
Silly...I Know

Seeing a small grin slip across Scott's lips Hope couldn't help the smile of her own that grew a little bit and the small little bit of hope in her heart. It had been a long time since she had see Scott smile, or grin and really mean it. Something about this one though Hope could see a little glimmer, one that some might have thought was all but lost. But it was there still, and this time she had confirmation. Even if it was just that, at least it was something for her to hold on too.

As Scott turns to leave Hope just watches him. She wanted to see if maybe he'd like to get something to eat, but he'd made it loud and clear to her before that there was no them, or anything anymore so many it wasn't a good idea. Even if everything in her body was screaming at her to say something.

When Scott stops, and turns a little Hope perks up slightly. Hearing his comment about Mountain dew, and than about getting coffee. She can't help her heart starting to race just a bit more over the whole thing. She didn't want to get to excited who new the outcome, but it was better than nothing at this poing.

   "Work all night??? Me??? NEVER!"

Hope can't help the silly smile as she closes the one draw on her desk and strands grabbing her jacket. Coming up behind Scott she gives him a small shove on the shoulder. 

   "I guess I have been working to much, and coffee sounds pretty good right about now."

Not realizing anyone else was in the barn Ashlee stops with a little jump before looking up at Dylan. Why she thought no one would be here at this time of day was not clear to her. Than again she wasn't really thinking right now. 

   "I guess so. Stupid reason to be upset anyways I guess."

Rerouting herself a little bit Ashlee throws on some gloves, and comes around to where Dylan was to help him. She could sulk alone, or try and help to get her mind off things. Either way she hoped not to many questions were asked.  She wasn't even sure how she was feeling to try and put it into words.

   "Just upset Eric will be on the road a little longer. He has to make a living but...I dont know. Guess I just missing having him around and seeing my mom smile. Silly...I know but...I guess growing up without a dad, and than having someone there and gone again bothered me more than I thought it would."

Leaning on Gunner Bree did notice how little Gunner eat even if he didn't want her to notice. She always took not to that stuff. Specially when it was harder to tell if she was paying attahcen. She wouldn't say anything at the moment though. He'd had a little to eat, and a little was better than nothing in her mind so that was good. 

Continuing to watch the movie Bree gives a little jump as Gunner's body gives a jolt. Moving around a little bit to look at him a little better she gives him a small smile reaching up and brushing his face a little.

   "You're safe to fall asleep here, I promise not to let anything bad happy to you."

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