

Scott pried his gaze off the floor and forced himself to focus on Hope's face, if for no other reason that to not be rude. As he did though, he saw that stray strand of hair she always tried to push out of the way...those cheeks, glowing with life reborn after being so sick...those lips set in such a way that they implied great strength and determination, yet also a softness capable of great love...her eyes so deep, so very deep,  speaking words only a soul could understand, and revealing a heart as pure as a cool summer rain. It was as if all those things had somehow been forgotten...forgotten behind a veil of fear. And tonight, he could suddenly see again...Hope. For who she was - always had been - on the inside.

It was a blink that snapped Scott out of his stare, and he really wasn't sure how long he'd been silent. He shook his head, trying to remember what she'd just asked him. "No...I mean yeah...yeah, everything's ok." He gave Hope a wry sort of grin. "And yes, I know what time it is." He knew good and well that she would have already taken note to the late hour and that he was still there. He knew that, despite his efforts, she had not let him go, and he knew that she still paid attention to the little things and watched him, even if he kept her at arm's length. It was true that he would never understand how or why she didn't give up on him, even when he had.

A strange sort of twinge occurred in Scott's soul, and his shoulders dropped slightly. He looked down at Domino, who was now happily sniffing around Hope's office, oblivious to the fact that she shouldn't have been in here at all. "Hey..." She looked up quickly at Scott's soft reprimand and wagged her stumpy tail as if trying to look cute enough not to be punished.

Scott just shook his head. "Come on, you. Let's leave Hope alone." It wasn't until after he'd turned and was almost back into the hall though, when he stopped and glanced over his shoulder at Hope one more time. "Ya know...if I go home, I'm gonna be tempted to drink my last can of Mountain Dew, and it'll just make me sick this time of night.  I could handle a cup of coffee and some company at the Coffee Bean though...that is, unless you're planning on working here all night."

"Hey, when you're done there, you wanna let the yearlings out into the back pasture?" 

Dylan glanced up from where he was stacking hay in the barn and nodded at Sparky. "Yeah...sure."

"Alright. And hey...you're invited for supper with me and Faith tonight if you want." 

Dylan paused his work for a moment as a trace of a smile passed over his lips. Evenings spent at his uncle's were always enjoyable, and usually happened about once a week now. "Sounds good to me."

"Good." Sparky grinned and turned towards the barn office.

Sighing, Dylan turned back to the hay bales, but movement caught the corner of his eye. Seeing Ashlee and her slouched shoulders, along with the look on her face, he felt himself tense just a little. "Hey..." He tossed up one last bale to the top of the stack before studying Ashlee for a moment. "You alright?" 

Settling in on the loveseat next to Bree, Gunner did his best to relax. He smiled and shook his head. "It's alright...you've drooled on me before." 

 He munched on a mozzarella stick and sat back to watch the movie, slinging one arm around Bree. Concentrating on the movie took all he had, while wrestling with so many inner thoughts that they formed a writhing mess in his mind. He ate slowly in the hopes that Bree wouldn't notice how little he'd actually eaten, and tried not to spoil her evening. It wasn't fair to her...that he be like this. That she have to take care of him and watch him so he didn't do anything stupid. This whole thing wasn't fair to any of them. But that was the trouble...life wasn't fair. It never was. It never would be. 

Gunner's muscles lurched, bringing him out of a state of almost-sleep as he'd started to doze off. He rubbed his eyes and slid a little further down, setting his feet up on the coffee table.