

Making his way up to the interagation room Trey kept his hands in his pockets and his walk was slow. Pete had called him only moments before and he couldnt help but wonder what it was about. Had his late night outings, or even the extra time taken for his "free" time finally caught up with him and he was not going to get into trouble? Trey didn't know but it was unlike Pete to call him up instead of coming down himself.

Entering the room Trey couldn't help but feel a little nervous jerk in his stomach. Was his pass time over, was he found out, would he be confined again? Trey didn't know but he didn't let his worry show in his eyes at all.

"Whats up Pete?"

Pulling out the chair and sitting down Trey continues to keep his hands in his pockets as he fiddles with the strings on the inside. Looking across at his friend Trey listens raising an eyebrow as he started his story.

As the peaces fall into place and Trey understands more and more at what Pete was getting at a strange emotion starts to stir in his stomach. An excitement that seemed to be over ruled with anger, abandonment, and the lack of understanding.

"My mother...she...how can you not know your carrying twins? Dr appointments or not you can't not know you have two baby's growing inside of you. It's just not possible."

Trey's mind tried to wrap around it, he tried to understand. Somewhere inside was that feeling that sent his heart racing. Abandonment...maybe that wasn't the case. But still there was his doubt, and his own anger that seemed to over ride it. Anything good he could possably feel was pushed aside for this stronger feeling.

"No, I don't want to know who they are or where they are. I have my family, I don't need people who would rather leave me for dead, or not even know I exists, who is to say if when they find out they would even want to know me. Rejection, there son now the son of a drug Lord, No I think I'm better off the way I am. Thanks anyways Pete."

Katie's eye's widen as she looks to Jeff and than to Jason. Cocking her head a little bit her eyes twinkle as she just pulling on a few of Jason's strings but not over doing it.

You better watch it buddy...

Laughing and shaking her head Katie looks across the table at Thirteen, than Trent, and than Jeff a grin curling on her lips. She had definitely likes this time spent with her family. She missed it at times not being at the ranch anymore, but having people show up like this was nice and definitly helped her get through going another few months.

Throwing her cards down and shaking her head a little bit Thirteen stretches in her chair before looking around at he table again her eyes landing on Ryder again. Giving a small smile her hand slips under the table and takes his giving it a gentile squeeze.

"How about you guys play another hand and I'll grab us all something for snack. I think we have cheese and crackers. Would you guys like something?"

Thirteen really had enjoyed spending time with her family, and Ryder he fit in so well. She loved being with him and having her family with her was even better. This was one of the best days she had, had in a while.

Giving a smile hearing the Mick would like to have lunch with her Rosetta sat back at her desk. Sometimes just getting away was nice. Even if it wasn't far, it was still nice to know that, the freedom of being able to just get away from a few hours was there.

"I think that sounds perfect. I have a few things I need to grab from in town as well. We can just get it all done at once."

Rosetta smiles as she continues to smile the warmth of Mick's words filling her and taking the chill from the air. She was excited about going to lunch.

Looking down at her watch and noting the time. If she was going to go see Shara she better now before it was to late. Giving a strech and shading Beth gives a smile.

"Ok, I wont be gone to long, maybe an hour or two. I'll be back after though. need anything call."

Standing Beth gives a stretch before bending down for her shoes and putting them on. Checking Justin's forhead one last time before getting her jacket she makes her way to the door.

"I'll see you when I get back. I wont be long."

Letting out a small sigh Karla moves over to the stove and looks into the pot. The soup sure did smell good and it made her stomach growl. How could she turn down at least one bowl? Grabbing some and sitting down at the table Karla takes a sip before looking up at Kip and just studying him for a moment.

Letting out a sigh and looking down at her soup karla didn't know what to say. She did all she could and still Kip didn't feel better. She was so lost with this all. Would it be better for her to just leave Kip alone? Karla felt so lost.

"Wow, this really is good. I am going to have to get the recipe. I think the cheese was an good add."

Taking another bit of the food and looking up again Karla gives a small smile.

"Want to see if any movies are on?"