

It was a restless night like most nights had become for Misty. So the little sleep she did get was anything but sound. Hearing a creek caused Misty to strain and listen. It was more than likely Alec moving around the house but something seemed off. The weight of the steps were different and almost as if there were two sets. A wave of fear washed over her and it was that moment she new all was not well.

Slowly reaching over into her night stand Misty grabs the knife that she kept there close by. Trying to let her eyes adjust to the darkness was proving to not work so well in her groggy state and the shows of two figures go over looked. Before Misty can even react a hand covered her mouth and two people were leaning over her.

Trying to get out of the situation she was now in Misty acts fast and brings the knife that was still in her hand up. Hearing the first thug yell Misty new she'd hit her mark. She didn't know where, or how bad but she'd at least did some kind of damage. Bringing her hand around Misty takes a stab at the next thug except harder. Hearing him yell, a low gargle, and than his buddy yell Misty new that was a bulls eye. Jumping out of bed Misty runs for the door. Feeling someones hard around her ankle Misty falls with a thud. A million things ran though her mind, not only was her life on the line but so was her unborn child and it made her heart thump even more. Reacting again Misty brings her free leg up Misty takes a swift kick to the thugs face.

Scrambling to get up again Misty trys to catch her breath before letting out a short yell for help. With any luck Alex would be awake still and hear. If they didn't expect him than maybe they could grain the upper hand. She was really in no condition to be fighting, or fending off anyone. Taking to long Misty feels a hand around her wast and the bland of a knife to her neck.

   "You killed Joel. That was probley the last thing you wanted to do. I don't think our ride is going to be as comfortable as expected now."

Feeling a tear run down her face Misty didn't know what to do next. Sharp pains coursed through her body, and her mind ran a million miles an hour.

   "Let me...go."

She could act tough but inside she was scared, and it had been a long time since she had felt this way. Being pushed forward twords the steps Misty had no idea where they were going, or what would happen next. Trying to escape again could kill her, but not resisting, and going where ever would more than likely end with her dieing as well. Either was it was a risk, but getting away seemed like a better one.

Bringing her food up behind her Misty kicked the thug in the worse place possible.  Feeling the knife slip across her throat Misty new she'd been cut, but how deep she didn't know. Worse was the feel of falling forward and no ground coming. Grasping for anything to stop herself from falling Misty pulls the thug down the steps with her. Hitting hard on a step on her side, but she couldn't catch herself as she hit her head on the next step, and kept falling, before she even reached the bottom her whole body had gone numb. From loss of blood already, to head trama and the worst of all was not feeling any pain at all just laying there pool of her own blood that was only growing larger by the minute, the thug she'd dragged with her dead in a slump.