

Finishing with her customer Thirteen sees Carson wave to her and comes over to him. Today she wore a smile and felt good. But seeing the look on his face before he even said anything Thirteen could feel her heart sink just a little.

"Carson, whats going on?"

Hearing that something had happened to Ryder Thirteen could feel her heart to thump hard in her chest as she held onto the towel she had and wrapped it around her hand in a nervous habit. Even though Carson said Ryder would be ok Thirteen was still worried sick as she tried to keep the tears locked away.

"Can...can I leave early please so I can go check on him?"

"That means a lot thanks so much Phil."

Leaning back in her chair Rayne gives a stretch and a small yawn. She wasn't tired or bored actually it was the opposite. She was quite comfortable and chatting with Phil had helped her feel that way, it was nice specially after everything that had happened.

"I could use more days when I have a friend to spend time with. I don't know about having the bumps and bruises though."

Finishing the last bit of her muffin and taking a few more sips of her coffee Rayne new she would be here a while longer here drinking her coffee if aloud too. She never hurried when she was drinking ice coffee.

"Well I am ready whenever you are, I can just drink the rest of them on the go. If you don't mind it in your car."

Close call

"Hey, sure, no problem, I got the time today." Phil nods and closes his notepad, clipping the pen to it. "We can go when you're finished there... in the meantime, I'm going to get myself some more to drink."

Smiling, Phil slides from his seat to go get some more, returning in just a few moments. Sitting down again, he sighs. "I need more days like this." He laughs. "But I guess I wouldn't have anything to pay the bills then, would I?"

He'd been down too long. He could feel his lungs begin to burn as the water pressed in around him. His reflexes wanted him to scream, but he knew if he did, he would breathe water and he'd be done for sure.

Struggling against the mighty beast, the knife on his hip is his last resort, but as an explosive pain seems to set his leg on fire, he knew he had no choice. Lashing out, his knife blade pierces the thick skin and his leg is released. Blood swirls in the water, creating a red fog.

Finally reaching the surface, Ryder gasps for air, choking and latching onto the hand that was reaching for him. Being pulled from the miniature swamp, he scrambles away from the edge out of instinct, while he was crowded by other zookeepers. Lying on his back, everything was blurry and everyone was talking at once.

"Back off, give him room!" someone finally orders.

"Look at his leg."

"Call 911"

"Somebody wrap this thing!"

Ryder blinks and tries to sit up with the aid of Dean. "Of all the stupid..." He winces, gritting his teeth as he tries to ignore the pain in his leg. "He said it was empty."

Dean tries to keep him from moving around too much. "Who? Who told you it was?"

"I dunno... the new guy." Ryder pushes Dean out of the way so he can look at his own leg, pulling up his pantleg, against the wishes of someone else trying to wrap it until an ambulance arrived. "Aw, nice. Tore my good pants."

"Your pants?!" Dean shakes his head in disbelief. "What about your leg?"

"He did a nice job on that too, didn't he? Just let me up. I'll take care of 'er myself." He attempts to stand but is pushed back down.

"Oh no you don't. You're going to need stitches." Dean looks down again at the wound. "A lot of them. You're lucky you got a leg left at all."

"Yeah, he had my foot and yanked me in then tried to twist me. I wrestled him over and woulda gotten away but he managed to get my leg on my way back up."

Dean rolls his eyes at Ryder's lack of worry. "You realize that anybody else would have been crocodile dinner, right?"


"Oy. Just stay here, okay? Humor me. For once. You're bleeding all over and we don't need visitors seeing this, alright?"

"Well don't make me stay at the hospital too long, mate. I got my girl coming when she's done with her shift in about an hour."

Dean smirks. "Trust me - you'll still be at the hospital. Want me to call her?"

"She'll kill me."

"You're afraid of her and not a crocodile?!"

Ryder shrugs. "Everybody's afraid of something."

Dean rolls his eyes. Sirens can be heard and he motions to some others to help. Once the paramedics have arrived and gotten Ryder into the ambulance, he makes up his own mind and calls Mom and Pop's...

..."Hello. Mom and Pop's, how can I help you?" Carson dries a pan with the phone cradled to his shoulder.

"From one Aussie to another." Dean sighs, hearing Carson's accent. "Is Jasmine... er... Thirteen there?"

Carson quirks his eyebrow and sets the pan down, finding this greeting very peculiar. "She is. Can I ask who's calling?"

"Yeah, this is Dean O'Rourke from the zoo... her boyfriend got himself caught by a critter and he's on his way to the hospital."

Carson's eyes widen. "Is he going to be okay?"

"Uh, I think so. Just got his leg nipped. He was ready to put a bandaid on it and get back to work. I just wanted his girl to know even though he didn't want her to."

Carson rolls his eyes. "Alright. I'll tell her. Thanks." Hanging up, he goes out to the counter and glances around for Thirteen, then waves her over away from the customers. "I just got a phone call," he explains quietly. "Ryder got himself hurt at work today and they had to take him to the hospital. They think he's going to be fine though," he assures quickly.

Not a hurry

Taking another sip of her drink Rayne raises an eyebrow at Phil's mishap with the wrong word. Letting out a small laugh Rayne dosnt say anything as not to embarrass Phil even more. Just moving on with the conversation she things for a moment.

"I would probably go with someone selling the car instead of going to a dealership. I don't have that much money for a new one so it would more than likely be cheaper."

Thinking again for a moment as she finishes off her muffin keeping her eyes down for a moment the wheels in her mind turning. Finally looking up at Phil again and giving a smile she talks again.

"If you not busy and feel like having some company maybe we can head to your friend now? I don't mean to be in a rush or anything but I have work again the day after tomorrow and they'll kill me if take anymore days off than I already have."

Wrong word

Phil chuckles and doodles a little more - a nervous habit that he'd never been able to break. "Well, thank you. Jason's got the strongest voice - hence, why he's the lead singer, but I'm glad you like my voice too."

Finishing off his drink, Phil thinks about Rayne's question for a moment. "Hmm... well, if you're looking for a good relationsh-" He stops mid-word and shakes his head, embarrassed by his tangled tongue and not saying the word he wanted. "Dealership, there's a used car one across down that's real good. Or if you're looking for just someone selling a car themselves, I've seen a couple - one is from a guy I know personally." He shrugs. "If you need a lift to go looking, give me a call, I'd be happy to help."


Listing to Phil sing Rayne looks at the paper before looking at and watching Phil. A smile slips on her lips at she just continues to look at him, her own cheeks growing a little red but not letting it bother her eyes just rome his face still he was done.

"I think thats a start to a really pretty song. I like it a lot and look forward to hearing it."

Taking another sip of her drink Rayne straitens up in the chair a little bit now moving away from Phil bit trying to at least give him a little room to breath.

"You have a really nice voice too. I like it."

Having a little color come to her own face Rayne gives a little cough knowing she was being slightly bold but that was just how she was. Though she couldn't help the color in her cheeks anyways.

"So, you wouldn't happen to know anyone who was selling a car for a decent price would you?"

Love songs

Seeing that Rayne was genuinely interested in what he was doing, a smile returns to Phil's face. He shifts a little, scooting the notepad closer to her. There were doodles, scribbled notes and crossed out words. Only part of one stanza was clearly written and Phil sings a short tune as he reads it off.
"Walking down the street,
Looking in the window panes.
I see all sorts of pretty things,
And I can see your smile."
Stopping, he gestures as he talks, clearly having envisioned what he wanted the end result to look like. "I picture like this couple walking along the sidewalk window shopping. Holding hands. And as the guy looks into the window, he sees the girl's smile reflected in the pane. And even though he sees all these pretty things for sale, he knows that it's that smile he wants more than anything else."

A little bit of color comes to Phil's face and he shifts the notepad to doodle again. "It's just... something that came to mind I guess. I usually sick to the praise songs - Kyle's better at the love songs." He chuckles. "Probably because he's been there. But I thought I'd give this one a shot. Maybe nice upbeat but gentle music."

After Chance comes back into the building, he heads to the infirmary, passing Katie on the way and giving her a little smile and nod. Finding out from Rick that Destiny would be okay, Chance can feel the relief, and he takes up a chair near the bed to be there when Destiny woke up. He knew he shouldn't display too much affection around here, lest he get in even more trouble with Reese, but that didn't mean he couldn't at least be here.


Giving a smile and taking another bit of her muffin Rayne chews for a few minutes listing to what Phil said. Nodding her a little she really was interested in what Phil had to say. Hearing his was thinking about writing some new songs Rayne perks up a little bit.

"I be you do an amazing job writing songs as well. What have you go there so far?"

Standing a little Rayne uses her good hand and moves the chair over to Phil a little to see what he was doing a little better. Taking her drink she sucks on the draw a little letting the cold liquid quench her thirst.

Leaning against the counter Katie cross her arms over her chest as she looks across the room and watches Destiny sleep quietly. For a long moment she just thinks about everything before looking to Rick again and giving a nod.

"Yeah he did seem pretty worried, other than the part where he left her to run after the get away van. I guess thought after spending so much time with someone you form a friendship, but still its odd."

Pushing off the counter and taking a few steps forward Katie stops and turns to Rick for a moment.

"Thanks Rick, if anything changes let me know. I need to go write up my report for this."

Walking forward once again Katie makes her way out of the infermary After writing the report she had to go home and clean up.


Rick turns to see Katie, offering a smile. "I think she's going to be okay." He nods. "Wasn't the best I've seen but not the worst either. She can probably go back to the safe house tomorrow."

Organizing some of the tools and things on the counter, he gives Katie a sidelong glance. "That bodyguard seemed pretty worried about her. I guess I figured someone like that would have been a little more matter-of-fact about it."

Still smiling, Phil's eyes twinkle. "You're looking pretty good too, now that you're not alongside the road or in a hospital bed." He gives her a teasing wink.

Leaning back, he takes a sip of his drink before chuckling. "Yeah... work... band... you name it. This is my thinking pad in my little haven. Not even my sister knows I come here."

He doodles a little with his pen. "Thinking on some new song lyrics but Kyle's the genius when it comes to writing. I guess he'll be writing for himself here now, so it'll probably be me or Jason getting anything new written."