
How can I help?

Catching a glimpse of Scott's smile made Hope's own smile grow. She missed that smile, she missed it so much. If that was all that would come from tonight Hope would be happy. Even if it was such a small thing, to her it was everything.

   "Yeah I kinda got the impression that Justin was slightly different. That can be good sometimes though. Some people just need a little something different than the norm."

Looking down at her tea Hope watches the steam rise. She was happy Justin was helping Scott. He needed someone, and she was just tankful there was a someone there to help. Somewhere deep inside she was sad that she couldn't have helped him but she never let that selfish though surface more. Scott was getting help, and thats what mattered, no matter what.

   "Ah, I dont think I heard anything about that. Than again I just keep to myself lately unless I have to talk to someone. So I might not have heard out of my own doing. I wouldn't mind if he joined the team though. He seems like an ok guy."

Hearing the noise of a car coming up the drive way Ashlee's ear perk up. One might think living at the ranch you would get use to the sound of crunching stone, and while that might be true, this crunching was different. It was louder like something more than a normal truck or car was driving over it.

Peeking out the track room window she just watch as Eric parks, and gets out of the truck. She wanted to go and say hi but something stopped her. He would not be around long, he'd be leaving again. It had hurt the first time, would it be ten times as back the second time around? Maybe she wouldn't great him, and save herself the pain. Maybe he didn't even care if she did or not.

Hearing the truck pull up the driveway Stacy can't help the thump that started to beat harder in her chest. She new it was Eric's truck and she couldn't help she was excited to see him. She really has missed him even if she hadn't said anything to anyone.

Following behind him but not letting herself be seen she smiles just watching him. It was in the moments when he didn't know she was watching Stacy loved best. There was just a look about him, a longing, maybe an excitement, but it was nice.

Thinking she'd kept herself hidden long enough Stacy comes out of the shadows walking behind Eric before stopping and crossing her arms over her chest with a stern look on her face but still a twinkle in her eyes.

   "You look lost! Can I help you with something?"

Being pulled into Gunner's lap Bree just puts her arms around Gunner's neck. Looking up at those stars for the first time tonight made Bree think. She'd always listened to Gunner, her ear always open but had she ever really heard him? Maybe he just wanted someone to stop telling him no, and ask how can I help instead. Everyone, even herself had been so focused on telling him no, and worrying about what he might do that maybe they had all missed the simple answer to this whole thing.

   "What can I do to help?"

Bree leans her head down a little to look Gunner in the eye as she gave a soft smile. She meant it, she wanted to know how she could help.

   "And don't tell me no. You have missing pieces, than I want to help you find them, together. Just tell me what to do. I'll read files, papers, I'll go talk to people do research, just tell me how I can help you. Maybe fresh set of eyes can find something you miss?!"