
Work Ok

Leaning into Jason a little as he sits down next to her and slings his arm over her shoulder Misty lets out a small sigh. Hearing Jason sigh as well she could tell something was bothering him. She was going to ask when instead he tells her. If she'd had to guess she would of said that was it. Today she thought she'd over heard Reese talking to Rick but she wasn't sure. But now she did know.

   "Mmm...yeah I could understand where you're coming from. I have to admit I am kind of nervous about her coming back to and finding that things have changed. But I guess at the same time I remember too she is the one who walked away and maybe just making her trip to Texas did some good and there wont be drama when she returns."

Misty couldn't help but wonder if because Katie would be back if things would change. Knowing Jason she would say no because she did know how loyal he was. But in the back of her mind it was a worry anyways and she hoped everything would be smooth and her and Katie could still be friends.

   "I guess I just hope and pray that no drama will be started. Do you think you'll be able to work with her ok?"

What to Expect

Accepting and returning Misty's kiss, Jason grins. "He does give good kisses...but he's saving those for his lady friends." 

Giving her lips another quick kiss, he finally retreats, slipping his arm around her shoulders and just sitting with her on the step. City sounds fill the night air, and it makes him think, for a moment, about the peace and quiet of the Texas ranch. He always had a hard time adjusting to the quiet, then again to the noise when returning. 

Thoughts of the ranch just bring his mind back to another topic though, which, in turn, presents a sigh. 

"Reese called me today," he mentions. "Said Katie's coming back to work on Monday." His fingers absentmindedly rub Misty's shoulder. "Kinda feel funny about it, ya know? Don't really know what to expect."

"You've got to tell him sometime, Dylan!" 

"Not now!" Dylan yanks Sparky's hand toward him to stuff the bills into his palm. "Just... just put it in the safe like you said you would." 

Sparky give half a growl as he tucks the money in his pocket. "I didn't say I'd help so you could keep on skirting around the truth."

"I know." Dylan's tone had calmed. Folding his arms, he sighs and looks around the darkened ranch yard, frustrated. 

Neither were usually up at this hour, but Dylan had stayed up late doing homework and Sparky had needed to do some checking on a couple expecting mares. Meeting up with his nephew hadn't been a surprise though, after they'd been to another auction this morning... 

"...and I'll be, he bought that horse, turned right around, gave it a good grooming and an hour later he'd sold it for a hundred dollar profit." Sparky shook his head. "At the same time, he told me to buy this other bay gelding. I figured he was crazy, but gave him a chance. Sure enough, he did the same thing. Bought it, cleaned him up, turned around and sold him all over again, this time for a two hundred dollar profit." 

Mick's eyebrows were raised as he heard about Dylan's activities at the horse auction that day. His son had never wanted to go with him... but he'd gone with Sparky and apparently had a pretty good time. It was surprising and kind of disappointing at the same time. "What's he gonna do with his money?" 

"Don't know. He said he was gonna save it. At any rate, he wants to go again with me sometime. Figure I ought to let him."

"Well with those odds, why not?" 

...That had been the first time. There had been several more auctions after that, and each time, Dylan had done the same thing. It was only the second time though, when he'd admitted to Sparky just what he wanted the money used for. 

"You know your dad is gonna find out one way or the other." 

Dylan shrugs. "Probably. But I might as well put off him yelling at me a while longer, if I can make it right." 

"Replacing that money doesn't make it right. Telling the truth does." 

Dylan shoots Sparky a glare. "Just a little while longer... please." 

Another sigh is exhaled before Sparky nods. "Alright. Okay. Just..." He sets a hand on Dylan's shoulder. "Promise me you'll tell him."

"I will. Soon."

"Okay." Sparky lets his hand drop before turning to leave. "Goodnight, Dylan."

"Yeah, goodnight." Standing alone in the dark for several more minutes, Dylan finally heads for his bunkhouse. Reaching it though, instead of going inside, he eases down on the porch. Stretching his legs out across the top step, he lifts his eyes to the stars that dotted the black sky. Would life ever get easier? 

Letting his curtain fall shut, Hunter hobbles back to his bed before lying down and wincing as he props up his leg. Seeing Dylan out there reminded him all too much of himself. Then again... tonight had been the night for a lot of thinking anyway. He did wonder, though, how a guy like Dylan could not have a good relationship with a father like Mick. 

Closing his eyes, Hunter yawns and tries to fall asleep. Though succeeding, his dreams would be flooded with memories. 

Good Kisses

Getting Jason's return text Misty gives a smile. She was happy Jason agreed to come over even if it was late. She just didn't feel like sleeping yet, and there was really nothing else to do. Slipping the phone back into her pocket Misty would wait. She new it wouldn't take Jason long to get there.

As like Misty guessed it didn't take long as all till she saw Jason's truck pull into the driveway. Staying seated she smiles as he comes up the walkway. Watching him she could see the tired look in his eye and she can tell maybe she'd woken him up. But at the same time it made her feel good knowing he'd come anyways to spend a little time with her.

   "Nope, I can't. It was lonely and just to nice of a night to spend it alone or maybe its just the kisses I can't live without."

Misty's own eyes glisten with humor in the moon light as she looks back into Jason's eyes, a little bit of color comes to her cheeks. There was something about Jason that caused her to blush and she wasn't sure what it was, but it must be something good even if it did feel strange.

As Jason leans closer Misty can't help the cold chill that runs up her spine as Jason drew closer to her. She could feel his breath on her skin, it was heavy but cool, she could smell his slight hint of soap from his clean shirt. Leaning farther in herself she press her lips to Jason's and lets the kiss linger for a long moment. Finally pulling away she shyly grins up at Jason again.

   "Mmmm...I'm not sure spending time with Trooper might be more fun, I hear he gives good kisses." 

Wasn't any fun

Jason's vibrating phone in his pocket causes him to pry his eyes open. He'd been sacked out on the couch for at least an hour and was having a hard time waking up enough to realize it was his phone that had disturbed his sleep. Finally digging in his pocket, he retrieves his phone to check the message. 

Reading Misty's text, he was a little surprised to know she was feeling the baby already. Not that he was an expert, but his mom had been at least four months along before she'd mentioned any of Kaylee's activity, and he remembered her telling him that time frame was pretty normal. Perhaps he shouldn't be surprised about this baby though - it was Misty and Carson's, after all.

Realizing just how Misty had stated her message, he has to grin. He knew what she meant, but if anybody else read it, they'd think the baby was his. Yawning, he rolls over on his back and flips his phone open to reply. 

It had been his day off and he'd spent most of it doing yard work, laundry and grocery shopping. Since Misty had to work late, they'd just met for lunch and said they'd see each other tomorrow. Now it was late evening, and though unplanned, Jason wouldn't mind going over to Misty's - he wondered if Alec had already called it a night and if that's why she was perhaps bored. 

Sounds like fun. Give me a few mins.
I'll be over. 

Dragging himself from the couch, he trudges to his room to find a clean t-shirt, but leaves on his old faded and grass-stained jeans. After telling Trooper he'd be back, he slips on his sneakers and is out the door. 

It only takes a few minutes to get to Misty's, and the traffic lights were on his side. Pulling into the driveway, he sees Misty still on the porch and he smiles. Cutting the engine, he slides from his truck and ambles up the short sidewalk. Though awake, his eyes still held a sleepy look to them, his hair still just slightly matted from his nap.

Stepping up on the porch, he grins, leaning in close to Misty. "Just can't live without me, huh?" His eyes give her a teasing glint. He knew that was hardly the case, but it was fun to tease just the same. 

He leans a little closer, his lips tantalizingly closer to hers. "It wasn't any fun just me and Trooper anyway," he whispers. 


Walking with Hunter back to his bunk Katie takes it slow not wanting to rush it even if Hunter was tired. She wanted to spend as much time with him while she can. Getting to the porch and leaning in for a kiss Katie gives a smile. At least they would have a few days left together . Giving a laugh at Hunter's comment Katie gives a nod. 

    "Mmm...I guess you will have too. Maybe thought, just maybe the time will fly by and before we know it you can be joining me in Nevada again. At least thats what I hope."

Leaning in again and giving Hunter a kiss Katie new for now it was good night. She'd see Hunter again bright and early in the morning and they could have another fun filled day of doing something to keep them busy.

   "Have a good night Hunter."

Turning Katie heads down the small walkway before hitting the grass. She wasn't very tired yet herself so a path to the mess hall is where she went. Maybe there were still some night owls awake and a game of cards could be started or anything else for that matter. At least it would be something to do till she was tired.

Sitting on the front pouch it was a nice night out. Not to late that it would be strange to sit outside but late enough that it was cool and enjoyable. Leaning back on the railing Misty puts a hand on her stomach. She'd been able to start feeling the baby move more and more. It put a smile on her face and made this whole thing that much more real but at the same time it made her slightly sad too. She was determined to stay happy though. She really did have lots going for her. She was going to be a mother, she had Jason, and Alec was starting to look better each day.

Taking out her phone Misty gives  a little smile as she opens a text to Jason.

   I have a spot on the porch for you, and kicking baby with your name on it.

Stock up

Hearing Katie had to be back to work Monday, Hunter knew she'd have to leave very early Sunday morning, if not Saturday night. He was a little disappointed - he'd hoped she might have at least another week. But he knew she did have a job and, unlike him, she was under someone else's schedule.

Catching her eye, he gives her a little smile, so she'd at least not feel too badly, and he nudges her foot for extra measure.

Mick licks some chocolate off his fork before shaking his head at Katie. "You know you don't need to thank us. This is one of your homes. We're always happy to have you."

It would be at least an hour later before Hunter was saying goodnight to Katie outside his bunkhouse. There had been an invitation for UNO, but he was strangely exhausted and would prefer to get a good night's sleep this time. Standing by the small porch, it was awkward with his crutches since he couldn't just wrap his arms around Katie like he wanted to. A kiss to the lips would have to suffice, and he offers her one.

"Guess I better get in all I can for the next couple days, eh?" he teases. "Gotta stock up for when you're gone."


Sitting at the table one again with the whole family Katie was happy to be here. Hunter close to her good dessert in hand and just enjoying the chatter. This would always be home, no matter where she lived. Taking a bit of her cake and leaning back in her chair Katie looks around the table. She new she didn't NEED to tell anyone when she would be leaving but it would be respectful if she did. Now seemed to be the best time as ever to do so.

   "So I talked with Reese this afternoon and he said I could start work again Monday."

It was only a few days from today and much sooner than she planned so she hoped no one would be upset least of all Hunter. 

   "I guess they are really tight on people and Reese seemed pretty stressed So I told him that should be ok. I just want to thank you Uncle Mick and Aunt Rosetta for letting me come here again. I always feel like I never left when I come back."

Looking around the table and than back at Hunter Katie's eyes held some sorrow in them. She was sad she would be leaving Hunter a little early but she also was hoping he would not be mad about it. Maybe Hunter would recover faster than they expected too and he could come back sooner too.

Sweet woman

Hunter wriggles his nose around, trying to get the bubbles off, but when he can't, he ends up wiping them off onto Katie's shirt. "Yeah, you missed me alright." He smirks at her, but his eyes twinkle. There was something else in his gaze now though... something that said whatever he'd been talking about with Mick was more than just the weather. He doesn't let on to what it was though. 

Seeing the cake, Mick gives a dramatic sigh. "Oh, you are a sweet woman." Coming up to Rosetta, he grins before giving her a kiss on the lips. "I am way too spoiled, you know that?" 

Eying the cake, Hunter smiles at Katie. "I don't think I'll ever get used to the food around here." 

Dessert was eaten back at the dining room table and it was oh so good. Hunter had thought he was done tasting such great food - he'd been wrong. Sitting next to Katie again, he wraps his ankle around hers, but doesn't say a word as he eats. He was dying to know what her boss had said, but he'd wait to ask until after they'd left here.

Cake and Ice Cream

Keeping up a small conversation with Rosetta in the kitchen Katie was happy for this time. A little girl time to talk about nothing the guys would find important but to them it was. From guys to how Katie was nervous about going back to Nevada.
   "So, I am excited but nervous at the same time. I want to get back to work but seeing Jason...it's gonna feel a little awkward and I just hope we can work ok together."

Drying a few of the dishes off and place them in the cubord Rosetta stops to look at her niece for a moment. She was sad that Katie would be leaving soon, she really was a bright spot here and Rosetta loved having her around. But she also new that Katie had another life she needed to get back too.

   "Oh I am sure at first it will be a little awkward but you guys should be able to work through it. Maybe you worried he will still be angry with you or maybe your angry with him?"

Looking down at the bubbles in the sink Katie runs her hand along the plate with the sponge washing it gently. Was it her own fear of what might be said or rumors that might be going around? Katie new it was something she was feeling, and she new that feeling was fear.

   "Well I think...maybe I jumped to soon and now Jason might be angry with me. I know I need to tell him I am sorry but what if he wont forgive me?"

   "Than he has a lot more growing and learning, not to mention what he'd be giving up. I mean he has a right to be upset and angry, but not to let it turn him bitter. As long as your doing the right thing and that is what shows how strong you are."

Giving a smile Katie was thankful for her Aunts wisdom. If she had a problem that was one person she new could always come to and would tell her right as it was without fear of her leading her wrong. Katie was thankful for that.

Jumping a little as Hunter appears over her shoulder. She hadn't even heard him come into the room but she has happy it would give her a break from the thoughts that ran through her mind. Bringing her hand to Hunter's nose Katie puts some bubbles on it before smiling.

   "Of course I missed you."

Turning around and going to the fridge Rosetta gives a smile and wink to Mick. He'd been waiting all afternoon to figure out what she was making and every time he tried to look she would just shoo him away. 

   "Well...Mr. Impatient since you insist on knowing..."

Bending into the fridge and than pulling out a plate with what looked like a chocolate cake Rosetta sets it on the counter. It was so elegant and looked like it too house to make.

   "I made a chocolate silk cake, and some fresh vanilla ice cream."


Hearing BJ's attempt at pronouncing Einstein's name, Mick's eyebrows rise and his mouth twitches as he tries to keep from laughing. He would never make fun of BJ, nor would he want his son to think he was - it was just a little humorous, listening to the mispronunciations. 

Finally smiling as BJ gets it, he nods. "Yeah, he was kinda a cool guy, wasn't he?" He takes a bite of his food, chewing it thoughtfully. "So what kind of fractions did you do?" It was his routine to ask BJ about school in the evenings - something he'd started to help the boy retain what he was learning. Some days were tough, but he seemed to be getting better at remembering what he'd learned, and Mick still believed Rosetta teaching him was the best option.

Feeling Katie's hand, Hunter returns the squeeze before glancing at her to catch her eye, just to receive the kiss on his cheek. He smiles a little, glad she wasn't embarrassed by him or anything. "Thanks."  

As the meal progressed, conversation was kept light, sprinkled with laughter. It was warm... cozy... almost comforting in an odd sort of way. At least to Hunter. Mick and Rosetta were so very nice - it was so obvious they loved each other and their family. Even when Mick had to chide BJ about talking with his mouth full or interrupting a conversation, it was done gently. Katie was treated like a daughter and Hunter could tell they loved her as much as she loved them. They were more than an aunt and uncle to her.

It was because of such an atmosphere that when Hunter realizes he's staring at his plate, he surprises himself. All of a sudden he felt as though he were in a terrible mood - but for absolutely no reason whatsoever. He was having a very relaxing time and everything was so nice. Why then, did he suddenly feel on edge and...almost cranky?

Lifting his eyes, he does his best to smile and join back in the conversation, but for some weird reason, it was difficult.

Eventually as everyone is finished eating, Rosetta and Katie leave to clear the table, while BJ trots off somewhere - Hunter thought he said something about finding another truck, but he wasn't sure. Left alone with Mick, he clears his throat and rubs his thumb over a water stain on the table. Maybe his lingering awkwardness was because it had been too long since he'd been in an atmosphere like this. The closest thing he could remember was maybe Kyle's family back when he'd taken refuse at their house. An image of his angry father flashes in his mind and he swallows hard. He again hears his mother's voice on the phone, telling him that his father would not allow him to come back home. She hadn't even fought for him. Finding a couple boxes of his belongings on the step had made the whole thing final. But this... here... with these people.... this is what he'd missed out on, even when he'd been at home. Before he'd left. And maybe he hadn't even realized it until now. 

Feeling a wave of emotions hit, Hunter stands and grabs his crutches. Avoiding Mick's eyes, he aims for the door. "Excuse me... I need some fresh air." 

Mick watches him leave, studying the young man's behavior. He wondered if he knew what was wrong, but wasn't sure. Waiting a few minutes, he eventually rises as well and follows Hunter's route out the door. As suspected, he finds Hunter on the porch just leaning on the railing, looking out at the ranch. The lights from the dining hall shone out onto the driveway, and chatter and laughter could be heard. The sky was dim as the sun set, and some of the horses nickered restlessly out in the pasture. 

Hunter hears the door but doesn't turn around. He wasn't surprised Mick had followed him. After all, he'd been rather rude. "I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "Every once in a while, a room gets too small." 

Mick chuckles and joins him at the railing, also letting his eyes roam the ranch. "Eh... Sometimes I get that way too. I was just concerned perhaps we'd offended you." 

"Oh no... no not a bit." Hunter shakes his head. "On the contrary, this is great. It's been a long time since... well..." He shrugs. "Since I've been around a happy family I guess." 

Mick nods slowly. Another piece of the puzzle was slowly taking shape. "Does it bother you?" 

Hunter really isn't sure. Is that why he felt like hitting something, or crying when everything around him was perfectly fine? His subconscious seems to know that answer, and he speaks before he even thinks about it. "I guess I'm still angry with my parents for not giving me the same thing." Once the words were out in the open, his eyebrows raise slightly. "And... I guess that's the first time I've said that out loud." 

Mick lets a pause linger for several moments. He knew that Rosetta and Katie would know well enough not to interrupt, even if they didn't know what was going on. "Hurts... doesn't it?" 

Hunter sighs. "Yeah... yeah, I guess it does. I always thought I'd gotten over it. Moved on. Then I come here, years later, and wham... that's all I've been able to think about." 

Mick smiles. "Funny how that happens. Sometimes we don't know what we really missed out on until we see it other places." 

"Yeah." Hunter's eyes drop as he adjusts his weight on his crutches. "Shouldn't matter though. I should be over it." 

"No matter how old a man is... he still has a hole in his heart shaped like loving parents." Mick gives Hunter a sidelong glance. 

Hunter huffs a sigh. "Feels like a curse to someone like me." He shrugs lamely. "Ya know... until I came here... I hadn't thought much about before I moved out from my parents. They weren't abusive. They weren't mean. I had everything I needed. But there was just... something missing." He turns to finally look at Mick. "I watch you and BJ and... and I don't remember having that kind of relationship with my dad. It was all about shutting up and growing up. I mean... anything I was interested in - like my karate - he just thought was stupid. Never came to any of my events or tournaments or anything. When I'd bring a medal home, it was a pat on the back if I was lucky, then conversation about how my grades were doing in school." Pausing, Hunter can feel a melancholy settling over him. "I guess I just never realized what I was missing. And all these years I've just... tried to ignore it, I guess." He gives a scoffing laugh. "Not that any family is perfect. I probably don't have anything to complain about." 

"I'm not so sure about that." Mick folds his arms as his eyes search the sky for the first stars. "No family is perfect, but... I'd never say your situation was nothing, simply by how it's shaped you."

"How do you mean?" 

"Looking for acceptance in all the wrong places is a classic sign of home neglect." 

Hunter finds himself looking away again. He thinks of all his trips to the bar and hanging out with the wrong crowd. It sent a pang to his heart. "That wasn't until years later though," he argues. 

"After you felt rejected for the second time." 

Hunter blinks. 

Mick glances at him. "You think if you'd had a family to go to when Break Out ended, you would have had such a hard time? Do you think you would have had such a hard time losing the girl to your best friend, if you hadn't felt the sting of rejection time and time again before that?" 

Hunter blinks again. How did Mick know about all of that? He'd never told him. Katie? Even she didn't know everything. "How...?" 

Mick shakes his head. "It doesn't matter. The pieces are there though, and they do make a logical picture if you take the time to put them together. But sometimes putting them together is painful because we're forced to relive everything." 

Hunter leans his head against one of the posts. He could easily be upset with this conversation, but for the first time, the pain felt... relieving, in a way. "Most of my problems stem from my family, don't they?" he asks quietly. 

"Probably. Your parents can't be blamed for your choices - you've made those. But maybe they make a little more sense now." 

"I was fine for years, though. Up until Break Out, I was... well, my life was good." 

"So? You'd recovered enough to survive and keep things on an even keel. When you felt betrayed by your friend, then lost your livelihood, it was too much to handle. Who else had nowhere to go?" 

Hunter shrugs. "They all had somebody they could go to to stay with or get help until figuring out what to do next. Me... I just started wandering." 

"Kinda felt like getting kicked out of the house all over again, didn't it?" 

A lump rises in Hunter's throat. He'd never even thought about that before but now... putting it that way... it sure did make sense. "Wow..." 

Mick reaches over to give Hunter's shoulder a pat. "Sometimes these little discoveries aren't easy... but in the long run they help us figure out ourselves so we can improve and become the people we want to be, rather than allowing the past to control us. Discovering why we've behaved the way we have... sometimes it helps us let go of those things that hinder us."

Let go. There it was again. A new burning question rises within Hunter. Some might not see the connection, but he felt it. "Have you always... I dunno... trusted God like you do now?" 

Mick chuckles. "I wish I could say yes, but no. I rode the fence for a very long time." 

"What made you finally decide to... well, give your life to Him I guess." 

"I was tired of my nightmares." 

Hunter was taken aback. "Nightmares?" 

"Mm-hmm." Mick nods. "I think God was getting tired of me riding that fence, so He provided me with some very frightening nightmares to remind me what it would be like if I died without Him. Scared the tar out of me, but I still fought it until I'd finally had enough. I knew the truth, I knew what He was trying to tell me and... I finally gave up fighting. He was bigger than me and I knew good and well that His way was better than mine. I've struggled since then with a few things but... I've never forgotten those nightmares either. Some people might think that a bit weird, but..." 

"Not me." Hunter shakes his head. "At least you knew what yours were about thought." 

Mick cocks his head. "I think you know what yours are about too. Maybe you just haven't been willing to see it yet though." 

Hunter bites his lip and looks out at the ranch yard again. "I..." He stops, feeling a bit silly, and scared for some reason. "When I fell in the river, I... I heard a voice." He'd told no one about this until now. Not even Katie.

"What did it say?"

"It said to let go. I thought it was literal - well, it was, in a way 'cause apparently when I relaxed, I was able to get unstuck from where my leg had caught on a log. But... I guess I can't help but believe it was figurative too."

"What do you think you're supposed to let go of?" 

Hunter shrugs. "I don't know. My past? I don't know what else to do that I haven't already." 

"Hmm..." Mick thinks for a moment, giving Hunter time to process. "Maybe it's as simple as letting go of that anger you were talking about." 

Hunter looks at him, studying his face in the dim light. Was it as simple as that? And yet it really wasn't all that simple. Was that what this was all about? Was that the real reason for him coming here in the first place? To discover he still had harbored hurt and anger against his parents, and to realize he needed to let it go so it would stop affecting his life like it had been? He'd never even connected those things until now. Even his love of racing was connected - he knew that was something his father would have hated. It was as if he'd chosen that life out of spite. His bar visits were lame attempts to feel accepted - his drinking an attempt to forget and fit in to a crowd he didn't even like. His anger towards Kyle was just  a coverup for feeling rejected and betrayed all over again. It was all... connected. "Maybe." 

Mick smiles and nods to the door. "What say we go see if dessert's ready? Rosetta wouldn't let me see what it was earlier, and I'm dying to find out." 

Hunter manages a grin and nods. "Okay." Following Mick back inside, he did feel somewhat better. He had a lot of thinking to do, and a lot of things to figure out but... perhaps he finally felt as though he at least had a starting point now. 

Getting inside and seeing Rosetta and Katie still in the kitchen, he comes up behind Katie on his crutches, leaning his head over her shoulder to give her cheek a kiss. "Miss me?" 

Mick grins and catches Rosetta's eye, giving her a little nod. It was a good night. Maybe there had been a bump along the way, but he felt it was a necessary one, and hoped that hitting it would not hinder, but rather help. His prayers for Hunter would continue. "Okay so... where's this mystery dessert I wasn't supposed to know about hmm?"

Quiet Conversation

Standing up again as Mick enters the room Katie gives a nod she was happy she didn't miss out and hadn't held them up to long from eating. She would of hated if they had been waiting for her and she hadn't been here right away.

   "Alright let me go wash my hands quickly before I sit down."

Once her hands were washed and sitting down Hunter was on one side of her, and BJ was on the other. She was comfortable here at this table and for a moment Katie wondered how long ago she had not been. It was strange to think about that time now and how differently things had changed but she has happy they had. Missing out on family this this would really have sucked.

As the conversation changed and Hunter becomes a little more in depth in the questions she just listens. She new Hunter new very little about something but she also new Mick would not be upset by his questions not anymore anyways. They were innocent questions and held nothing to them other than wonder. So while they talked Katie quietly talked with BJ about dinner.

   "Since when did you start eating more huh?"

   "Since I started growing again...duh."

Giving a laugh Katie ruffles the boys hair again before sitting up once more. Looking to Hunter and seeing the look on his face Katie gives a soft smile and a little nod that it was ok. Reaching under the table and taking his hand in her own Katie gives it a little squeeze reassuring Hunter it would be ok and he'd dont nothing wrong.

Hearing Mick's question BJ stops looking at Katie and looks twords Mick instead giving a big smile. He liked talking about school, in fact he liked school all together. Learning new stuff was fun, and trying to understand the stuff he had a hard time with was even better.

   "It was good. We learned about fractions today and also talked about Albert...Ein...Einshin...Einstern...."

Giving a huff BJ stops talking for a second to think about what he was saying. Looking over the table at Rosetta she smiled at him and gave a little nod. She new he was having a problem with the last name but she also new giving a little time he could figure it out too. Patents is what it took with BJ sometimes a little extra.

   "Albert Einstein....yeah thats him. We talked about him and all the great stuff he did. It was pretty cool."

Leaning over to Hunter Katie gives another smile before placing a small kiss on his cheek while everyone was focusing on BJ at the moment.

   "You're completely find so you don't have to feel to bad."


Hunter returns Katie's kiss and chuckles, about to tell yer yes, they'd eaten everything, but he didn't get the chance. Watching BJ come racing down the hall, he grins. There he went again... one minute he was mature, and the next, Hunter would guess he was just a five-year-old. He wondered if he'd ever know just exactly what it was about the boy that caused that, but he probably wouldn't ever have the guts to ask. 

Smiling back at Katie, he gives her a wink. He knew she was going to call her boss today, and he really wanted to know what he's said, but... now was not the time. "We did think for a while there, we'd have to eat everything, but lucky for you, it's not ready yet." 

"Wasn't ready," Mick corrects as he walks in with the salad, setting it on the table. "Now it is." Giving Katie a smile, he nods to her. "Grab a seat, Rosetta's bringing the lasagna." 

It wasn't long before the family was all seated around the table. After Mick gave the prayer, food was passed and there were many murmurs of pleasure as Rosetta's lasagna was tasted. Even Hunter had to admit it had been a long time since he'd had any this good - if ever. 

Feeling quite comfortable sitting next to Katie, Hunter joins in the conversations, thoroughly enjoying himself... 

"So how's the knee feeling?" Mick asks Hunter in between bites.

Hunter wipes his mouth with his napkin and shrugs. "It's still connected to my leg. Nothing a good shot of bourbon wouldn't fix." The words had slipped out before he'd thought, and he smirks at himself for saying it. "But... I have come to the conclusion you run a dry camp around here."

Mick gains a quiet sort of smile. "We do."

Hunter hadn't dared to voice his question since being here, but he really was curious, and this seemed an okay atmosphere in which to ask. "So... why? I mean... just 'cause of visitors and stuff, or does everyone here hate the idea of having a bottle of beer in the fridge?"

Mick took no offense, knowing that Hunter might not realize the implications of that remark. He shakes his head slowly. "No, actually, a few people here enjoy a good beer every once in a while, or a glass of wine. But it's usually kept to dinner in town." Pausing, he studies Hunter's face. There were others here at the table, including BJ. But Mick had long since become comfortable with the topic, no matter who was present. "The reason we run a dry camp is because of me."

Hunter nibbles on his garlic bread, still not quite understanding. He wasn't trying to start anything - he was just confused. "You think alcohol is the devil's brew, huh?"

"Nope." Mick shakes his head again. "It's the people who abuse it that turn it into something bad - it's not bad in itself, just like anything." Letting another pause linger, he takes a sip of his water, sensing Hunter's curiosity but allowing the quiet for just a few moments. "There is no alcohol on this ranch because I've had problems with alcohol abuse."

Hunter blinks. It wasn't that he didn't believe it, he just never would have guessed it. "Seriously?"

Mick chuckles at Hunter's innocent surprise, even though the subject was quite serious. "Unfortunately, yes. I used to be a heavy drinker." His eyes briefly drift to Rosetta as he still feels the pangs of sorrow deep down. "I did a lot of things I'm not proud of while under the influence of alcohol. Getting drunk was my way to escape my problems."

By now, Hunter had shrunken back just a little in his chair. "But... you quit?"

"I did. After I sought help."

"Help? As in..."

"As in professional help." Mick was not fond of those memories. It had taken two separate stays at the McClain ranch to break his habit, and the second had been intertwined with Dylan's own drug use problems. "I left here and stayed at a place where they help people who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction through counseling and such. Took me twice and almost losing my family to get through it, but I eventually did."

Hunter now felt slightly embarrassed for bringing the subject up at all, although he didn't think badly of Mick. On the contrary, he probably respected him even more now. One, for actually being able to quit drinking. And two, for having guts enough to talk about it. Realizing his original comments though, Hunter bites his lip. "I'm sorry... if I would have known, I-"

"You're fine," Mick assures him. "I'm not offended if you're not."

"Well of course not."

"Good." Mick's smile returns as he picks up his fork to resume eating.

Hunter is alone with his thoughts for a moment before taking a bite of his bread. Glancing at Katie, his eyes bore a look of apology, and showed her his embarrassment, though slight. He wished he would have known about Mick's history... it would have explained a lot and left no need for his questions. Hopefully the conversation would move on.

Sensing the younger man's regret for bringing up the topic, Mick graciously starts another. "So BJ, how'd school go today?"