
Thinking Maybe

Looking down at the table and picking at the left over napkin the toast had been on Katie let out a sigh. It had been hard to sit here and hear Jason out there wanting to talk to her. It hurt to not run to him and tell him everything was going to be ok. It hurt that he didn't respect her enough to give her a few days and just leave her be. It hurt that she had been fooled, walked on and gave everything she had into making this work just to have it end here.

  "I'm...I don't know if I am ok or not Hunter. I just hurt...I don't know if this whole thing is my fault or not. I just feel...so messed up inside with everything."

Setting the empty coffee cup down Katie lets out a long sigh. Where had everything gone wrong and why? It was so hard to tell what started it and how it had gotten this far. She only wished there was a way to fix it now and there wasn't.

   "My Aunt has a ranch in Texas...thats where I first met Jason. We hated each other but I was always the first one to come running when he went into one of his fits."

Thinking about it was so long ago...time really had gone by quickly. One minute they hated each other the next minute Jason and herself had become best of friends. Only now to have it end. Maybe getting away was what Katie needed. Maybe going back to where it all started.

   "I was just thinking maybe I should go back there for a while. It's quite peaceful, and they help people there all the time. Maybe I need time...to help myself. Does...that make me a coward running away from my problems Hunter?"

Giving a small chuckle Grace keeps her hand in Jared's for a long moment. Looking back into his eyes...his dark, dreamy eyes she searches them. There was just something about him that was different. She wasn't sure what it was or why...but it was almost like she was drawn to him. Did God have a deeper reason for her to be here and thats? Grace didn't know the answer to that question but if she had to guess she might have said yes.

   "I think...I am more than your therapist, I might have just hit friend status. If...thats ok with you of course. I mean therapists don't bring in outside food, and bring people outside on there days off and stuff like that...do they?"

Grace's eyes sparkle in the sunlight as her curls bounce in the soft wind. It had turned out to be such a nice day out she was happy she was able to share it with someone and enjoy herself. Why she felt a little heat come to her face too she wasn't sure but she new there was no hiding it, but she didn't much care. IT was something that she had no contole over, and maybe it would even flatter Jared. 

Giving a laugh and taking a sip of her water Stacy gives a small shake of her head. She though it was funny that Eric liked going with her on her rounds. Than again maybe it was just her he liked being with, but if that was it than did that mean yesterday wasn't just a one time thing?

   "Well, I mean...there might be someone who just might want to walk a little extra slow tonight, that will be making rounds if you want to go for sure that is."

Stacy felt like she had just been talking in circles and she wondered if Eric understood at all what she was talking about. A little bit of warmth can be felt on her neck climbing to her cheeks. She really did feel quite silly.

Moving her foot out a little bit it brushes against something. Freezing for a moment she couldn't help but think it felt like a foot. Looking to Ashlee she could tell it wasn't hers so looking to Eric she just searches his face for a moment. It felt like high school all over again and she could feel even more heat on her face as she moves her foot again rubbing it along his foot once more.