

Giving a nod Herb continues to dry some of the other pots and pans before putting them away. Helping Carson and just keeping himself busy until they were ready to go. Not taking long at all they lock up and head for the coffee shop. Herb leads the way knowing Carson new where he was going.

Getting inside and sitting with there drinks Herb keeps his hands wrapped around his mug to warm them. Giving a little nod Herb didn't need to say anything more on his invite for coffee to Carson but he was giving his slight welcome with the nod. Taking a sip of his coffee Herb looks across the table and study's him for a moment. So much filled his heart, so much he didn't understand Herb felt bad for him.

"Because she might have another family now, but its not he real family, and its not her real father she wants to know. It comes down to love Carson and she loves you. For a child its hard to understand everything, and to her your pushing her away and she is pushing back because she wants to know you."

Thinking for a moment Herb's own mind wonders to his grandkids. He hadn't seem them in a very long time but he often did wonder if they new about there mother and her side of the family. It was a hard thing to comprehend and he new it couldn't be changed so not to dwell on it but if they showed up again how would they handle it?

"Children are funny things...they don't understand us, and we don't understand them. Its a wicked circle but its one we have to go through sometimes. All we can keep doing is praying and dealing with it as it comes up. But that little girl has a whole lot of love in her heart for you Carson and nothing is going to change that. Maybe in time she will accept the situations and be able to write to you or visit you."

Herb new it was a hard thing for them to accept as well seeing how hard it was on the child but he could only hope that in time maybe Carson's little girl could get to know him. Even if it meant just for summers or something he hoped it could get to that point for both there sakes.

Still laying with Alec Ryan listens to him tell her about his new discovered niece. Ryan can't help the surprised look on her face. She couldn't remember even hearing Carson had a daughter before. The more Alec talks about her though Ryan can't help the smile that spread across her face. She could see the quiet twinkle in Alec's eye that showed in a way he was excited about being and Uncle.

"If she is anything like the rest of you Banks though she it thick headed and will probably find a way to see you again too. So don't give up on the whole Uncle thing, I think its kinda cute."

Ryan gives a little wink and a giggle before getting up and following Alec to the kitchen too. Standing close behind him Ryan just loved being near Alec after not seeing him last night and than all of this morning. Wrapping her arms around his wast Ryan can't help the little sly tone in her voice.

"I can't pretend I don't know your bad guy past, but than if I did that It would take away half the fun. I think its adds something to how sexy you are."

Beth can't help but chuckle again. Hearing Justin stumble over his words and get everything mixed up was rather amusing to Beth. He's always been so good at talking to her that now it was just a bit silly to see Justin was human too.

"Justin shut up, I'm still coming over."

Shaking her head Beth stands up from the couch and heads to the kitchen pulling out a bottle and taking a sip of the water. Beth was getting use to spending more time in her apartment doing other things than just sitting and staring or working all the time. Being home was starting to be kind of nice.

"Did you need anything for around the house I can grab for you?"

Half hearing what was going on Rosetta works quietly at her computer. It had been a long day and the call on the phone was am important. When Mick was done he'd tell her what was going on so she did get best not to ease drop.

"I don't think thats a horrible thing. Never hurts to have just a little extra protection."

Putting her pen down and thinking for a moment Rosetta thinks to all the times they have had people at the ranch before. It was never bad to have an extra set of eyes to keep an eye on things. They couldn't want everything all the time to know there were eyes there for just that had a blanket to it.

"If it means keeping Dylan safe, and everyone else here I think its a good idea. Did Reese have anyone in mind?"