
Lay it On

   "You listen to me Jared Timothy Hawks I'm not going anywhere, and I am sticking around. So if your going to hurt me well I guess you are but I person CAN change no matter what you want to believe and you sir have."

Coming back to the chair by the bed Grace stands with her hands on her hips for a second longer before sitting down in the chair and meeting Jared's eyes. Searching them Grace's face stayed firm. Jared could try and push she away all he wanted but she wasn't going give in this time. Now she was more than just worked with Jared he was her friend too.

   "So now you can suck it up, deal with it, get your head out of your butt and get back to getting yourself better so we can do all the stuff we talked about. If not...than I guess when I come to see you our visits are going to be pretty boring."

Looking up as Clay sits down Misty had done her best to not listen into the conversation but hearing that it seemed like Clay was in trouble again she couldn't help it. It was in her nature to be caring, and maybe even the early signs of a mother in her. Whatever it was Misty felt bad and wanted to help more. Giving a soft smile to him she leans her arms on the desk.

   "I could think of worse ways to meet, but your right we do need to stop meeting like this. Maybe soon your luck will change."

Studying Clay for a long few seconds it was so easy to see the rough life he had been dealt and how it hard warn on him. Misty would guess that he was still repetitively young but the dark circles and stress line told a whole different story. 

   "Care to take up the offer of a home cook meal tonight? I have my brother in law who is going to be around and my boyfriend as well. We would love to have someone new to join us and it would give you chance to meet some new people. What do you say?"

   "He sounds like a pretty ok guy in my book. I'd like to meet him sometime."

Letting out a long sigh and shaking his head Wes already had so much running through his mind. Now the thought of having Chad come back to the ranch on his behalf so he could meet him...did he really want to start trouble with just getting back?

Having the subject changed Wed thought maybe for now it was for the best. They could talk or think on this more later for now getting to a different topic was ok with him. Hearing Clint comment about coming back from the dead Wes give a laugh. He figured it was better to laugh about it than be down and want to cry about it.

   "Well...I think I am going to relax a little and spend time with the family, and piddle around here that is if you don't mind. I was told I could take off as much time as I wanted. I wont have to do any active duty anymore but I have to at least when I am ready go into the office in town and figure out a place for me. I am thinking about maybe become a recruiter for the area. Safe, not taxting and give me the ability to be here when I need to be. Other than that...I am just taking it one day at a time and enjoying life. How about you? Congrats on the second baby...Wendy sure it poping out on this one."