
No good for nothin'

“Yeah…yeah he’s different, but really is a good guy.” Scott nodded slowly, thinking about how long Justin had stuck by him. Clear back at Brookshire when he’d had to drag Scott literally kicking and screaming just to get him outside. Even though Scott was working through a relapse now…maybe he really had made progress since his abduction.

His abduction. Scott’s mind was suddenly hurled into the not-so-distant past. A dark one. A frightening one. A past with an experience that had scarred him for life. The sights. The sounds. Anything even close to resembling those things that had affected his senses now made him constantly relive the torture. Every time he looked into the mirror and saw his blind eye, he was reminded.

The atmosphere of the coffee shop had been completely drowned out by Scott’s thoughts, and he didn’t even realize how suddenly he’d become eerily silent. It was a full minute before reality came back into focus, and his attention snapped up to Hope’s face. His hands had grown cold and clammy from the memories. Had she just said something? He hadn’t a clue what it was, if she had.

“You know that big window you used to have in your old office?” It seemed such a random question, but his voice was soft and sincere. “I remember the warm light. If it wasn’t for you…I’m not sure I ever would have found the sunshine again. It was so dark in that cell…”

He took a swig of coffee, resisting a second lapse from reality. Though Justin had tried to convince him those minor episodes would eventually pass, he didn’t like zoning out when others were around.

“Anyway…yeah.” Scott shook his head, forcing his mind to clear, and hoping his behavior didn’t make Hope feel as awkward as it made him feel. “I know I pushed you away when I went to Brookshire. But even with all the…well…I still had that sunshine you gave me, even if tried to bury it there for a while.”

He gained a sheepish sort of grin before raising his coffee mug once more. “Betcha weren’t expecting to hear all that tonight.”

Gunner is quiet for several moments, just looking at Bree as if trying to figure out if she really meant what she said. He’d been fighting everyone for so long, that it took some thinking just to come up with an answer for her.

“I…I don’t know,” he admitted. “I just…what’s missing. It’s all…it’s all missing pieces in my mind. I’ve gone over the same information countless times and…I always hit dead ends. Always.”

Closing his eyes, he leaned his head against Bree’s shoulder and sighed deeply. He was so weary. So tired.

“There was a time when I thought I’d come to grips with losing my memory,” he mumbled. “But now, all I want to do is remember. All I want to do is be able to see the accident so I can know for sure what happened.”

He sighed again and adjusted his weight on the porch step, curling into Bree a little more. “It sucks…” His words had started to slur. “Jus’ bein’… bein’ dumb. Th’ whole…thing…”

His muscles lurched as he’d started to doze off. Unfortunately, he did have enough sense left to know they couldn’t stay out here all night. A third sigh surfaced. “I’m just no good for nothin’.”

“And this one?”

Alec looked down at the faded scar on his forearm. “That one? I don’t even remember.”

“Well what about this one?”

He moved his eyes from his playing cards once more to look at the back of his other hand. “Uh…knife.”

Mackenzie quirked an eyebrow. “As in a knife fight?”

“Yeah, sorta.” Alec drew a card and waited to see what Jason’s next move was going to be.

“This one looks interesting.”

“Huh?” Distracted once again, Alec glanced at his palm where Mackenzie was tracing a fairly fresh scar with her finger. “Oh. I cut myself on the lawn mower blade a couple weeks ago.”

Mackenzie giggled. “Get in a fight with it?”


Jason tried to hide his smile as he listened. Poor Alec couldn’t win…or at least he wouldn’t. Not against Mackenzie. Her uncle would lose every time if just to keep her smiling. “Hey, um… ya just lost.”

“What?” Alec looked back at the game and rolled his eyes. “It’s not fair. I was distracted!” He smirked at Mackenzie. “You two in cahoots or what?”

Mackenzie backed away from the kitchen table with hands up. “No…no, never.”

“Uh-huh.” Alec set his cards down and stood. “We’ll just see about that after I torture you.”

“No!” Mackenzie laughed and squealed as she took off for the living room, Alec in high pursuit with threats of tickling.

Jason chuckled and gathered up the cards to put them away. Standing, he stretched and yawned before wandering over to where Misty was working on supper. He slipped his arms around her shoulders from behind and gave her a little squeeze. He hadn’t been quite as affectionate the last week or so. It wasn’t anything anyone else would notice, and he blamed it on just being tired or distracted from work. But in truth, his recent conversation with Con still lingered in the back of his mind. Evenings like this though…he didn’t want to give up, and he felt more stuck than ever.

“Supper sure smells good.” He leaned down over Misty’s shoulder for a closer look. “Whatcha got here, hmm?”

Without a clue he was being followed, Stacy’s sudden appearance made Eric jump. An immediate smile hit his lips though.

“Well, I think I know my way around here pretty well…but that doesn’t mean you can’t help me with anything.” His smile turned into a sly grin as he moved closer and looked down at her.

“You’re sure a sight for sore eyes.” He set his bag down before putting his hands on Stacy’s shoulders. “Miss me?”


How can I help?

Catching a glimpse of Scott's smile made Hope's own smile grow. She missed that smile, she missed it so much. If that was all that would come from tonight Hope would be happy. Even if it was such a small thing, to her it was everything.

   "Yeah I kinda got the impression that Justin was slightly different. That can be good sometimes though. Some people just need a little something different than the norm."

Looking down at her tea Hope watches the steam rise. She was happy Justin was helping Scott. He needed someone, and she was just tankful there was a someone there to help. Somewhere deep inside she was sad that she couldn't have helped him but she never let that selfish though surface more. Scott was getting help, and thats what mattered, no matter what.

   "Ah, I dont think I heard anything about that. Than again I just keep to myself lately unless I have to talk to someone. So I might not have heard out of my own doing. I wouldn't mind if he joined the team though. He seems like an ok guy."

Hearing the noise of a car coming up the drive way Ashlee's ear perk up. One might think living at the ranch you would get use to the sound of crunching stone, and while that might be true, this crunching was different. It was louder like something more than a normal truck or car was driving over it.

Peeking out the track room window she just watch as Eric parks, and gets out of the truck. She wanted to go and say hi but something stopped her. He would not be around long, he'd be leaving again. It had hurt the first time, would it be ten times as back the second time around? Maybe she wouldn't great him, and save herself the pain. Maybe he didn't even care if she did or not.

Hearing the truck pull up the driveway Stacy can't help the thump that started to beat harder in her chest. She new it was Eric's truck and she couldn't help she was excited to see him. She really has missed him even if she hadn't said anything to anyone.

Following behind him but not letting herself be seen she smiles just watching him. It was in the moments when he didn't know she was watching Stacy loved best. There was just a look about him, a longing, maybe an excitement, but it was nice.

Thinking she'd kept herself hidden long enough Stacy comes out of the shadows walking behind Eric before stopping and crossing her arms over her chest with a stern look on her face but still a twinkle in her eyes.

   "You look lost! Can I help you with something?"

Being pulled into Gunner's lap Bree just puts her arms around Gunner's neck. Looking up at those stars for the first time tonight made Bree think. She'd always listened to Gunner, her ear always open but had she ever really heard him? Maybe he just wanted someone to stop telling him no, and ask how can I help instead. Everyone, even herself had been so focused on telling him no, and worrying about what he might do that maybe they had all missed the simple answer to this whole thing.

   "What can I do to help?"

Bree leans her head down a little to look Gunner in the eye as she gave a soft smile. She meant it, she wanted to know how she could help.

   "And don't tell me no. You have missing pieces, than I want to help you find them, together. Just tell me what to do. I'll read files, papers, I'll go talk to people do research, just tell me how I can help you. Maybe fresh set of eyes can find something you miss?!"


Missing Pieces

Scott smiled, just listening to Hope. He'd forgotten how much he enjoyed the sound of her voice.

"Yeah, I guess my life is mostly about work, too. That, and keeping Domino happy." He chuckled before taking another sip of coffee. "'Course...I see Justin quite a bit still.  But...things are getting better...I think."

He studied Hope's eyes for a moment, wishing he were braver. Stronger. More confident. If he was, he wouldn't still need Justin as a crutch to keep on going. To keep on living. He was still so scared of so many things. But at least he was doing a few more things again...like this, tonight.

"He's a pretty whacked guy, ya know?" Scott gained back his grin. "I never know what he's gonna think up next. Funny thing is, most of what he does works, even when I don't want to admit it. I got wind that Reese wanted him around more often but haven't heard anything else about it since."

Though Gunner heard the soft click of the door and the gentle rustle of grass, he didn't turn. He knew it was Bree. It wasn't clear how, but he knew it was her. Feeling her hand, he let his fingers intertwine with hers. His eyes remained on the sky though. 

"All those stars," he whispered. "In a huge universe so big that a man is nothing but a spec. And this one spec can't even function anymore." He sighed. He knew Bree was worried about him. He hated this entire thing. But he was also growing weary of trying so hard to appear cheerful. 

"I can't let it go." His voice was still hushed. "I can't do it, no matter how many times Hope tells me I need to. There's a batch of puzzle pieces in my mind, and as long as they're there, I have to figure out how they fit. I can't not. I just...I can't. And yet...it's an impossible task. Like it always has been. Ever since I woke up in the hospital. Life has been impossible. Being alive isn't hard. Living is. I can't live with missing pieces." 

Gunner only partially realized he was beginning to ramble in circles now. Thankfully, he paused long enough to stop before he turned, walked a few steps back to the porch and sat down, pulling Bree into his lap. Nuzzling his face down into her shoulder, he remained silent. His eyes were dry but his soul was crying. 

Several days passed and, as promised, Eric's truck rumbled into the ranch driveway. He'd hoped to be back by noon, but as luck would have it, supper would be soon. At least it wasn't dark out yet.

After parking his rig near the garage, he slid from the cab and stretched his aching body. There was something oddly comforting about being on the road...but sitting for so long wasn't something he particularly enjoyed. Grabbing his duffel bag, he slung it over his shoulder and aimed for his bunk. And while his plan was to take ten minutes and clean up, that didn't mean his eyes didn't wander, looking for Stacy or Ashlee. Without a phone, he hadn't been able to tell Stacy exactly when he'd be back.



Sitting down with Scott Hope takes a sip of her tea. It was late, and she new tomorrow would be an early day for her, so drinking coffee at this time was probley not the best thing. So tea was a second choice but tasted just as good.

Studying Scott for a long moment Hope is quiet. So many things she wanted to say but the option at the moment of saying nothing seemed right. She'd wondered how Scott was but asking that seemed so silly to her and yet so big at the same time. Maybe it was more of just soaking up the moment that kept her quiet since Scott had not actually talked, or spent time with her at all.

Finally hearing Scott speak a small smile spreads across hopes lips. Giving a small nod as she takes a sip of her tea before replying.

   "Well we haven't talked in a while, and most of the time that starts the conversation for how are you. So you don't have to ask, I'll just start."

Hope smiles again. She was trying to make this a little less awkward but felt as though she was failing.

   "I'm doing pretty good. Some days are better than others but I can't complain. I am doing a lot better than I was so thats a good thing. Most of my days are spent with, work, work and oh ya more work, and every now an than a cup of tea or coffee with a friend."

Ashlee stops for a second before helping Dylan with another bale of hay deep in thought for a second. Dylan did make a good point, and it probley had nothing to with her her mom, and herself but still there was a linger doubt, or wonder. Would it always be this hard? When he would leave again, but it always seem as tough and confusing?

   "Yeah, I know your right. I guess there is just that linger feeling in my head. I mean my dad left a long time ago, so I guess I just think one day Eric will too."

Giving her head a little shake Ashlee goes back to work.  She as she got older those kinds of things, like questions about her father bothered her more and more but she didn't like talking about them, or thinking about them, and the last thing she wanted to do was ask her mom about them.

   "Sure, I'd like to ride with you. I'll do anything to stop my brain from running away with itself."

Getting up for a drink of water Bree checked the living room to see if Gunner was still sleeping. Not seeing him on the couch she wondered where he could of gone. Seeing the back door was open a little bit Bree pads across the tile floor. Stopping at the screen door for a second she just watches Gunner before finally opening the door and walking down next to him. Sliding her hand into his she says nothing but looks up at him with a small smile. Maybe quiet was not a bad thing sometimes, and maybe the silence could speak louder than any words.



How are you?

Scott grinned and followed Hope out of her office, glad she'd said yes. Not that he'd thought she wouldn't, but at least he knew for sure now that she wasn't holding a grudge for how he'd pushed her away before. "Okay, well... yeah, I'll follow you there." 

Oblivious to anything other than happiness, Domino trotted along behind both of them before obediently veering off to go with Scott to his car. She wouldn't mind being left in the car for a while in the Coffee Bean parking lot...as long as she had at least one toy and one bone to chew on. 

Sitting across from Hope, Scott cradled the coffee up between his hands, just enjoying the warmth. After losing so much weight, it seemed he was cold more frequently, and he'd learned to appreciate hot things like coffee. His good eye focused on the dark, steaming liquid, while his mind tried not to be nervous. For one thing, it was after dark, and for another, being with Hope felt more awkward than it should. 

A small smile creased his lips before he finally looked up at her. "Now that I invited you here, I'm afraid small talk has eluded me. 'How are you' seems rather trite, but I'm not sure what else to say."

Dylan lets Ashlee fall into step beside him, just letting her talk as they stacked the hay bales. He couldn't help it that his eyebrows lifted slightly. He knew she liked Eric - that had been obvious to him since the beginning. What he didn't know was just how much she did like him and wanted him to be around. It wasn't the most foreign thing to him, but through his own experiences with his father, he'd settled on being a loner and couldn't really relate to Ashlee's feelings. That didn't mean he didn't care though. 

"Sorry..." He hefted another bale up on top of the stack. "Can't say that I can relate, but I know Eric pretty well, and I'm sure him being gone's got nothing to do with you. Or your mom, for that matter." 

He paused to wipe some sweat from his brow. "Apart from him wanting to be able to support a family. Doesn't make it any less sucky though." He shrugged. "I gotta exercise a couple horses when I'm done here - wanna ride with me? Might make you feel better." 

Bree's words hit Gunner's heart in such a way that tears pooled in his eyes before he looked away. He said nothing, but just pulled her a little closer and kissed the top of her head. To be safe from his nightmare...that's all he wanted...

...It wasn't until several hours later that his mind wandered to places he didn't want it to. Bree had long since gone to bed, and so had he, but another bad dream had woken him. At first, he'd headed to the kitchen to get a drink, then tried to go back to bed, got up to use the bathroom, went back to bed, then got up again. It was pointless. He was so tired, but his mind was refusing to shut down. 

After throwing on his jeans and a t-shirt, he wandered out into the back yard, letting the prickly grass surround his bare feet. Tucking his hands in his pockets, he stood and stared up at the bright moon. It was a cloudless night, perfect for stargazing. Yet he didn't even want to use his telescope tonight. Even his passion for that had seemed to dwindle. 


Silly...I Know

Seeing a small grin slip across Scott's lips Hope couldn't help the smile of her own that grew a little bit and the small little bit of hope in her heart. It had been a long time since she had see Scott smile, or grin and really mean it. Something about this one though Hope could see a little glimmer, one that some might have thought was all but lost. But it was there still, and this time she had confirmation. Even if it was just that, at least it was something for her to hold on too.

As Scott turns to leave Hope just watches him. She wanted to see if maybe he'd like to get something to eat, but he'd made it loud and clear to her before that there was no them, or anything anymore so many it wasn't a good idea. Even if everything in her body was screaming at her to say something.

When Scott stops, and turns a little Hope perks up slightly. Hearing his comment about Mountain dew, and than about getting coffee. She can't help her heart starting to race just a bit more over the whole thing. She didn't want to get to excited who new the outcome, but it was better than nothing at this poing.

   "Work all night??? Me??? NEVER!"

Hope can't help the silly smile as she closes the one draw on her desk and strands grabbing her jacket. Coming up behind Scott she gives him a small shove on the shoulder. 

   "I guess I have been working to much, and coffee sounds pretty good right about now."

Not realizing anyone else was in the barn Ashlee stops with a little jump before looking up at Dylan. Why she thought no one would be here at this time of day was not clear to her. Than again she wasn't really thinking right now. 

   "I guess so. Stupid reason to be upset anyways I guess."

Rerouting herself a little bit Ashlee throws on some gloves, and comes around to where Dylan was to help him. She could sulk alone, or try and help to get her mind off things. Either way she hoped not to many questions were asked.  She wasn't even sure how she was feeling to try and put it into words.

   "Just upset Eric will be on the road a little longer. He has to make a living but...I dont know. Guess I just missing having him around and seeing my mom smile. Silly...I know but...I guess growing up without a dad, and than having someone there and gone again bothered me more than I thought it would."

Leaning on Gunner Bree did notice how little Gunner eat even if he didn't want her to notice. She always took not to that stuff. Specially when it was harder to tell if she was paying attahcen. She wouldn't say anything at the moment though. He'd had a little to eat, and a little was better than nothing in her mind so that was good. 

Continuing to watch the movie Bree gives a little jump as Gunner's body gives a jolt. Moving around a little bit to look at him a little better she gives him a small smile reaching up and brushing his face a little.

   "You're safe to fall asleep here, I promise not to let anything bad happy to you."



Scott pried his gaze off the floor and forced himself to focus on Hope's face, if for no other reason that to not be rude. As he did though, he saw that stray strand of hair she always tried to push out of the way...those cheeks, glowing with life reborn after being so sick...those lips set in such a way that they implied great strength and determination, yet also a softness capable of great love...her eyes so deep, so very deep,  speaking words only a soul could understand, and revealing a heart as pure as a cool summer rain. It was as if all those things had somehow been forgotten...forgotten behind a veil of fear. And tonight, he could suddenly see again...Hope. For who she was - always had been - on the inside.

It was a blink that snapped Scott out of his stare, and he really wasn't sure how long he'd been silent. He shook his head, trying to remember what she'd just asked him. "No...I mean yeah...yeah, everything's ok." He gave Hope a wry sort of grin. "And yes, I know what time it is." He knew good and well that she would have already taken note to the late hour and that he was still there. He knew that, despite his efforts, she had not let him go, and he knew that she still paid attention to the little things and watched him, even if he kept her at arm's length. It was true that he would never understand how or why she didn't give up on him, even when he had.

A strange sort of twinge occurred in Scott's soul, and his shoulders dropped slightly. He looked down at Domino, who was now happily sniffing around Hope's office, oblivious to the fact that she shouldn't have been in here at all. "Hey..." She looked up quickly at Scott's soft reprimand and wagged her stumpy tail as if trying to look cute enough not to be punished.

Scott just shook his head. "Come on, you. Let's leave Hope alone." It wasn't until after he'd turned and was almost back into the hall though, when he stopped and glanced over his shoulder at Hope one more time. "Ya know...if I go home, I'm gonna be tempted to drink my last can of Mountain Dew, and it'll just make me sick this time of night.  I could handle a cup of coffee and some company at the Coffee Bean though...that is, unless you're planning on working here all night."

"Hey, when you're done there, you wanna let the yearlings out into the back pasture?" 

Dylan glanced up from where he was stacking hay in the barn and nodded at Sparky. "Yeah...sure."

"Alright. And hey...you're invited for supper with me and Faith tonight if you want." 

Dylan paused his work for a moment as a trace of a smile passed over his lips. Evenings spent at his uncle's were always enjoyable, and usually happened about once a week now. "Sounds good to me."

"Good." Sparky grinned and turned towards the barn office.

Sighing, Dylan turned back to the hay bales, but movement caught the corner of his eye. Seeing Ashlee and her slouched shoulders, along with the look on her face, he felt himself tense just a little. "Hey..." He tossed up one last bale to the top of the stack before studying Ashlee for a moment. "You alright?" 

Settling in on the loveseat next to Bree, Gunner did his best to relax. He smiled and shook his head. "It's alright...you've drooled on me before." 

 He munched on a mozzarella stick and sat back to watch the movie, slinging one arm around Bree. Concentrating on the movie took all he had, while wrestling with so many inner thoughts that they formed a writhing mess in his mind. He ate slowly in the hopes that Bree wouldn't notice how little he'd actually eaten, and tried not to spoil her evening. It wasn't fair to her...that he be like this. That she have to take care of him and watch him so he didn't do anything stupid. This whole thing wasn't fair to any of them. But that was the trouble...life wasn't fair. It never was. It never would be. 

Gunner's muscles lurched, bringing him out of a state of almost-sleep as he'd started to doze off. He rubbed his eyes and slid a little further down, setting his feet up on the coffee table.