gestures inside. "You can go in."

It was a larger room, separated into several different cells that remained locked. There was only one occupant in one of them though, and it was Gunner.

Hearing the door open, Gunner looks up from his cot, not knowing what to expect. He knew David had been working on making it so Bree could come see him but -

Instantly, he's off the cot and to the bars, his eyes falling on the one he'd wanted to see so badly. "Bree."

What kind?

Giving a nod to Reese Katie stands and exits the room knowing it was something important if he wanted to to leave. Shutting the door behind her Katie makes her way back to her cubicle.
Ok I still got a mountain of work to do but if you want I have leftover from our half date last night in the fridge. Maybe we can grab a bite.

Katie new Jason was tired so if he said no than she would completely understand but it was worth a shot in asking anyways.

Hope gives a nod even though Reese can't see her. Scott did need help and she felt it was something more than she could give. Not because she didn't love him, or because she didn't want to deal with it but because she only had a limited amount of resources herself.

"I agree he does need help, and I don't think I have what I need to help anymore. Not that he's even listing to me."

Thinking again for a moment Hope spots a bench and takes Domino over to sit down. Letting out a heavy sigh she thinks for a long moment.

"Med could help, but I hate prescribing those, I've seen it do a lot more harm to people than help. Not to mention if Scott would even take them. My first instinct would tell me he should go into the hosp for a little while. I think they could help him more, and I could still go and see him. Only problem with that is I know Scott wont go on his own, and if I forced him he'd probably end up hating me."

Hope lets out another long stressed sigh.

"If it was....for his own health than it was worth him hating me. I just...couldn't get him there alone."

Cassy laughs again. It had been a long time since she had fun like this. It felt good, new...and she was enjoying it.

Accepting Leo's hand up Cassy shakes her head and nods to the bathroom.

"I'll order the subs if you want to clean up a little before hand. I don't think it would taste good eating the paint."

Cassy takes a few steps twords the phone by the crash register before she stops and turns back to Leo.

"What would u like on your sub?"

Hearing her Uncles voice from the other room Bree sat for a moment infront of the mirror. She finished her shower and got dressed in time now she was just trying to pull herself together before seeing Gunner. She was excited, she was nervous, but she was ready.

Exiting the bedroom it was rare to see Bree in a dress and probably after today no one would again but today was a special day. It was knee lagnth with a v neck, it was a navy blue color to help bring out her eyes.

"Ok, I'm ready...I've got the gum, we are gonna get the shake I am pretty sure thats everything."

Go somewhere?

Jason contemplates his options, tapping his fingers on his steering wheel. Stopping at a stop sign, he could go right and go to TJY or left and go home. He wanted to go home. He needed sleep and his mood was foul. But he knew Reese would want an explanation of what had happened with Ryan.

Sighing, he turns right. His emotions proved his indecision and grouchiness.

I'm coming in, Babe. I'll give Reese ten minutes, then I'm going home.

Reese listens to Hope, his heart sinking. He still had Scott's letter of resignation that he had done nothing with. He'd hoped that it was the same as when others had resigned... that he just needed some time off and would be back. But it had been about two weeks now and Reese hadn't seen him once. Now hearing he was doing so poorly upset him.

Glancing over to Katie, he puts a hand over the receiver and forces a small smile. "Would you mind giving me a minute? I'll call your cubicle when I need you back."

Waiting until she was gone, he returns to his phone call. Katie and Scott were good friends, even after their little romance didn't last, and Reese didn't want to upset her too.

Still listening to Hope, he sighs deeply. "I was hoping he'd be able to clear his mind. I know after that one morning when he told Dalton not to let him back into the system that he was afraid of accidentally betraying us, but I didn't know things were getting to him that badly."

He'd thought that Scott was truly on the road to recovery. He'd been doing so well, and had been happy. What had happened? Reese thought it ironic that Hope was the counselor and she was asking his opinion.

"Sounds like he needs help," he confirms. "Unfortunately, I don't know what kind, to what extent, or where he's going to get it. But you coming to me proves that it may be bigger than you. If he's not responding to you then I don't know what will help. Him not eating and not wanting to get up and do things sounds like severe depression to me. There's medication for that, but I don't know what that would do for the nightmares. He's got some real turmoil going on inside of him... I was surprised he'd done as well as he had, after all he'd been through. I know he wrote a report on his experience but... I don't think we'll ever fully understand what he went through."

Pausing again, he just takes a moment to think. Scott was one of his best men... and he cared for him like he did all his agents. Even if Scott had resigned, Reese still felt responsible. He didn't want to ask this, but he knew he had to.

"Do you... think he needs a prescription from a doctor or... does he need... to go somewhere?"

Leo laughs right along with Cassy. Seeing her covered in paint was quite the sight and it was too funny not to laugh. Seeing her fall, his eyes widen but her laughing just proves she was not hurt and makes him laugh all the more.

Feeling the cool paint suddenly on his knee, he lets out a shriek and jumps back, trying to act shocked, but it wouldn't work with him laughing so much. Finally calming down enough to breathe, he sets his hands on his hips, looking down at Cassy and her extended hand.

"Not sure about the truce, but I'm mighty hungry. Lunch sounds fantastic."

Taking her hand, he helps pull her up. Once she's standing, he retrieves his rag from his back pocket and reaches out to wipe the paint from Cassy's face.

"There you are. Though you looked great in the carnival look."

JT gets home early from work, checking his watch and knowing they were pushing it. David had called. It was time.

"Bree?" he calls as soon as he's inside. He was glad she'd been staying here a lot lately. He was a bit worried about her, even if he hadn't said so to her face. "You ready?"

He pokes his head into the living room. "We gotta go if we're gonna stop and get that float on the way."


Being put on hold as Reese phone rings Katie sits down in the comfy chair again and leans her head back. She new Jason was tired, and she was happy he was semi ok.

Ok J, get some rest and I will see you later I love ya.

Hearing Reese voice Hope continues to walk with her little friend knowing she was probley enjoying the attachen and walk to stretch her little leg.

"Hey Reese its Hope. Listen I know this really isn't anything to do with TJY anymore but..I'm really worried for Scott. He said he would be better not being around the Agency stuff but honesty it seemed like he is worse."

Hope didn't like talking about Scott without him knowing it but she really was worried about him. He was everything to her and she be lost without him. Not to mention she didnt like seeing him this way.

"He's hardly eating again, not motivated at all, wont get out of bed to even take his dog for walks. In the last two weeks yesterday was the first time in a while I heard from him. He's having bad nightmares and I just am a lost for what to so. I'm scared and worried for him and I guess I just wanted your take on this too since I am dating him and all."

Laughing again so hard as Leo whipped the paint on her for head Cassy felt like she was crying. Her sides starting to hurt. Taking a few steps twords Leo again she dosnt see the dribbles of pain on the floor and steps her feet going out from under her. As luck would have it she landed hard but out injuring her knee, just sending her into even more laughter.

Still laying on her back she looks up at the ceiling for a moment before reaching for her brush and pushing it into the whole in Leo's pants getting paint all over his knee. As she gasped for air Cassy was able to talk.

"I don't know what funner the paint or me falling."

Dropping the brush Cassy lays there for a long moment still before holding her hand out into a shake with Leo, turning her head to see him.

"Truce, and maybe lunch?"


Reese lifts his eyebrows a little at Katie, pondering her question. "I don't know... she's not the quietest woman in town, but I didn't think she'd hurt one of us. I guess we'll have to wait and see what-"

His sentence is broken off by his phone ringing. He contemplates not answering it, but then decides better of it, and holds up a finger to Katie. Going for his phone, he answers it. "Yeah, hello?"

Jason hears Ryan's final words behind him, but keeps right on walking. She just didn't get it. But if she had a thing for Alec, he couldn't expect her to understand. They had ex-Agency working for them at TJY - this was very true. But they were people who were actually committed to the cause now. Alec... he was biding his time with a bad attitude the whole way. His helping them was going to keep him out of prison, but they couldn't trust him yet. As far as being locked up went, Alec was lucky he didn't get the death sentence, and being caged at TJY was a whole lot better than prison. But Ryan just didn't get it. She disliked the law anyway and Jason wondered if she ever would appreciate it.

I'm on my way back in. Didn't get much, but I need bed, so if Reese is planning on keeping me out here, I deserve four hours at least.

Sliding in behind the steering wheel of his truck, he starts the engine.

Scott hears Hope leave but stays in bed, drifting in and out of shallow sleeping. Eventually though, he finally pulls himself up and gets some clean clothes on. Skipping breakfast, he goes to his little dark room to gather some of his pictures he'd stacked in there after cleaning them up from his living room yesterday before Hope came. Taking them back to the living room, he spreads them out again, still sorting through the best ones and rearranging them, focusing on his own little world.

Sitting on the couch though, he's still weary, and after a while, he lies to the side, curling up on the cushions to doze again.

Leo goes crosseyed as he tries to see the white paint on his nose and he smirks at Cassy, his eyes starting to twinkle. Quick as a flash, he's got paint on both hands and steps toward her, taking her face between his palms and leaning down to wipe his nose on her forehead.

Stepping back, he can't help but laugh. "You look like you've been to the face-painter at the carnival," he teases.