
Unbeatable Loner

Eli squints a little, thinking he heard just a slight change in Ryan's voice. He might have been apart from her for a few years, but he still knew his sister, and something told him she was worried about Leo too. But this wasn't the time or place to discuss it.

Ron rolls back under his car. "Well, we got these junkers here and Polly Nelson brought her jeep back - it's parked out around the side."

"And we got a Mustang out back," Jed chimes in. "I've got dibs on that one."

Ron snickers. "First one done with their car here gets it."

"Not fair! You've been on yours for hours."

"So? All's fair in love and war."

Jed smirks and sticks his head back down into the engine, clattering around with his tools. "Great. Axel! Where are you when I need you?!"

But Axel wasn't in the shop today. He couldn't help them much anyway, and it was getting rarer to see him around the garage. Instead, he went for walks, spent time with Jess, or simply sat, waiting to know if he would get his life back or if he needed to start a new one.

Eli waits around a while, but knowing he wasn't doing any good just standing there, he finally ambles to the door. "Later, Speedy," he calls over his shoulder. "Pizza supper tonight, on me."

Gage downs a glass of water, leaving it in the sink when he's through. He'd only had to work the morning today, joining a couple other prison inmates to clean up the shrubbery around the city park. It hadn't been pleasant. The other two guys were rough and tough and only out for a fight. It was as wonder they'd gotten the privilege of getting out into the fresh air.

They'd taunted Gage for a while until he'd whacked one of them in the gut with a rake. A short brawl had ensued until the guards had broken them up. Gage rubs the base of his neck where a nightstick had landed. At least his face remained clean of bruises... maybe he wouldn't have to tell Sapphire about this one.

Ambling to the living room, he bypasses the chair and goes straight for the mattress. His eyes fall to the Christmas tree like they usually did. Christmas was just around the corner. It seemed people had been preparing for it forever, and now it was almost here. Whenever he was out, he'd see people laughing, talking and shopping. But each time, it made him just a little sad. There was only one person he cared about and he couldn't even afford to get her anything.

From what he'd learned about the real meaning of Christmas, he knew the gifts weren't important. But he knew the tradition and Christmas or not, he wished he could give Sapphire a gift. What could he get her though? He had four dollars and twenty-seven cents in the jar on the table. Buying her a meal at Burger King would hardly be a Christmas gift.

His eyes roam the room. He set up everything so naturally that he never noticed how every piece of furniture was straight and the living room was set up to be very balanced. It was a crappy apartment, but he kept it relatively clean, and everything was in it's place. A few pictures were on the wall - ones Sapphire had helped him find. None were crooked. The television and the tree filled one corner, his mattress another, and the chair and table were evenly spaced at the other end.

Just now realizing his quirk, he rolls his eyes. Why couldn't he be obsessed about something else, like staying out of trouble or keeping his bills paid? Well, the latter required more than an obsession, but the point was the same. Was everything he knew useless?

Sighing, Gage picks up a pencil to fiddle with. Spying a blank piece of paper, he grabs it, along with a book and starts to play doodle. He'd done all the puzzles in the newspaper, he'd read all his books, and nothing good was on television. Resorting to doodling? It really was pitiful.

JT feels as thought his heart is being ripped in two as he sees the look in Bree's eye. She was the only person he'd ever cared for or took care of, and seeing her hurt like this... it was almost unbearable. He just wanted her to be happy again.

"Yeah... yeah, you can go outside. Just don't go too far, okay? There's a few people around but they're all okay. But if you see anyone drive up, come back here right away."

JT watches as she starts to leave, but he stops her. "And Bree..." His voice was a little more stern this time. "It was not your fault in any way shape or form. I don't want you to ever think that and you know that Gunner wouldn't either. We're going to get him out."

David leans back in his chair, the phone in one hand, a pen in the other that tapped his leg. "You sure? I'll come down if you want me to."

Anything to get out of this office. His fax machine starts to beep at the same time his computer sounds to alert him of a new email, at the same time the other phone line rings. He gives a growl and slams his laptop shut, snatches the fax paper and ignores the intercom call from one of the secretaries.

"Seriously... this office is going to be the death of me."

Running a hand through his hair, his mind works overtime, calculating everything he needed to send Angelica and trying to figure out all that they would need to win the case. "I can FedEx, but it would be faster if I hopped on a plane - I could get there tonight..." His hint lingers in the air. Since Angelica had given up their partnership to work for the Elite full-time, things just hadn't been the same. David was holding his own as a successful lawyer, but the unbeatable team was missed. It wasn't the same being an unbeatable loner. "Besides, a lot of the stuff is hard to explain... lots of loose ends and it would be a whole lot faster for me just to give you the rundown in person. Not to mention since I'm JT's lawyer and you're Gunner's... we're sorta partners in this, don't you think?"


As JT comes back into the room Bree shifts her weight a little bit rolling back over so she could look at him. Hearing Hope was here didn't bother Bree much. She once heard Gunner talk about her, and Scott too. He'd often sheared the story's of his friends with her when they were alone.

But the next bit of new about Gunner being in jail send a gut wrenching look through Bree's eyes. Pain, sorrow, this was her fault her was there. If she hadn't....if they hadn't fallen...for one another he never would of tryed to get her out. To think he was in such a horrible place was worse than her own pain.

"Normal...I'll never be normal. He's there because of me."

Slowly Bree sits up swinging her feet to the edge of the bed and placing them on the cool ground. Holding the blanket close to her noise for a moment taking a long sniff of what was left of Gunner's smell on the blanket.. Putting the blanket down Bree reaches down to pull her socks on her feet. Not looking back up at JT her voice was soft, and lacked the lift it once held.

"Can I go outside now and get some fresh air?"

Giving a slight sigh Ryan just lays on her back for a long moment looking up at the shop ceiling holding the wrench in her hand. She had her own theories, but she didn't like to think about them. Not to mention to think Leo would even be capable of doing any of them. Giving a quick look to her brother Ryan pushs herself under the car again before anyone could notice the look in her eye.

"I guess he's just been busy. I know he was talking about taking some college class. Maybe thats it."

Ryan didn't really think that because she knows he would of told her, but it sounded better than admitting her other options. Anyways Leo, Eli, and herself would be going out one night at least she would see him than. Chating the topic before more could be said Ryan inquires as she makes some loud banging.

"So what do we have lined up to work on tonight?"

Sitting at her desk back at TJY Angelica lets out a long sigh talking with her partner on the other end.

"Yeah, just send everything you got David. Over night FedEx it to me here at the Elite headquarters."

Leaning back in her chair Angelica runs a hand over her face. She had made a promise to Gunner, there was no way she would go back on it.

"No..no you don't need to come out.Not yet anyways. Just send me what you got, and I will see what I can do. Be on call for me though ok? I might end up needing you."


Sparky laughs as the buckle almost whacks Faith. "Gotta be careful with them things." Grinning, he takes a clean rag and reaches to wipe a little spatter of oil from her face. "They'll bite ya if you're not careful."

JT sighs wearily and nods. Maybe he'd be more enthusiastic with Hope's help, had he not felt such a burden on his shoulders. Giving his thanks and excusing himself, he goes back to the little spare room, slipping back inside.

The look he throws Amanda is one that said even though there was hope, he was not happy about everything he had learned. Easing down on the bed once more, he takes Bree's hand, mustering up a smile for her. "Hey... some friends from Nevada are here." He tries to be cheerful. "One of them is a woman named Hope, and she's a professional counselor, so she'll be able to testify you shouldn't be in any hospital."

He pauses, trying to think of how to state the truth about Gunner. "She's with Scott... another friend - you might have heard Gunner talk about him since he's an Elite agent. He said that Gunner's being held in jail for a little while, but he's doing just fine and one of their lawyers is gonna be working hard to get him out so we can all get back to normal."

A couple of the guys snicker as they hear about Ryan's speeding ticket, but they know better than to tease her too badly for fear they might have to deal with her wrath.

Eli holds in his own laugh and shakes his head. "Poor Speedy. Cops just don't like you, do they?"

Ron smirks and keeps working on his car. Noting Ryan's question about Leo a few minutes later, he rolls out from under the engine. "Leo took most of the day off like he has a lot the last few weeks. Darrel either doesn't care or hasn't noticed."

"Yeah..." Eli folds his arms casually. "I asked him last night what he was up to today and he never would give me a straight answer. Got any theories, Sis?"

A dream!

Continuing to tinker on the car that had been waiting for her Ryan words with speed trying to make up for what time she had lost. Popping in and out from under the car her face has oil smears on it fast, but it didn't seem to bother her. Talking to her brother from under the car Ryan talked a little louder so he could hear her.

"Well, I went to see a friend, and ended up playing some cards, lost track of time, tryed to race to work got pulled over and here I am. traffic wasnt bad but it just happend that a road that the cops are never on, had one on it."

Coming out from under the car Ryan sits up looking up and down the bay area. But seeing Leo's own station empty Ryan can't help but be worried.

"Leo on lunch already?"

Stepping back blue prints in hand a long figure takes the shape of a dream in his head. The fraim to the building had already gone up, and hallow sells were there. But shells were more than what had been a few weeks back

. The property that was baught with money tucked away, and money he had from working with the Agency so long had been put to good use now. 

What looked like a nice cozy ranch would be more of a boot camp, and Phinox would be the leader. Making his own program to those in trouble. Using his own training with the Secreat service, and with the Agency something so bad would be turned into good.

Once the builders were up, he just had to find the right people to work with him. Maybe if he chatted with Reese he could help. But no matter one thing at a time and Phinox's dream was being born in front of his own eyes. As he tryed to give back what he had taken, and bring his own life around.

Looking up at Sparky Faith's grin widens. It was small comments like that, that made her feel so special. Knowing he enjoyed her that much, and hearing the saw he saw her it was just comforting.

"Sometimes all it takes is a little TLC."

Continuing to work on the saddle Faith follows Sparky's movements. Using her fingers, not afraid to get them dirty. Moving the straps, and almost waking herself in the face with one of the buckles a laugh escapes her lips at her own error.

Looking up at Sparky her eyes twinkled so bright. How happy Sparky had made her in such a short amount of time. She'd always done her best to keep her chin up, but this...this was a happiness she had never known till now, and she was happy to have waited this long because this was perfect, and better than she could have ever expected.

Hope gives a nod listing to JT. She took in everything he said knowing ever little thing was important. She had never met Bree, but from how JT talked about her, she could see the love in his eyes, and could tell already there wasnt anything crazy about this girl. She was quite certain her evaluation would prove that too.

" I believe Scott and I were going to stay a few days..."

Hope looks at Scott and gives a small nod before looking back to JT. She new somethings took time, and couldnt be rushed or it could cause more damage than good.

"I'd only want to talk to her when she was ready, today or tomorrow is alright."

Hope lets out a small sigh thinking about everything that had gone on with Bree, JT, and Gunner. All they had been through and the words was probley not over. So much more was going to happen, and so much rested on fate, chanse, if Hope and Angelica could be convincing. Hope just felt bad for all those involved.

"I am going to do all I can JT, and Angelica will to, to keep Bree safe and able to go home. I wont go down without a fight."

Kind of like...

"Hey! The shop queen has arrived!" Jed teases.

Miles looks up and gives Ryan a salute with his wrench. "She cometh. Welcome."

Eli grins from where he's still standing at the tool bench. "Take your job? Never. These guys wouldn't know what to do without you around here." He gives her a wink. "Naw, I've been running around all morning and figured I'd just stop in to give you all some guff before heading back to the apartment. Did you hit bad traffic?"

Reese folds his arms and looks over Hal's shoulder a the security camera screen. Alec was still in his room, going through a routine that was memorized to perfection.

Hal gestures to the monitor. "Does it every day, sometimes twice."

It looked similar to karate in some instances, but there weren't many kicks. Some of the moves looked like something a street fighter would pull off instead. Alec had it down pat though, and it appeared to be a long enough routine that one would have to have a lot of practice to memorize it, along with discipline as in any fighting or self defense.

"I asked Scott about it a while back," Hal explains. "He said he recognized it as an Agency combat technique they train most of their Agents with. He said Ryder's been trained with it, probably Gage, and Carson knows it. That's why they're so good with their fists - it's actually a style they've been taught, and by the looks of it, it can be pretty nasty. Someone took a long time to put it together - looks like a combination of many different styles, but the result is lethal."

Reese sighs deeply. "Well... Alec's still got some gumption somewhere then. Someone doesn't put themselves through a daily routine like that if they've given up completely. Now if we could just funnel that energy in the right direction."

"Good luck."

"Jason said he had a visitor today."

"Yeah, a young woman."

"How did he respond?"

"I played back the tape later and he didn't seem too upset. They wound up playing some cards and she left. He was pretty calm though. Didn't spout off like he sometimes does." Hal eyes Reese with question. "He's been here an awfully long time. When are we going to be able to move him on?"

"I don't know." Reese shakes his head, clearly frustrated. "Plans for a facility fell through. There wasn't enough money, so we're back to square one. Brown wants him in prison and I want him released like Gage. But if Alec doesn't shape up his attitude, he's going to force my hand and it'll be prison."

"How much longer?"

"I've been stretching it out as long as I can, hoping we'll see some change. I know he's sick of it here, and it's an expense to us to keep him but... I just know that if we can prove some kind of change, any change in the right direction, there's a good chance I can keep him from prison. I just need to find the right program... maybe something a little more aggressive than what we got Gage into."

"Hmm." Hal nods thoughtfully. "I thought Alec would stretch his freedom to the limit after you said not to lock him up anymore and just use the ankle bracelet. But he doesn't. Once in a while on a late night he'll wander up and take a look around, but ninety-five percent of the time he stays in his room. Kinda feels like he thinks if he can't have real freedom, he's not going to take any at all."

"How's he react to Trooper?"

"Hates him." Hal grins. "Not that I'm too keen on that dog either, after getting bit, but Alec has a healthy respect for those teeth. He never tries anything."

Reese chuckles. "I wouldn't either. Alright, well... keep an eye on things and let me know if anything changes. I'm gonna lay off on making him see Hope. He's not talking anymore, so it isn't worth the time. If you notice a change in his attitude or something though, we might try it again. Otherwise... prison is waiting."

Sparky sets to work on the saddle with Faith, enjoying being able to show her how to do these little tasks that she took so much interest in. Hearing her question, he glances to where she's working and he nods. "Can't do much wrong with this, but you're doing great. Take care of your saddle and it'll take care of you. A neglected saddle can be dangerous as dry and cracked leather can snap under too much strain. But if you take care of it, a good saddle can last a lifetime."

Using his fingers instead of the rag, he massages the oil into the leather, flexing the straps to help them absorb the moisture and soften them up. "There's nothing like a good soft pair of reins either," he comments. "New leather can be pretty stiff, but once it's worked with, it softens up."

A little grin appears on his mouth. "Kind of like a man's heart."

Scott was here. JT wasn't sure if that was good or bad, but he hoped it was good. He nods to Rosetta. "Alright. I'll come talk to them."

Glancing over his shoulder, he throws a look to Amanda. "I'll be right back."

Following Rosetta to the kitchen, he greets Scott and is introduced to Hope. Taking a seat, he learns the latest information about what's been going on in Nevada. "Jail, huh?" He sighs deeply. "I don't want to tell Bree, but I have to. She keeps asking about him and I keep skirting around it. But now that I know, I can't keep it from her."

Pursing his lips, he looks to Hope. "I'm glad you're here though. I've got pictures of some of Bree's injuries to prove abuse. She's still got some bruising today but it's fading so I'm glad I took the snapshots when I did. Maybe if you write up an official evaluation, that plus the photos will keep her safe. If we can make that happen, I want to get her home back to her familiar surroundings. I'm not afraid of anyone harming her - just taking her back to Crescentview. But if we've got proof and the law to back us up, that should be over."

He thinks for a moment, sad but determined. "Once it's over, I'm going to encourage Bree to get a restraining order against her parents and their thug as well. At least then an arrest can be made if anything else happens."

Looking to Scott, then back to Hope, he nods. "Bree's doing alright today... if you're gonna stick around for a while though, you might wait until tomorrow to talk to her. Let her get over the shock of Gunner in jail first... either way though, I know you'll find her quite stable. Just scared right now."