

Dalton looked to Nate and than back to where Scott was walking off and than back to Nate. He new his friend was upset. How could he not be. With everything going on He new his friend would worried and he had ever right.

   "Thanks Nate. This whole thing along with Kirk walking with Scott has him shook up. I appreciate your time."

Tapping the top of the cubical wall Dalton turns and heads for there office. Seeing Scott slip into Hope's office he gives a little smile. He was happy to see he had where there, maybe to talk to her, or maybe just be there. Either way Dalton was happy he did. He new Hope was good for Scott, and still loved him very much.

Hearing the knock on the door Hope looks up. Seeing Scott half in, half  our she smiles. It had been a few days since she had seen him. It felt good to see him now. To her he was a breath of fresh air. See the worn look on his face Hope was a little worried. He was here though, and if something was wrong there would be no better place.

   "Of course you can. You can sit anywhere you'd like. I'm just trying to finish up some paper work. Nothing super important."

Looking down again Hope continues with her work but glaces up to see if Scott did come in. If he wanted to talk she would be there for him. She'd let it be on his own terms though. Hope never wanted to push it, not with Scott.

Standing in the doorway for a long moment Nate just watched Garret. He new he was only trying to help. But hew new too with everything going on they were already walking a thin line. He just didn't want anyone else getting in trouble.

   "You know Reese would kill you if he found out you were on a computer without they ok right? And than Kirk will kill us all."

Walking in more Nate just continues to watch Garret. What endurance he had and he can only guess its from being in the Agency. If only all of them could have that how it would make some stuff easier. Crossing his arms he lets out a small sigh. He didn't know was going to be angry or not.

   "I know you were only trying to find more information, its just...next time let me know so if I have to cover for you I can. We are all walking a fine line with the FBI being here. I'd rather know whats going on and be upset, than not know anything and have it blow up in our faces. ok?"

Leaning back in her chair at work and chewing on the end of a pen Adison was somewhere between writing up a case report, and what she was going to do when she got off work. As her phone goes off though she jumps out of a her dream and looks around. Lucky not many people were here still and saw her. Seeing Kirk's text she smiles and shook her head.

To Kirk:
 With all this paperwork I have to do? Are you crazy? Of all
the irresponsible things... Coffee sounds good. 
Meet around the corner from work?

Getting hit in the face with a fry and than hearing Travis egg Clint on more she can't help her laughter. This was the most fun they had, had in a while. Specially after everything that had been going on.

   "Sure sure...wife leaves Clint and than you act a fool."

Taking an onion that was on her plate she tosses it a Clint and her eyes widen as it lands and get stuck in Clint's hair. That was a perfect shot she had no planned. Looking to Travis she grins before elbowing his arm softly remembering he was still healing.

Looking across on of the other tables and watching the antics of the group Angel shakes her head laughing herself. It was good to see them all having a good time, smiling, and even laughing, She sure wished Dylan would join in. 

   "Lane it looks like Travis is fitting in just find around here. That makes me happy, I think this is good for him."

Flaming human being

Carson tried to hide his surprise...and his excitement. If Misty wanted to come more often, he certainly wouldn't say no to that. On one hand, he couldn't deny that it made it a little harder on him...being so close to her without treating her like his wife. On the other hand, it meant she didn't hate him anymore, and that was a step in the right direction.

"You can come whenever you want," he assured. "Even if you show up unannounced, I don't mind."

The next hour or so went quickly as food orders were filled, and soon Carson found himself alone in the kitchen again while the girls served tables. Something he really didn't like to do had been made brighter for just a little bit, and he was grateful. Now though, his mind reverted to what Misty had told him when she'd arrived - what had upset her so badly in the first place. He'd done a good job at setting aside his anger for the moment, but now that she was gone, it was back in full force. And he was not going to tolerate something like this happening...

Though Scott's eyes fell, he listened to Nate and Dalton, trying to believe that Garret had no ill-intent. It was hard. Garret was Agency. That's all Scott could see. He tried not to. He knew about Carson and Gage, and others who had been successfully reformed. But every time he saw an Agency face, he had to fight the inner data that tried to take over his mind. He'd just as soon not have to deal with any of those faces ever again...but he knew as long as he worked here, that wasn't an option.

Without saying anything, he simply turned and left. His mind was going a thousand directions, and communicating further would end in disaster. He needed peace. Quiet. Something to clear his head. He didn't mean to just walk away from Nate and Dalton like that. He didn't mean to be rude. He just...couldn't process everything that was happening.

Trudging down the hall, he fully intended on returning to his own desk, but something made him stop at a different office, instead. Peeking around the half-open door, he spotted Hope. She looked busy. He knocked lightly. "Can...can I come in?" he asked softly. "And just...sit?"

Downstairs, Garret worked out his frustrations on the punching bag. He wasn't beating himself bloody, but almost, and the sweat poured down the sides of his face. There was something inside of him. Programming. Agency-planted programming that made it nearly impossible to betray them like he was trying to do now. Even though he wanted to help break this case, just trying to hack into the system to find out what really was going on was difficult. Was it fear? Maybe. But it was only a fear that had been ingrained in him since he'd been a small child. Never buck the system. Never ask why. Never, ever challenge the leader. And he was now a full-out traitor.

A series of kicks reddened the tops of his feet as he continued to work out. He would beat this. He would conquer it. He would not remain under the rule of Medridge or anyone like him. At the same time, he knew he'd walked a fine line today, and he was waiting for another boom to be lowered. He knew good and well he wasn't allowed to touch any computers on his own around here, and he'd broken that rule.

His fists went back to work. He had to figure out how to function. He had to figure out how to find his place. But at the moment...it felt impossible.

It was close to early evening by now, and Kirk was ready to call it a day. At least from the Elite office. He hadn't spoken to anyone else after Dalton's little protective speech, even though his list wasn't done yet. Mostly he'd done his own research, but after today...he hadn't been able to accomplish what he'd wanted. And he wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to. Which might or might not affect his job. 

Leaving the Elite, he got in his car and drove back through town, stopping at a gas station to fill up. As he was standing beside his car watching the numbers on the pump change, his mind stuck to his work, leaving him completely unaware that someone was approaching from behind. Without warning, his arm was cranked behind his back, his foot hooked to set him off balance, and his face slammed slammed onto the trunk of his car. Though kicking back, his assailant knew how to avoid it, and when his free hand reached for his gun, he found his holster empty. Whoever this was, was good enough to scare him just a little. With his face pressed against the car, he gasped for breath. "What do you want?!"

"I want you to start acting like a flaming human being instead of a dingaling with the brain of a wombat," the voice hissed. 

Kirk continued to struggle, but all it earned him was more pressure on his arm. What was that accent? Australian? "Who are you?" Suddenly he was released and spun around, now lying back across the car with a strong forearm to his neck. "Carson?" 

If Carson's eyes could have shot lightning, they would have. "If you ever put my wife through what you did today again, so help me, you'll be eating through a straw the rest of your life." 

Kirk shifted his weight just enough to get out of the hold, but was immediately set back by a punch to the mouth. Licking at he blood, he decided it wasn't worth the effort at this point, and he remained still, breathing heavily. "I was just doing my job," he defended. 

"Cods wallop! You had no right." Carson sensed someone behind him, and turned to glare at the station attendant. "Back off," he growled. "This doesn't concern you." The young man put up his hands and slowly backed away from the scene. Carson turned back to Kirk. "If you have anything to say about me or my past, then you come to me. How dare you interrogate Misty!" 

Kirk swallowed hard. This man meant business. "I thought you two weren't even close anymore."

"That is absolutely no concern of yours." Carson's jaw was set tightly. "Lay off. Or you will be sorry you ever stepped foot into the Elite office." 

"Is that a threat?" 

"You better believe it." Carson finally released him and stepped back out of reach. He pointed a final warning finger at the agent. "Consider yourself lucky to have learned how we function around here before you got yourself killed. You watch your step... 'cause you're awfully close to several landmines." 

Kirk straightened up and wiped his lip as he watched Carson stalk away to his car, then drive away. "Of all the stupid..." Realizing his gun was lying on the ground, he picked it up and checked it over before holstering it again. What on earth had just happened? 

After finishing up with the gas, he got back in his car and just sat for a few moments. Finally he pulled out his phone and opened up his texts. 

To Adison: I need a drink. But u know Im trying to cut back. How about coffee?

Travis' jaw dropped at Ashlee's intentional start to a food fight, and without even thinking, he flicked a french fry in her direction. 

From across the table, Clint rolled his eyes. "Children, children. I thought we had better manners than this." 

Travis shot a look at him. "You're just jealous 'cause you don't have good enough aim to fight with the likes of us."

"Ohhh, low blow, dude, low blow." Clint took both hands and shot his own french fries in each of their directions - one hit Ashlee in the face, while the other shot right past Travis to land on the floor. 

"Denied!" Travis took a turn with a grape and got Clint square in the chest. 

Over at the other table, Dylan remained quiet, but his eyes were now in their direction, watching their antics. 

Food Fight

Looking over at Carson, Misty gives a smile. His comment was nice and it made her feel good with all that was going on. Looking back to the pot and string the content she had fallen silent for a long moment. She wondered if a change of pace would be good for her. Spent a little less time at home because honestly...she hated it there. 

   "Well if you need more help...I...I could help out. You wouldn't have to pay me like the girls, so that wont take hours from them but I could help maybe help out prepping things, or cooking stuff with you."

Her apartment reminded her of so many things. Things she'd rather not remember, it was hard being there alone. Maybe things would get better, maybe she'd like it there again soon, but for now not being there a little less could be a good thing. Not to mention a little more time with Carson could help mend things.

Dalton nods to Scott letting him take the lead. He was close behind Scott as they walked to Nate's desk. Glancing around the floor to make sure Garret wasn't close buy. He just wanted to make sure they were safe to talk with Nate at the moment.

Nate looks up at Dalton and Scott as they come over to his desk, question was in his eye again. These two were acting pretty strange. He gave them a smile but hearing what they were talking about his smile faded a little. Garret had been on Susann's computer? 

Letting out a sigh Nate runs a hand over his face, With everything going on the last thing they needed was for Agent Young to find out about this. He's start flinging accusations about a trader, and how they were all doing it. 

   "Thank you for telling me...."

Looking to Scott Nate takes note to the look of fear on his face as he goes over Scott's words again and resizes what was going on in his mind. He didn't want to tell Scott everything but he needed to tell him something to calm his fears.

   "Garret and I are investigating people are Brookshire. We think there is an Agency person who has been in the building since you were there Scott and that's why they went after Justin, and Beth sister was killed. I promise he is not trying to hurt you Scott."

   "So he was aloud to be on the computer?"

Dalton looks down at Nate standing behind Scott still. Well at least Garret wasn't trying to hurt Scott that made him feel a little better but only a little.

   "No, but I would assume he was trying to figure out what was going on that way. I'll talk to him though and let him now he cant do that. Thank you both of you for always being on top of things. We'd be lost without you both."

   "Drink got it...just tell me when and I'll pull over to get one."

Chad smiles again giving a side long glance to Rosalyn. It would be a long drive, but as long as Roslyn was doing ok he'd just drive straight though like he always did. He just liked getting home and he didn't mind the drive much.

   "Yes, half the season April stays at the house with us. She should be there now for a few more months. So you wont be the only girl, and than it will be my brother and me. I think they will both like having someone new at the house and April will be thrilled to have another girl around."

He gave a sidelong glance and smiled. It would be an adjustment for everyone but he new they would get along and everything would be ok. They were all good like that will good personality. 

   "I was thinking of taking a few more days off of work so I can show you around a little bit. I figured too, when I do work I'll even let you use my jeep so you can explore if you wanted. "

Wendy give a nod. She new it must be hard for Travis. So many people, completely new area, and how he got here...well...that alone must have been a hard thing to swallow. She felt bad for him, but in a way she was happy he was here too. 

   "Well if you even need anything you can ask Clint or I any time and we can try to help."

As the baby starts to cry Wendy excuses herself and heads to the sitting room rocking the baby gently. At least she had been able to talk to her cousin a little bit. Hopefully there would be more time later to get to know him.

   "Dylan is a good kid he's just...quiet and like to keep to himself. "

Ashlee added. She felt bad for him honestly. He was always alone and one could only guess he liked it that way. It still made her sad though. She always tried to interact with him and sometimes it went well, sometimes it didn't. It was just hard to tell.

As the grape lands on her plate Ashlee brings herself back in her train of though and looks at Travis. Seeing his look she couldnt help but bust out laughing, maybe a little harder than she should. It struck her funny bone though.

   "Are you trying to start a food fight?"

Taking the grape she throws it back at Travis along with a slice of her lettuce. Laughing erupting. He had a good sense of humor, good head on his shoulders and she loved listing to him talk. She couldn't put her finger on why, but she enjoyed having him around.  


Just the fact alone that Misty was showing interest in the restaurant made Carson smile as he made another pizza. "Um, yeah....yeah, business has been pretty good." He didn't mean to be hesitant about it. Things really had been going well and they were full most evenings, especially Fridays. In spite of that though, he'd really wished he could be at the Elite more, working on Alec's case. He didn't mind it here, and was thankful for the steady income, but... throwing pizzas in the oven had become rather wearisome. And perhaps he simply hadn't admitted out loud that he missed the action of the Elite in general. He'd been trained as an operative...not a cook, no matter how good his pizzas tasted. 

"Keeps Aerith and Thirteen on their toes," he mused. "Thought about getting someone else too, but the girls seem to like the pay for working that many hours, so as long as they're happy, I am. Couldn't ask for better help." He gave Misty a sidelong glance and a little grin. "Well...unless it was you."

Considering the options, Scott swallowed hard. Part of him wanted to confront Garret himself, with Dalton. But he was so dangerous...what might he do to them? Dalton was big, for sure, but having seen what Garret could do was frightening. And then, with Kirk around, following protocol would probably be best, and since Nate was Garret's handler...that would seem to be the best route. 

He finally nodded. "Let's go tell Nate what we just found out. Then he can decide what to do from there." 

It only took a minute to get back out on the main floor and find Nate in his cubicle. Scott's face was still strained with fear. This whole day had been a disaster for him. He glanced up to make sure Dalton was still behind him before he spoke to Nate. "We just...found out Garret was using Susanne's computer to try and access Agency intel. Intel about...about me. And Brookshire. We...we knew he shouldn't have been on a computer at all, let alone risking our security by doing that and..." He paused as his hands started to tremble again. "And I-I don't want him to try anything with me, or...or anything like that."

"Of course not," Rosalyn chided, and playfully swatted Chad's leg. "Although pretty soon I'm going to need something to drink." The drive could be worse, but it would take quite a while to make it to the coast. It was hard not to keep looking over their shoulders. What if the Agency knew they'd left? What if they were tracking her? Was separation really the best option? Granted, she knew she wouldn't have wanted to go back to the ranch to stay. Not yet. She wasn't ready for that. 

Finally sitting back up straight again, she let Chad concentrate on the road. "So... it's you and your brother and...April...right? At the house, I mean?" Would they mind her being here? Would she get along? How long would she be there? There were so many questions...

Travis smirked and held in a laugh as the tomato went flying. He caught Ashlee's eye, his own twinkling with mischief. But he wouldn't tell on her if no one else had noticed. 

He nodded thoughtfully at Wendy. "Well...I think 'enjoy' is a strong word considering how I ended up here...but everyone's been super nice, so I couldn't ask for more." He took a sip of water, letting the coolness soothe this throat. "Ashlee pointed out a few things earlier but I really haven't got my bearings yet, no. Figure I'll be here a few days more though, so by the time I leave, more than likely I'll be able to navigate pretty well." He glanced over to where Dylan was still keeping to himself, and he must have gained a look of question.

"Don't take offense," Clint interjected. "Dylan's pretty antisocial most of the time."

"So...Jade's brother? Mick's son...right?"


"What's the issue?"

Clint shrugged. "He's got a lot of 'em. Found out it's easier just to leave him alone."

For a place like this - so warm and friendly - it struck Travis as odd. Why would Dylan retreat like that? Maybe there was just a lot of bad history or something. No matter, it was still strange. "Oh." Turning back to his food, he tried to stab a grape with his fork, but instead, it sprung from the utensil and bounced right into the middle of Ashlee's plate. He looked at her quickly with wide eyes.

Grand Tour

Giving a smile and a nod Misty went to the back room. Splashing some water on her face Misty looks in the mirror for a long moment. Stress was taking a toll on her and she hated it. She hoped things would get better soon.

Finally pulling her hair back so it didn't get in the way Misty comes back into the kitchen. Going to one of the cutting boards she starts to slice tomatos before putting them into the large stock pot. It felt good to help Carson. Still talking quit she turned a little to Carson.

   "How has everything been here? Looks like business is going great."

Placing a hand on Scott's shoulder He looks down at his friend. He could see the fear in his eyes and he could hear it in his voice. He wished they new more about what was going on. Right now it was so open ended one would only assume the worse.

   "No one is going to do anything to you, not while I am around."

And He meant it. He'd told Scott once before people would have to go through him to hurt him, and he still meant it. Scott was one of his best friends, he was such an important part of his life. He'd do all he could to keep him safe. It never bothered him eather that Scott found safty with him.

   "So now we have a few options. We can go to Nate and ask him to look into it, I can ask Garret myself what he was doing, or we can wait and see if he trys anything again. Maybe it looks worse than it really is."

As Rosalyn scoots closer Chad puts am arm over her shoulder. It wasn't the most comfortable position but to have her close made it worth it. He hoped once they got to where they were going Rosalyn would be able to relax. He new this wasn't easy, and shed more than likely get homesick before getting better but he hoped it would not be such a bad adjustment.

   "Not even close. Do you have to use the bathroom already?"

The grin spread across his face. At least this time going home it would be a lot less boring and he's have someone to talk too.

Picking at her burger Ashlee takes the but off, an starts to pull all the topings off one by one and eats them. She always did that with her burgers. Why she didn't know but she did. It was just one of those things she has done all her life.

Getting the Travis elbow makes her jump a little quickly turning to him she grins. She was happy he was enjoying the burger the best he could.

   "Told you, Becky is the best cook. I love her baked chicken second."

Taking the tomato Ashlee goes to set it to the side and it slips from her grasp and goes flying across the room. Looking up fast she hopes no one saw her and than looks down again giving a sheepish grin in Travis direction.

Holding the baby in her lap Wendy takes another small bite of her burger, Looking to Travis she smiles. It was nice to finally see her cousin. He looked a little better than before and at least he was up and moving around.

   "So Travis, how are you liking your stay so far? I hope someone has given you the grand tour already."