
Unexspected Company

Moving around the dance studio Cassy makes sure everything was almost perfect. It was still a while before people would file in but Cassy just wanted to make sure everything would be set up. She had punch and cookies, along with some cake she had made that would be placed before everyone started coming.

Tonight she would do her own ruteen to start everything off, before going into a little speech about what to expect here, and than sign ups would happen. It wouldn't be anything grand but it would be for her an accomplishment.

Hearing the little bell on the door ring Cassy continues to work not even looking up she figured it was just someone wondering by wonder what this old place had been turned into.

"We're closed...Open house is tonight if you want to come back."

"Not even for an old friend Cass?"

Hearing the low voice she new so well Cassy's head shoots up as she turns around. Seeing Steve standing in the doorway it was like Cassy's heart had been thrown into her throat. She'd gotten over Steve but just seeing him here seemed to bring back a lot feelings that hurt.

"Steve...what are you doing here?"

Walking in a little farther the tall dark haired man came a little close the charming smile on his lips his dark eyes just as luring as ever.

"I got wind you were starting your own place and I had to come and see it for myself. It looks great Cass. You did a great job."

Cassy couldn't help but beam as she looking around the studio it had turned out so much better than planned and it made her so good.

"I couldn't have done it without my really good friend Leo. He helped me with a lot of the stuff so I couldn't do it alone."

Steve cocks his head a little at the mention of Leo almost a jealous glint seeming to pass in his eyes.

"New boyfriend of yours?"

Hearing the slight change in Steve's voice Cassy's eyes search his for a long moment. Why was he really here? He had no business being here at this moment, or ever for that matter. He was the one who had cheated and than left.

"No, He's just a really good friend. Not that it should matter to you."

Giving a chuckle Steve comes closer to Cassy continuing to look down at her. Somewhere, he missed here, the ping in his heart had told him he had done the wrong thing and now...now he'd realized that and seeing her standing there and how pretty and independent she was made him miss her more.

Reaching his hand out he brushes it over Cassy's face tucking a lose hair behind her ear. Thinking with Lynn weren't the same like they had been with Cassy. She'd been perfect, and so determined.

"Listen Cass, I made a mistake and now I'm paying for it. Your so pretty today, just like you were when I first met you. I'm sorry that I hurt you, and I want you back Cass, I miss you. I'm sorry I made you wait around this long."

Closing her eyes for a moment as Steve's hand brushed her face Cassy doesn't feel the warmth anymore, of the tingle like she did when Leo did the same thing. Steve's hands were now cold to her. Opening her eyes and taking a step back out of his touch Cassy looks up at him her voice strong.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't me wait, because I didn't. I'm sorry Steve but I don't have feelings for you anymore, and I don't love you. Please leave."

Steve's eyes seem to grow a little dark as he continues to look at Cassy. Rejection was not something people did to him, not something he was use to and it didn't still well with him as his voice was agitated.

"It's because of this friend isn't it? Is that what it is Cassy?"

Cassy takes a deep breath and stands her ground not backing down from Steve. She was fine on her own and she wouldn't let him run her life.

"It doesn't matter if he is or not Steve. Now leave right now and never come back."

Turning Steve gives a snicker of disgust. Making his way to the door he shakes his head before turning again.

"You'll never make it with out me, so don't even bother trying. I'll see ya again Cass."

Once Steve was gone Cassy let out a heavy sigh as she found a chair to sink down in. Her head going to her hands as she leaned on the small table. She didn't care about Steve anymore but still seeing him shook her up. His words ringing in her ears. Could she do this? Could she make her knee strong enough again? She had to, if only to prove Steve wrong, she had to.

Time off

"Friend of yours?"

Axel glances over to Leo after Rayne and Phil had left. "The girl? No." He eyes Leo skeptically. "Just because I get to talk to a pretty woman doesn't mean it's more than a customer you know. Besides..." He grins as he wipes off a wrench. "I got my own girl to worry about."

Though Leo smiles, his eyes don't quite match. "Uh-huh."

"What about you? Got any hot dates lined up?"

"You kidding?" Leo turns back to the car he was working on. "The best I got is going to a dance studio open-house tonight."

Axel quirks an eyebrow. "Not going to the races?"

"Might if it's not too late. You?"

"What, and miss out on watching lame television? Never." Axel grins. He knew Leo still wasn't back to his old self, but maybe one of these days he would be. "Dance studio, huh?"

"Yeah... friend of mine."

"Oh, the one you helped fix up her place?"


"Thought you said you didn't have a hot date." Axel ducks to avoid being hit with a flying rag and he laughs. "Alright, alright. We're even now."

"So, I'd like to take a couple days, if that would be okay, to take Ty over there and see those doctors."

Reese taps his finger on his desk, mulling over Rick's request. "Think it will help?"

Rick shrugs. "Only one way to find out. If it's what I think it is, then Ty's finally going to get the help he needs and I'm sure he'll be much happier, along with probably working better as well."

"And you will gain...?"

"Experience. Information. It would be nice to study this and see how the other doctors do things."

Reese thinks for another moment or two and finally nods. "Alright. Just let me know when and you and he both can have the time off."


Finished with her paper work, and her sub now sitting on a plate waiting for her Rayne lets out a small sigh as she goes into the kitchen for a drink. Looking out into the back yard and seeing the two big eyes looking back at her, her heart melts. Going to the door and opening it a large golden retriever wonders inside.

"Sitting outside my door again huh? I thought for sure you would of gone home by now. Where do you live huh?"

Bending down Rayne looks for a collar but finds non. The last few days the dog had been hanging around outside and no one had come to clam him, or even put up flayers he was missing. Her big heart for animals over came her seance to leave him outside and at least till she could find his home, and could stay with her. That wasn't a horrible thing right?

"Alright, you can stay with me, only till we find your home though out? Your to cute to keep outside in the heat."

Going to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of juice along with some water she pours it into a bowl and places it on the floor for the dog to lap up. Smiling Rayne heads into the living room with her own drink and food to pick out a movie.

Finally finding on she looks over to her left seeing the dog again just sitting there staring at her. Thoughing him a little meat from her sub she gives a laugh before finishing the rest off herself. Setting the plate on the table it was like a Q and the dog jumped on the couch and snuggled close to Rayne for his large size it was rather funny as he layed his head in her lap.

Petting his fuzzy hear Rayne shakes her own. The dog was well trained thats for sure, and he seemed so sweet. Who would let a dog like this go?

"I guess today it just my day? Two friends and a car."

The dog lets out a woof and Rayne looks at him and shakes her head a little.

"Yes a friend, only a friend...he's nice, sweet and very good looking but...he's just a friend. I only just met him for it to be more than that!"

Laughing and giving the dog head a pet again Rayne shakes her own as she leans back to watch the movie. She'd have to make up some flayers on the computer later and put them up so see if anyone would clam the dog.


"...yeah, so she's doing alright now, got a car... I think she'll be okay now." Phil takes a bite of his pizza and shrugs as he talks with Rocky. "She's nice."

Rocky grins a little as he eats his own slice while they sat opposite each other at a table in Mom and Pop's. "Nice huh?"

Phil gives him a little smirk. "Nice as in she's friendly."

"Uh-huh." Rocky teases him with a look before concentrating on his food.

"Hey, it's not like I went looking," Phil defends. "I can't help it I found her alongside the road, and it's a good thing I did."

Carson comes up to bring Rocky another drink and quirks an eyebrow, not having been able to help but hear part of their conversation. "Out on the back highway? The one that was on the news the other night?"

"Mm-hmm." Phil shrugs. "They made it out to be worse than it was on the news."

"Could have died - both of you. That's nothing to sneeze at."

Phil looks up at Carson with a little smirk. "I just don't want the attention, you know that."

"So she's nice, huh?" Carson folds his arms, catching on to Rocky's teasing.

"Yes." Phil nods with emphasis. "Any more question, you two?"

Both Carson and Rocky start to laugh and Carson shakes his head. "No, I think I'm good for now. Need anything else?"

"A break." Phil rolls his eyes. "And more pop."

"I just asked you two minutes ago."

"I know." Phil hands him his glass. "Now I want more."

Rocky leans back, his eyes sparkling as he holds in his laughter.

Better day

Giving a wave as she pass Phil and finishes her rout to her own apartment Rayne smiles to herself pulling into the drive way. The day had defiantly been better than planned and that was a good thing. This morning had looked ok, a little bit of rain was in sights but now it was like the clouds had gone and the sun was out.

Getting out of the car and heading inside Rayne had to fill out some paper work but after that maybe she would order a sub and watch some movies. She didn't have to work till tomorrow and the rest of the day seemed like it was going to be a slow one but at least she had a reason to smile now.


Another little bit of happiness spread through Phil as he got back in his truck. Not only had he made a new friend, but he was going to be able to bring her to church on Sunday too. That made it doubly nice.

Hearing Rayne honk her horn, Phil pulls out first, giving a little wave as he passes and he makes sure she's behind him. Driving a little slower than normal, he takes the easiest route back through town until they're in familiar territory.

Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, he nods to an upbeat song on the radio, feeling better than he had when he'd woken up that morning. He still didn't have to work until a little later. Maybe he'd grab lunch with someone before work.

Arriving near Rayne's apartment, he slows and waves again so she can see him before he continues his route down the street. He watches in his mirror to make sure she's gotten there alright before turning the corner.

Waiting at a red light, he pulls out his cell phone and dials, listening for an answer. "Hey, Rocky... wanna do lunch at Mom and Pop's?"


Taking the keys from Tom Rayne gives a nod a big smile at Tom's comment of the car waiting just for her. Maybe it was, this was planned and fell into place so nicely.

"Thanks so much time. I'll see you at the end of next week with part of the other money I owe you."

Leaving the house Rayne felt so good knowing she didn't have to worry about how she was going to get around and to work. That was on less stress off her mind and for that she was happy.

Making her way outside and to the car Rayne stops before getting in knowing Phil would be on his way once they were back in town she might as well say what she needed to now.

"Phil, I'm looking forward to Sunday. Its going to be a lot of fun to fellowship with you. Give me a call later in the week to let me know when your gonna pick me up."

Giving a smile and a little wink Rayne gets into her new car and starts the engine. Giving a content sigh that it started once again so nicely. Giving a little honk she lets Phil know she was ready.


It was strange, Phil thought as he entered the house with Rayne. Things lately had been going well, but there just seemed to be a dimness about it. Having Kyle gone for a year, Jason on the job and Jen struggling, nothing had been bad, but it juts hadn't felt a hundred percent like it used to. But today, there was a strange little light... like that hundred percent still existed somewhere.

Phil didn't know what the future held and he always tried to trust in God no matter what, but he had wondered from time to time what really would happen with the band... with him. With everyone spreading out a little more, his apartment had grown quiet. At the moment, he had Kyle and several guys with him, but that would soon be gone again as well. Maybe finding a new friend was a good way to see that his own little world could still expand and that there were still new things out there yet to be discovered.

"...well, here you go." Tom hands Rayne the keys and a copy of their written agreement. "No one's showed any interest in the weeks I've had that car out there - I think maybe it was waiting just for you." He smiles. "Pleasure doing business with you."

Phil stands back out of the way, letting the dealings go on without him as he waited. He'd lead Rayne back home, then get back to the humdrum of the day.


Rayen gives a slight nod to Phil as they head back to the house. She was happy Phil was going to stay too. She enjoyed his company, and just spending time with someone else was great. It had been a long time for sure.

"Mmm...I think so too. Everything is defiantly in his control."

Knowing that Phil sheared the same faith as her was nice too. She was still learning and being around someone who had a strong faith was very nice indeed in helping her to grow.

"Thanks again, in case I hadn't said it before."


Watching Rayne's excitement, Phil couldn't have been happier that he'd stopped at the coffee shop today. He hadn't known if he'd even really see Rayne at all again after she'd gotten out of the hospital, and today was becoming a nice treat. Working later today didn't seem so bad now. It had already been a good day and one that made him smile again.

"I got time." He nods, knowing that Rayne was perfectly capable of handling the rest of this deal herself, but knowing too, that she might like the company or the lead back through town. He didn't mind one bit. Even if they did part now though, he had Sunday to look forward to.

Aiming for the house, he walks alongside her. "Not a problem," he assures. "This is better than sitting alone at an empty table anyway." He chuckles.

"This is quite the turnaround though. I find you on the side of the road, you were in the hospital, now you're up and going again, getting a new car..."

He looks at her, his eyes twinkling. "I think you've got Somebody taking care of you." His gaze drifts upward for a moment then back down. It was nice to be able to give credit to God with someone he knew would agree.