

As Garret had his fit of rage he stood ready just in case anything else happened though he didn't think it would. Looking to the mirror that was on the wall he shook his head knowing Reese was in the other room. He new his boss would not like this, but Nate new it was the best way. He hoped Garret did trust him, and he hoped he would hold true to his word. Sitting down across from the table he just waits till Garret is calmed and is ready to talk.

When Garret starts talking Nate looks up at him searching his face and listing. So much could be said in so few words. There was a world, of love, hurt and anger in his words that made Nate know they were true. He couldn't help but feel bad for Garret to an extent. There fate, the woman he loved hung in the balance and he didn't even know if she was going to follow him. Nate tried to put his self in Garret's shoes and he didn't like how it made him free either. 

   "As far as I know since Victoria is not the one who shot me, if she can calm down and doesn't try to hurt anyone in time like you she will be let go of. We really dont have a reason to keep her now since she hasn't done anything wrong."

Nate leans back in his chair and thinks for a long moment still searching Garret's face. There was something else there, something else that might be very important to everyone. Nate couldn't put his finger on it.

   "If we are lucky maybe I can get you to see Victoria again tomorrow morning. I shouldn't be at work but I will be so I can see this through Garret. I meant it when I said I'll do all I can to make sure you are safe, and that goes for Victoria too. I just need to know one thing so we can keep us saft too."

Pausing for a moment Nate rises. He'd lead Garret back to his cell in a few moments. He just needed his question answered.

   "Why is Victoria so special? She might be highly skilled like you are but the Agency has never had a problem in replacing people before. The way she carry's herself is different too. Hard as stone, but the way she stands, talks...its almost like she'd had far more training in many different things. I just want to know why?"

Sitting across from Justin Ryan fiddles with her napkin. This felt so awkward, and strange to her. She'd never eally been one to share her feelings with people and now she had to. It was nice that Justin was understanding, Ryan just felt like she was wasting his time too.

Looking up it was not Justin Ryan look at but it was past him to a figure that stood by the window. It was Alec, his arms folded and a smug look on his face as he shook his head. Looking back to Justin Ryan lets out a long sigh as she looks down again.

   "I guess Alec died, but I thought he was still alive. I was getting texts from and seeing him. That...really sums it up. What else do you need to know?"