
Love to

For a few moments, Eric senses Stacy is going to say no, and he could feel his heart sinking just a little bit. Had he come on too strong? Or too sudden? 

But as she continues, his hopes surface again. Hearing her words, his heart gains a strange feeling. He wasn't really sure what it was. It was heartache, knowing her past and how she'd been hurt. It was empathy, being able to relate to that hurt and the hesitance to try anything again. It was compassion, knowing full well the desire to be gentle and take things slow. 

Coming to a halt and forcing Stacy to stop too, he takes her shoulders and turns her to face him. Looking down into her eyes, his smile is warm. "Whether things between us ever go any further or not... I will go slowly... as long as you go slowly with me. I will be gentle... as long as you're gentle with me. And I will bear with you... as long as you bear with me too."

Leaning down, he gives her lips a soft, tender kiss before retreating again. "I ain't really sure what I'm doing, or if I'm doing it right, so you're gonna have to tell me if I do something wrong... but... I'd love to date you, Stacy Cullen."

Seeing Dalton bring out the nameplates, a lump rises in Scott's throat. He'd had no idea they'd even been kept, let alone that Dalton had really been waiting for him to return. He hadn't been so sure he'd ever be back here again... but his friend had had more faith than he. 

Reaching down, he runs his finger over the nameplate on the desk before he looks back up at Dalton. His eyes glisten and it takes him a moment to control his emotions. "Thank you... Dalton. This, um... this really means a lot to me." 

Coming around the desk, he sits in his old chair and is quiet for several moments, his eyes just studying the computers. "I'm... I'm trying really hard to get my life back. Some days it's easier than I thought, and other days it's a whole lot harder than I thought. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and think I ought to be back at Brookshire. Sometimes I sleep a whole night through and know I really am recovering." 

He pauses again before sighing deeply. "I think though that... what I need to remember is... I'm not the same person anymore. What I've been through has changed me, whether I like it or not. And I can regain some of my old self and my inner core is always the same... but my reactions, thought processes, how I think, my decisions... they're all different now. And I've been fighting it for so long that... maybe I failed to see that it's okay to be different than I was." 

His eyes move to look at Dalton, hoping his friend understood. "I guess my biggest fear is other people not understanding and hoping that I'm just the same old Scott when... I'm not... and I'm not going to be. I just don't want to disappoint anybody." 


Letting Eric lock hands with her once again after Dylan was gone the smile remains on Stacy's face. It really was starting to be nicer here than she had thought it would be. She felt like part of the family, and so quickly everyone had accepted Ashlee so quickly. It was really there own personal haven.

   "Well, I..."

Stacy lets out a long sigh. Its not that she didn't want to be more than friends with Eric she liked him a lot. It just had been such a long time since she dated anyone she wasn't sure if she was in the loop anymore. Was she really ready to open her heart to someone again?

   "I haven't dated anyone in a long time Eric. I like you a lot, your great to be around, and Ashlee loves you to death."

Stacy continues to walk as she talks. Remembering yesterday and this moment now she can't help that her heart skips a beat. A smile spreading across her face as she continues to think about it. That alone told her there were feelings there.

   "I'm scared to open my heart again to someone, if you promise to be gentile, bear with me, and we take it slow I will be willing to be more than friends with you...if...if thats what you want too."

Hearing Scott mention a cubicle Dalton cocks his head and than shakes it before going into his desk drawer and pulls two items out. Standing and walking to the door Dalton slips the one peace of plastic into the door with Scott's name on it. Taking the other peace he places the name plate onto the desk with Scott's name on it.

   "I wouldn't want anyone else in this office with me but you. I've been waiting for you to come back."

Dalton can't help the large smile that spreads across his lips. He really did enjoy sharing his space with Scott. They had always challenged each other, entertained and just worked well together. Dalton was happy he had his friend back.

   "I really did miss you around here. It was to quiet."


Dylan smirks a little and nods. "Yeah... yeah I had a nice time." Getting caught like this only caused to remind him why Stacy was here in the first place though, and it was not how he wanted to end his day. However, there was more surprise in his eyes than he realized. She really wasn't even going to chide him? He knew coming this way hadn't been the smartest thing in the world, but she wasn't even going to say it? He wasn't quite sure how to take that.

"I'll um... get back to my bunk now. You two..." He looks back and forth between Stacy and Eric, guessing that they hadn't just happened to wind up here at the same time. "Have a good time." 

Watching Dylan walk away, Eric quirks an eyebrow at that last comment. That boy was too smart for his own good. Looking over at Stacy, he shakes his head. "I don't know what's worse - finding an actual intruder, or discovering it's him making his own trouble." He more amused than upset though.

Moving closer again, he returns his hand to hers. "So... where were we?" He starts forward at a slow pace once more. "Oh yes..." Now that he was there though, he wasn't quite sure how to proceed. His hand swings Stacy's a little and his eyes move to the ground as they walk. "Are we... I mean... do you..."

As his cheeks grow warm, he stops and turns to face her, giving her a sheepish grin. "I ain't got a clue what I'm trying to ask," he admits. "Well maybe I do... Was last night how you want it? I mean... you and me... us?" His fingers remain interlocked with hers and he looks down into her eyes with question and hope. "I don't wanna do nothin' you don't, but..." He shrugs, not knowing if he was making sense or not. They'd said a lot last night while at the miniature golf course, but nothing was conclusive in his mind. Maybe it was just the heat of the moment and Stacy didn't really want anything more than that. If that were true, then he needed to know so he didn't make any more a fool of himself. Although he thought she'd been hinting this evening that dating him wouldn't be so bad.

"I guess I'd like to be more than friends with you... if you'd like it too." He swallows hard. "Least ways then I could... treat ya special like I want to."

Getting pulled into the giant hug and being lifted off the floor, Scott can't help but laugh. Dalton was like a big brother and always made Scott feel wanted. If he ever needed anything, he knew he could count on Hulk to come through. 

With his feet back on the ground, he grins and shakes his head. "I'm alright. One day at a time, ya know?" 

Letting Dalton go back to the desk, Scott wanders in the office further and tucks his hands in his pockets. "I, um... just got done talking to Reese and he said there was still a job for me here. Not sure what I can handle yet - I'm just now starting to be by myself at home again, but... I'd like to give something around here a try. So..." 

He looks at the computers then back to Dalton. "I was thinking maybe starting out like a couple days a week or something? I know there's a couple cubicles open on the main floor if you've gotten used to having your own office, and I'm okay with that."  

Little Buddy

Seeing it was Dylan Stacy lets out a small sigh of releaf and holsters her gun. She was thankful it was only him, and that he was ok. She new he new better than to be about this late but they couldn't baby him all the time. He had to have a life too and since he was at Sparky and Faith's, she new at least it was safe there.

   "I think today...he dosn't need either. As long as he had a nice time with them that is?!"

Stacy crosses her arms over her chest and just looks at Dylan with a grin on her lips. She could be upset about this but what was the point? There was no harm done, and everyone was ok. This could of turned out far worse and Stacy new it.

   "I will, thanks again Rick."

Misty gives a smile and a nod to Rick. She new he was there for her and he would help in anyway he could. For than she was thankful. Not the next step was figuring out when to tell Carson. Misty hoped he would be excited but at the same time she new he would be upset too. She hadn't planned for this to happen its just...did.

Typing away at the computer Dalton was totally into what he was doing. Hearing the knock he doesn't even look up but waves the person in. Hearing Scott's voice though his head snaps up and what he had been working on had been forgotten.

   "Scott...of course you can."

Standing up Dalton can't help it he goes over to Scott and puts his arms around him in a hug lifting him off the ground a little bit. He missed Scott around here so much, and he missed talking to him as well. He was his friend, the brother he never had...oh how he had missed him.

   "How are you little buddy?"


The rustling in the underbrush comes to a sudden halt at Stacy's command. 

Dylan freezes in his tracks, having not even realized someone else was out here. Taken by surprise, his pulse races as he feels a surge of adrenaline. Just his luck, it was Stacy, and he could get in a lot of trouble for being out here by himself at this hour with no one watching him. Not to mention, he knew she had a gun, so he was pretty close to getting shot if he made a wrong move here. 

"Fire, and you'll be shooting the same guy that you're here to protect," he responds dryly, covering up the fact that he'd just been startled out of his wits. Hoping he was in the clear, he dares to complete his route, emerging onto the path, his hands out to his side... just in case. 

Seeing Dylan, Eric lets out the breath he'd been holding. "Dylan, why... what in the blazes are you doing out here at this hour?" 

Dylan slowly lowers his hands and rolls his eyes. "Going for a stroll." 

"Come on now - you know it ain't safe out here." 

"I know, I know!" Dylan had already gotten the same speech from Sparky. "I was at Sparky and Faith's and we got to playing a game and lost track of time. I was just taking a shortcut back from their place is all." 

Eric smirks, setting his hands on his hips. He gives Stacy a sidelong glance. "Does this mean he gets away with a warning, or do you still shoot him for being stupid?" 

Dylan's eyes narrow, more embarrassed than upset.

Rick holds his smile and gives Misty's shoulder a squeeze. "You're welcome. I'm honored to be the first to know, and I won't tell a soul 'til you're ready." He could tell by the look in her eye that she was pleased and excited, which made him so happy for her. But he also knew that Carson didn't want kids - he'd talked about it enough that it was common knowledge. With his background, and both of their connections to the Agency and the danger of the Elite, Carson had no trouble telling people that he didn't want to risk having a family. Because of that, Rick knew now that no matter how thrilled Misty was, it had to be hard for her thinking about telling Carson. 

"You need anything, just let me know."

Jason returns to his office from taking out the trash, and sinks down in his chair with a sigh. His buzzing cell phone on his desk makes him jump and he realizes he'd missed a call and there was a voice mail waiting for him. Seeing the number, he hesitates. But it had been several days and... he needed to listen to it. 

Jase, it's Sandy. I know you've gotten my texts. 

He had. She'd apologized and asked to talk to him and he'd put off responding. He probably should have at least acknowledged her texts, but he hadn't yet known what to even say to her.

I just really want you to know that I'm so sorry for kissing you at the concert. I don't know what I was thinking. I... I do like you but I know you don't feel that way about me, and it was just pure impulse and I'm just... I'm sorry. I never wanted to cause trouble with your girlfriend and I really didn't want to ruin our friendship. I've really enjoyed your company lately and... I guess I just hope I didn't mess up too bad. Call me? Or text me? Please? Can we talk? 

Jason leans back in his chair, replaying her words in his mind. He was sure her feelings for him didn't run very deeply, and he was pretty sure that if he were to talk to her, she'd tell him she would never kiss him again and still want to be just friends. Which is what he wanted - he didn't have any feelings for her at all - not like that anyway. He was flattered that she'd kissed him, but that was as far as it went. And now... he knew that it was only right that he at least talk to her. She might have done something stupid, but that didn't give him the right to give her a cold shoulder. The pain from Katie was slowly turning numb... numb enough that he could probably talk to Sandy about it now. He wouldn't blame her for the breakup - she might have pushed everything over the edge, but it was Katie who walked away without giving him a chance. He wouldn't let Sandy feel guilty about that. 

Looking back down at his phone, he sighs again. Opting to text instead of call, he sends her a message.
Got your voicemail. Sorry Ive ignored u. Long story.
Yeah lets talk. 
He pauses, thinking for a moment, and realizing that he no longer had a reason not to see Sandy alone. He had no one to be jealous or upset with him for seeing her anymore. 
How about lunch tomorrow? 
Sandwich Basket?
That would have to do. He was pretty confident he'd work things out with Sandy and he'd still be able to hang out with her and the guys. That much was good, and he was glad. But that didn't mean he still didn't have a gaping hole in his heart right now.

"...I've been living on my own again for this past week and so far it's been okay." Scott sits in Reese's office, fidgeting a little as he speaks. "Still have some troubles but... but overall it's going well and Justin's still keeping track of me." He nods, feeling the hope that he truly was overcoming obstacles. "That said, I um... well I was wondering if... I mean I'm not sure you need a second tech guy anymore but..."

Reese smiles and leans back in his chair, shaking his head. "Scott..."

Scott glances up expectantly. "Yes?"

"You may not realize it, but you never really lost your place here."

"I... I didn't?"

"No. And even if I would have tried, Dalton would have killed me." Reese chuckles. "But I never did try because I didn't want to. I always hoped you would be back."

"Wow... really?"

"Well sure." Reese's smile remains. "You have no idea how much we like having you around here, let alone need you. Dalton's a great guy, but even he only has two hands. He's got work coming out his ears."

Scott grins a little. "Why didn't you ever hire anybody else?"

"Because... the chair in that office only belongs to one person."

Scott glances down, feeling very good and very humble. "I... I'm not sure what to say."

"Say whatever you like. Do you want your job back?"

"Maybe..." Scott swallows hard. "I have to be honest... I don't know yet how much I can handle. Maybe I could just come in a couple days a week? I hope I can do well and handle it, but I can't make any promises."

Reese nods. "I understand and that's perfectly acceptable. How about you think about it a little more and decide exactly what you want and how you'd like to try this out. Let me know and we'll go from there."

...A few minutes later, Scott finds himself knocking on Dalton's door and sticking his head in the office. "Hey, Hulk..." He manages a smile. "Can I interrupt?"


Pearcing eyes

Even though listing to Eric Stacy's ears still pick up on the sound that was coming from the bushes. It was footsteps, not coming fast, but taking there time not to make to much noise. About to draw her gun Stacy stops as Eric steps in front of her. Raising an eyebrow she found humor in the face that Eric had stepped in front of her but at the same time she was honored that he would put himself in front of her to protect her.

   "I am, but it was still nice knowing you wanted to protect me. Thank you."

Stacy whispers as she draws her gun. Holding it to her side she wouldn't point it at anything she couldn't see. For all she new it could be a guest or even a ranch hand though everyone should be in bed by now. She was quick so if it was danger she could draw fast enough to stop them.

   "Who's there? You better show yourself. This is privet property and you are trespassing. Show yourself and you can go with a warning."

Getting Hunter's text Katie laughs and shakes her head. Him never get into trouble yeah right. Some how she didn't believe than and it worried her leaving him behind but he was grown and new how to take care of himself. There was nothing more she could do.

And once again the hands of time spined and before anyone new it a few days had past.

Sitting along in the dinning hall Katie just looks out the window a warm cup of coffee in her hands. It was a dreary day out and it seemed to match Katie's mood. No one was awake yet that she new of but sleep just didn't want to find her again after she had woken. It felt strange being back here again after so long but this would always be her home. She was happy Rosetta and Mick had welcomed her back and seeing how big BJ had gotten she was glad. The only thing she'd miss was her dad. She had heard he was out of town right and she honestly couldn't wait till he was back. If there was one thing she new for sure....one emotion she new it was how much she missed her father.

Feeling something brush her leg Katie looks down at a big white fluffy puff ball. Last time she had checked there were no new cats at the ranch other than the barn cats but this one she had never seen before let alone seen inside.

   "Hey there...where did you come from huh?"

Picking up the soft cat Katie sets it in her lap and hears an instant purr. It brings a smile to her face as she continues to pet her. Her fur was so soft, and her had piercing blue eyes. Katie still couldn't help but wonder where she came from. But once everyone awoke she would ask. This kitty was far to cute to turn away and for a moment...Kate's dull mood and depression was forgotten in the soft touch of the cats fur.

Hearing Rick's voice Misty gives a smile looking up at him. Before he even said anything the look on his face gave it away that she was in fact going to have a child. Her smile grows as her excitement bubbles over. She'd never told anyone but she had always wanted to be a mother...at least to one child. but at the same there was a bit of worry too. Carson never wanted any kids so how would he accept this news? 

Misty new she had to tell him. It was his right to know and sooner or later she was going to start to show even more and more and he would know something was up. She had to tell him, but she wanted to wait for a good time.

   "Thank you Rick for doing this for me."


"Hey Reese?" Jason held down the button on his phone. 


"Um... I was just wondering if Katie was on any cases or anything?" It had been several days and Jason had not seen or heard anything from Katie at all. No calls, no texts, not even seeing her car, let alone her face. And although he'd resigned himself to not trying to talk to her, it still hurt. Not seeing her at work though was strange, and he just wanted to know what was going on for no other reason than to be aware. 

"No, she's not." Reese pauses. "She's on a leave of absence." 

Jason was a bit surprised. "What? For how long?" 

"I'm not sure. She's at the ranch in Texas if we need to get a hold of her for a case, but I'm not planning on using her until she returns." 

 "Oh." Why did it hurt that he didn't know? It shouldn't. She wasn't obligated to tell him anything anymore. All ties were broken. She'd gone her way, he'd gone his, and that was that. He shouldn't care where she was. Although it was a tad annoying knowing that his own haven was in Texas too, and if he didn't want to see her, he couldn't go. 

"Anything else?" 

Jason jumps. "No... no, that's all thanks." He shuts off the intercom and sighs, looking down in his hand again. "Friendship is what binds us."  He runs his fingers over the faded lettering. It seemed like ages ago that Katie had given him this leather wallet. He'd used it so much that he could barely read it anymore. He'd bought a new wallet a while back to preserve what he could of this special one, not wanting to wear it out entirely. Instead, he had kept it in his desk, along with a few other keepsakes. The words had meant a lot to him - while he and Katie had been just friends or dating - it had always applied.

Now though... now those words meant nothing. They felt fake. They felt like a temporary phrase to be used until one of them decided to betray the other. And all they did was stir up bitterness.

Putting the wallet back in the drawer, Jason fishes his keys out of his pocket. The leather keychain still hung between the keys. Hotshot. Another gift on the same day. Katie had tried so hard. She'd been so thoughtful. Now, the lettering was almost entirely gone. He'd kept it on his main keyring all this time, thinking of Katie every time he'd seen it.

Now though... now he felt very far from being a Hotshot, let alone being called that by Katie. Her turning her back on him was as good as a slap in the face. He wasn't anybody's hotshot now. Maybe it was just as well. Maybe it was better if they weren't together. Without their connection, they had nothing anyway.

Removing the keychain from his other keys for the first time, he tosses it into the drawer too. Pulling his everyday wallet from his pocket, he flips through the few little pictures he had. One was of his mom, Wes and Kaylee. That one stayed. One was of Jetstream. That one stayed too. Then there were several of Katie or him and Katie together. Jason fingers them for several moments, running his thumb over the smiling faces. These were good memories.

Now though... now those good memories just brought pain. The photos were of what was and never could be again. And as such, they were only torture. The Katie in those photos was not the Katie he knew today. That Katie would have given him a chance. She would have respected him. She would have never just sat idly by while he was humiliated. But obviously, the old Katie was gone.

Pulling them out of his wallet, they join the wastebasket. And just so he didn't change his mind, he stands and picks up the half-full bag of trash. Tying it shut, he heads into the hallway and makes his way to one of the main trash bins to throw it away.

Rick approaches Misty quietly in the infirmary. He hadn't seen her yet today, but he was keeping his promise now after their brief discussion yesterday evening. And as requested, he'd spoken to no one else about it. Coming up behind her, he sets a hand on her shoulder. "Good morning," he greets warmly. 

Smiling down at her, he gives her a little nod. "I got the test results..." His eyes twinkle. "Congratulations, Misty. You're gonna have a baby."

Hunter flips open his phone and reads Katie's first message. He was glad she was going to get the time off she wanted. A little sad to see her go for who knows how long, but it was what she'd wanted. 

About to pocket his phone again, the second text comes and he gives the screen a wry grin. Pulling his glove off with his teeth, he types in a response. 

Dont worry about me. I never get in trouble.

Putting his phone away and pulling his glove back on, he flips the visor on his helmet shut and leans over his motorcycle, revving the engine. Looking over to the right where one of his rowdy buddies was on his own bike, he nods. Both bikes take off, squealing and burning rubber as their riders race towards the other end of town - shooting through main street traffic.

Eric grins, feeling a little less embarrassed as long as Stacy had understood what he really meant. The topic of dating though was still unsettled and he couldn't quite tell what he was supposed to do with it. He thought it sounded like Stacy would like to try dating, but was he reading her correctly? 

"Well, I... I mean, I think it would be..." His voice trails off as he comes to an abrupt halt in their walk. His eyes pierce the darkness as rustling sounds, like footsteps, could be heard in the underbrush of the trees around the back perimeter.

Without even thinking, Eric instinctively places himself in front of Stacy before he realizes it. Frowning, he looks over his shoulder at her. "What am I doing?" he whispers hoarsely. "You're the security guard." Stepping aside again, he nods to the bushes. "You hear that?"

One Night

Misty gives a nod. She didn't care when Rick did it just as long as he agreed to it. She was thankful for that. Rick was not only her coworker but her friend too and she was thankful to have him helping her and new he understood.

   "That sounds good Rick, thank you."

Giving a nod to Reese Katie was thinkful he said she could go. Part of her though he would say no, and if he had she would of accepted it but it would of made things a lot harder and maybe never gave her a chance to find herself again.

   "Thank you Reese. I know this is the busy time and I am sorry. If you sent some work over to me while I was at the ranch though I would be more than willing to do some there. I wont be longer than what personal time I have."

Katie new she had at least a month saved up and carried over from last year. Would a month be enough time she didn't know but she would try her best to make it be. She didn't want to lose her position here in the Elite. It was her life, and something she enjoyed doing way to much to jeopardize that.

   "You've...always been like a father to me and...I just want to say thank you again."

Standing Katie wasn't sure what else to say. Leaving the office her head to her cubicle and looks around it for a moment. She would miss it but this was something she had to do. She didn't want to be stuck anymore, she wanted to find herself again. 

Taking only a few things from her work space she might need Katie heads out to her car and gets in. Pulling out her phone she opens a message to Hunter. She promised she would let him know what was going on.

Boss gave me the clearance to leave. 
I am going to pack tonight, leave money for my roommates while I am gone,
and probley leave sometime tomorrow.

Katie hits the send button and as she does a funny thought crosses her mind. Giving a chuckle she opens another empty text.

Don't get into any trouble while I am gone.
I wont be around to bail you out.

As Eric stumbles over his words again Stacy can't help but laugh at him once again. She did it many time herself so she new how it felt but still...she found it slightly humorous. Still holding his hand Stacy just shakes her head.

   "I new what you ment and yes I guess this could be a date. A walk under the starts, night time, someone handsome by my side. However...I still have to pay attachen to my work too."

Walking forward and thanking for a moment Stacy scanned the area before looking back to Eric and smiling. Really this whole thing had come out of no where. She hadn't planned this or expected it at all. But now that it had happened...she was glad. A new feeling entered her heart and though on one hand it was frighting, the other it felt good too.

   "Maybe...one day we can try a real date. I mean...if thats what you want...or we could not...its up to you."

Nice Night

Only half paying attention to Misty as she approaches, her tone suddenly brings Rick's eyes around, and he senses this is something more serious than a casual conversation. Leaving his work be, he listens, his eyes growing wide. A grim spreads across his lips, and he reaches out to put a hand on Misty's shoulder. 

"Of course I'll help you out. This is big stuff, huh?" His grin evolves into a gentle smile. From what she was explaining, he was pretty sure that this was not something she'd been planning or expecting, and he knew that could be scary. "How about we get some blood drawn before you go home and I should have the results for you in the morning, okay?"

Setting aside his work, Reese listens quietly as Katie speaks. He'd been glad when she'd asked to see him - he'd been waiting. The last few days he'd been quite worried about both her and Jason. She'd suddenly asked for a couple days off, and Jason had been moodier than anything. He'd finally figured out that there was something going on between them, but hadn't been sure what it was. Now he knew and understood.

Hearing Katie's request, he lets out a long sigh. Not out of annoyance though... this was just a hard situation to respond to. Leaning back in his chair, he just studies her for several long moments. The father in him wanted to put his arm around her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. that she could have whatever she needed and as much time as she needed. The friend in him wanted to tell her that "fixing" something just might not be that easy... that there were things happening in her live that might not be able to be fixed - there were things that were permanent now, like the change between her and Jason and their connection. She could learn and grow, but she might find out that something just couldn't be fixed. The boss in him wanted to remind her how busy the Elite was right now, and being short-handed was not something he would appreciate. She had a job to do, and breaking up with her boyfriend was no reason to leave everybody else in a lurch. 

Reese eventually nods. "You may have a leave of absence. You have several weeks of pay and... should you choose to stay in Texas longer, then that's up to you." He pauses, pursing his lips. "I'm sorry you're going through this tough time, and I'm glad you've chosen a good place to go. Please just contact someone here if you decide to stay at the ranch past your paid days so we know what's going on and... we'll go from there. In the meantime, we'll fill in the gaps around here so you don't have to worry about a thing."

He offers her a smile. "Take care of yourself, Katie... I want to see that spark in your eye again."

"Hey now..." Eric chides Stacy as his face grows hot once again. "Don't bring up unpleasant memories of quick exits or tongue entanglement. It harms a man's ego." 

Grinning though, his hand slips over to hers to hold as they walk. "I guess we could call this a date, but it don't really feel like one to me. There ain't any candles or soft music or anything..." He pauses. "But I guess we're alone in the dark so maybe it still counts." 

Stopping and realizing what he'd just said, he wishes he had his hat to hide his face. "Not... or... I mean that didn't...." He coughs. "So it's a nice night, huh?" 

Wait for no one

Giving a nod and a smile Jason didn't have to say anything else Misty understood what he was trying to say. Really it had always been like that....they had there own connection, understandmint and if things had been different in life maybe there own love. But it hadn't worked out that way. Jason was with Katie and Misty was married to Jarson and they couldn't be happier till now with this whole mess with Katie and Jason.

   "You're very welcome Jason. I am always here when you need to talk."

Walking Jason leave Misty hoped everything would work out. She never wished him ill will and she new how much he did love Katie. Now she just wanted them to be able to work things out together. Shaking her head and going back to her works Misty didn't stop again till Reese returned to the office.

Misty sets her pen down at Rick's question and thinks for a second about what Jason had said. Giving a little chuckle she stands and walks over to the counter leaning on it. She felt bad for Rick sometimes everyone always gave him a hard time.

   "He told me to tell you if your needed anything else to let him know and he wouldn't snap, but first...I need you to do me a favor."

Looking down for a second Misty digs her toe of her shoe into one of the tials. Did she really want to ask? Did she really want to know? What if it wasn't true, and what if it was? How would she tell Carson, would he be upset? She had to know though so looking up again she does her best to even in this be brave.

   "I need you to take some of my blood and to run some tests..well..one really. I've been feeling pretty funny the last few weeks and...have missed some pretty normal things for me. And well...I..."

Misty runs a hand along the back of her neck. Why this felt so strange and so hard to ask she wasn't sure. Maybe it had to do with her husband really never wanting life like this, or that things had been so strange at him.

   "...I think I might be with child, but I need to know for sure before I tell anyone. So if you can keep this between us and do the test for me that would really mean a lot."

   "You know I would Hunter, and you know how to get a hold of me. Thanks again."

Giving a wave and picking up her dirty clothing Katie makes sure she has everything before taking her keys last. Turning and giving Hunter a little wave she slips out the door and gets into her car. While some might think she would go to work that is not where Katie aims. Instead she heads for home, she just didn't want to face anyone...not yet.

...A few days pass and nothing slows down. Time moves, people move and time......it waits for no one. No matter the situation, no matter the reason it continues to tick letting us know that all to soon it will be gone.

Stopping out onto the main floor Katie scans the area. She new today was Jason's day off and it was the right time for her to see Reese. She just didn't want to see him still...maybe somewhere inside she new she had hurt him and for that she was sorry but she had been hurt too.

Swiftly making her way across the floor she gives a small nod to Susanne. Reese was expecting her so she new she wouldn't have to make sure he wasn't in the middle of anything. Giving a knock on the door and waiting to hear Reese's voice Katie takes a deep breath and enters sitting down in one of the chairs across from his desk.

   "Thanks for seeing me Reese and giving me the few days off I had asked for."

Katie lets out another sigh. Now that she was here she wasn't sure what she was going to say to him. She new what she wanted to ask but how...and she would know he would want to know why so she'd have to figure out how to explain it.

   "I...I don't know if you have herd that Jason and I have broken up. Since we lost our connection there had been a lot of strain. I...finally broke and ended it. I'm pretty messed up right now Reese. I can't think straight, I don't know how to feel, I'm depressed and I am taking it out on everyone I shouldn't be."

Searching her boss face Katie always felt comfortable talking to him. Even if she did have a hard time trying to explain what on she was trying to say. She new he would get the point and understand her words.

   "So I wanted to know if you would approve if I used my personal time to go back to Texas and spend some time at the ranch with my family and try to fix who I am. It's not fair if I stay here and can't live up to my full potential. I just need time to fix me...if you'll let me."

Seeing Eric coming Stacy gives him a once over and a smile spreads across her face. It made her happy that Eric wanted to talk with her on her rounds. She enjoyed the company and the quiet he offered.

   "Ah yes, the date. Wan't sure if we were calling it that or not with how fast you took earlier."

Turning to start the walk she waits knowing Eric said tonight he would be going a little slower. She wasn't in any hurry so it was fine with her and honestly, knowing that Eric was by her side on this walk the slower it was the better because the longer it would last.

   "I don't mind you called it a date though. It has a nice ring to it."


Jason's eyes slowly drift back to the floor to study a crack in one of the tiles. He wasn't so sure it would be easy to not be bitter... not after being treated like this. But was what Misty said true? Had his and Katie's love really been real? He had thought so. It wasn't easy for him to figure out the things he'd felt lately, but he had somehow known that he did still love her. Things had been tough, and he hadn't given her as much physical attention as he had before, just because it was harder to express his emotions. But he'd still loved her. Was Misty right? Had Katie still loved him too? Was that really why she'd been upset about Sandy? But... if she really did love him, why hadn't she even given him a chance to explain? It just didn't make sense to him. Was it really that Katie was just emotionally messed up with all they'd been through? His stomach gives a little turn. 

"Maybe I'm messed up too," he comments softly. Remaining quiet for another moment or two, he abruptly stands. "I got work to do... thanks for..." 

For what? For listening, talking, just being a friend... His eyes meet hers and he nods. There had always been a lot between them that was never spoken - it was just the way it was, and he'd learned to appreciate that about their unique relationship. She'd know what he was trying to say. "Yeah." 

Heading for the door, he calls back over his shoulder. "If Rick wants to see me again, let him know I won't bite his head off, will ya?" 

Rick parks his car in the lot that was in dire need of repair. The old one-story motel had been converted into low-income apartments some years back, on the edge of Southton. It was very obviously not the best part of town, and the building itself needed much attention. Rick scans the numbers on the doors and finds the one he was looking for before getting out and approaching the apartment.

Inside, Clay was sprawled on his futon that he rarely straightened into a couch. Papers and clothes were everywhere. Pizza boxes and fast food wrappers added to the mess. A pile of DVDs near the tv had toppled over and been left. A plant near the dingy window had died, and the sink in the small kitchen dripped into a stack of dirty dishes.

The knock at the door had to come twice before rousing Clay from his sleep. It takes a few more seconds to get his bearings and get his eyes open. Who was bothering him now? Pulling himself from bed, he swings his feet onto the floor and yawns before getting up the gumption to shuffle to the door in his wrinkled t-shirt and ratty jeans. Running a hand through his matted hair, he unlocks the deadbolt before opening the door and squinting at the bright midday light. "Yeah?"

Rick quirks an eyebrow at his nephew's disheveled state. "Hi, Clay."

It takes Clay a moment to realize who it was. "Rick?"

"You okay?"

"Well, yeah, why?" Clay blinks, trying to wake up.

"Um... your dad sent me." Rick pauses. "You look terrible."

"Thanks." Clay smirks with sarcasm. "I've been asleep. I work the graveyard shift."

"Oh, sorry. If I would have known I would have chosen a better time."

"Naw, it's okay." Clay yawns again, taking a moment to study Rick. "Been a while. Why did Dad send you?"

It really had been a while. Rick figured it had been several years since he'd seen his nephew and it didn't look like the time had been all that good to him. "He said he'd been trying to get a hold of you for a week and got worried."


Rick waits, but receives no explanation. "Can I come in?"

Clay hesitates but relents with a shrug. "Yeah, I guess."

Entering the dim apartment, Rick takes a quick glance around. It was worse than just a bachelor's place. It was a total mess.

Clay grabs a chair from the tiny kitchen after clearing off the stack of mail that had been sitting on it, and brings it to the living room for Rick. "Here." He goes back to his bed and sinks down, rubbing a hand over his tired face. "So, Dad was worried and he sent you instead of coming himself."

Rick eases down in the chair and sighs. He knew the father-son relationship was not great. "I'm an hour closer than he is."

"Yeah... those few extra miles are always just too much." Clay shakes his head. "Well you can tell him I'm alive and well. Got my phone shut off 'cause I couldn't pay my bill. That's why he hasn't been able to get a hold of me."

"And you don't have a cell phone?"

"Do I look like I can afford one?"

Rick gives him a wry grin. "Not really, but maybe you just enjoy the ambiance of your apartment."

"You kidding? It's a dump."

Rick smirks a little. "Old pizza boxes do tend to add to the dump decor, you know."

Clay looks around sheepishly. "Yeah, well... I guess I haven't had the gumption to be much of a housekeeper."

Only now does Rick notice a nice long cut on Clay's arm. "What happened there?"

"Oh, not much." Clay turns his arm to look at the wound. "Guy with a knife tried to rob the gas station last night and I wasn't about to go through all that again so I decided to stop him no matter what. Came away with this battle scar."

Rick squints at it. "Looks like it's infected already. You done anything about it?"

"Nah, not really. I've had worse."

"That's beside the point." Rick gets up and comes over to take a closer look. "If you don't get this taken care of, you could be sorry. Who knows what was on the guy's knife?"

Clay pulls his arm away. "Look, I can't afford to go to a doctor. I work nights at a gas station. My paychecks go to my rent, car and food. Anything else is a luxury, including bandaids."

Rick sighs. "The wound is still fresh and looks like it'll start bleeding again if you move it too much. Some stitches would help, and minimize a scar. And you should probably put something on it to take care of that infection before it spreads."

"What part of 'can't afford' don't you understand?" Clay looks up at him and shakes his head. "If you came here just to bug me in my father's place, you can go now."

Backing off, Rick resumes sitting in the other chair, letting a pause linger for several minutes. "Clay... I only talk to your dad every few months, so I don't know much of the story. What happened?"

Clay scoffs. "I guess I wasn't good enough for him. First, I didn't go to college, which annoyed the tar out of him. When I got that job at the sporting goods store and then was promoted to manager, it seemed he was almost proud of me. Then when that stupid armed robbery happened and I got blamed for being involved, instead of helping me out, he ditched me. Said even if I wasn't involved, I needed to face it like a man. Buck up. Show them I could find my own way. So I have been ever since." He gestures to his surroundings. "Great way of showing 'em huh?"

Rick's shoulders drop slightly. He felt badly for his nephew. Maybe Clay wasn't trying too hard to make the best out of his situation, but he'd been dealt a bad hand. "So why was your dad trying to get a hold of you?"

"Who knows. He calls every once in a while to see if I've found a better job and when I say no, he hounds me about it and gives me all this great advice for job interviews, being productive and getting that good job that's just waiting for me." Clay rolls his eyes. "That's about it." He laughs. "Did you go to the family reunion last year?"

Rick shakes his head. "I was too busy. Why?"

"I didn't even get invited."

"You're kidding."

"Nope. I guess working at a gas station and living in a dump doesn't qualify anymore."

"You know not all the family feels that way, right?"

Clay shrugs. "I suppose. Don't really care though. I'm not close to any of my cousins anyhow."

Rick purses his lips, thinking a moment before he stands and heads for the door.

Clay watches him, raising his eyebrows. "Taking off?"

"No. Be right back." Rick leaves the apartment then comes back within a minute, bringing with him the medical bag he always carried. Coming over to the futon he sits next to Clay. "I'm taking care of that arm whether you like it or not."

"It's fine."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is!"

"Who's the doctor?"

Clay locks eyes with Rick in defiance, but finally gives in. "Okay, fine. But I can't pay you."

"Clay! I'm not charging you, for Pete's sake. I'm your uncle, for crying out loud."

"So? If my dad was a doctor, he'd charge me."

"Well, I'm not your dad." Rick starts to clean the wound as gently as he could, but there was dirt that had already embedded itself. "This is gonna hurt..."

Clay jerks his arm. "Ow!"

"I told you it would hurt." Rick grabs his arm back. "Now hold still and quit being such a wimp."

Clay smirks but does as he's told. It doesn't take long before he's stitched up with a nice bandage to keep the cut from getting dirty again. Looking at the neat job, he then eyes Rick again, feeling just a bit humbled. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." Rick closes up his case but doesn't leave right away. Studying Clay, the wheels in his mind begin to turn. "You ever thought about law enforcement?"

"What? Like being a cop or something?" Clay shakes his head. "No, not really. Why?"

"Just wondering. No college, huh?"

"No. Never had in mind a career I wanted to pursue, and I wasn't going to waste my money trying to figure it out. I guess working at a gas station is what I get."

Rick chuckles. "Nah. There are better jobs out there that don't require a degree - they're just hard to find. I probably would be the same if I hadn't wanted to be a doctor." He continues to think. "You any good with computers?"

Clay shrugs. "Kind of. I'm not an idiot when it comes to them but I'm not a genius either."

"What interests you the most?"

"Why all the questions?"

"Humor me."

Clay grins. "I don't know what I'm interested in. I was never allowed to dream of what I wanted - just what was necessary to climb the business ladder and make more money than my fellow man. Failing at that has left me nothing."

Rick thought it so sad that his brother could shape his son like that. "What do you do for fun?"

"Oh, I still hunt some." Clay chuckles. "Remember that trip with Harry?"

Rick laughs, thinking about being with Clay and Clay's cousin - both had been young teens and Rick had agreed to take them on a hunting trip. "Poor Harry. You think he still faints at the sight of blood?"

"I don't have a clue. I do know he fainted when his kid was born last year though. I laughed - he wasn't too happy with me."

Rick still smiles and shakes his head. "You were probably more the outdoorsman than any of the rest of your family. You still like hunting, you say?"

"Yeah. Bow mostly. I still use my shotgun some, but I prefer my bow. Went to that tournament in Crossdale last year."

"How'd you do?"

"Took home first in every category."

Rick laughs. "Sounds like you need something more challenging."

Clay chuckles. "Maybe I do."

"Well... if I see a job opening for archers, I'll let you know."

"As if."

Rick rises to his feet and sighs. "I should probably get going. Take care of that arm, you hear?"

"Yeah, yeah." Clay stands as well. "I'll follow the doctor's orders."

"Good. And I'll tell your dad you're not dead."

Smirking, Clay walks Rick to the door and opens it for him. "Hey, Rick... thanks."

"Don't mention it." It's a long drive back to TJY and the day was half over already, but Rick still had plenty to do before going home, so he heads straight for the infirmary. Once there, he tosses his keys to the side and sighs deeply. Standing at the computer on the counter, he glances over at Misty. "So... I still need some of Jason's blood. Think I dare call him back in here?"

A close friend? Hunter was... honored. Katie was a good woman, and it would be impossible not to be proud to be one of her friends. 

About to say something, Hunter is taken by surprise yet again by her hug. Smiling a little though, he wraps his arms around her and returns it warmly... gently but with a strength that said he was still here for her when she needed him. "Good... 'cause I don't wanna have to worry about ya." 

Pulling away a little, he lifts his hand, resting his palm against her face as his thumb caresses her cheek. His small smile returns. "Don't thank me. Just... return the favor sometime." 

Once Eric gets back to the table, there were enough people and food going around that the whole conversation of dating was let be, and he was just as glad. Not that he minded it... he just hadn't planned on it turning out quite like this. Ashlee might have embarrassed him just a bit, but he could never be mad at her for anything. He was actually very pleased that she was okay seeing him interact with her mom on a different level. Maybe... there was something to this after all. 

He wouldn't get a chance to see Stacy until later though. Right after the meal, he was needed to check something in the barn, then lost track of where everyone was. Taking time to rest his leg, he kept his eye on the clock, so once it was dark, he was up from bed again, heading outside. 

As he stepped down off his bunkhouse porch, he was perhaps a little more cleaned up than he normally was for a simple walk around the ranch. Not that anyone would notice though... and maybe no one would notice he didn't have his hat on tonight either.

It only takes a quick glance for him to see Stacy and prove that his timing had been good. Smiling as he approaches, he cocks his head and hooks his thumbs in his jeans pockets in a rather sheepish stance. "So, um... about that date..."


Listing to Jason Misty nods a little letting him know she was listing. Searching his face she could see the emotions in his eyes and how very hurt he was. If that was Misty sitting there and Carson never gave her a chance to explain well...she would probley feel the same way. Hurt, confused, angry.

Hearing Jason talk about how maybe there love wasn't really sent a sharp pain to Misty's heart. Reaching out and laying her hand on Jason's she trys her best to smile and giving him a little reassurance.

   "I think we both know Katie and Your love was real. Its hard to make something like that up. On top of that, if she didn't love you I don't think she would of gotten so upset about seeing Sandy kiss you."

Letting out a small sigh Misty searches Jason's face. She always been close with him even if they didn't talk a lot. There was a silent connection there and it always had been. They'd just learned to keep that turned off because they both had other people they loved and cared about. So for Katie...maybe it was the opposite there connection had been turned on for so long when turned off...it just...failed.

   "I'm not saying what she did was right, because she did go about it the wrong way and should have let you at least explain. But it sounds to me like Katie is pretty messed up emotionally. Never doubt your love Jason, or what you guys had together. Hold on to those good times, but move forward. You can't keep life on hold, you can't live in the past...and you can't let it make you bitter."

Dropping her hand from Jason's arm Misty sits back in her chair for a second just continuing to look at Jason. She couldn't help but let her heart go out to him. She felt so bad, life had been so rough and to now have it crumble again it just made her sad.

Looking up at Hunter Katie does her best to give him a smile. He'd think she wouldn't? He was one of her close friends so of course she would. Thinking about leaving everything behind though...it was a tough thought. She'd be back through right? She had her life here, her job, her roommates. She'd be back for sure.

   "Of course I would stay in contact with you Hunter. You have become one of my closes friends. You don't even have to worry about me not keeping in contact with you."

Standing Katie reaches out and pulls Hunter into a hug. Just in the last two days he'd help her so much. Kept her from do anything stupid while drunk, and now he was being encouraging that maybe she did need to get away. Just those two things meant a lot to Katie.

   "I guess I better get going. Thanks Hunter for everything. When I know what I am doing, I'll let you know too..ok?"

Once Eric was gone Stacy turns her attachen to her daughter and gives her a look. Not an unset or annoyed look but more of a..what are you doing look.

   "Your a peanut gallery if I ever saw one you know that?"

Ashlee looks down at her plate and than up again with a sheepish look on her face and a smile across her lips. She couldn't help it really. It was nice seeing her mom like someone and someone as nice as Eric.

   "And your point is?"

Stacy shakes her head and throws her unused napkin across the table. A twinkle was in her eyes and a smile still spread across her lips. No matter what she could never be upset about this with her daughter. Seeing she seemed accepting made her feel good.

   "So your ok with maybe the though of Eric and myself getting closer?

Ashlee smiles and gives a nod. She really was ok with it. She liked Eric and there was just something about him that the thought of having him as a dad was nice. He sure seemed like a fatherly type and that made Ashlee happy.

   "Yes, I am."

   "Ok, good...just in case and all."

Never Real

Jason swallows hard and sits down in an extra chair, just looking at the floor for a few minutes, trying to gain some control over his emotions. He really didn't want to cry, let alone in front of anybody. 

"Last night JetStream had a concert... I was setting up backstage and a friend of mine... Sandy... she showed up." He shrugs and finally looks up at Misty again. "Old high school friend I'd seen around lately - been hanging out a bit with her and some other guys. Katie was jealous of her even though there was nothing there and I was always careful about not going out alone with her or anything, ya know?" 

He shakes his head and lets out a deep sigh. "Well, Sandy apparently decided to kiss me. I never saw it coming, I didn't know she felt anything for me at all, and I didn't return the kiss in any way shape or form." He grimaces. "But Katie walked in right then and all she saw was "us" kissing. Blew her stack. I tried to talk sense into her and she just wouldn't listen. She yelled at me and just took off. She just... refused to believe me." 

The pain was back and he didn't like it. Why, of all emotions, did he have to feel this one so strongly? It didn't seem fair. "I sent her a few texts and tried to tell her there was nothing between me and Sandy but she never answered me. Then this morning Ryder called worried 'cause she hadn't been home all night. So... I got worried." He shrugs again. "I knew she didn't want to see me, but I couldn't very well just sit and worry something was wrong. I ended up discovering she'd gotten drunk at a bar then went and spent the night at this other guy's place. Hunter... you may have heard about him getting arrested here a while back." He thinks. "Kyle might have mentioned him a time or two, too. Anyway... so I went to his apartment and he wouldn't even let me in. I saw Katie sitting inside - she knew I was there, I know she heard me talking to Hunter, and she did nothing. She just sat and let Hunter tell me what to do. He implied her stay there was an innocent one... I suppose I believe him, but I'm not so sure they're just friends. I couldn't get anywhere though, so I finally just left." 

Leaning forward, Jason sets his elbows on his knees and buries his face in his hands. "I don't even know her anymore... she's like... a completely different person. I know we've struggled since we can't feel each other but... but to have her not even believe me... turn her back on me... let me be humiliated... not even give me a chance to make things right..." He reveals his face to rest his chin on his hands, but remains slouched over. His eyes glisten but he refuses to let the tears fall, even though his voice wavers. "I suppose if it was just our connection holding us together all this time then... maybe the love was never real to begin with. Maybe I was just an emotional security blanket and now that it's gone... she doesn't actually love me." 

Hunter quirks an eyebrow, a bit surprised by Katie's invitation to Texas. He gives her a wry grin and shakes his head. "I'm... not so sure that's somewhere I'd go but... for you, it's home." 

He gets up and takes his coffee mug to the sink to rinse it out. "Stay in touch though, would you?" He pauses, with his back turned to her. He'd... miss her. It had been fun hanging out with her, even though he'd been leery of Jason. She'd given him something he'd felt he'd missed out in life lately. Having her gone meant some pretty boring days. "Text me... or something... let me know you're okay?" 

Ashlee's comment makes Eric's jaw drop and he looks over at her with wide eyes before giving her a smirk. "Sure. And I had all these ideas of how to ask you if you felt okay about me dating your mom. Now all that work was for nothing 'cause obviously you're alright with it." 

Wait. He'd just said that... in front of Stacy. The heat from his neck crawls into his face and for a moment, he's left staring anywhere but Ashlee or Stacy, his foot's movement having come to a sudden halt. 

"Hey, Eric!" Becky calls from the kitchen. "Can you come help me with the oven door?" It had been giving her trouble for the last three weeks, and it took a strong arm to get it in the right place - Eric seemed to have figured out the trick though, and she didn't have time to ask someone who hadn't done it before. 

Hearing his name, Eric's head snaps up and he's on his feet just as fast. "Coming!" Getting his leg tangled in the chair, it takes him a moment or two just to get away from the table. Walking behind Ashlee, he gives her a thump to the back of the head, but still doesn't dare look at Stacy.

Sit Down

Katie gives a small little nod. She was so confused about everything and she hurt so much inside. Maybe getting away for a little while would clear things up. She would be able to spend time with her dad too and that was always nice.

Searching Hunter's face for a long moment Katie is quiet. He wasn't such a bad guy like everyone though. She'd seen a different side to him and maybe...that was the real Hunter. Why he lost himself Katie wasn't sure but it was sad to see.

   "You give good advice you know that...maybe you should take it sometime. Come with me?"

Katie gives a small smile. She new what she had said was romantic but she hadn't meant it that way. She just thought maybe Hunter could use a heart and mind recap too. Getting away for him might not be a bad thing either.

   "The ranch is always open to anyone so I know you would be welcomed."

Working quietly on her paper work Misty didn't pay to much attachen to what was going on in the office and Reese looking over Jason. She new it was just a normal check up and nothing to major. There was just this formula that had been bugging her pain that she was now trying to break down and understand.

Hearing Jason's voice though Misty looks up at him. The smile on her lips slowly fades as she can see the tears in his eyes. It was enough to make her heart break. What had happened? Was he ok.


As Jason tells her about how Katie dumped him Misty's heart hurt for him. She new Katie meant everything to him and they had always been so close. To have this happen...she didn't understand. Did it have something to do with there broken connection?

   "Sit down, sit down...what happened?"

Feeling Eric's foot move against hers Stacy can feel even more color on her cheeks but says nothing. The smile on her face grows even more feeling slightly silly, but kind of liking the feeling at the same time.  There was something different about her and Eric or so she thought. They were....taking it slow to say in so many words. Both slightly hesitant but maybe that was better than diving right in.

    "Alright than consider it a date with me than."

Having been listing to everything Ashlee can't help but clap her hands together and squeal a little. She liked seeing her mom happy, She liked Eric and she liked knowing they were getting along so well. Now she hopped it would continue to grow.

   "YAY...Another date!"

Looking to her daughter her eyes widen a little bit and she lets out a small chuckle. She couldn't believe how excited she was getting but...in a way it was nice too. It meant she approved, and wouldn't mind if and went Eric starts getting deeper into things.

   "Oh hush you, you'er making a scene."

Grace gives a smile. She was happy Jared would let her be his friend. Thats what he needed a good friend and she definitely could be that. She wondered if what his brother told her was true than he was going to need more friends to help him through the rough times that were to come.

   "Good. Now that that's out of the way...I feel better."


Hunter just sits quietly and lets Katie talk. She looked so hurt and confused - he felt badly for her. On one hand, it appeared noble for Jason to have shown up. On the other hand, if he was such a jerk that had treated her so horribly, then this was just one more count against him.

Finishing his cup of coffee, he shakes his head at Katie's question. "Nah... I don't think that's running away. If it was, yes it would be cowardly, but it's not. You're just... returning to your roots. That's not a bad thing." 

Setting is cup aside, he leans forward, resting his elbows on the table. "You gotta start looking out for yourself for once. You've been pushed around, stepped on, and your loyalty has been taken advantage of in the worst way. If it takes getting away from here to be able to get your mind and heart back where they need to be then..." He shrugs. "I'd say go for it." 

Pain wasn't the half of it. Or was it? It was hard to tell what all these feelings were, and that in itself was frustrating enough.

Jason stares into nothingness while seated in his office. He couldn't believe it, though he knew it was true. How had this happened? Why? Why was Katie suddenly so offish to not even want to talk to him? He'd been worried sick about her missing this morning, and all he'd received was a cold shoulder. No, not even that. He'd received a blatant refusal to even see him. And to top it all off, she'd sat there and let Hunter tell him what to do. It was embarrassing and downright humiliating. 

Okay, so she'd seen Sandy kiss him and thought he'd been two-timing her. He understood how that would upset her. But she hadn't even listened to him! She'd called it off right then and there. He knew she'd said she didn't want to talk to him, but how could he not try? If she wouldn't have said they were over, he would have been more apt to give her some space. But she hadn't even done that! All she'd done was say they were through, and that was that. If he hadn't tried to talk to her, what would that say about his feelings for her? It would have felt like he didn't care if he hadn't at least tried to see her and talk things through. Yet she ignored his texts and refused to even look at him. Jason would have preferred a shouting match. But this... Katie knew how to cut him to the quick alright. He just couldn't believe how she was acting. It wasn't the Katie he knew at all. 

His fingers reach out and touch the single red rose he'd picked up on the way to work this morning. He'd thought for sure he could work things out with Katie. He'd thought for sure she'd let him talk and explain and understand what had really happened last night - that he hadn't wanted to kiss Sandy at all. Emotions churn but they all felt numb and upside-down. One thing he did know now though. Picking up the rose, he turns and drops it into the waste basket under his desk. So much for Con's advice - it was too late now. 

He didn't want to be at work. He should have just gone home instead. Maybe he would. He'd rather leave before Katie got here, if she was planning on working today at all or if she'd just stay with Hunter for the day. That thought makes his stomach turn. Was there more between those two than just being friends? He had a hunch there was. And if that was the case, then he'd really been taken for a fool.


He jumps at Rick's voice over his phone's intercom. "What?"

"Did you forget your appointment?"

Jason slouches. "Yes."

"That's what I thought. I'm waiting in the infirmary."

"Yeah, okay." Jason gets up from his desk and sighs. He'd forgotten he had a check-up today. Why today? He just wanted to go home...

"...You feeling okay?"

Jason blinks as the bright light is shone in his eyes. "Yeah, why?"

Rick shrugs and makes another note on his clipboard. "You seem kinda distracted is all."

"I'm fine."

Rick quirks an eyebrow at Jason's strained tone. "How're your emotions doing?"

Jason swings his legs as he sits on the edge of the table. "They're fine."

Rick checks his reflexes. "Still having trouble determining what you feel?"

"I said I'm fine!" Jason brushes aside Rick's hands and stands up, grabbing his shirt to pull it back over his head. "Are we done?"

Rick stands back and is silent for a moment. "At least you don't have any trouble showing your emotions."

Jason shoots him a glare.

"Okay, fine." Rick throws up his hands. He didn't have time to figure out what was wrong - he'd ask him more later. He'd make sure of it, just in case there really was something that needed to be looked into, but right now was obviously not the time. "I got some errands to run. Thanks for ten minutes of your time. Go... chill out or something. I will see you later though."

Watching Rick finish up and leave the infirmary, Jason sighs. He hadn't meant to snap at him. He was just so... something. Tucking in his shirt, he starts for the door, but stops. Glancing back over his shoulder, he spots Misty. And a new little feeling emerges. It was a longing to find someone who might understand... who might help explain or at least make him feel less a fool. He bites his lip.

"Misty?" He takes a couple steps towards her desk. His eyes were dim... his shoulders slouched. "I just..." His gaze drops to the floor and he felt what must be stupidity. But he forces himself to look back up at her again. And for the first time since he'd left Hunter's, tears sting his eyes. "Katie dumped me last night. I... I didn't think she meant it but... apparently she did."

Eric laughs, his eyes sparkling even more. "I definitely want to go for sure," he confirms. "Otherwise I'll just be having another date with insomnia and that is way too boring." 

As he suddenly feels a foot cozying up to his own, his eyes widen just slightly and he keeps his sights somewhere else in the room. Was she... doing that on purpose? He feels it again. Yep. She was. Warmth crawled up the back of his neck as a grin tries desperately to surface, though he keeps it hidden. Moving his own foot, he pushes it slightly against hers, returning the motion. 

Jared smiles, his eyes brightening just a little. "I don't know if that's what therapists do or not but... I have a hunch it's not." 

Letting her hand go, he looks down at a flower then back up at Grace again. "Of course being friends is okay with me." He nods. "Consider yourself my first friend... since I can't remember having any friends before this."


Thinking Maybe

Looking down at the table and picking at the left over napkin the toast had been on Katie let out a sigh. It had been hard to sit here and hear Jason out there wanting to talk to her. It hurt to not run to him and tell him everything was going to be ok. It hurt that he didn't respect her enough to give her a few days and just leave her be. It hurt that she had been fooled, walked on and gave everything she had into making this work just to have it end here.

  "I'm...I don't know if I am ok or not Hunter. I just hurt...I don't know if this whole thing is my fault or not. I just feel...so messed up inside with everything."

Setting the empty coffee cup down Katie lets out a long sigh. Where had everything gone wrong and why? It was so hard to tell what started it and how it had gotten this far. She only wished there was a way to fix it now and there wasn't.

   "My Aunt has a ranch in Texas...thats where I first met Jason. We hated each other but I was always the first one to come running when he went into one of his fits."

Thinking about it was so long ago...time really had gone by quickly. One minute they hated each other the next minute Jason and herself had become best of friends. Only now to have it end. Maybe getting away was what Katie needed. Maybe going back to where it all started.

   "I was just thinking maybe I should go back there for a while. It's quite peaceful, and they help people there all the time. Maybe I need time...to help myself. Does...that make me a coward running away from my problems Hunter?"

Giving a small chuckle Grace keeps her hand in Jared's for a long moment. Looking back into his eyes...his dark, dreamy eyes she searches them. There was just something about him that was different. She wasn't sure what it was or why...but it was almost like she was drawn to him. Did God have a deeper reason for her to be here and thats? Grace didn't know the answer to that question but if she had to guess she might have said yes.

   "I think...I am more than your therapist, I might have just hit friend status. If...thats ok with you of course. I mean therapists don't bring in outside food, and bring people outside on there days off and stuff like that...do they?"

Grace's eyes sparkle in the sunlight as her curls bounce in the soft wind. It had turned out to be such a nice day out she was happy she was able to share it with someone and enjoy herself. Why she felt a little heat come to her face too she wasn't sure but she new there was no hiding it, but she didn't much care. IT was something that she had no contole over, and maybe it would even flatter Jared. 

Giving a laugh and taking a sip of her water Stacy gives a small shake of her head. She though it was funny that Eric liked going with her on her rounds. Than again maybe it was just her he liked being with, but if that was it than did that mean yesterday wasn't just a one time thing?

   "Well, I mean...there might be someone who just might want to walk a little extra slow tonight, that will be making rounds if you want to go for sure that is."

Stacy felt like she had just been talking in circles and she wondered if Eric understood at all what she was talking about. A little bit of warmth can be felt on her neck climbing to her cheeks. She really did feel quite silly.

Moving her foot out a little bit it brushes against something. Freezing for a moment she couldn't help but think it felt like a foot. Looking to Ashlee she could tell it wasn't hers so looking to Eric she just searches his face for a moment. It felt like high school all over again and she could feel even more heat on her face as she moves her foot again rubbing it along his foot once more.



Katie's response was all Hunter needed to know. If asked, he might not have an answer as to why he felt so strongly about helping Katie. Maybe it was because it felt good to do something right for once. Maybe because he had a soft spot not many people saw. Maybe it was because if he really thought about it, she'd helped him in more ways than she knew by simply spending some time with him, and he wanted to return the favor. Whatever his reasoning, he respected her current wishes and would stick to his word. 

Unlocking then opening the door only partway, Hunter keeps his foot against the inside edge to prevent it from being pushed open any farther. His body moves into the opening as an immediate signal that no one was welcome to enter. "Jason." 

Jason is a bit taken back by the defensive stance but he nods. "Hunter. Is Katie here?" 

"She is." 

"May I see her?" 


Jason blinks. No? Just like that? "Excuse me?" 

Hunter straightens a little, leaning one arm on the door frame while his other hand remains on the door handle. "She doesn't want to see you, Jason." His tone remains cool and calm. "I advise you to leave."

Jason's eyes narrow as theories he didn't like started to enter his mind. "She was here all night, wasn't she?" Accusation laced his tone. "If you so much as-"

Hunter interrupts him. "Chill. We didn't do anything. But she doesn't want to see you, so please... leave." 

Jason folds his arms, now starting to feel desperate. Was this really, truly it? Katie had said it was over but... but it was true? She still didn't believe him that there was nothing between him and Sandy? It was just... over? Like that? "I want to talk to her," he states flatly. 

"Well I'm sorry, but you can't." 

"Let me in!" Jason steps forward to push Hunter out of the way and catches just a glimpse of Katie in the kitchen before he's shoved back into the hallway. With adrenaline pumping and pain in his eyes, he stares back at Hunter. "This isn't over."

Hunter shakes his head. Being pushed around had raised his irritation several notches, and his new tone proved it. "Actually, it is. You've caused enough damage here - how about stopping before somebody gets any more hurt, huh?" 


"I'm serious." Hunter stares him in the eye. "Katie wants nothing to do with you. You have ignored her, hurt her, and betrayed her trust. She told you it was over and she meant it. Take it from me - she wasn't kidding." 

Pain. Oh, how Jason hated this feeling that seeped into his emotions. For several seconds, he simply looks at Hunter, feeling stupid and hurt. Without saying any more, he finally turns and leaves, taking the stairs faster than his knee would have liked. 

Heaving a sigh, Hunter closes and locks the door once more. He'd never admit it, but he was glad Jason hadn't tried any more to force his way in - Hunter could street brawl, but he wasn't so sure he wanted to take on a trained Elite agent, let alone one the size of Jason. 

Coming back into the kitchen, he slowly sits across from Katie again, his eyes roaming her face. "You okay?" he asks gently. 

Jared nods a little, hoping that Grace was right. Was he really getting a second chance? And yet, what good was it when he couldn't even remember everything he needed another chance for? It was confusing, frustrating and... 

His thoughts drift off as Grace pats his hand and he looks down at it for a moment. Turning his palm up so her hand rested in his, his fingers curl around hers just slightly. "Thanks... for believing in me." 

He looks up at her again, truly thankful. "You better be careful though... keep being so nice and I'm liable to start seeing you as more than my therapist." 

Was he kidding? Or was there truth there? Perhaps only he knew the answer. 

"Nope." Eric shakes his head at Stacy. "Not unless.... there would happen to be an invitation to some bodyguard around here to walk with her on her rounds... but then again, I'm moving extra slowly today, so that invitation might not come anyway... that is... if someone like that actually even exists in the first place."  His eyes twinkle, and a teasing grin quirks the edges of his mouth.

Smelling the apple pie, Dylan's mouth waters and he nods. "Yes, please..." Once taking a bite, he murmurs his appreciation to Faith. "Mm... you're right.... this definitely didn't come from a box." He nods again. "Ya know... my sister tried to make a pie once... I think it was probably close to your grilling..." He lifts an eyebrow. "Don't tell Dan though - he might change his mind about her."
Listing to Jared Grace gives a small nod here and there. She could see why the whole thing had bothered Jared and she felt bad. Not being able to remember and than being told how horrible you were to someone she could only imagine the feelings there.

   "Well he probley came to visit because your still his brother and he loves you."

Grace's tone was very soft still but very matter of fact. Justin had to love Jared if he was coming to see him and maybe something inside Justin was yurning for a connection with his brother. This could be his second chance that he didn't want to miss. But that was only a guess on her part.

   "Just because you were a horrible brother in the past doesn't mean you still have to be now. You could always make up for lost time. Sometimes we are handed second chances...this could be yours you know?"

Grace reaches out and gives Jared's hand a gentile pat. She new this was hard for him but he wasn't alone and she wanted him to know that. Anyone could do something they put there mind to no matter what there past was scared with.

Giving a small smile and taking another bite of her toast Katie was thankful for Hunter's friendship. No matter what anyone had to say about it. He was nice, he was sweet, he'd never tried anything with her and all there time spent together was innocent. Katie had never felt like it was anything but that or she would of stopped seeing him.

About to say something the knock at the door startles her as she looks that way and than back to Hunter. Was it one of his friends? Would she be intruding here? Katie didn't know but she just stayed seated. 

Hearing it was Jason her heart raced. How did he know she was here? and Why was he here. The thought of yesterday came back all to soon. She'd told him to leave her alone they were over and yet..there he was. Did he not get the point she wanted space, she didn't want to talk she was still mad at him.

   "No, I don't want to see him."

And she didn't...just the thought almost put tears in her eyes again. She was still hurting from the whole thing and she still felt all messed up. She just wanted to be left alone, and she wanted to try and deal with this than move on. Jason was not making it easy on her at all.

Giving her own little laugh Stacy shakes her head. She had no idea what her daughter was thinking but she had a feeling it had to do with yesterday. Though she would never call her on it so she just lets the conversation change once again.

   "Yes, Yes the food does smell good for sure."

Glancing over at Eric as he takes his hat off Stacy can't help but let her grin grow again. He did look good with his hate off. Stacy's eyes search Eric's for a long moment she wondered where they were now. Were they still just friends, were they more...it all felt confusing.

   "So...any plans tonight?"

   "Uh huh...sure you don't know I baked an apple pie thats cooling on the stove."

Faith gives a smile as she stands and gathers the empty plates along with a few other things before disappearing into the kitchen. Coming back a few moments later she had some little plates and forks along with the water pitcher to refill everyone than leave once again with the pie.

   "Freshly baked, and its real not a frozen one. Would you like a slice too Dylan?"