
Call out!

Trying to sit up in bed Hope felt so woozy. Her head was spinning and her body was hurting so much. It felt like she had pulled everything only worse. What was this she had got? It had to be more than a cold, maybe the flu but something still felt off.

Standing Hope becomes extremely dizzy and falls back down onto the bed again. She had to go to work today, she had to go to the hospital today...she had to get up. Just having the few simply thoughts got though her mind made her growing headache worse.

Raching over and grabbing her cell phone from her night stand Hope new when something would be to much and there was just no way she could go into work today no matter how hard she wanted to. Dialing Reese's number she waits till getting his voice mail.

"Her Reese...Its Hope."

Her voice was low and a little raspy as she talked but she hope Reese would be able to understand her anyways.

"I'm not going to make it into work today. I'm still really sick and I can hardly sit up. Once I am off the phone here with your voicemail here I am going to call my Dr. I'll make my house up later in the week when I am feeling better. Thanks."

Hanging up the phone with Reese Hope was true to her word and set up a dr's apt tomorrow morning. Putting the phone back on the nightstand Hope slowly crawls under the covers again and pulls them up almost over her head to keep the sun light out...sleep...yes more sleep would help.

Grinning up at Eli Scarlet's eyes twinkle even more. He made her feel so good, and special. It was something she hadn't felt in so long and now to feel it from Eli it was amazing.

"I think meeting at Jimmy's tonight would be a great idea. I can't leave one of my closest friend out of the loop on who's my guy now."

Leaning into Eli again for a quick moment Scarlet presses her lips to his for a quick soft kiss goodbye before retreating and giving his hand a gentile squeeze. Going over to her bike and getting on Scarlet put her helmet on her head but waits to push it down looking over at Eli one last time.

"I'll see you tonight."

Giving a click of her tong at Eli and a half wave to the other coworkers that had moseyed into the area Scarlet pushes her helmet the rest of the way down onto her head. Starting up her bike it purred like a kitten. Giving it an extra rev before heading out Scarlet was off.

Looking up from her desk as the newcomer enters Misty gives him a friendly smile that grew a little at the mention of him being here for Scott. This mad must be very dedicated to his pashent to come all the way here not even stopping to clean up before him. Misty couldnt help but respect him for that.

"Hi Justin its nice to meet you."

Standing from her desk and joining Rick and Justin at the table Misty sits crossing her legs as she waits. Hearing his first question Misty thinks for a moment. She really hadn't dealt with Scott's eating much but she does try to remember what she had read and when she had helped him a few different times.

"After Scott got back to us his eating habit just wasn't the same. Oh sure he'd eat if someone reminded him or forced him so he wouldn't get sick again. I think being held captive by the Agency they didn't feed Scott very much if at all and to block that out Scott's stomach kind of blocked the hungry pains. Than coming back here his stomach just didn't go back to normal and not really having normal eating patterns it never got better again because his stomach was still thinking it was being starved."

Pausing Misty looked to Rick hoping she got it right so she could be helpful...this was just one question she could only guess on really as she didn't deal with it much first hand.


Eli sighs and turns back around to Scarlet's bike. "Yeah... I should probably finish out the day." He gives her shoulders an extra little squeeze, showing he wished he didn't have to work any more today. Then an idea occurs to him.

"How about meeting up for a drink at Jimmy's tonight? I could be there by eight and... you could let me know how your bike's doing after you've taken it out for a spin to show off it's new look."

He grins down at Scarlet, his eyes twinkling. "And... I can show off the fact that you're mine."

Turning a little as Dalton stands, Justin can't help but look up at him for a moment... way up. He could see Dalton was a big man but had had no idea how tall he was. It was probably just as well he was leaving now instead of irritating this man further. He had more questions but... they would wait.

Nodding his farewell, Justin exits the office. Looking both ways, he flips through his folder again, finding another set of names. Glancing down the row of doors, he isn't sure where he's going, but he follows his instincts and sure enough, he makes it to the infirmary where the door was open.

"Ouch!" Alec glares at Rick as the cut on his hand is cleaned. "No, it was a piece of metal I was helping Hal move. It slipped and... yeah." He grimaces. "Stitches?"

"Nah." Rick pokes and prods without much mercy before going for the gauze and tape. "I'm getting tired of bandaging you up though."

"Hey, the dog wasn't my fault, and neither was this."

Rick gives him a little smirk. "I'm beginning to think you're accident prone."

"What?!" Alec resumes his glare, only to find that Rick is trying not to smile. "Oh, you think you're so funny."

"Yeah, well... best place to get you is in the ego." Rick tears off the end of the tape, leaving a neat bandage on Alec's hand. "Good as new. Now please... stay out of trouble."

Alec turns from the counter. "Sure. Maybe if I could get out of here once in a while I wouldn't keep getting-" His voice trails off as he suddenly notices the stranger in the doorway. "What the..." His eyes widen a little at the man who was blue... green... red?

Justin gives a nod at the faces looking back at him. "Hello. Sorry to interrupt."

Rick blinks and takes a moment to find his voice. "Uh, no... it's fine. Can we... uh, help you?"

"I hope so."

Alec chokes on a snicker. "Showers are down the hall."

Justin looks Alec in the eye, not cracking a smile. "Thank you. You must be Alec."

Alec folds his arms, now on guard. "And you are?"

"Justin. Here to see Rick and Misty... but I need to see you afterward, so don't wander off too far, okay?"

"You kidding me? I don't have to listen to some crazy guy who fell under a shelf of open paint cans."

"I'm a counselor... Alec." Justin remains calm and cool. "I'd like to talk to you about Scott Johnson when I'm finished here. So please. I'm asking you to stick around."

For Scott? Alec retracts a little, rethinking his next move. This guy was from Brookshire? He looked like a loony himself. But... if this was about Scott... "Okay. I'll be in the break room."

"Thank you." Justin steps to the side, letting Alec pass before looking to Rick. "I apologize for the intrusion. I've been working with Scott for the last couple days and I came here to get a better picture of his world."

Rick had to admit he was impressed someone had actually come all the way out here for information like that, instead of just sticking to paperwork and reports from the other doctors. Not to mention, it appeared Justin already had Alec pegged. "What happened to Dr. Hawks?"

"Scott wasn't... responding well. And him refusing to see Hope as well... I was called in."

"He's refusing to see Hope?"

Justin steps a little closer, his eyes shifting to the woman nearby. "Misty, I presume. May I have a few moments of both your time?"

Rick looks to Misty, then back to Justin. "Can I get you anything first? Uh... clean... clothes?"

Justin finally smiles and shakes his head. "Had a little war game this morning and haven't had time to change. As long as you don't mind, I don't."

"No, no." Rick glances at Misty once more, giving a little shrug, then he gestures Justin to the table on the wall. "Let's sit."

Once settled with Rick and Misty, Justin opens his file folder and retrieves his notepad. "I wanted to talk to you two about Scott's medical condition. Things I might need to watch for. Dr. Hawks believes he has a eating disorder and I wanted to get clarification on that as well."

Scott sits on his bed, his knees pulled up to his chest with his arms around his legs. His hair was still wet from his shower and he felt a little refreshed but tired and sore. Things with Justin were different. He said things differently than other people. He didn't poke or prod, yet still made Scott think.

A part of Scott was empty though... lonely. His eyes go to the window and he wonders if Hope had come today like she always had. It was strange not seeing her every day. But... he couldn't see her... not yet. He just didn't feel... ready.

Sinking down onto his pillow, Scott pulls the blanket up over himself. "Are you giving it your best shot?"

Back to it

Being pulled into the kiss and feeling Eli's arm around her it made Scarlet feel safe so she just melted into his arm. Leaning into him a little more so she didn't fall right there onto the floor. The softness of the kiss but the passion that lied in it just seemed to mix so well. One was not greater than the other.

Though she wished the moment never would end but knowing it had to she still keeps her arms around Eli. The tingle that had formed from the kiss still lingering. Hearing his comment it made her chuckle a little, oh how she wished she did have another bike.

"Who knows, maybe I'll let you do some more on this one I..."

Not able to say more as a more shocked tone it heard Scarlet turns a little so she is slipped beside Eli and she can see who entered. Her own arm around his wast in the back now as her other rested on his middle.

Hearing Eli had been working a few extra house at night on her bike Scarlet can't help the grin on her lips as she looks up at Eli and than back at Brian again. Snapping her head back at Eli again as he lets Brian know she was his girlfriend Scarlet's grin turns to a full smile as her eyes twinkled and sparkled. It was different, and made her a little bit nervous knowing she had a boyfriend again but that small feeling was overcome but a greater warmth. Eli was a great guy, and he interacted with his family and friends so well Scarlet new he was ok.

"I guess I should let you get back to work again huh?"

Looking down at her bike again Scarlet was so proud to have Eli's ink on her bike. He was so lovely and without him even knowing it he had put purple behind the paint she wanted and it just mixed so well. Anyone could see in her eyes as she looked at the bike how much she liked it.

Lucky dog

Seeing how much Scarlet liked the paint job, Eli is both relieved and pleased. As she turns and comes closer, he stares back into her eyes, allowing himself the simple pleasure of studying their depths. As her arms slip around his neck, his hands automatically wrap around her waist.

Her first kiss is soft and warm, her words making him feel good about himself, his artwork and how he'd pleased her. He's about to respond when he's cut off by her second kiss, but he doesn't mind. His eyes fall shut and his arms tighten around her as he returns her kiss with a passion that is slow and gentle, but deep and meaningful.

Eventually their lips part and Eli smiles, leaning a little to rest his forehead against hers. "Got another bike I can paint for you?"

"Whoa...." Brian swaggers in through a side door, skidding to a stop as he sees Eli and Scarlet in their embrace. His eyebrows rise and he blinks, looking to Eli for an explanation as he sets his hands on his hips. "So... am I to assume that this is the customer you've been staying up late for as you've worked on that bike?"

Eli pulls back a little from Scarlet, showing no embarrassment for being caught. One arm stays slung over her shoulders and he looks at Brian with humor in his eyes. "No, this isn't just a customer, Brian. This happens to be my girlfriend."

Brian's eyebrows rise even farther. "Ohhh... I see."

Eli gives him a little smirk and waves his off. "Go clock in and quit gawking."

Back in the corner, no one had noticed that this entire time, Tal had been sitting quietly at the tool bench. A little smile was on his face, his head cocked as he watches the nearby interaction. You lucky dog. She caught you after all.

O.O O.O SORRY!!!!! O.O O.O

Dalton keeps his eyes on Justin continuing to just watch him. It wasn't just Justen it was most people he didn't know that he kept such a watchful eye over. It was just something he always did.

Standing as Justin starts to leave Dalton gives him a nod. He was surprised that was the only question he had to him but maybe it was best for now anyways.

"If you want to come back you can but a call first would be good."

Watching as Justin left the office Dalton sits down behind his desk again letting out a long sigh before returning to his work.

The thought of having Eli steal her away was a bit exciting and Scarlet though he might like that. Getting away from everything for a while and just having a nice time that sounded great.

Heading in and getting settled lunch was great. The small talk was nice and Scarlet truly enjoyed herself. Just spending time with Eli was nice along, and even when they were a break in the talk and all was silent it was still nice.

Once lunch came to an end Scarlet had to admit she was a bit sad. It would be nice having her own bike back but she really was going to miss her rides with Eli. Finally getting there and being led to here her bike was with Eli's hands over her eyes Scarlet can't help the smile that spread across her lips. This was kind of exciting.

Having Eli lowers his hands and having her bike presented to her Scarlet's eyes grow a little. Stepping forward to her bike Scarlet runs her fingers over the bike and the pictures that Eli had put on them. Watching the colors change a little as she moved with the light the smile on Scarlet's face grows even more.

"Oh Eli...its even better than I though. It's amazing."

Coming over to Eli Scarlet puts her arms around his neck looking deep into his eyes for a long moment. Biting her lip a little she taking a few steps twords Eli she pushes his back up aganst a car that was behind him. Bringing her lips to Eli she brushes her aganst his for a soft kiss before pulling away a little.

"Your amazing, thank you so much. You did an amazing job. I think I can defiantly be your girl now."

Giving sly grin she new that they pretty much already were an item she just wanted to say it for the fun of it. Bringing her lips to Eli's again Scarlet press them to his more firmly this time not in any hurry to break it off as she lets her emotions from through to Eli and her thanks to him being known.


Justin keeps his eyes on his notes as Dalton's tone grows rougher. He hadn't known what to expect, so there was no surprise but it didn't make the atmosphere comfortable. He'd only said what he had because Dalton had said it was lonely here without Scott. Apparently Justin had misread that one though. He holds his tongue as Dalton finally answers his question, though the assumption he'd ask which order those things went in made him a little irritated.

"By Hope, I'm assuming you mean his girlfriend." He grabs a pen and writes a couple notes. He wouldn't comment on these things... he'd let his mind mull over the information for a while and keep his thoughts to himself. It was interesting though, the things Dalton had listed. Justin wondered if others would say the same or if answers would vary.

Turning his head a little to study Dalton for a moment, Justin finally gets to his feet. He'd had more questions, but he was clearly not wanted in this office. "Thank you for your time, Dalton. I appreciate you pausing your work to talk with me." If he wasn't on the job, he'd have a few extra choice words to say, but he refrains. He picks up his folder again and gives Dalton a nod. "I may come back sometime, but if you'd prefer, I can call beforehand to give you a heads-up."

Eli grins as he dismounts his bike to join Scarlet. "Mmm... stealing you away sounds like an adventure I could handle. We might have to try that one sometime."

Slinging an arm over her shoulders, he leads the way inside and they settle down to eat a quiet lunch filled mostly with smalltalk.

Eventually though, Eli knows he has to get back to work, so it's off again, but this time to the shop. Parking in back, he takes Scarlet to the far bay that was open. Walking behind her, he puts his hands over her eyes and guides her in the right direction. Knowing that most of the other guys were still at lunch, Eli knew he wouldn't get in trouble for playing around.

Stopping in front of Scarlet's bike, Eli lowers his hands from her eyes and waits for her reaction, hoping beyond hope that she liked it.

Get Out!

Continuing to hold his arms across his chest Dalton watches as Justin looks around the room and than comes around to sit behind Scott's desk. He didn't mind, it wasn't Scott's chair only the chair Scott sat in. His voice still low and rough he didn't appreciate being told something he already new about his friend, like he didn't know anything about Scott.

"I am fully aware there is a great chance Scott might never come back here. You don't need to tell me that like your trying to council me.. Now ask me your questions or get out!"

Dalton know his tone was rough but at this point he didn't care. Like he'd already told Justin he didn't like councilors and he'd rather not have him here.

As the question is asked Dalton relaxes just a little bit. It was easy to answer that but he could think or more than three so he'd sum two up in the same.

"Hope, Mountain Dew and Jerky, and his dog Domino. But there is more than that, and no I could never pick what ones came in what order."

Three things

People like Justin? He can feel Dalton's dislike of his presence, and he shifts his weight a little, considering his options here. His appearance probably didn't help matters, though he wasn't going to apologize for it. Bad experiences taught people to hate counselors and Justin wonders at Dalton's own history.

"Thank you." He nods at Dalton's agreement to talk even if he didn't want to. Justin wanders closer to the desk, looking at a few pictures on the walls and scanning the office as a whole. Seeing the extra chair, he surmises that it must be where Scott used to sit.

Coming around to the back of the desk, Justin is careful not to look at what Dalton is working on, as he knew it was private TJY work, but he does take the liberty of sitting in Scott's chair. He's silent for several long moments as he leans back and gets a feel for where Scott sat every day. One could see the doorway so there would be no surprise visits, yet if one leaned forward to concentrate on the computer, the monitor would hide him in his own little world. Except for Dalton... They could have had separated desks, but they didn't - they'd been sitting side-by-side apparently. Scott must have trusted Dalton a lot to allow that close proximity.

Setting his folder down, Justin continues to ponder. "You'll have to excuse my colorful appearance," he mentions. "Scott and I had a little war this morning." Thinking some more, he pauses again. "You know, Dalton... I can see that you must be pretty good friends with Scott... he obviously trusts you, and that says a lot. Even if I can help him through this low time though... that's not a guarantee that he'll be back here. I was informed that he has officially resigned from the Elite. Sometimes we need drastic changes in our life to get going in the right direction again. It may be good if Scott finds a different occupation after this. He's the only one that can decide that though."

Justin sits up straight and opens his folder, sifting through his notes. "If you had to pick three things that make Scott happy, what would they be?"