
Too Adventurous

Being embraced by Bree, Gunner’s arms wrapped tightly around her, just holding her close. “I’m okay,” he assured quietly. “I’m okay.” He moved to the chair and sat down, pulling her down in his lap where he ran his fingers through her hair and kissed the top of her head. “I’m so sorry I worried you.”

He withdrew just far enough to rest his forehead against hers as his hand gently stroked her cheek. “I didn’t get kidnapped or hurt or anything like that.” His head hurt. His body hurt. His heart hurt. But it was by no one else’s doing. “I just…I was gone… from myself… from everybody.”

It took a moment for him to go on. Though things seemed a little clearer now, and though Father James had helped him think through some of his issues, he knew it was still going to be a long road. He could feel within his battered heart that he couldn’t just fix and forget all he’d been through.

“I…was wrong. To just take off.” His eyes fell from hers as he fought his raging emotions. “I lost track of myself… I lost all track of time. I…I don’t even know if anybody tried to call me or anything. But I know I worried you, and I’m sorry.”

Now that he was here trying to explain all this to her, his guilt increased. It all sounded so self-centered, no matter how far out of his mind he’d been. How desperate. How broken. He swallowed hard before settling back in the chair so he could see Bree’s face highlighted by the sun that had almost disappeared below the horizon. He loved her so much…yet his heart was overshadowed by so much pain.

“After talking to Hope and your uncle…” He was sure by now Bree knew all that had happened at the office. “…I just… I couldn’t handle it. So…I ran to the first place that gave me peace after the accident. And…” He shrugged. “I don’t remember everything. It’s all kind of a fog. I didn’t mean to disappear. It just…happened.”

He bit his lip and dared a new glance at her eyes. His own were so weary…so full of desperation to fight the darkness that was trying to hard to overtake him. “A friend helped me think straight again, and…I came back here. To you. ‘Cause you’re the most important thing in my life. Not the past.”

Ashlee hadn’t been riding? Eric was surprised to hear that one. And who on earth would be grumpy? Save Jim, but he wasn’t around much anyway. Eric squinted at the young girl, noting her lack of happy smile, and the fact that Stacy had to prompt her to say anything else. He’d thought she wasn’t upset with him since she’d come to eat, but now he wasn’t so sure, and her last comment threw him for an even bigger loop.

He blinked and shook his head. “Fun stuff? With me around?” he teased. “Since when did mucking out stalls and sorting tangled tack become so entertaining?” He took a small bite of lasagna, but also threw Stacy a confused glance. Was he the only one that sensed Ashlee’s strange behavior? Maybe the girl had just had a bad day or wasn’t feeling well. For all he knew, at her age she could be hormonal, and he wasn’t going to touch that topic with a ten-foot pole. Something seemed more off than that, though, he just couldn’t put his finger on it. Maybe she just needed something to cheer her up.

“Tell you what…” He lowered his voice and glanced around as if making sure no one was listening before leaning in closer to Ashlee. “I’m in the mood for a midnight ride tonight, if your mom will let you. It’s a perfect night to see the stars. That is…if you want to.”

In reality, he was exhausted from being on the road, his body ached, and he knew he needed to get some good sleep. But if Ashlee agreed to go riding with him, then at least he could eliminate guessing if she were upset with him.

“Wait, wait, shouldn’t you –”

“I’m fine. It’ll –”

“But you should wait.”

“Just give me a couple minutes.”

“You shouldn’t be –”

“Oh, quit worrying.”

Lydia sighed and threw her hands up in the air before she turned to head back to the kitchen. “You are as stubborn as your father.”

Jared smirked and shook his head. Yeah…he probably was. And his mother was right – he probably shouldn’t be trying this on his own. But he was going stir crazy, stuck between his wheelchair and bed all day every day. Even though he saw Grace a couple times a week and got out of the house, he was still confined. She’d come over for supper a few times again too, but, like always, he was still stuck in the house. Getting out and about was just too much hassle yet – other than that one time he went to that church picnic…which…had been interesting. At least his arm was out of a sling now. He’d been back in the hospital for a few days the week before after getting sick again and dealing with some more lingering effects from the accident. One of these days, he hoped he’d never have to see another surgeon again.

Still standing in his bedroom doorway, dressed in an old t-shirt and jeans, he looked down at his legs and the two new crutches strapped to his forearms. His fingers gripped the handles a little more tightly. He’d stood on his own plenty of times lately – he could get himself around a bit…right? He hadn’t tried this yet with Grace…and he really wasn’t supposed to be moving around so much after last week’s surgery…but he was bored out of his mind.

Ever so slowly, he inched his feet forward, one at a time, leaning heavily on his crutches for support. Making it down the hallway, he stumbled a few times, but managed to catch himself against the wall and keep on going until he’d reached the front door. Though still in his bare feet, he continued his route out onto the front porch. He’d made it. All by himself. And the fresh air felt oh so good.

It took a little doing, but he managed to ease himself down into the porch swing before setting the crutches aside. He couldn’t remember enjoyed just being outside before all this had happened. He’d always been so busy…so intent on his next job or next trip or next scheme. He’d never taken the time to just…be. Not until recently. Until all he had was time. And Grace. She was…the warmth of sunshine itself.

A painful muscle spasm in his back made him stiffen and cringe until it passed. Well, that’s what he got for being too adventurous. The doctors had warned him to be careful as he increased his activity.

He slipped his cell phone from his pocket and maneuvered with his thumb to find Grace’s last text message that said what time she was coming today. Maybe he’d just stay out here until she came.


Only a little bit

Letting the breeze just blow through her hair Bree sat, thinking, but not enough to remember what about. Maybe it was the time she'd spend with Gunner, maybe it was her time as a child with JT, or maybe it was a mixture of both. They were the only family Bree had, the only family she cared to remember, and they were everything to her. Where things got so messed up she didn't know, and why she couldn't help Gunner was a whole nothing thing.

Hearing the floor creek Bree doesn't open her eyes. It was more than likely her Uncle back from his date. She'd lost track of time so maybe it was later than she thought. But her eyes stayed closed, she was tired of facing the world, and worrying.

At the house of Gunner's voice though Bree gives a jump and opens her eyes a small smile spreads across her lips, though her eyes were still filled with worry. Standing quickly and throwing her arms around his neck Bree burys her face into him. He smell the same, the same like she had remember.

   "Gunner....we were so worried. Are you ok? What happened? Were you kidnapped?  Hurt..."

Bree gasps for air as she hugs Gunner a little tighter. She didn't want to let go for fear he'd be gone. To just have her arms around him again it felt so nice and she'd missed him so much.

 Finishing her own drink Katie looks down at her cup before up again. Giving a soft smile and squinting her eyes a little she chuckles to herself. It had been a long time since anyone said she was a hero. It was kind of nice, and reminded her of better days.

   "Happy I could help. Even if it was only a little bit."

Placing some money on the table for her drink and a tip Katie stands putting her jacket on and putting her hair out and letting it fall where it wanted. Her hair was staring to get long again and she hadn't decided if she wanted to cut it again or not.

   "Have a good night J, and dont beat yourself up to much. Just give Misty some time, she'll come around."

Sitting down with her mom and Eric Ashlee felt a little strange for the first time. She understood what Clint was talking about, but still it was hard, that feeling in her heart, a sadness that Eric was just going to go away again. She missed him more than anyone new, he was the only farther, and father like figure in her life, and she'd grown attach to that.

   "No no riding. I don't like to when your not here. Everyone else is to grumpy."

Looking down at her food Ashlee takes a bit before looking back up again and giving a half smile to her mom, than Eric. She felt at a loss, not sure what to talk about. Nothing much was really going on, and she wasn't riding.

Stacy takes not to her daughter strange behavior as she took a sip of her coffee. She thought for sure she's be excited to see Eric come home, but something just seemed off and she wasn't sure what or why.

   "You've been helping Dylan more with his chores haven't you? That's always exciting."

Ashlee gives a small shrug.
   "Yeah, I guess. Nice to hang out with someone. Other than that not much really to talk about at the moment. All the fun stuff happens when your here Eric."