

To: Hunter 
From: Katie

Ok, I'll try not to run out of them. I'm
still holding you to your promise of a
kiss attack. 

Giving a nod to Mick Rosetta smile and watches him walk away. Letting him clean up would allow her the time she needed to finish putting the touches on dinner. Getting plates, setting out items and the little extra time for Hunter to get there as well.

Bringing the pan with chicken parm in it to the table Rosetta looks down the hall before giving a yell for BJ to clean up and than come help her.

It didn't take long before the young boy comes from the hallway stopping at the table seeing Dylan. Giving a big smile Dylan was still one of his favorite people for one reason or another that no one really new.

   "Hey Dylan. Mom didn't tell me was coming to dinner."

   "Were Hunny, were coming to dinner."

   "Mom didn't tell me you were coming to dinner. I'm happy you did though, i missed you."

Giving a smile and stepping away from the table BJ disappears into the kitchen to help Rosetta. It wasn't long before everything was ready and everyone was sitting around the table. Looking from one person to the next Rosetta can't help but smile seeing how there little family was once again growing. Rosetta didn't mind, she rather enjoyed it. She was a family person and they meant everything to her.

   "So how was your guys day?"

Saving Up

"Yeah, no kidding." Mick was still surprised and still curious as to why his son had come over tonight, but he wasn't going to complain. He was thrilled that Dylan was here, and just hoped that he had a good time and maybe, just maybe he might come more often. 

Wrapping his arms around Rosetta's waist Mick gives her a squeeze before bending over her shoulder to give her cheek a kiss. "I'm gonna go clean up. I'll be done in a jiffy." 

Running a comb through his damp hair, Hunter felt ready enough to head on over to supper. Just as he's about to leave his bunkhouse though, he feels his phone go off and he smiles. He had a feeling he knew who that text was from. 

Sitting on the edge of his bed, he checks his phone. Sure enough, it was Katie. 

To: Katie
From: Hunter

Hey - sorry lunch didnt go quite like
you wanted. Gotta feel weird for u.
I miss u bunches too. Dont run out
of those kisses yet! Im saving up for
u ya know. When i get back... look
out. lol 

Not Everyday

Hearing Mick comes him she just lets him chat with Dylan for a second before he comes into the kitchen. Giving a smile over her shoulder at Mick she leans back into him just a little bit and putting her head on his chest. 

   "Mmm...I'm not to sure. He just came in a little bit ago and asked if he could have dinner with us."

Turning around from the counter and placing the break into a basket Rosetta places it on the little island. Once everything else was ready she would bring it to the table with everything else but for now it would stay in its place. 

   "I couldn't say no. It's not like everyday he asks to come for dinner."

Getting back to work Katie heads for the break room first to put her sub in the fridge for now. Than heading back to her cubicle Katie would get back to work. She didn't know how well she was going to focus because now her head had a whole new set of things to work through but she would.

Pulling out her phone Katie starts a text message for Hunter. She wanted to tell him how things went he had a right to know and most of all she wanted to say hi.

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Hey babe! Lunch went alright. It was awkward and not
as good as I had hoped, but it was done. At least I might
be able to work decently with him. I do have to work 
after all.


To: Hunter
From: Katie

Did I tell you about how I miss you more and more
each day? I can't wait till your back and we can 
spend time together.  I think I'm running out of kisses.


Jason stands from the booth and gives Katie a little nod. "Yeah, sure... I, um... yeah... see you back in the office."

Heading with her to the door, he pauses for just a second before holding it open for her and motioning her through first. Hurt, yes. Bitter, maybe. Mean or impolite, he would refuse to be. Following her out, he heads to his truck and waits for her to pull out of the lot before he starts his truck's engine. 

Getting back to work, he wouldn't go inside right away. Instead, he found himself sitting and thinking for several long minutes, letting his mind wander to place he hadn't in quite a while. It wasn't fun, and it didn't feel good... but maybe it was necessary. 

Eventually though he knows he has to get back to work, so he finally does go inside and to his office to work the rest of the day. 

Dylan gives Rosetta a half a smile - which, for him, was quite a display. "Thanks. That sounds really good. Especially the extra cheese part. I'll... just, um... wait in the dining room for Hunter." Slipping back out of the kitchen, he wanders to the table to sit down, not minding that he was alone for a short while. He was used to that. 

It wasn't very long before Mick returns from the barns, entering the house and kicking off his boots. "Hey Rosetta," he calls. "Do I have time for a shower? I..." His voice trails off as he realizes that his son was sitting at the table and his eyebrows rise. "Well hi, Dylan. What brings you here?" 

Dylan shrugs. "Uh... food... I guess." 

Mick smiles. "That's usually what brings me home too." Still surprised and a bit confused too, Mick sidles into the kitchen catching Rosetta's eye before thumbing out to the dining room. "What's the occasion?" he whispers. 

Of course

Looking back at Jason for a long second Katie lets out a sigh as she searches his face. It sucked to see how hard it was to make conversation. Maybe with time that would change too. As things moved forward they could talk like normal people would.

   "Umm....I don't think so. Not right now anyways that I can think of."

Gathering her stuff up Katie felt like she needed to say more but she really didn't know what. A simple goodbye seemed to little bit it was all she really did have to offer. Maybe thats all they really needed to do they didn't keep going in circles. 

   "Thanks Jason for coming and talking to me. I guess...I'll see you back at the office."

Hearing Dylan's voice Rosetta turns around and smiles at him. It wasn't often he came here for no real reason but Rosetta was always happy when he did. She wished he'd come around more because it was always nice to have him.

Listing to Dylan's question Rosetta was a little bit surprised but at the same time pleased. Even if she hadn't had enough food she would of made it work for the sake of Dylan staying. She enjoyed the young man's company around the house.

   "Of course you can stay for dinner. I always make to much food so there is more than enough. It's chicken parmesan, with Italian bread. As long as you like that, with a little extra cheese than you are more than welcome to stay."


Jason nods thoughtfully, understanding what Katie said about the ranch. He loved it there too, he just didn't visit very often. He should though... to at least see his mom and sister. He'd wanted to go recently, but... not while Katie was there - especially with Hunter there as well.

"Glad your dad is better. I was kinda worried there when you said he'd had a heart attack. I know he hasn't been strong for a long time."

Glancing down he picks at the edge of his sub wrapper. Even though the tension was a little less, it was still just as hard to think of what to say next. Right now, he was at a loss for words. It was strange... for so long he and Katie had communicated without talking. It had been so natural. They'd had conversations all day long just by listening to each other's musings. Once that was gone... well... he wasn't convinced that they really did have anything once that connection had been taken away.

Realizing he'd been quiet for several seconds, Jason clears his throat and wraps up the rest of his sub too. He probably wouldn't eat it, but he wouldn't waste it here. Finished, he folds his arms on the table and looks at Katie again. "Well... I'm ready to head back to work, unless there's more on your mind. Your call."

Sitting in the grass and leaning back against the back wall of the barn Hunter takes a long swallow of cold lemonade before wiping sweat from his brow. Bum knee or not, he'd been helping Dylan clean up the toolshed they'd just painted the day before, and as hot as it was out today, it had been hard work. 

Dylan sits next to him and sighs, closing his eyes while cradling his own glass of lemonade. "I have to get back to my schoolwork," he mumbles. 


"Yeah. I usually work a bit after morning chores, right before lunch, then again late afternoon, then after evening chores when the others are all calling it a night." 

Hunter quirks an eyebrow and turns his head to look at the younger man. "I figured it wouldn't take as long, you being homeschooled and all."

Dylan shrugs. "I'm trying to catch up. I was behind... got further behind... yeah. Rosetta's cool though - she's been helping me catch up. She's let me test out of a few things so my plate isn't so full. I'm already a grade behind though - I don't want to fall back any further than that."

"Mm. I can understand that." Hunter takes another swig of his drink. "What about your dad? He help you with school too?"

"Nah." Dylan opens his eyes and squints out at the back pasture. "Fine with me though - he tells me what to do enough without having him do it with my school too. I'd never do it good enough anyway." 

Hunter purses his lips in thought. He didn't want to interfere, but what he saw of Mick was certainly a different picture than what Dylan saw. He understood father/son tension though, and knew that there were always two sides. "I dunno... seems to me he's pretty proud of you." 

Dylan scoffs. "Are you kidding? He's pretty proud of Jade, but me... I've always been the failure. I'm the child that always got into trouble and disappoints."

"Well we all make mistakes." 

"Not like me." Dylan concentrates on his lemonade for a moment before shaking his head. "Don't tell me you don't know about me either, 'cause you're too smart not to have at least figured it out." 

Hunter grins. "I guess I put a few pieces together. Regardless though... I've had a few talks with your dad and he-"

"Yeah he likes to talk to everybody but me." Dylan can feel his own bitterness and he bites his tongue. "Guess I deserve it though." 

Hunter sighs. "Look... I know what it's like to be at odds with your dad - I haven't even spoken to my father or seen him since I was in high school."

Dylan quirks an eyebrow. "Really? Why?"

"Got in a fight. Some of it was me. Some of it was him. He was pretty rough on me when I was a kid." 

"Yeah well... Mick hasn't exactly been what you'd call soft either."

"I know. He's told me." Hunter shrugs. "I know you see things different, but let me tell you... I'm actually pretty jealous of you."

"Huh? Why?" 

"'Cause no matter what's happened, your dad loves you. Every time he talks about you, I see it in his eyes - he thinks the world of you, regardless of past mistakes - yours and his. If my dad ever would have had that look in his eye when talking about me... I woulda felt like I was walking on the moon." Hunter finishes his off his drink and nods with satisfaction. "Yeah... even with the bad, I wish I had a dad like yours." 

Dylan looks down at his glass and shoos away a fly. "I wanna be closer to him," he admits quietly. "I just... don't know how and... I figured it was best that way." 

Hunter grunts in response. "That's just the easy way out... but even if it's easiest, it's also the suckiest 'cause you end up alone. And this... I know." 

"So how come you haven't spoken to your dad if that's how it is?"

Hunter grins. "Because I'm only now figuring it out." He gives Dylan's arm a whack. "Just don't tell anybody. I want 'em to think I was this smart when I got here."

Dylan rolls his eyes, but a little smile tugs at his mouth too. "Well... you might be right, but that doesn't mean things'll change between my dad and me."

"Maybe not. I bet he'd meet you halfway though."

"Halfway to what?"

"Whatever you want. A nice word. A handshake. Dinner?" He eyes Dylan thoughtfully. "Speaking of which... I'm going back over to your dad's and Rosetta's house tonight again for supper. I betcha they'd set an extra place for you if you showed up." 

Dylan smirks. "Isn't that me going all the way instead of halfway?"

"Nope. The other half is your dad letting your stay and enjoying your company. And if I'm wrong, you can hit me... on my bad knee... as hard as you want." 

Dylan's eyes narrow and he huffs a sigh before standing. "We better get back to work." 

"Ugh. Why did you have to say that?" Hunter pulls himself up and bends his knee a couple times to gain back his flexibility. "Mm... that smarts." 


"Eh... gets a little better every day. It better, if I'm ever going to leave."
"And here I thought you wanted to stay."

Hunter grins. "Who said I didn't? I have to leave... that doesn't mean I want to..."

...It was later that evening and while Hunter was still cleaning up, someone else was stepping up on the house porch. After knocking, lightly Dylan slips inside, glancing around quickly. He didn't see his dad yet, but he could smell something good in the kitchen. "Rosetta?"

He wanders in that direction, poking his head into the kitchen. "Hi. Um... I know Hunter's gonna come over for supper... he um... well..." He shrugs lamely. "Can I stay too? If there's not enough food, that's okay - I can go back over to the dining hall." 

How Long...

Taking another nibble of her sub Katie gives a small nod listing to Jason. Misty had always been a strong woman in no matter what she faced. It didn't surprise Katie she was doing well or to most is seemed she was. Knowing what she did Katie felt bad for Carson and Misty. It was a tangled web and it was rather sad.

   "Oh, doesn't surprise me Rick is keeping a close eye on her. Wouldn't shock me if Reese was doing the same thing in the background. "

Placing her sub down again Katie takes the wrapper and wraps the rest of her sub up again slipping it back into the bag. She really wasn't that hungry and couldn't force herself to eat. She'd have it so if she got hungry in a bit she could eat it. 

Pulling her cup a little closer Katie takes a sip before looking up at Jason again. Looking back at him Katie wondered what he was thinking about as he watched her. Maybe he was looking for something or just searching. His words that followed though Katie gives a small smile and a nod.

   "I always love taking time to go home. It's so peaceful and relaxing. It's a good place to try and work through things. Not to mention there is never a dull moment and being able to spend time with my dad is always great too. He's doing better now and I am happy about that."

   "How long has it been?"

Wes looks out the window of the hospital. He'd been healing pretty good with very little complications. He was riddled with scars mostly on his back, and a good one along his jawline, and his limp was really the only things that said anything had been wrong. The only thing keeping in the hospital was his memorie loss. He had no where to go, he had no memorie of who he was and it was a danger to himself.

He was lonely, depressed, and frustrated. Every night he had a dream of his family, and now he was making out there face but there names, his name, it still didn't come. He'd left people behind that needed him, he'd been told he was a hero but not even that could he remember.

   "It's been about a year now that you've been here."

One of the counslers sat in another chair in his room. He saw him about once a week and was told it was to keep his spirits up and to continue working with him to remember. While slowly in his sleep he was Wes couldn't help but feel like it was a loss cause.

Sometimes Wes didn't understand why they still kept him here. He was told it was because he had no family he could call, or friends. If they let him go he would be on the street and still being over seas that would be a bad idea. So they kept him in hopes things would work out slowly. 

   "Do you think my family is still looking for me or do you think they think I am dead?"

   "I think you need to worry about remembering and than everything else will fall into place."

Wes lets out a long sigh before looking out the window again and leaning his head against the glass pain. Would he ever remember? Would he ever find his family and the people who he thought loved him?
   "I've got to....I just have to...they need me."

True Feelings

The switch in conversation felt abrupt, but Jason knew that there wasn't much more he and Katie could say about their relationship - not unless they wanted to keep digging at the wounds, and he knew she wanted that about as much as he did - not at all. 

"Misty's doing alright." He takes a sip of his water, trying to clear his head. It felt strange, talking to Katie about Misty, who was now his girlfriend. 

"She's probably doing better than most would. Stubborn enough not to let Carson's arrogance and stupidity get her down." He shakes his head and scoffs. "He really surprised us all on that one. Funny thing is, Alec and I are starting to be friends. Who woulda thought that would happen?" He rolls his eyes "Overall though... I'm glad I can be there for Misty. I know she still gets lonely and I know that under all that hurt, she still misses Carson - I can't blame her for that. He was her husband, after all. So I know there are some holes I can't fill, but... I'm doing my best. As far as her health is concerned, Rick is watching her like a hawk." 

Talking about something else seemed to have eased some of the tension, and Jason could feel himself relax a little bit. Enough that he could look past his own hurt and confusion for just a few minutes at least. Cocking his head, he studies Katie's face again, looking at different things this time. 

"You look better than when you left... I trust your visit to your family was good."


Rosalyn turns quickly from the kitchen sink, automatically grabbing a towel to dry her hands. Seeing Mick, she smiles, but is curious as to why he was in the house. She usually only saw him out around the barns unless it was mealtime. "Well hi there. Looking for a snack?"

Mick chuckles and shakes his head. "Naw. I was just on my way to the office and thought I'd drop this off on my way." He hands her a letter.

Accepting it, Rosalyn's heart jumps when she sees it's from Chad again. Catching her uncle's eye, her cheeks gain a little heat. "Thanks..."

Mick cocks his head and studies her for several moments. There had been several letters from Chad since he'd left - it was growing apparent to him that it had not just been a casual correspondence until the newness wore off. "Must be quite a guy to keep making the effort to write to you."

She tries to hide her smile, but it's nearly impossible. "He is."

"You, uh... writing back to him?"

Rosalyn nods. "Yeah... Yeah, I am."

Mick continues to study her. He wasn't going to tell her what to do, but he did feel some responsibility as her uncle. "Not jumping into anything too quick there, are we?"

Rosalyn squares her shoulders stubbornly. "Chad has been nothing but a gentleman, and I-"

Mick holds up his hand to stop her, giving her a gentle smile. "Shh," he warns, keeping his voice quiet. "I'm glad you're able to correspond with him."

She backs off a little, now hesitant. "You... you are?"

"I am. I just want to make sure that you're using your keen mind as much as you're using your beautiful heart."

Smiling, Rosalyn understands, appreciating his gentle concern. "I am. Just... you haven't told Dad, have you? He wouldn't understand."

Mick shakes his head. "It's our little secret until you feel ready to tell him." He pats her on the shoulder before turning to leave. "Enjoy yourself. You deserve it."

Watching him leave, Rosalyn bites her lip while her smile lingers. She loved her uncle so much. One day she'd be able to repay him somehow...

...It was evening, after supper and after all the cleaning up was done. Rosalyn had been holding onto Chad's letter all day until she had her free time, and she'd turned down a card game to escape to her bedroom at home. And immediately after reading - and smiling more - she had settled on her bed to reply.

Dear Chad, 

Oregon sounds beautiful. I love the rain and could imagine those misty mornings before the sun. Walking in a gentle rain is one of my favorite things to do. If I'm sad, the gray clouds seem to wrap me in a blanket with the rain covering up my tears. And if I am happy, the lightning seems to smile, and the raindrops are heaven on my skin. 

You're a brave man to accept such an endeavor as my safety. I fear perhaps you don't fully understand how serious a situation it is, because the ranch itself is safe and peaceful. We are untouched here, as there are too many of us - our strength lies in numbers. But outside, there is danger. I have never been harmed. But I have never faced the outside world while so closely connected to this clan's inner circle. My fear is not that you would cower, but that you would be harmed because of me. That is something I'm not sure I could live with. I will not let my fear keep me from you though. I will only pray that God would protect us both, no matter where this leads. 

Pausing her letter, she thinks about her short conversation with Mick. Was she really using her head? Where was all this really going? Did she know? Did she care? Was she being wise or just throwing caution to the wind? It was only letters... or was it? 

I feel sometimes that I wish I knew more of what you and I have - where we are going, and if the letters will fade, or become something more. But I know that right now, neither you or I can afford more than written words, entrusted to the mail. And I think I'm satisfied with that, if you are. I have no one else knocking on my door or asking me for a date. Yet if they did, what would I tell them? How serious are you? How serious are your sweet words that make my heart flutter? Are they empty, written only in fun to temporarily occupy your heart? Or are they sincere, meant only to me? Miles between make it difficult for a young woman like me to know for sure whether this path is right and smooth, or if it is crooked and full of pitfalls. When I imagine your arms around me, I feel safer than anywhere else. When reading your words, I feel like an undeserving princess holding a treasure. Am I naive and foolhardy? Or am I feeling what is true and embracing it? 

She thinks of her father's reaction when Chad had left. Was he right? She'd been so embarrassed and upset. She'd never told Chad about that, and wasn't going to yet either.

While I search for answers, know that I dearly love hearing from you and also writing to you. For someone I hardly know, I miss you a lot, which is confusing to my heart. If I had to sew a hundred buttons, I wouldn't mind, if it meant I was able to see you again.  

It's getting late and I have an early morning tomorrow, so I better get this letter to the mailbox so I can go to bed. I'll say hi to the moon on my walk. 


Had she said too much? Had she written too many doubts? Would they scare Chad away or make him leery? She hoped not. But she did want to be honest with him, and what she'd said was truly what was on her heart and mind.