

Chinese food was good but something was just not right. All day something had been different. At work, dinner, and now. Misty couldn't help the feeling she had in he pit of her stomach. Something bad was going to happen. She didn't know what, when, or why but she couldn't shake the feeling that lingered, and her feelings were almost always right.

Now settling down on the couch and having Jason become a little more serous the feeling was back, and Misty didn't like his tone, how he said they needed to talk, the way he held her hand. Misty didn't like the start of this at all, already.

As Jason talked her fears came true. In a way she understood what he was saying. She might not agree, and might think differently but she couldn't condom Jason for what he though was right. Though it confused her why he started this in the first place if it was just going to end in heartache. Did she believe he loved her, yes she did, and she new he cared. Maybe thats what made this whole thing even harder.

Misty stays quiet as Jason continues to speak. Looking at him, away from him, down at there hands, and back at him her eyes couldn't focus on one thing and though the tears filled her eyes she did not allow then to flood over, and though the food she eat now felt like it might come back up, she didn't let it. Opening her mouth two or three times to say something Misty closed it each time without saying a word. She didn't know what to say. Her emotions were all over the bored, and she wasn't sure how to feel. Finally moving her hand from Jason's Misty places them in her lap and lets out a sigh before looking at him and giving a half smile.

   "I guess that's that than."

Looking down at her hands for a long second Misty didn't know how to feel. She wasn't mad at Jason, but she did feel anger. Just with someone else. With Jason she was sad, disappointed, and heart broken.

   "I think it would be best if you left for now, I just need time."

Coming in to the work room more Ashlee didn't take her eyes off Clint even when he looked at her long and hard back her eyes didn't waver. They didn't talk much but she'd seem him around the ranch. Sometimes alone, and sometimes with his family. Tonight something was different, and maybe it was just the thought of having someone who didn't want to be in a group of people like herself.

   "I could ask you the same thing."

Bending down and helping Clint pick up some of the tools Ashlee is quiet for a second looking at them before placing them down and looking at him again.

   "Wasn't to hungry yet. What about you? To much work or just not hungry."

Getting Rosalyn's message again Chad couldn't help but smile as a little laugh slipped out. He reply was not what he expected and the talk of weather was slightly strange but he didn't mind. She replied and thats what really mattered.

Nice weather is always a good thing :)
I've missed you over the last few weeks.
Though I hold you smile close to me.

Chad closes his eyes for a second picturing Rosalyn's face again in his head like he had so many times before.

And so the wind blows,
and the days seem to never end.
A sap I am around you, I shall
be. How do you do this to me?

   "Hey, corny is good sometimes you know. Depending who your talking to anyways."

Getting outside and looking up at Scott Hope smiles. It was like old times, but not old times all at once. A bit of sadness lingered, but a new start was nice too. She didn't want to get a head of herself, or push to hard she wanted Scott to take the lead on this when he though he was ready, but this was a start. A new bit of hope she could hang on to.

   "I'll see you at work. Good Night Scott."

Turning Hope heads to her car but stops. Turning around to Scott again and just looking at him for a moment before smiling again and letting the twinkle in her eye glow. Brighter than it had in a long while.

   "And Scott...thanks for tonight. It was nice."