

Not knowing what else to do, Alec numbly follows Misty's directions, silently coming in to stand dripping in the kitchen. The tea was a bit of a surprise, but he does as he's told and tries to sip the hot liquid in between coughs as she leaves the room. When she returns, seeing the clothes and hearing her orders, all he can do is stare at her for several moments. He'd wanted some help but... he hadn't expected this much kindness. It was humbling, to say the least. 

Accepting the clothes and medicine, he simply nods, afraid to talk lest he break down in tears right here. He didn't deserve any of this. 

Half an hour later, his cough had lessened a little bit from the cough syrup, the hot shower had taken the edge off his chill, and the dry clothes helped a lot too. The scent of soup made his stomach growl - he'd been living on cheap microwave dinners or fast food for way too long. 

Coming slowly back to the kitchen now cleaned up, it was even more obvious how thin and pale he'd become lately. Hanging his head, he sinks down into a chair before he collapsed from exhaustion. Staring at the table, he swallows, wincing as he does and he tries to stifle another cough. Now what? Carson would be home soon and he'd be kicked right back out again. If he didn't start talking now, he might never get a chance. 

"How come..." His words were raspy and forced and he stops to clear his sore throat. "How come you're so nice to me?" He didn't yet raise his eyes, but he needed to know. Sure, he'd come here looking like a drowned rat but that didn't mean Misty was forced to help him, let alone to this extent.

Sitting across from Beth at the nice restaurant, Zach had a feeling something was bothering her. She'd accepted his date with a smile, but... ever since picking her up, he'd just felt there was something... off. He couldn't have asked for a prettier date, let alone as fun. Beth was just so full of innocent life, he loved it. Seeing her dressed up and happy to be on a first date like this... he was honored to be taking her out. Yet now as she initiated a serious conversation, he feared that his feeling of something being wrong was about to be proven.

Listening quietly, Zach's eyes start on her own before drifting slowly to the table and to his water where his fingers played with the rim of the glass. So his original hunch about Justin had been right. They hadn't been dating but Justin was jealous and did have feelings for Beth. But having been assured by Beth otherwise... Zach had taken the steps beyond friendship. And now that open door was being closed in his face. 

Letting out a quiet but long sigh, Zach lets a pause linger for a moment before finally looking back up at Beth. He smiles, but it's obvious that it's forced. "Well...  at least I got the first date, huh? I guess I can always brag about that one." 

That didn't mean he wasn't disappointed though. Oh, it wasn't the end of the world, but he really had hoped for a nicer evening than this. He'd wanted to spend it all with Beth just loving her company and then when he took her home, he'd even thought he might just steal a small kiss. Not anymore though. No, that would now be highly inappropriate. As far as being friends...

Shaking his head, he chuckles softly. "I'll admit... I feel a bit stupid right now. I guess I thought if I just ignored that look in Justin's eye, that maybe it wouldn't really exist." He shrugs. "Can't win 'em all though." 

Leaning his elbows on the table, he studies Beth's eyes. "I don't mind being friends... as long as you don't mind me sometimes having to say no. It can take a guy a while to convince his eyes he can't look a girl the same way anymore." He loved Beth's company, but it might be hard to readjust his thinking if he spent more time with her. He'd just have to be more careful, that's all. 

He attempts another smile. "Thanks for telling me though. You have my respect for that. If, um... if you'd rather call tonight early though, we can. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

Just ready to head back into town, Hunter's a bit surprised to hear his phone ring. He'd expected maybe a text, but having Katie call him back... A little smile comes to his face. 

"You told me, but I'm a guy and have a thick head, remember?" He grins as he holds his phone to his ear, still straddling his bike.

"Not much is going on, other than me going to fast and watching another car blow up as a result." Though his voice was kidding, there was an underlying tone that warned there was more to what he was feeling about what he was saying. "I got a couple bumps and bruises but nothing too bad. The other guy... well, he'll be alright once he's out of the hospital." 

Hunter swallows hard, not having expected it to be this difficult to talk about. What was his problem? Shifting his weight, he tries not to let the pause linger too long and he forces a chuckle. "I guess the whole thing shook me up a bit but don't tell anybody - it might ruin my reputation." 

Wanting to avoid talking about it, he moves on quickly. "So enough about me, what about you? How's it going at the ranch and all?"

New Events

Answering the door Beth smile at Justin. Her dress flowed down to the floor. It was new she bought for this night. Her hair pulled back with little baby breath in them. She wanted to look extra good tonight on her first day. Seeing Zach she new she picked right. 

   "Hey Hey...your looking sharp."

Not wasting much time Beth and Zach finally get to where they would eat and sit down. Chat is light and Beth enjoys herself though the conversation she had, had with Justin still weighed heavy on her mind. She'd had feelings for Justin for a long time but had abandoned them thinking he did not feel the same.  Her feelings did they still linger...the answer was yes and Zach...she liked him but was it just as a friend.

   "Zach...I have something I need to share with you because I only think its right I tell you. I just hope it doesn't rune the night."

Beth hoped Zach would take what she told next well, or at least understood. She didn't want to hurt him he was a good friend and she enjoyed his friendship very much. So it was not something she wanted to rune.

   "The other day Justin finally admitted to me that he liked me more than a friend. He wanted to hear me the same thing but I told him I could not because I had a date with you and I wanted to make sure anything I did fell was real."

Taking a sip of her water Beth searches Zach's face. This was odd for her trying to talk this out and explain how she felt. She'd never had to do this before and it felt so odd now.

   "I am having a great night with you, and I love your friendship. For a first day this had been perfect and I never would of wanted it any other way. But I...I think where it ends is just a friendship. I'm...sorry if I lead you on or went about this the wrong way I'm still new at this whole thing. Can...we still be friends?"

Just staring at Alec for a few long moments Misty wasn't sure what to say. She'd always seen something in Alec and for that reason she had been kind. Knowing what he had gone through and done now still there was something about him. Maybe it was the same something she had see in Carson oh so long ago that caused her to give him a chance. But now with everything that had happened could she trust another troubled Banks?

   "For heavens sake Alec come in before your cold turns into something worse."

Opening the door and letting Alec come in Misty brings him into the kitchen and works quickly to warm a cup of tea with some honey in it. It was always in her heart to give everyone a second chance...just because Alec seemed to follow in his brothers foot steps did not mean she should condemn him right away. After all he was still family at the moment.

   "Drink the tea and wait here for a moment."

Leaving the kitchen and going up the steps Misty goes into the spare bedroom and opens a box. It had some of Carson's clothing in it that she found tucked here or there that she was meaning to throw out but hadn't yet. They would come in handy now even if they were big. Before going down stairs she goes to the bathroom and grabs some cold medicine.

   "Here...some of Carson's old clothing you can put on and I can wash and dry the ones you have on now. Take some of this cough syrup than head down the hall. The bathroom is on the right and you can take a warm showed and change into dry cloths. I'll make you some soup and we can talk...ok?"

   "I've got to find my family...please...I need to find them, they need me."

Wes trashes in bed as nurses try to hold him still before he hurt himself. This had been the third episode like this and if he didn't watch it he was going to disturb his set leg once more.

   "Mr. Doe you need to calm down before you hurt yourself. We know you have a family and its a start but without knowing your name, or there name there is nothing we can do because we don't know where they are."

The Dr looks down at Wes his look full of sympathy for there was nothing he could do. Some might say it was post tramadic stress from one thing or another and the dr would have to agree. But without knowing what from completely there was no real way to treat it. There was only hope more would continue to keep coming back to him that could give them solid ground.

   "You don't understand my little girl she has to know her father...and my wife....she...she can't live without me. I have to go...let me go."

Ripping one of his arms free from the nurse Wes takes a swing but all it lands it a needle in his arm with something to knock him out. Keeping him calm was the only option and if this was how they had to do it right now till he was healed or remembered more than it was what they had to do.

Sitting out on the porch to her bunk Katie looks up at the sky. It was a night night out and it was quiet, crickets where the only sound and it was like a lullaby. It was moment like this Katie loves. But the quiet was soon broken to the sound to her phone going off for a text message.

Flipping open the phone and reason Katie grew concerned. Hunter had gotten into an accident? He said he wasn't hurt but how bad had it really been? Katie couldn't help the worry that coursed through her for her friend.

Letting her finger hover over the reply button Katie stops for a moment. Maybe a phone call was more personal. It could be better to, to just let Hunter talk to her and not through a text. Sometimes that was better. Dialing the number Katie waits till she hears his voice.

   "Didn't I tell you NOT to get in trouble while I was gone? I got you messaged...Whats been going on?"

Two weeks later

Jason chuckles. "Yeah well, I say creativity is only dangerous when it involves sharp objects or things that blow up. Anything else is pure art."

Lifting his pop, he offers a toast. "To your creativity, and the baby's room. May it not be wild enough to disturb the baby's sleep."

Only later would Jason realize that he had really enjoyed the evening. He still felt off kilter. He still had mixed emotions about Katie and he missed her terribly, while still being angry with her at the same time. But... slowly, slowly, those emotions began to be less severe, turning into a dull ache.

It was after hours, but Axel was bent over the car engine, a light hanging from the open hood. Fingering his wrench, he squints, tinkering for several minutes. He didn't normally stay up this late working, but it had been a long day with a long conversation with several other people, and he'd been in too sour a mood to settle down for the night. He'd called off his date with Jess and had ignored the two messages on his answering machine from the band. He figured he'd feel better tomorrow, but for tonight, he just wanted to keep himself occupied until he was tired enough to sleep. 

Several days ago, things had been fine. He'd had his suspicions and had even voiced his concerns. But regardless, he hadn't seen this coming. And now... now he wasn't sure what to think or believe.

Hearing the garage back door open and close, he doesn't lift his head. He'd normally check to see who it was - no one should be here at this hour, and without the security system on, it wasn't the safest place to be. But somehow, he didn't have to ask who had come. Somehow, he knew.

Carson approaches slowly, tucking his hands in his denim jacket pockets. He'd tried to call Axel several times today but had received no answer and no call back. It wasn't like his friend and he'd grown concerned... until he'd found out that Rocky had told Axel what had been going on. Carson hadn't planned on telling Rocky everything, especially so soon after moving, but when he and Phil had come to the restaurant for an in-depth Bible study last night, the truth had come out. Neither one had said much, but Carson hadn't given them a chance either, hibernating in the kitchen until they'd left.

Now though, he just wanted to make sure his best friend would still socialize with him. Coming slowly to Axel, he stops near the car and waits, unsure how to initiate a conversation.

Axel feels Carson's eyes but takes his time. Finally straightening, he pulls a rag from his back pocket and slowly wipes his greasy hands. Eventually, his eyes rise to see Carson. What he found was not an arrogant man or a man proud of his actions. What he found was as man who looked like he'd been beaten from the inside out. But that didn't dissolve the feelings he had. He eyes Carson for several moments before breaking the silence. "What do you want?"

Carson's shoulders drop just a little bit more. "I dunno. I just... when you didn't return my calls, I called Rocky and he said he'd talked to you." Rocky had also been rather cold, to say the least, making his disapproval quite obvious. "I... guess I thought I should drop by."

"Not sure what for." Axel tries to clean off some grease on his palm but even the towel won't rub it off. He looks at his hands, battling his feelings as he had been the whole latter part of the day.

Carson swallows hard. The atmosphere was thick enough to slice with a knife. "I... well are you... I mean we..."

"Look." Axel stops fidgeting with his rag and looks up again. "If you're looking for approval for what you're doing, you came to the wrong place."

"No, I-"

"If you're looking for a shoulder to cry on, you still came to the wrong place."

"It's not-"

"And if you think I'm just gonna ignore the whole thing..." Axel pauses, pursing his lips. He knew that Carson was his brother in Christ. He knew that a sin, no matter how big or small was a sin just the same and that it was man that labeled rankings from bad to worse. He knew that he had no right to judge, lest he be judged himself for his own wrongdoings. But this... he couldn't stand by and let Carson think that he approved or thought this was fine. To love was his Christian duty - but also was rebuke. "I'm sorry, Carson. But if you ever wanted for me to lose all respect for you... you have succeeded."

Carson's head hangs and slowly, he turns around. "Goodnight, Axel. Sorry to bother you."

Watching him walk away, part of Axel wanted to stop him and talk more about what had happened. But he doesn't. Hearing the door open and close once more, he returns to his work on the car until much later when he finally was weary enough to call it a night.

Jeff wants to argue with Katie about Angel, but he holds his tongue. He really didn't want to ruin their day by being negative, no matter how frustrated he was. 

"Alrighty then." He aims Hawk down the trail. "Tallyho." 

It took a while to reach the perfect spot for a picnic, so at least when they did, appetites were ready, and Jeff was feeling a little less irritated. He avoided talk of himself, but really, much conversation wasn't needed anyway. Just spending time with his daughter was nice, whether talking or being quiet. He did tell her a little of his trip to Jay's, and he did ask her just a bit about what had happened with Jason. Though upset with Jason's actions, he encourages Katie to stay at the ranch as long as she needed, promising he'd be sticking around too, with no plans to leave town again any time soon.

It wasn't until later that afternoon that Jeff would excuse himself to his bunkhouse to take a much-needed nap after the long ride. He didn't want it, but his body insisted and he didn't want to risk making Katie or Angel any more upset with him. The nap only came after making sure he saw Ashlee though, wishing her a belated birthday along with giving her a gift card to the tack shop in town. He'd planned on taking her and Stacy there himself but... he didn't make mention of that now. Not after having seen Eric and Stacy cozying up to each other like they had been. No, for today, a nap was the only other thing he'd do.

"Justin? It's Ken Truman." 

"Oh, hi." Justin keeps one hand on the steering wheel as he drives towards North Springs. He was halfway there and hoped Ken wasn't calling to cancel his session with Mackenzie. Although he'd been dealing mostly with Carson, so hearing from Ken at all was a bit of a surprise. "What can I do for you?"

"I... needed to let you know about a change." 

Justin wasn't sure he liked his tone, and prepares for anything. "Okay..."

"We were informed that Carson has left his wife and is now living with another woman."

Justin couldn't help his surprise and he spoke without thinking. "What?!"

"We were surprised too." Ken pauses. "Jeanette and I have discussed it though, and... we both feel it's not a situation that we want Mackenzie around. So for the time being at least, we've suspended any visits to Carson." 

Justin's heart sinks. "How's Mackenzie taking it?"

"Not well. I can't tell if she's more upset with us for not letting her see him anymore, or more upset with him for leaving Misty." 

"Probably both." Justin sighs. "I'm glad to know this though, thank you."

Zach pulls up to the curb and parks, checking himself once in the mirror. It wasn't often he had a nice dinner date. Getting out of his car, he straightens his light green shirt under his black blazer and makes sure it's tucked into his dress pants. 

Making his way to the apartment door, he rings the doorbell and waits, a single daisy in hand for Beth.

The next couple weeks seemed to pass in a strange kind of blur. It was funny how the company of one could help heal the wound that another had made. Regardless, Jason found himself spending many evenings with Misty under the guise of helping her or keeping her distracted from her own worries. But in reality, he needed the company just as much. Whether it was supper or hanging out to watch a movie, having someone just to sit with who understood what he was going through was nice. And... he hoped he was doing the same for her. He still hung out with Sandy and the guys, but they didn't know his history... they didn't understand about Katie. It was just... different. They were a piece of life Jason needed, but so was one-on-one time with someone who shared a different kind of common ground.  He didn't want to overstep any bounds or crowd Misty or give anybody else the wrong idea about his intentions... on the contrary, it was just nice to spend some time with her to help and be helped.

Alec trudges down the sidewalk, not sure where he's headed. It had been almost a month since Reese had given him freedom. During that time, half the mornings he'd woken up with a hangover, he'd been turned down for five jobs and he was now dangerously close to having absolutely no money at all. He'd already quit using his motorcycle, unable to pay for any more gas. Hooking up with a few acquaintances, he'd cashed in all the favors he could, but that money was already gone and there were no more favors left. No one wanted to help him when they didn't owe him anymore.

Finding himself in front of Mom and Pop's, he glances in the window, stifling a cough. It had been quite a while since he'd seen his brother. Come to think of it, he wasn't sure he'd seen Carson since he'd been in court after the Agency incident. He hadn't seen him... or Dani... or even Mackenzie. Alec might never tell anybody, but he thought about his family often. He knew they weren't full-blooded family, and he knew they didn't like him... but deep down, he'd always had an unexplainable longing to be closer to them. It made him feel weak so he'd never admit it. But he couldn't help the strange desire.

Sighing, he looks at the door. It was a long shot, but maybe he could wash dishes or something to earn a few bucks until he could find something better. He wouldn't beg... and he knew Carson didn't trust him... but he was getting pretty close to his wits end. Entering the restaurant, he finds it quieter than he would have thought for the noon hour.

Someone coughing makes Carson glance out of the kitchen. Seeing Alec, he immediately bristles. Things were bad enough without his lowlife brother coming around. He'd figured after all the trouble he'd caused, he wouldn't be around here anymore - figured he'd skip town after being released from the Elite. Exiting the kitchen, Carson glares at Alec over the counter. "What do you want?"

Alec hadn't expected a warm welcome, but the glare made any hope diminish. "Just... decided to drop in." He forces a grin. "No harm in that, is there?"

"How many times have I told you you're not welcome here?"

"I dunno." Alec shrugs. "I figure every man has the right to change his mind sometimes."

"Well this man hasn't," Carson hisses. "Now get out."

Alec frowns. "It's been how long? And you still hate me. I was just wondering if you needed any help around here."

"Go find work somewhere else," Carson growls. "You've caused enough damage other places - I don't need you doing it here too." He was in no mood to deal with this. Today was the first day Dani had not been here to work after she'd given him notice. It should seem reason enough for him to want an extra hand. But not Alec. No.

Alec covers another cough and shakes his head. "What's got you in such a sour mood anyway? I'm the one that's been kicked out on his hind end. You still got a great life."

Carson leans closer, gritting his teeth. "Then you haven't been listening to the word on the street. Now get out. Before I get my shotgun."

Alec swallows hard and slowly backs away from the counter. Maybe this hadn't been such a great idea. Come to think of it, it had been downright stupid. His brother would never accept him. "Yeah... okay.... nice to see ya." Heading back outside, he stops near the curb and looks down the street, not even knowing where to go next. And what had Carson meant about implying he didn't have a great life?

Later at his apartment, Alec found himself where he usually did lately... sitting on the floor in the corner, with nothing to do, nowhere to go, no one to talk to, and his mind wandering places he'd rather not go. He'd failed another job interview today after leaving Mom and Pop's. It had been hard before to get a job with his record - now it was even harder. And with no allowance coming in, things weren't looking good. And... he had no one to turn to... Or did he? 

Two hours later, he'd emptied his memory of phone numbers for guys he'd worked with or had dealings with in the past. No one wanted a roommate. No one wanted to help. They were all busy, broke too, or just plain didn't want to have anything to do with him. And back in the corner of his apartment, any pride left continued to dwindle.

"Carson? What is that?" Jaz comes up behind him in the apartment after the other man had left.

Carson closes the door and folds the papers he'd been given before she could see them. He'd thought this day couldn't get worse. He'd been wrong. Turning, he shoulders past Jaz, heading for the kitchen. 

"What..." Jaz throws up her arms. "Are you going to tell me?" 

Carson continues walking and simply holds up the envelop so she could see before he disappears around the corner. "I've been served," he calls over his shoulder. 

Jaz frowns. "Served?" Shaking her head, she follows his route to the kitchen to find him slouching in a chair at the table. "What are you talking about?" 

Carson grits his teeth and stares at the envelope. Dani had quit. His best friend had turned his back. He had heard nothing from TJY for the last two weeks, even despite his routine late night visits to use the computers. He was no longer allowed to see his daughter. Faithful customers at the restaurant who were his friends had stopped coming, bringing numbers - and income - dangerously low for this time of year. Alec's visit had done nothing but irritate him. And now this. "That guy at the door was serving me papers," he finally explains. "Misty wants a divorce." 

...Thunder rolled across the sky, making the earth tremble. It was another miserable day. Sitting under the window with his head resting against the pane, Alec watches the rain run down the glass in uneven streams. It didn't matter how hard he tried... nothing mattered anymore. He could be good, he could be bad, and in the end, it just didn't matter.

Coughing, he winces, his throat feeling like he'd swallowed nails. Digging into his pocket, he pulls out some change and counts it. Not even enough for the cough syrup he wanted so badly right now.

Resuming his stare out the window, his mind wanders to Ryan, like it did so often. It had been the worst torture ever experienced to not try and see her. He'd heard that she and Tal were still together, and that Tal was on the road to recovery. For that, he was actually glad, but a piece of his heart was still missing.

Alec had tried everything to survive here, but found himself failing. After so long of fighting the rules and straining to be free... this is what he got. Freedom. Was this what it really was? He wonders what would have happened, had he never been caught that night at Scott's house. Being a servant of the Agency seemed better than this right now.

Looking out through the rain, his eyes land on the payphone and he again counts the change in his hand. He just wanted someone to talk to was all... some company? There were a few people he hadn't dared try yet... people he really did miss but hadn't had the guts yet to seek their company. Was it worth it now?

Fifteen minutes later, he's hunched over under the small covering of the payphone in another coughing fit. He'd called the Elite but Dalton hadn't been there. Ty was too busy. Susanne had seemed sympathetic, but had explained she had a date tonight.

Shivering, Alec puts in another quarter but only before he realizes he doesn't know Dani's number...

...Hearing the doorbell, Dani groans. Coming down the hall, she tries to get her earring on at the same time. At this rate, she'd be late meeting Dalton for the dinner and movie they'd planned. Who would be stopping by now anyway?

Getting to the door and opening it, her eyes fall on a weary, damp, rather disheveled brother. And immediately she's on edge. "Alec? What on earth are you doing here?" 

"Um... Just stopping by." He covers a cough with his hand. It had been a long walk, but at least the rain had let up for a while.

"Now's not a very good time."

Alec bites his lip. She didn't seem happy to see him at all. On the contrary, she appeared pretty annoyed. Did she feel the same as Carson? Had he told her about yesterday and put her on guard? "I just wanted some company," he explains quietly. "Thought you might... I don't know." He shrugs. "Talk?"

The longer he stood there, the more Dani's distrust grew. She knew all he'd done. The lies. The cheating. The trouble. And she wanted nothing to do with him. His appearance and tone did tug at hear heart, but she ignored it. No, she wouldn't be pulled in this time. "Sorry, but I have other plans."

Alec's hope vanishes. "Oh."

Dani waits for him to leave but when he doesn't, she starts to close the door as a hint. "I have to go now."

"Yeah... yeah, okay." He backs away, leaving her alone. He'd really hoped he'd receive a warmer reception than this but... he shouldn't be surprised. "Bye, Dani." Trudging back out to the street, just as he reaches the curb the skies break open and the rain pours down in sheets. Pressing himself up against a nearby building, it doesn't help much and a clap of thunder makes him jump. Squinting through the rain, he feels his eyes grow hot. So this is what freedom really was, huh? He'd thought he'd been lonely before. It was nothing compared to this. He'd always prided himself in being able to get whatever he wanted. Now he had no pride left at all. Was this the way it would always be now? Was this ache in his heart here to stay? For once... he had nobody to make it feel better...

...Standing at the bottom of the porch steps, Alec stares at the closed door that was only feet away. The rain was still pouring down, but he didn't move. He was soaked from head to toe - not only from his long walk, but also from having stood here for ten minutes already. Hunching over in a coughing fit, he leans on the handrail until it passes, left to shiver as a new chill hits him. Did he have a fever? He hadn't thought of that. Maybe it would explain his pounding headache. 

He felt stupid. He really didn't know why he was here. He didn't know why he'd thought of here and had actually come. He was just setting himself up for another rejection. Maybe it was his last ditch effort. If Carson's car would have been here, he would have passed by but... it wasn't. It was late in the evening, and Alec knew that most nights Carson got home later than this after closing up the restaurant, so maybe it would be safe for a little while yet. But... would Misty feel the same as the others had? She'd been nicer to him than some, so... maybe she would be now? All he wanted was... someone.

Finally, Alec's feet move and he steps up onto the porch and to the door. The light coming through the window almost feels warm as if it beckons to give rest to weary bones. But he tries not to even hope. Knocking on the door, he waits while dripping on the welcome mat as he continued to shiver. His sight narrows in on the painted wood panels, even though it stings. Maybe no one would notice that the droplets on his face weren't just raindrops. Maybe the redness in his eyes would be overlooked.

But as the door is opened, his gaze immediately drops. He couldn't even find the strength to look up at Misty. "Can I..." Alec's voice cracks and he tries not to let any more tears fall, but it doesn't work very well. "Can I come in?" He eventually lifts his eyes enough to see Misty. "I don't want to be alone and-" A raspy cough slips out and he does his best to stop it. "...and I don't have anywhere else to go."

Jeff wanders towards the house, pausing as he sees Cindy kneeling in the flowers out front. He hadn't seen much of her the last couple weeks. Even though she was doing better, he worried about her, as did most of the others. "Knock knock." 

Cindy looks up quickly, squinting in the evening light. "Oh hey, Jeff. What are you doing all the way out here?"

He shrugs. "Just... taking a walk." In truth, he'd wanted to get away from the ranch for a while. After helping Mick break in one of the horses this morning, he'd been read the riot act by several people for the hard work. He'd been tired, sure, but even more so, he'd been upset at their reaction. He was fine. Just fine. He'd given Angel the anxiety pills back after they bothered his stomach, and his nerves felt as though they were shot, but he didn't care. He just wanted everyone to quit worrying about him. 

"I see." Cindy places another flower in a small hole, patting down the dirt. "Well, it's a nice evening for it."

"Yeah..." Jeff leans on the porch railing, just watching her for a moment. "How's Kaylee doing? I saw her yesterday at the ranch running around a hundred miles an hour."

Cindy chuckles. "She was. Yesterday. The day before. And before." She shakes her head as she continues to work. "She's quite the ball of energy. I wore her out today though and she's already inside conked out." 

Jeff grins. He'd been watching the little girl and loved seeing her run around chasing butterflies. It made him remember Katie when she'd been that age and he'd visited her as her "uncle." At least he had her as his daughter now. The last couple weeks had been nice. They'd had a few long walks and long talks, and he hoped that she would find herself as she'd started out to do here. He avoided talk of his health - that was a subject he didn't want to discuss. But otherwise, he and Katie conversed freely and it was nice. At the same time though, watching Eric and Stacy had made Jeff realize he still had a chunk of his heart missing, and the ache grew day by day. The last couple weeks truly had been nice... and they'd been difficult too. "Well... if you ever need any help with her or anything... I'm available." 

Cindy pauses her work, but keeps her eyes on the dirt. Why had Jeff's tone changed? "Thanks, I appreciate that. Becky usually keeps her occupied when I need a break though." 

"I see..." Jeff runs his thumb along the railing. "Well if... if you ever wanted to get away for an evening or something... I'd be glad to take you to town or something.... Dinner maybe?" 

Cindy could feel heat coming to her cheeks, even though she knew that Jeff's invitation was surely innocent. But she also knew that everyone here was starting to settle on the fact that Wes was not coming back. And though she still wore her wedding ring, people were starting to consider her a widow. And it hurt... a lot. 

Finally turning to look up at Jeff, her expression was not angry, but it was not happy either. His moves on Stacy recently had been obvious. Now that Eric had taken over that territory, Jeff was here instead. "Jeff, it would probably be best if you stopped hitting on the same women you pity." 

Jeff straightens, not having expected that. And something inside...hurt. "I'm...I didn't..." He swallows hard. Had he really meant it that way? Maybe... he had. Now though, he was royally embarrassed. "I'm... I'm sorry." He turns to leave. 

Cindy cringes, not having meant to hurt his feelings. "Jeff, wait, I..." Too late. He was gone. She sighs deeply and turns back to her flowers. A tear rolls down her cheek and she runs her fingers through the dirt. "Oh, Wes," she whimpers. "I don't know if I can ever let you go."

"Wai-wait... I um...got it I got it..." Grabbing the barstool and trying to pull himself up, Hunter's foot slips, sending him right back to the floor into a howling fit of laughter. "How's 'bout you just'n bring me my my drink down here?" He points at he floor. "It's clean 'nuf."

One of his drunken buddies snickers as he leans heavily on the bar to keep himself from winding up in Hunter's position. "I could give ya a...a...a slurpy thingy."

Hunter's eyes widen as he quirks one eyebrow. "A wha? Oh a straw!"

"Yeah yeah, right."

Hunter starts laughing again and points to the door. "A reaaaaaaly long 'n right on out to th' curb to put in th' beer truck." Finding the thought quite funny, he shakes his head, unable to stop his laughter. "Hook me up, boys! At'sa next hot thing 'n gettin' drunk!"

The night hadn't started out with the intention to get drunk. It just seemed the thing to do after earlier events. There had been a good crowd at the desert race tonight and Hunter had been fired up. It was just one of those days that he could care less about life, would rather forget the past, and figured he had absolutely nothing to lose. It was a day to throw caution into the wind and push the limits, wherever they might be. It was the kind of a day where Hunter had wanted to rebel against his innermost thoughts of life, loss and regret. 

More laughter fills the bar and Hunter manages to pull himself up on his knees, his eyes barely able to see up over the bar. Reaching blindly with his hand, he finds his beer bottle. Sliding back down to the floor, he brings the bottle with him, spilling half of it on the way. "Oops." He grins up at his laughing friend and points to the puddle on the floor. "Hey look! Th' drinks 'r on th' house!"

There's a strange pause until one of the guys suddenly bursts out laughing again. "I got it! The house! Floor... house..." He cackles and stumbles up to the bar to order another shot of whiskey.

"A toast!" Hunter raises his beer sloppily in the air. "Ta good timesss, beer, an'... an'...."


"Amen." Hunter nods and takes another long swig.

 Hunter was behind. Somehow he'd wound up in fourth place, which was no place to be for the money that was riding on this tonight. He knew Ryan was in first place and it burned him up that she'd have him again this week. It had been three weeks since he'd raced against her and won, and it was about time for that to change. 

Shifting gears, he pushes his car to the max, despite the upcoming curve. He could handle it - he hadn't missed this turn yet. And he didn't. The slide was beautiful. From a distance it would have looked like a floating cloud of dust. The only thing missing was Hunter's regard for the other drivers and what his maneuver might cause. With eyes only for his win, he'd lost sight of the other cars.

No one was sure exactly what happened after that. The car next to Hunter's spun out of control as the driver apparently overcompensated to avoid a collision. Without warning, Hunter's car was hit with just enough force to send it rolling. Jostled to the point of dizziness, pain shot through Hunter's skull as his head hit the window, and once his car had stopped, it took him several moments to regain his senses. 

After that, there had been an explosion. Gripped with fear, Hunter had freed himself of his own car to sprint for the one on fire where he was met with several others to help pull the driver to safety. It wasn't long before the lights of the ambulance had come. Jerry was badly burned and had a broken leg and arm but was going to be okay. Hunter escaped with only a bump to the head and a few bruises. And when leaving the hospital hours later, guilt would be the toughest to recover from. No one blamed him for the accident, but it was obvious that Jerry was lying in that hospital bed because he'd made a reckless move. He might not be openly accused, but he knew good and well that it was his fault. And his confidence in himself, his choices and invincibility was severely shaken. An invite to the bar was all it had taken to send him towards the bliss of drowning out the terror of almost killing another man... and himself.

"Alright, you, I think you've had enough. How about I take you home?"

Hunter looks up to squint at the one sober guy in their little group. "Just'n 'cause you the dresernegated droover d'sn't mean I haft-" He pauses mid-sentence to belch. "...hafta leave when yooooou say so." His pointing finger sways back and forth.

"Yeah well, I gotta get home and if I'm gonna drive you, we need to leave now, and no, I'm not leaving you here."

"Kay...kay..." Hunter relents and tries to pull himself up again, only to slide back down to the floor. Snickering, he shakes his head at his friend. "An'body gots a truck tow?"

Half an hour later, he was being dumped into his bed and left for the night. Tomorrow, he would only remember half of the evening at the bar. His head would pound. And he'd feel no better...

...Staring blankly at the kitchen table, Hunter manages another swallow of coffee. Why he did this to himself, he'd never know. It wasn't worth it and he knew it. Getting that drunk was stupid, pointless, dangerous and unhealthy. Yet he'd found himself, once again, with his rowdy friends who just encouraged him to drink one more...and one more until he'd been so drunk he didn't even remember coming home. All he knew was he'd woken up with a giant of a hangover.

It had been a while since he'd gotten this drunk. Come to think of it... the last time he'd even come close was the night Katie had arrested him, and that time hadn't been all that bad. After that... when he'd felt like getting drunk, he'd called or texted her instead and had wound up with something other than a beer to keep himself occupied. Maybe somewhere down deep he'd been searching for someone to keep him from his own stupidity, whether he'd admit it or not.

Images of the evening before flash in his mind. Rolling in his car. Seeing an explosion in his mirror. Helping pull Jerry - burnt and unconscious - from the flaming car. He hadn't even realized his own head had been bleeding until someone had pointed it out. The evening would have been a good one, had he not been so reckless. But he just hadn't... cared. He hadn't cared about risking his own neck, nor anyone else's. And right about now, it didn't feel good at all.

Turning back to his coffee, he swallows the last of it and grimaces. It tasted terrible. Maybe he'd just go back to bed for a while. He didn't have anywhere to go anyway...

...Straddling his parked motorcycle, Hunter looks out at the lake, glowing with colors from the setting sun. He'd bypassed another invite to the bar - it had taken him all day yesterday to get over his hangover... he really didn't want another one so soon. Not that coming to the lake alone was all that great.

Sighing, he folds his arms and just watches the water. Life. Why was it so depressing? There had been a time he'd been happy. He'd loved life. He had goals. He had dreams. And now... ever since that accident with Break Out... everything had become one murky blur. No matter how hard he tried, it just hadn't gained any clarity at all. He was as confused and angry today as he was then. Nothing he did returned to him his dreams. Nothing resolved this aching guilt for his lifestyle. Nothing allowed him release from the memories of friends he'd turned his back on.

His recent accident just added to his muddled emotions. He knew he'd been reckless as of late, but no one had ever gotten hurt from it. He'd done a lot of stupid things that had risked his neck, but seeing Jerry like that...

Hunter didn't want to admit it, but he was scared. For the first time, he was scared of himself. What if he did something stupid like that again? What if somebody else got hurt? He'd been acting as if he were invincible - but he was not, nor were the people around him. How many times had he gone racing down crowded streets just for a thrill? What if he'd hit someone? The other night in the desert, his only focus had been on winning - he'd completely ignored the other cars around him, and had especially ignored their safety. They all knew the risks. They all knew that accidents happened. No one blamed him in particular for the accident. But... it had never happened before. Would he be reckless again? Would he let his desire to win override safety again? What if Jerry hadn't survived? Then what?

Sighing, he digs his cell phone from his pocket. He didn't want to bother Katie. She was trying to forget about Nevada and her problems. Venting to her would only cause her more stress. And yet... if there was anybody he wanted to talk to right now, it was her. She wasn't like his other friends. She talked to him - not just convincing him to go get drunk like the others. She was just... special. And even if he wouldn't ever dare say it... he kinda missed her.

Finally flipping open his phone, he types out a text message.

What up? Hope ur getting some good
relaxing. Me I got myself in a
fender bender. Kinda. Desert race
gone bad. My fault. Other guy will
be ok but not good.

Hunter's fingers pause above the small buttons as a lump rises in his throat. He was angry. Angry with himself and angry that he couldn't handle this on his own. Rubbing his forehead, his fingers run over the bandage, reminding him of his short hospital visit.

Car's busted. Idk if I'll race when
its fixed tho. Got a bad taste in
my mouth I guess. Dont wanna hurt
somebody else.

Would she be able to tell what a hard time he was having? He kinda hoped not. Maybe he shouldn't send this at all. Maybe he should just say hi and leave it at that. He sighs. Nah... he'd go ahead and send it. It wasn't that bad and she probably wouldn't read into it enough to be worried about him.

Anyway... Hope ur smiling cuz ur
even prettier when you do. Ttyl.

After sending it, he just stares at his phone for a few minutes. It would be nice to actually talk to her. Maybe he should have just called her. No, she might be busy or trying not to talk to anybody right now. A text was better. That way she could more easily ignore it if she wanted to. If she wanted to call him back she would, but he figured she'd probably just text since it was easier. She probably had enough going on the way it was.


Misty can't help but laugh at Jason's comment. What turned out as a joke had caught on and now that it had Misty could really see it happening and would make sure of it. There was just a nice ring to it and knowing Jason would be there made her feel good. At least the baby would have some males in his life to replace there father even if it was only as uncles.

  "Uncle Jase, alright...I think I can handle that one."

Leaning back and taking a sip of her iced tea Misty can't help but continue smile. In the last few days it had been the most she had. Jason provided a good detraction and Misty was really thankful for that. It was what she needed now.

   "Huh...I'm gonna have to go pay Phil a visit and check some stuff out there. Maybe it will give me a spark for my own creation. Though...that could be dangerous."

   "Well she worrys dad because its her job and she is looking out for you. So before you snap on her maybe you should remember that?!"

Katie wasn's angry with her dad nore was she giving him attitude she was just reminding him that it was Angel's job and she had a right to be that way. No one wanted to see Jeff hurt and if he didn't slow down like the dr ordered he'd end up finding himself in a hospital again.

For now though Katie says nothing about it. The last thing she wanted to do was rune there good time. She was getting this moment, this day to spend with her father to spoil it before it started would be a shame. So no more now would be said even if she was slightly worried.

   "I think the foothills sounds great. There is a nice view out there too. Sitting and eating there would be great not to mention being hungry at that point is a good thing."

Hearing a beep on her home laptop Hope take a moment from some of the paper work she was writing up to open her email. Seeing Scott's note and reading is a smile crosses her face. A small tear finding its way to escape from her eye. He'd come so far, he'd fought for so much and now he was living again. It made Hope proud to know someone like Scott and get to watch his walk.


Jason quirks an eyebrow before laughing, giving Misty's shin a light kick back. "Uncle Jason, huh? I don't know why, but that makes me feel old for some reason." He grins. "We're definitely teaching that kid to call me Uncle Jase. It sounds cooler."

Taking another bite of his sub, he nods as he chews. "Ya know... Mercury Hardware - where Phil works - they've got a home section with all sorts of decorating ideas. Paints of all colors, and they've got this book of samples for different kinds of rooms. I bet they've got some cool ideas for baby rooms." He shrugs. "Something to spark your own ideas maybe." 

"Well Angel can just have a fit and fall in it then." Jeff wasn't snapping at Katie in the least - he was more perturbed with Angel herself than his daughter. "She needs to learn to relax more and quit worrying so much." 

Keeping a steady hand on Hawk to maintain a slower pace, Jeff scans the area. "I don't know... How about we ride up the trail to the foothills? That'll give us time to work up an appetite."

Sitting at his computer at home, Scott's fingers over above his computer's keyboard. He'd had a good day today. He'd worked longer than planned, though nothing had been high-pressure. It had felt good to be back to the Elite again, and Dalton was being very considerate of his new needs, as was everyone else. It had proven to Scott that he'd made the right decision - that going back to work was something he needed to do. He knew he'd have his bad days for sure, but as long as he continued walking forward, it was going to be okay. And he was more confidant in that than he had been in a very long time. A conversation with Reese also confirmed that his knowledge and skills were still needed - that he could help fight the Agency in new ways, using the things he now knew. It wouldn't be easy, but it was something Scott could do to contribute in spite of what had happened to him.

Opening a new email message, he enters the addresses of most all of the people at TJY, including his sister and Hope and Dalton, and even Justin. The subject line read: Back to Work.

To those who have traveled the last couple years with me, whether by my side or from a distance through prayer,

Looking back on my journey, I find things that I would change if I had the chance to go back in time. While a change in my circumstances would have eased the way, it is not that about which I have regrets. Rather, the regrets lie in and around my attitudes and actions towards the people for whom I care the most.

I wish I would have had more courage - not to face my trials, but rather to stand up and tell the ones I loved that I did love them. I wish I would have been stronger - not to overcome my own demons, but to accept the love and care shown to me by others. I wish I would have been more understanding - not of my own circumstances, but of what others were going through right alongside me as they waged war on my behalf.

I am learning to accept the fact that I am no longer the same man who was captured by the Agency. I am learning to not try and live in a world that no longer exists, but rather find peace in that which I have been dealt. The past has shaped me into the man I have become, and I can no longer fight it, but I find the need to work with it, through it, and use it to my advantage. I am a marked man, wanted by the Agency. I am an officer of the Elite, now with skills and information that should no longer be kept to myself.

In recklessness, I abandoned the things that meant the most to me. I denied myself the comfort offered by others. I left behind what I loved. Failing at the attempt to destroy the past, I now begin to pick up the pieces left by my own destruction, and I begin to embrace the old and the new as one. My eyes have been opened to now see that it was never about me. It was about war. It was about God's grace. It was about love. It was about growth.

No longer will I be held by the chains of a fearful past. I am free - free to embrace and use that very past to create good, as a vengeful act against that which started this war. For to give up the battle is to surrender to evil and that I can no longer do. The edge of the cliff came all too close, but I have pulled away and faced that which will make me stronger and prepare me for the future. There will be good days. There will be bad days. But I will not surrender.

I am Scott Johnson. And I am learning to walk in the rain.