

Aaron was lying on his stomach, sound asleep when the pillow hit him. Startled awake, he flew upright, hair askew and fists raised. Blinking, it took him a moment to remember where he was, then realize what had woken him. He rolled his eyes into a partial scowl. Seriously? There were plenty nicer ways to wake a man up. But then...he wasn't sure Victoria fit into the "nice" category anyway. 

Rolling out of bed, he checked his phone, answered a couple messages, then threw on a clean shirt. He couldn't remember a time he'd been on a case that felt so strange. He didn't know why, and that bothered him. Something was just off kilter, and it put him in edge. "Coffee?" he hollered. He was going to make himself a cup regardless, but if she wanted some too and he didn't make enough, he'd get another pillow thrown at him, or worse.

Eli read then reread Scarlet's text. He wished she was here to help him know what to do. To help him figure out what was going on. He wished they'd been on better terms before she'd left. He knew that whole thing would work out and he'd fix it, but the slight tension was still there, and he hated it. 

Thanks. I'll text ya later when I know more. 

He tucked his phone away and settled back in the uncomfortable chair, just continuing to watch Ryan. He could use some coffee to stay awake, but he didn't want to leave. He'd stay...he'd stay as long as it took to make sure his sister was really going to be okay.

It was about a half hour later when he had been just on the verge of dozing off, that the feeling of someone entering the room alerted him. Looking up, he was surprised to see Tal. He'd never answered his text, and Eli had assumed he'd still be in bed. "Tal..." He rose from his chair. "I didn't think you'd be here til later."

"I woke up and saw your text and so I came." From his toussled hair and wrinkled shirt it was obvious Tal had come as quickly as he could without even being fully awake. He looked past Eli, his face covered in worry. "Is she okay? What happened?"

Eli sighed and stepped to the side to let Tal closer to the bed. He kept his voice quiet. "She ran a red light and went straight into a tree. The doctor, she...she asked me if I thought Ryan might have done it...on purpose."

Tal's eyes rested on Ryan's form, and his heart hurt. His head whipped back around to Eli, his gaze shocked. "What?!"

Eli held up a hand. "Keep your voice down...she needs to rest."

Tal pursed his lips and took a deep breath before speaking more quietly. "Why on earth would she have done that? It's crazy. She's...she's been aloof lately but not...well she just wouldn't do this on purpose. There has to be another explanation. Another car or...or something."

"There wasn't." Eli ran a hand over his face. "A doctor saw the whole thing so she was first on the scene. Told me about it herself."

Tal looked back to Ryan before approaching the bed and easing down to sit at the foot. "Is she really okay?"

"Yeah." Eli took up the chair again. "Banged up. Broken wrist. But she'll be fine. I hear her car is another story, but I haven't seen it."

Tal smirked. "She won't be happy about that."

"No... She won't." Or would she? Eli wondered. Ryan had been acting so strangely, he couldn't predict how she'd feel when she woke up. 

"I know you've got a full plate like everyone else around here." Reese leaned back in his chair and looked across his desk at Nate. It was true - everyone here was quite busy, especially after several people had recently resigned, leaving the faithful few to continue. "But the truth is, I need someone in charge of our new and, hopefully temporary, prisoner. I still want Justin to be involved - the way he got Garret to open up the other day impressed me. But... I'd like you to be Garret's handler. That means keeping an eye on him, setting up times for him to offer intel, testing limits, keeping Justin in the loop, and recommending - after a time - what we should do with him."

Reese cocked his head. "I'll make sure it doesn't overload you, but what do you think? I just...thought of you after how well you dealt with him yesterday."


Sinking feeling

Looking out the window of the business building the music drowned in the background. Scarlett really wasn't feel into the party tonight. She'd been there to mingle, get to know people but she just didn't feel it. Even the glass of wine in her hand was left untouched.

Hearing her cell phone go off Scarlett sets her glass on the table near her pulling out her phone from her purse. Seeing Eli's message her heart sank. She felt bad she wasn't there for Ryan, and for Eli too. No matter how made she was she still new this was a bad situation and all the emotions that went with it.

Eli, I'm so sorry to hear that about Ryan. Let me know whats going on when you get a chance. If I can do anything to help please don't hesitate to let me know.

Rolling over Victoria squints at the sunlight coming through the window. It takes her a moment to remember where she was before sitting up. Well today would be the day they found out if Garret was here or not.

 "Rise and shine, we have work to do."

Victoria throws her pillow at Aaron before getting up and going into the bathroom. Running cold water over her face she looked in the mirror. What were they doing? Was Garret really here? And if he was why had he not gotten himself out yet. A wave of fear came over Victoria as she wondered if Garret might be hurt.  That was the last think she wanted to think about atm.



Sunshine. Maybe Garret knew just a little about that. Victoria had always seemed to brighten things up when he was around her. Aside from that though...there had never been anything that made Garret feel good about life.

Realizing they had to go back inside, he sighed and took one last look at the sky. It had been nice while it lasted. Maybe since he hadn't tries to pull any stunts, Reese would let him out again soon. He could only hope.

Back across the main floor, his eyes once more gazed upon the small force that had been such a giant foe as of late. It really was impressive they'd managed to be such a thorn in the Agency's side with as few people as they had. Maybe Garret wasn't quite impressed, but it was close.

Being released from his cuffs, he flexed his hands. There were several moments he could have taken advantage of and gotten past Nate, but he stayed put in his mini prison. Ready to be left alone again, he was surprised when Nate lingered to continue their strange conversation.

Garret cocked his head, unsure of the unfamiliar feelings that were trying to surface. He wasn't even sure what they were. Nate's final comment though brought out a chuckle. He truly hadn't been ready for that one. "I'm not sure I've ever been called anything but a bad guy. At least not since I was just a kid." A painful memory flashed through his mind, but he pushed it aside.

"But fear is something I learned to give up just as long ago. This all may be new, and seemingly pointless, but I can assimilate...just like I have time and time and time again."

For one if the first times, he gave up his authoritative stance and sank down in the cot while Nate was still there. His eyes suddenly gained a faraway look. "You're right about the freedom though. That's all I want.... To just... Be free." Free to be with the woman he loved. Free to make his own decisions. Free to live whatever life he chose. But was it even realistically possible?

Bad guy

Garret's reply made sense for someone who worked in the Agency. They were all business and if not it was only no good that came for fun. Good clean fun was not heard of there. It confused Garret about as much as the thought of no fun confused him. And looking closer Nate could see how empty he really was.

   "Because whats life worth living, what keeps you going on, if there isn't some kind of sunshine in your life!"

Moving again and stretching Nate nods to the door. It was time to take Garret back inside. They already had been out longer than Reese had told them to be and if he waited much longer, who know what might come busting through the door next. 

   "We let our guard down because we have faith in the people we work with. They have our back 24/7, and we trust our own skill to act when something does happen. Just because you are alert does not mean you are ready for anything. Come on, let get back inside before Reese never lets you out again."

Leading Garret back inside and down the hall Nate walked still thinking about Garrets words, and processing everything in his head. There was something more to Garret, something maybe not everyone could see. A longing, a need, a want. 

Letting Garret back into the cell Nate gates the cuffs off his feet and wrists before stepping back to the door. Pausing for a second he taps his fingers on the door before looking Garret in the eye again.

   "You seem pretty set in your ways with The Agency and yet...here you are. Wanting to turn yourself in. Deep down I think there is that desire to be free, to not be on guard all the time, to be able to laugh, and not always look over your shoulder. I just...dont think you know how and it scares you. Maybe one day it will be my honer to be the first to help you experience it. Because all in all....you are not such a bad guy."

Line of Duty

Eli nodded numbly as he stood up. No matter the reason for what had happened tonight, just knowing they needed to evaluate Ryan's mental state was hard to accept. "Yeah...yeah, okay. Thank you."

After asking where Ryan's room was, he found his way, and entered quietly. It was hard seeing his sister lying there in the bed. It always made her look so much weaker than she really was. Approaching slowly, he eased down in the available chair and just looked at Ryan, feeling utterly helpless. 

He pulled his phone from his pocket and hivered his thumb over the buttons a moment before finally forming a text message. He knew Scarlet was out of town and busy, but...he just couldn't bear this alone. 

Didn't want to bother you. Ryan was in an accident. She's going to be ok but I just wanted you to know. Details later.

He hit send, then sighed. Tal. He probably wouldn't even get the message til he got up in a few hours.

Ryan was in an accident. At the hospital but ok. I'm with her. Call me when you get this.

Pocketing his phone, Eli looked back to Ryan's still form. "What's going on, Speedy?" he asked quietly, not wanting to disturb her, but desperate to solve this mystery. "What really happened out there tonight?" Surely it hadn't been on purpose. God, please don't let it have been on purpose.

Enjoy doing something "just because"? What was the point? Garret's eyebrows furrowed in almost a slight confusion as he genuinely tried to imagine living that kind of perspective. He finally shook his head. "In my line of duty, there wasn't exactly time for doing something without reason, and laughter...was a polite formality reserved for social gatherings." True enjoyment of anything - aside from brief moments with Victoria - was rather foreign to him. Sometimes the guards would have late night card games and would carry on, but even that was limited, and Garret never entered in. He took his job too seriously to be caught in that position.

He gave Nate a sidelong glance, knowing full well that they were from completely opposite worlds. And this one...with as little as he'd seen so far...made very little sense. His own world had always been dark. From day one with the Agency, he'd been pushed beyond his limits, and had learned very quickly to set aside all emotions. If he hadn't, he would have been broken years ago. But he'd developed iron walls instead - walls that were now sunken firmly in place. 

"All it takes is one moment with your guard down to bring disaster. I'm not sure I could live without taking things seriously twenty-four/seven."

Aaron's eyes widened. Victoria was actually going to take his idea? Without even a slam to his level if intelligence? Maybe miracles really did happen. As she turned her back in him though, he smirked. "Oh, I wouldn't dare miss out." As if. Did she really think he'd never been in a case before? 

He sighed and reached over to turn his light off before settling down on his back. His eyes drifted back to Victoria's form though. This trip didn't have to be so obnoxiously tense. If she'd just loosen up, they could... He rolled his eyes at himself before turning his gaze to the dark ceiling. As if. No, this was strictly business. Which it probably should be anyway if they were going to succeed in extracting Garret from the clutches of the Elite.

On Time...

Taking in what Aaron had to say Victoria just listens still keep her eyes up. He was right, he could have the best idea in the world and she might ignore it, but if she really thought it was good than she might not. There was just something about him that rubbed her the wrong way. However his idea this time did make sense.

   "Ok, tomorrow well set up and check it out."

Victoria rolls on her side away from Aaron and wraps her arms around herself. This was slightly different than most jobs, but at the same time she couldn't help the feeling of dread she had. She didn't like the feeling that something was very wrong but she had no choose in the matter.

   "Make sure you get up on time. I'd hate for you to miss all the action."

Pushing off the wall and looking to where Garret was looking Nate gives a small smile. He'd really never thought of it as being unprofessional and it seemed funny to hear someone call it there. It was just there normal every day life.

   "We take our job seriously, but whats the point if we can't have a little fun too. Most of us wait till work is over, and some of us joke around at work. Life is to short to just take things seriously twenty four seven. Haven't you ever just enjoyed doing something...because?"

Nate looks at Garret cocking his head a little. Maybe Garret really hadn't enjoyed something because.  Good clean fun is what they had, life, love, and not always having to look over there back. Nate couldn't imagen a life like that. He couldn't even being to think how he would feel.

Looking at Eli Amanda could see the pain in his eyes. Her heart went out to him and she really did feel bad.  Maybe Ryan had been just confused it was possible, but she still worried. With cases like this they needed to keep a close eye on there pashents.

   "She's resting right now but you are more than welcome to go in and see her. Another dr will be down in a bit to do an mental evaluation and I am sure he will have more questions. Just try and let her sleep for now."




Garret's eyes studied Nate for several long moments as he talked, trying to figure him out. It wasn't as easy as hoped, though. There was something odd about the people around here. Something he couldn't put his finger on.

He glanced down at his shackles and smirked a little. Yeah, he couldn't run far, that was for sure. But maybe he should take advantage of the permission he was granted anyway. Nate's bit of humor made him look up once more, as the same strange feeling returned. What was funny about the possibility of being shot for negligence?

Without responding, Garret moved slowly away from the building, forced to take his time with small steps. But anything was better than that holding cell. He didn't wander too far - just far enough to be out of reach of the building's shadow. Again, he assumed the same pose, closing his eyes and just soaking up the sun. If he tried hard enough, he could almost imagine he wasn't in handcuffs. There were no walls with guards here. No secrecy of location. No threat to those working here. He had to become a part of this. He'd never survive prison. 

Suddenly hearing voices, he turned his gaze to the parking lot where Pete and Gunner were heading out. On the way to their vehicles though, they were goofing off, laughing and shoving each other around. Garret couldn't hear what they were saying, but it was obvious they were having fun. Once they were gone, Garret made his way back over to Nate, his head cocked in question. He was too curious not to ask. When in foreign territory, one had to learn the customs.

"What is it with you people here?" He shook his head. "You're all so...relaxed." He'd honestly expected a more tightly run operation. "I mean, Reese is rather intense, but everybody else...not so much. Don't you take your jobs seriously?"

Aaron quirked an eyebrow at Victoria before he shook his head and stood to put his gun away. "Why should I waste my breath offering up any ideas? I could have the greatest scheme in the world, and you'd ignore it, just for spite."

He sat again to take off his boots and propped himself up in his own bed against the pillows, with one leg hanging off the side. Though his eyes were on the television for several silent minutes, his mind was still hard at work. 

"We don't even know for sure if Garret is here," he finally spoke. "And I wouldn't just waltz in - that would cause too much suspicion. So if I were you, and I wasn't gonna ignore every word that came out of my mouth, I'd stake out the headquarters for a day and use that equipment of ours to listen in on what's happening inside. If I found out for sure that he's here, I'd go the route of causing a disturbance." He shrugged. "If they're holding him, and you get in trouble, chances are they'll put you in close proximity to him. Not to mention, there's no point in telling them who you are if you don't have to. Just my two cents though."

Eli forced himself to stay seated as the doctor approached, lest there be news as bad as he feared. Hearing about Ryan's injuries, he was relieved and still worried at the same time. But listening to how the accident had happened was what made his heart stop. Amanda's question didn't even register at first, and he shook his head. "No. I mean, yeah, or..." He leaned forward and rubbed his hands over his face. Could Ryan really have done this on purpose? This was his baby sister they were talking about. He knew she'd been down, and obviously denying reality, but suicidal? That thought alone sent such a pain to his heart, he had to suck in his breath just to stay in control.

Realizing he'd left the doctor hanging, he lifted his face and shook his head again. "I don't know. She was upset earlier and seemed confused." His mind reeled as he tried to think of any signs he might have missed. "A friend died recently and she was depressed but..." He eyed Amanda with a gaze filled with emotions. "I never would have thought she'd..." He couldn't even say it. "Can I see her?"

Why she would have...

Looking up as Eli came to the front desk the nurse gave him a small smile. She'd been there when Ryan got there, and she had been the one that called Eli as well.

   "Mr. McKade take a seat and the doctor will be right out to talk with you about your sister. I will let him know you are here."

Turning the nurse disappears behind the doors only to reappear a few moments later with the Dr close behind. Noding to where Eli the dr made her way over her hands in her pockets as she walked. Her long blond hair was neatly pulled back into a bun and a smile smile was on her lips.

  "Hi Eli, I am Dr. Amanda Fuller. Your sister is going to be ok. She has a broken wrist, some broken ribs and a bunch of cuts and bruises. It's honestly an act of God she wasn't hurt worse from what I am told of her car."

Amanda lets out a small sigh before sitting down next to Eli. She'd been on her way home from work when the car in front of her ran the read light at a high speed only to swerve and meet head on with a tree. She'd seen it all and even rode with Ryan in the ambulance fearing she was hurt even more than she was. 

   "Your sister ran a red light, and went head on into a tree. There was no swerving or signs that she had realized what she'd done and paniced. It was like that tree was her destination all along. Do you know why she would of done that? Do you think she meant too? I dont mean to assume, just due to the events, I figure it would be better if I tasked you before the police did."

Leaning against the wall but keeping on hand on his fun Nate let the sun shine on his own face. It felt good to be outside. If he could work at a desk outside he would on nice days like this were it wasn't hot, but it wasn't cold either.

Hearing Garret talk Nate pushed off the wall and turned to him before leaning his shoulder against the wall so he could see Garret better. Nate didn't feel bad for him, yet in a way he did. Though this was meant to be one of the closest people in the Agency there was something different about him. Maybe the lack of look in his eye, or the underlining truth that was unknown. 

   "Nah, he wouldn't do that, but I'm not custom to going against the rules. You are more than welcome to walk as much as you like around this small parking lot back here. I've got all the time in the world. Just don't run off. You wont get far, though I know you could take me down, and there is only a quay behind here so I'd hate to have you fall to your death. Than Reese my shoot me."

Nate gives a small grin with a little humor behind his eyes. He trusted Garret about as far as he could throw him, but that didn't mean he had to be cold to him as long as he stayed on his guard. After all the guy did give himself up, and so far there didn't seem to be any hidden motives.

Flopping down on one of the beds Victoria looks up her hands behind her head. It had been a long flight, it had been a long ride, and she didn't see it getting any easier. So many thoughts ran around in her about about what might happen and how things might go down. 

Hearing Aaron's question Victoria turns her head and looks at him for a long moment. He was being a smart butt and she new it. It irritated her beyond anything, but she was here and so was he. She might as well fill him in one her plan some what.

  "I figure either walk right in there and let them know who I am, or start a commotion in the parking lot was a good idea too. I guess I could carelessly break in too. Options are kind slim, but I'll do whatever it takes to get in there. If you have any other ideas on how to get in there, throw them my way."


Firing Squad

Eli's buzzing phone roused him from his sleep, and it took him a moment to realize someone was calling. Still half asleep, he answered the unknown number drowsily. "Yeah...hello?"

Hearing the nurse's message, his mind frantically clawed its way back to reality. "What? Is she okay? How bad is it?" He was already swinging his legs out of bed. "Never mind. I'll be right there."

A car accident? How? It was...he glanced at his digital clock. Three in the morning? Why on earth had Ryan been out at this hour? What had really happened? After finally getting to bed, he hadn't heard a thing.

Rushing to get dressed, Eli was out the door and on his bike. Taking the fastest route to the hospital, he made it in record time, daring to go through at least two red lights with the minimal late night traffic. How he felt was all too much like when he'd first come to Nevada because Ryan had been shot and needed his blood. His worry and fear was the same. Once parked, he headed inside and found a nurse near the ER. "Hey, um, I'm Eli McKade. I'm looking for my sister, Ryan. Someone called that she'd been in an accident. I just need to know what's going on and if she's okay."

Garret didn't fight or complain as he was cuffed then directed through the building. He met stares with his own eyes, unafraid and showing no shame or discomfort - maybe a bit of disdain, but without threat.

Once outside, he shuffled slowly in his shackles to the corner of the building where he could feel the sunshine. Facing the sky, he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. There had been few times he'd enjoyed feeling the sun as much as he did in this moment...but, those other moments he didn't really care to remember - most of them were during training as a very young man when he'd been deprived of more than just fresh air. Why had he been so loyal to a place that had found delight in torturing him? And was being here really any better? Had he jumped from the frying pan into the fire or had this been a wise move?

Opening his eyes again, he leaned back against the warm brick wall. He glanced around at the scenery before landing his sights on Nate. He could ask him how the wife and kid were, to flex his intimidation muscles. He could be casual and ask questions to see if he had any kind of chance here. Or he could just play the silent card like he had been. Setting aside tactics he'd used almost all his life was not easy.

He finally shook his head and looked down at his shackled ankles. At least he was getting the fresh air he'd wanted, but his insides were still battling this form of confinement. "I don't suppose there's any way to convince you to give my legs a break for those fifteen minutes, huh?" He gave Nate a wry sort of grin. How strictly did the Elite really run? "Or would Reese put you in front of a firing squad for not obeying his orders?"

Aaron was tempted to toss a glare at Victoria, but he knew better, so he refrained. His grip on the steering wheel tightened though, as did his jaw muscles.

"Well, scratch my suggestion of going over the Elite floorplan then. Looks like you're all set for your solo." Why had he even bothered coming? Without Medridge giving him authority, what did his opinion even matter? He thought Victoria's plan was unwise at the very least. But obviously she'd ignore anything he had to say. All he was on this mission was an errand boy, and he missed working alongside Garret.

The rest of the ride was quiet, as Aaron kept his thoughts to himself. As planned, it was several hours later that they were in a hotel room for the night. Aaron sat on the end of one bed, checking over his sidearm while letting the television drown out any of their conversations. "So..." He'd been dying to ask all afternoon. "How are you planning on getting into the Elite?"


The Call

Once Eli leaves Ryan falls back on her bed and just looks up at the ceiling. She didn't understand it, any of what was going on and the more people talked the more she got confused. Maybe her brother really didn't care as much as she had thought.

See....I told you, he just doesn't want us together.

Reading the text from Alec Ryan let out a long sigh. She guessed he was right and it really did pain her. If Eli couldn't accept them together than maybe it would be best if she just went so she didn't end up hating him.

I'll meet you on the outskirts of town west side.

Getting up and slipping her phone back into her pocket Ryan looked around her room. Grabbing her bag she quickly put some things into it along with a shoe box she kept her extra money from races. At least that would give them a good start.

Grabbing some paper next and a pen Ryan thinks for a moment. 


Stopping she just looks down at the paper. What would she say to him? What could she say to him? So much went through her head and yet it was blank. Maybe she would just keep it simple.

...I love you! Please take care of my pup for me.

 Ending it there Ryan grabs her keys and her backpack heading to the door. Putting her hand on the light switch she stops and just looks back into her room, and than down at her dog a small tear running down her cheek. 

   "Be a good boy. I'll be back for you."

Giving him a pat on the head she shuts the light off and closes the door only a little bit. She'd be back from him, and if not she new Eli would be there. Heading for the door she tried to be as quiet as she could. Before getting to the door and closing it behind her make her way to the door and speeding down the road maybe a little faster than she should. All she new is she wanted to get to Alec as soon as she could.

...Three O'clock AM... 

Hearing the sleepy voice on the other end the Nurse in the ER takes a deep breath before continuing. It was never fun to call someone this early in the morning to bring them bad news. She hated it but someone had to do it.

   "Hello, Eli McKade? We need you to come down to the ER your sister Ryan was involved in a bad car accident."

Acting fast upon Reese's request Nate put cuffs around Garret's wrists, and than around his ankles. He didn't really trust Garret but something told him if he wanted to escape he would of already.  Getting him cuffed Nate nods to the door for Garret to lead and he'd follow keeping an eye on him.

   "Out the door to the left your first right and than up the steps."

Following Nate could feel the eyes on them but he kept walking anyways. Once outside he nods to around the corner of the building. His gun was at the ready in case he needed it.

   "We have fifteen minutes. Enjoy it while you can."

   "Your scowl makes you look like an old man you know."

Victoria kept her gaze on Aaron as she was reading him. Aaron irritated her, she really couldn't stand him and it took all she could to not knock him out and leave him somewhere to try and figure it out on his own. But she did need him, never know when an extra person come in handy even if he was a pain.

   "Sounds good, other than I dont think I'm the one who needs to worry. There is two exit doors from the Elite headquarters. One in the basement by there holding cells, and the other is the main. There security system watches both doors, the cells, there infermery, the boss office, and his second in command. They have two interrogation rooms, and a really really old ventilation system that if need be could be escaped through, as long as a few screws were taken out."

Looking out the window again Victoria went over her plan again in her head. She wasn't use to letting someone catch her so that alone was going to be a challenge, she needed to make it convincing yet her confadance had to be sted fast. That was what she was preparing for, everything else would fall into pace.