
I am now

Hearing Faith say yes, Sparky lets out the breath he didn't even realize he'd been holding. Being pulled into her embrace, he slips his arm around her, still kneeling. "I was gon ...mmmm." His words are cut off by her kiss, but he doesn't care. Returning her kiss with pent-up emotions, one arm stays around her while the other hand comes up to stroke her soft hair. What he was feeling was indescribable. It was joy... a new kind of joy that he'd never experienced before. He loved and was loved in return.

Gently pushing Faith back while still kissing her, he eases her down on her back, leaning over her and never wanting this moment to end. The day she said yes... he would always remember.

Resting on his side with one arm draped over her, he finally releases the kiss to look into her eyes... the eyes that had captured him from day one. "You have made me the happiest man alive." Cheeks flushed and eyes bright, he felt as though he were young again. His rough hand brushes aside a lock of hair from her face so softly as if touching the petals of a delicate flower.

Still looking down at her, his hand comes around that still held the the little box. Leaning on his other elbow, he removes the ring and takes Faith's hand, slipping the ring onto her finger, proving a perfect fit. "Mm... now no one will dare take you away."

He leans down over her again and kisses her nose then her cheek, retreating to grin at her. "And now you get to help plan how the house will be built."

Scarlet's response was perhaps more like what Eli had expected in the first place. And though he felt relief that she actually cared, it did send a new pang to his heart - one that made him question this whole thing even more.

Cocking his head and leaning down a little so he can see her eyes, he draws her gaze back up. "After all that work you went through... background checks and hunting me down... you'd really let me go that easily if I said we were breaking up?"

He gives her a crooked grin and shakes his head. "I may be crazy but I'm not stupid. Why would I break up with the hottest woman in town?" He didn't want to leave her behind. He didn't even want to leave his sister behind. Not to mention some other friends he'd made here. He liked it in Nevada more than he'd thought he would. But... Florida was the perfect opportunity for some good cash, too.

Sliding his hand across the table, he finds Scarlet's and runs his fingers over hers, back and forth. "I enjoy having you around, too and... I don't really want to go either. I just... how can I pass it up? With the job I got, I just can't get ahead and out of debt. But with a little extra cash..."

His words trail off as he realizes how shallow it all sounded. "I don't know how I can say no to the job offer, but I don't know how I can leave either... not when I hear you talk like that... You're too good at it."

Smirking a little, his hand stops moving and just lies on top of hers. "I haven't even talked to Ryan about it yet. If you were me... would you go or stay?"

Returning Libby's kiss, Ty grins at her as she pulls away. "Getting in trouble with him isn't so bad," he muses. "But you're probably right."

Finally sitting up, he sighs deeply, ending in a big yawn. Putting his arm around Libby to roughly pull her close, he kisses the top of her head before standing up. "See ya in the morning." Wandering to the other door, he looks back through for a moment to toss her a wink, then closes it.

The old man walking alongside the road did catch Quinn's attention, and his eyes focus on the rearview mirror, wondering at the peculiar sight, miles out of town. Next came the broken-down car on the shoulder with its hood propped open. The scene made sense now.

But as he continues to drive, the familiar - even though it might be unwanted - jabs to his conscience arise. Sighing, Quinn checks his mirrors again. There were no other cars that he could see. The old man would probably overextend himself and have a heart attack on the way back to town.

Giving a little growl, Quinn pulls off to the side and does a u-turn, heading back the other way. Reaching the man again, he stops and rolls down the window. "Hey... need a lift?"

The old man looks up quickly, a smile appearing on his weathered face. "Do I ever. You headed into town?"

Quinn grins wearily. No, he really wasn't. "I am now."