
My kind of view

Ryan laughs returning the kiss but letting it break as another little chuckle comes from her lips. Taking a bit of the sandwich and than a sip of the water she shakes her head as her eyes glow in the afternoon light.

"No other girl better dig anything besides me."

Pulling Alec a little closer again and pressing her lips to his Ryan lets him go and opens her bottle of water taking a sip. After working all morning nothing tasted better than a nice cold bottle of water. Alec just seemed to know what hit the spot.

"I like the bike too. I think it will be a nice project for you. I think I want to watch you while you fix it too. The thought of you without your shirt on, now thats my idea of a good view."

Ryan's eyes give a little spark as she looks at Alec taking another sip of her water her lips curled up.

Giving the waitress her order as she comes over Anastaisa gives a nod and thanks her after Quinn had ordered as well. Turning back to him once she walked away Anastasia takes a sip of her pop sucking on a peace of ice for a moment before gracefully letting it plop back into her glass.

"Trust comes in time with anyone. Unless you me and you seem to like hanging out with strange guys. But trust is something earned so no, you don't have to trust him right away."

Leaning against the back of the booth Anastasia looks across the table at Quinn just studying him again and taking in his eyes. It was so hard not to look into his eyes as there was life, and a faith in them.

"Who said he has changed? But who says he hasn't? If your never going to try and get to know him again than you will never know. As for how he acted this afternoon I can't say I know what he felt but I can only get he himself didn't know what to think. To have the surprise of his brother in town and than if you pushed to hard to fast acting judgmental I might get upset too. Witch I am not blaming you for either, its not like you had planned for your brother to be in this town."

Falling silent as the waitress came back over with there meal again Anastasia looks down at her food and feels her stomach growl. She was hungrier than she thought that was for sure. Picking up the sandwich and taking a bit she closes her eyes for a moment just savoring the taste. Finally swallowing it and opening her eyes again she gives a nod.

"The food is good, but I agree, spending time with you is much better."

Doesn't mean...

Alec smiles and grabs the food from the bike before joining Ryan at the table. "You're welcome and yes." He nods. "Got her today. That's why I was late."

He grins as he passes her a sandwich and a bottle of water. "Had to find the right one, ya know. Needs a bit of work but the engine is good. 'Course then I had to ask Eli where your helmet was and he wasn't going to let me go without a jacket so I had to get all that taken care of. However... I think it was worth it."

His eyes hold a sly glint to them and he leans over and gives Ryan another kiss, letting it linger for several long moments. "I hear chicks dig guys with bikes."

Quinn leans back in his seat and studies Anastasia. Her words stung, but he knew their truth. "I know," he confirms quietly. "But even if I forgive him... that doesn't mean I have to trust him, does it?"

He shakes his head and looks at the table for a few moments before glancing back up to her eyes. "Who says he's even changed? Our brief meeting certainly wasn't enough for me to have seen that. And just because he's got a job at a reputable place doesn't mean he's a new man."

"Yeah... I don't know. When I first met her, it was like hey, new friend to hang out with maybe? But once I got to know her, she got more timid and I started to see how she was living in the past... in a rut. When I tried to convince her to start living her life again, it backfired."

Justin shrugs and takes another sip of water while sitting on the couch with Rebecca in her apartment. "After that I discovered her past was worse than I thought."

"So maybe you were too harsh?"

"Kind of. I still meant what I said and I wasn't sorry I said it... but I think it was just too soon for her."

"I see." Rebecca leans sideways, resting her head on the back cushions to look at Justin. "So how did you get close to her then?"

"I guess I decided to give up my original thoughts of an equal relationship and decided to just make myself available if she decided she wanted my input."

"And she responded."

"I think so. She got ultra timid, so I think-"

"She was opening up and it was scary to her?"

Justin smiles at Rebecca's intuition and nods. "Yeah."

"So... you're friends now?"

"In a way. I'm still just available for when she wants or needs me. She's talked to me a little... I see her taking baby steps."

"Think she likes you?"

Justin quirks an eyebrow, a little grin forming too. "Naw. I mean... I hope not."

Rebecca gives him a teasing grin. "Really?"

"Yes, really." Justin takes another sip of water and pulls his bare feet up further to sit cross-legged. "I have no romantic interests, if that's what you're thinking."

Rebecca laughs, making her eyes sparkle. "Ah, but you had dinner and a movie with her."

"So? I just had dinner with you."

"Oh, so this is no different then, huh?"

"I didn't say that." Justin eyes her slyly. "Don't you know you can't twist the words of a counselor?"

Rebecca giggles and sips her iced tea. "Okay, so no romance between you and Beth."

"All she wants is a friend."

Rebecca studies him for a moment. "And... you?"

Justin shakes his head. "She's nice. She's sweet and shes' got a lot of potential. I'm here to help her, should she want it. I'll be her friend."

"But otherwise, she's just a client to you?"

Justin looks down and runs his finger along the rim of his glass. "Sounds a little harsh, doesn't it?"

"Mm... but is it true?"

The picture of Beth's face passes through Justin's mind. her eyes... her smile... the spark that was hidden under the surface, buried beneath all her pain and fear. "I just want to help her. And when she spreads her wings, I'll stand back and watch her fly."

Rebecca's smile is a warm one. "Then what will you do?"

"Make sure she doesn't fall... then walk away knowing that maybe I helped someone find their way again. Isn't that what it's all about anyway?"

Rebecca simply cocks her head and watches him for several long moments before she stands up. "Want some dessert? I got ice cream."

Justin grins. "How could I say no?" Joining her in the kitchen, he helps scoop out the ice cream into two bowls. Back in the living room, they settle down to watch a movie.

Just a little ways into the story line, something unexpected happens and Rebecca almost jumps out of her skin. Seated closer to Justin than earlier, she bumps into him with a little shriek, almost spilling both of their bowls. Her face reddens and she starts to laugh, feeling utterly stupid.

Justin laughs too, nudging her with his elbow. "Little jumpy?"

Rebecca giggles and nods. "I must be." Leaning in closer to his face, her grin widens slyly. "But with you around, I know I'm safe." Her free hand finds his arm and her palm rests on him softly. Looking into his eyes, the moment turns into one between them without thoughts of the movie. They could feel each other's breath on their skin and their hearts pick up pace just a little.

Justin's eyes roam down then up again to meet her gaze once more. Their faces draw even nearer as the sounds of the television seem to be drowned out in the background. Perhaps even time stood still.

Bringing a spoonful of ice cream to his mouth, Justin sucks on the cold treat, returning his sights to the movie. "I'd hate to see you with a horror movie," he quips. "This one isn't even scary." Giving her a playful shove, the space between them widens again and focus is returned to the television.


Sitting down with Quinn Anastasia enjoys the quiet at the table while it was here. The quiet was comforting to her when she was around Quinn, if wasn't awkward and she liked it.

Looking down at her menu finally to figure out what she wanted. Today was one of those days that everything looked good. Settling on a club sandwich she closes the menu to look up at Quinn again taking in his words for a long moment.

"I can see where your coming from. You see him and its just makes you angry to think about what he did. But than I guess you can stop and remember when Jesus was on the cross her forgave the one criminal who was there with him. He new what he did but he also new he was sorry. We need to remember that too when dealing with those we need to forgive."

Cocking her head to one side for a moment she thinks just searching Quinn's eyes. She could see the term oil that layed in them. She didn't know him all that way but it bothered her and made her sad to see it.

"Yeah its hard I understand that, and when you think about what he did it makes you pretty angry, but everyone deserves to be forgiven. Your brother has payed his dues, and I would say changed. It's God job to judge him not us."

Putting the helmet on and getting onto the back of the bike Ryan wraps her arms around Alec and gives a little squeeze letting him know she was ready. Holding on and just enjoying the scenes that passed by and just being so close to Alec.

Getting to the park Ryan pulls the helmet off once they were parked and gives a smile. He was so romantic in his own rough way and she loved every moment of it. Sliding off the bike Ryan walks to the picnic bench and hoped up on it letting her legs dangle over the edge.

"I think that sounds perfect. This is all perfect. Thank you Alec for the nice surprise. Did you get the bike today?"

Don't know

Seeing the slyness in Ryan's eye, Alec's grin matches. About to answer her, he doesn't have time as she's already got him in a kiss, but he doesn't resist. Leaning into her while still seated on the bike, his hand reaches up to cradle the side of her face until she pulls away.

"Mmm... well, your boyfriend might not like you running off with someone else but... I think I can handle it."

Still smiling, he shakes his head. "Who said I'm in any kind of trouble?" Given, someone might question where he got the money, but as far as he was concerned, it was no one's business. "The only trouble I get into is with you." He reaches up to tap the underside of her chin with his finger.

"If you're that ready, go clock out. We'll go get us some food... or more dessert." Grinning again, he waits for Ryan, firing up the bike once more. When she returns, he gives her her helmet and dons his own. Making sure she's set behind him, he signals to the road to let her know he's ready too.

Once out on the street, Alec shifts gears and guns it, heading down behind the business district where there were fewer stoplights. Instead of aiming towards their normal restaurant choices, Alec steers out to the outskirts of town and drives for about ten minutes before coming to a little roadside park - quiet, in a little grove of trees just far enough out of town to make it feel secluded, but still right on the road. Today there was no one else there.

Parking near one of the few picnic tables, Alec puts the kickstand down and takes off his helmet. Looking over his shoulder at Ryan, his eyes sparkle. "I picked up some sandwiches and drinks... they're in the saddle bags."

Back in the shop and still grumbling, Leo watches Ryan and Alec leave and he sighs. Staring at the car, he shakes his head. "Jed, you got a minute to help me?"

"Nope - I gotta get this done by five."


"Uh-uh. I leave in an hour and if I don't get this car ready, Darrel will have my hide."

Leo sighs again. Looking down into the engine, he putters for a while, jacks it up, checks out everything underneath, looks in the engine again, checks it on the computer again and still finds absolutely nothing. He knew he wasn't the greatest mechanic in the world, but this was ridiculous.

Anastasia's question doesn't escape Quinn, but the ride to the diner is quiet anyway as more questions and thoughts pass through his mind. Once arriving though, he tries to shake it off and turns to smile at Anastasia. "Music sounds good but... just so you know, I think I like the company even better."

Staring into her eyes, he lingers, remembering the evening before. Today felt less like a fairytale, but there was still something there... still something... he couldn't quite put his finger on. It was strange, the way he felt connected to her. He'd known her for one day but it felt like a lifetime.

Just leaving conversation as it was, he exits the car and waits for Anastasia to join him before heading inside the diner.

The atmosphere was nice and Anastasia had been right about the music. Settling in a corner booth, they are waited on and place their orders. Talk is minimal... Quinn is quiet today. But eventually, the thoughts turn into words as his mind reverts to Anastasia's question a while ago.

"I don't know what I'd do..." He looks down at his napkin and fiddles with it. "If I saw Axel at the auto shop I mean." He shrugs lamely. "After this morning... I just don't know. It's like I know the Christian thing to do but... when I see him, all my anger just comes back and my tongue runs away with itself."

Older Music

Getting into the car Anastasia gives a sigh starting her up. Sitting there and thinking she turns her head to Quinn before pulling out.

"It's kinda sad to know he would turn the other way when he saw the paperwork. I guess my question is...if he does come down to see you, would you turn the other way first!?"

Her question wasn't one that needed to be answered it was really more of a food for thought question. Giving a smile and putting the car into gear Anastasia pulls out of the parking lot and heads to the little dinner they agreed on.

Getting to the destination Anastasia pulls into the driveway and shuts the car off. Sitting for a moment just looking at him taking Quinn in. After this...when his car would be fixed would he be gone?

It really was sad to think about that. They connected so well, and she just seemed so comfortable around him. Trying not to think about it now though Anastasia smile.

"Alright, I think my stomach is starting to eat itself. The food is calling my name. Shall we our banquet awaits. Oh and they play some good older music here too."

Having come back into the auto shop and starting to work Ryan looks up at Leo's frustrated tone. Hearing he couldn't find a thing wrong with the car she wonders over. Not trying to be a know it all but just wanting to help.

"Will the car turn over at all? Might be the starter, or the timing belt. Not that you haven't checked that already I am sure."

Hearing the sounds of a bike though Ryan is cut off and looks up. She'd never seen the bike before though the build of the man on it seemed familiar. Continuing to just watch Ryan eyes the man until finally he removes his helmet.

Seeing it was Alec for a moment Ryan felt almost frozen in time just staring at him her mouth hanging open a little bit. Where on earth did he get a motercicle from and....he looks amazing in her brother jacket.

Walking over to him slowly Ryan's face changes from that of surprise sly grin her eyes seeming to twinkle as she walked in a circle around the bike and him.

"I was meant to meet my boyfriend for lunch but...a guy with a motorcycle offering to take me that sounds a little to excitnig to pass up."

Coming close to Alec Ryan brings a hand to his shirt and pulls him a little closer to her as she looks him in the eyes. Her own still burning with fire, and the sassy grin on her lips.

"What trouble have you gotten yourself into this time for have a nice bike like that huh?"

Not being able to stop herself for letting him answer back yet Ryan leans in and pushes her lips to his. Letting her passion show through as her arms slide around him and one finds his hair as the other his back. After a few long moment Ryan breaks away her eyes still burning.

"Dessert first is always better. I think I'm ready now."

Late with a reason

Axel listens quietly, then says goodbye to Ryan as she leaves. Left alone again, he stares at the closed door for a while. Ryan was a true friend. It had surprised him a little bit to hear her mention God... he hadn't known she had a faith, but it was nice to hear. Perhaps she was one who just needed to embrace a stronger relationship with God and revive one that already existed but had waned.

He shakes his head. His mind always took that route - seeing to the spiritual needs of others. He knew it was the Holy Spirit's doing, and quite often it was a reminder of what was really important in life. His troubles with his brother... compared to someone needing the Lord... perhaps the trial didn't seem quite so bad. It was still painful though.

Wandering to the living room, Axel flops down on the couch - is usual hibernating location. The television remained off and his mind begins a journey back years before when he'd been a child. It would be several hours until Jess came - several hours for his mind to remember, relive and pray.

Quinn chuckles lightly and nods. "I think you're a lot of things, Princess."

Her question about his brother brings another sigh and he walks with her to her car. "Yeah... it's him. Unless there's more than one Axel Thornton in town, which I highly doubt." All he can do is shake his head. "What are the odds?"

Pausing at the passenger door, he just marvels for a moment before getting in and buckling up. "Don't be sorry - I know you didn't know. And besides, just because he works at the shop doesn't mean I'll even see him, so we're fine. I'm sure if he sees the paperwork anyway, he'd make sure he didn't have to deal with me."

Leo stares into the engine and grumbles to himself. "This just doesn't make any sense!"

Jed leans back from his own car and lifts an eyebrow. "Trouble?"

"Mm-hmm..." Leo tinkers again but gives up once more. "Won't start. And I cannot find one thing wrong in this engine."

"Maybe it's electronic."

"I already put it on the computer. Nothing came up."

"Try again?"

Leo sighs. "That's all I can do. I'll be toast if I can't figure it out though - the guy's from out of town and I promised we'd have him back on the road." He shakes his head and keeps trying.

Outside, the low rumble of a motorcycle engine approaches. A couple of the guys look up to see out the bay doors to watch an older bike come into the lot. It looked like a motorcycle that needed a little TLC, but could be very sharp once it was in shape again - the engine sounded good.

The driver has a full-face helmet on and pulls right up to the open door behind the car Ryan was working on. Cutting the engine he pulls off his helmet, a sly grin on his lips. "Hey!" he hollers. "I'm looking for a woman who hasn't eaten lunch yet. Anybody around here like that?"

Alec's eyes spark in the sunlight as he grins. The only reason he was so late for lunch was because he'd been wheeling and dealing to get this bike. It needed work, but it would be his project. With a little help from Eli, he had Ryan's helmet with him, along with one of Eli's old leather jackets.

Sitting back with both feet planted on the ground, he waits for Ryan, waiting to see her reaction.