
Smile Again

Reese stops his pacing, hooking his thumbs in his pocket and sighing. "I don't know... It's none of my business, but I've never gotten the impression that Misty couldn't keep Carson satisfied, no matter what his needs were. And I know there's a whole lot more to Carson that just a need for a woman... at least I thought there was. Now I'm not so sure."

Leaning against Angelica's desk, he just pauses in thought for a few moments. "I really respected him, ya know? I didn't like him at first... didn't think he was good enough for my niece but... after a while, he proved that he was a real man, deserving of respect. I saw him work hard, get his feet under himself, and I thought for sure if I'd ever seen a man in love, it was him." He shakes his head. "Then this. I don't know if that means I was wrong about him all along, or if he just snapped."

He shrugs lamely. "I've needed him on a few cases lately but haven't wanted to call him in. I suppose that's my personal feelings getting in the way, and I've used the suspicion of the Agency be my excuse. I can't fire him for leaving my niece, though I'd like to." 

Thinking another few moments, he finally straightens and shakes his head again. "I guess I'll just have Pete keep on tailing him for a little while longer and if we still suspect something, bring him in for that friendly conversation you were talking about." 

Nodding his head decisively, he knows he needed to focus on some other work and if he didn't get moving, he'd never get it done. "Thanks for your help..." 

Wandering to the door, he exits just to stop and poke his head back in again. "Did I ask you over to my place for dinner? 'Cause if I did, I can't remember, but if I didn't, then I meant to."

Flinching and rubbing his arm, Jason smirks at Misty, though humor danced in his eyes. Finishing up the last part of his sandwich and hearing about ice cream, he grins. "Sounds good to me."

He knew that having Alec there meant far less cuddle time, but he was enjoying time spent with Misty no matter what they did. Whether it was eating lunch, making out on his couch or just sitting and watching a movie together. He liked it all, and it would be hard to choose any one thing to be his favorite. Besides all that, as far as tonight went, he also knew that Alec did need friendship, and even if he never would have dreamed it possible, he was starting to like Alec's company too. Come to think of it... he was enjoying a lot of things lately. Ever day he had less trouble deciphering his emotions, and every day it was easier to know what he was feeling - both negative and positive.

"I'm grabbing supper with Rusty and Will, so dessert and movie at your place would be perfect. What time?"

Jeff chuckles and lets Rosetta give him support on the short walk to the dining hall. Even if he was frustrated with his weakness, he appreciated her willingness to help, and... maybe as they walked slowly side by side, he realized just how little time he really spent with his sister anymore. Though they both lived here and saw each other every day, interaction had somehow... dwindled. These quiet moments were perhaps savored more than they used to be.

Getting to the dining hall and setting in across from the little family, Jeff does his best to remain alert and interact for a while. He could always sleep more later. 

"Only thing I know about Hunter is what Angel told me before I took my nap. Dislocated knee, mild concussion and some bumps and bruises."

Mick nods. He'd spoken to Angel as well, after he'd heard about the accident. "Yeah, she said he'd have to stay off his leg for a couple weeks at least, then might need some therapy to get his strength back since he did a number on the cartilage and tendons. Otherwise, though, seems he's going to be just fine."

Jeff chews his hamburger slowly, although he really wasn't all that hungry. His eyes drift down to his plate. "Good." 

Mick cocks his head, glancing to Rosetta then back to Jeff. It was pretty obvious that his brother-in-law was feeling badly about the whole thing - maybe even guilty. "Sounded like it was a pretty freak thing that happened..." 

When there's a pause, Jeff realizes he's still being spoken to and finally looks up again. "Hmm? Oh. Yeah... yeah, it was. Happened so fast... everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Bonzai doesn't usually spook, but he did. Hunter shouldn't have lost his stirrups, but he did. After he fell, he held on by the reins and they shouldn't have broke, but both of them did. He should have been able to stop his momentum down the bank but he couldn't. And the undertow of the river shouldn't have been that strong...but it was. It was like that water was just waiting for him." 

"Naw - you know better than that." 

"I know. It was just... strange. I thought for sure we'd lost him for as long as he'd been under. I think Katie did too." It had certainly been frightening, to say the least.

Mick nods slowly and takes another bite of his hamburger. "Well, I guess God was stronger than the river then, huh?" 

Jeff finally grins a little. "Yeah, I guess so. I'm just glad Katie was there - I'm not sure I could have acted as fast as she did." 

"Mm... adrenaline will do that to ya. No use in thinking about what it could have been like or how it could have been avoided though. It happened... and now we have something to be thankful for."

"What's that?" 

"That all three of you are okay. It could have been you or Katie who took that fall, too." 

Jeff hadn't thought of that, but he supposed Mick was right. What if it had been him? Or Katie? Seemed it was just a morning of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. "Yeah... I guess you're right." 

"Who knows... maybe there will be good come out of this yet anyway." 

Jeff scoffs. "I'm sure not from Hunter's point of view. I don't know how long he was planning to stay, but it's been about two weeks now and I'm guessing that's about as long as he wanted to be away from Nevada. He's not gonna be able to ride that bike of his - safely at least - until he can at least walk on his knee."

"Mm-hmm." Mick hands a napkin to BJ so he can wipe some ketchup off his cheek before turning back to Jeff. "I figure that means he'll have to be here another three weeks, and that's if he heals up well." 

"I guess we could offer to take him back. Trailer his motorcycle." 

"I... think maybe I'll hold off on that offer for a little while." Mick exchanges a quick glance with his wife. He hadn't talked to her about this yet, so he hoped it was alright with her. "If he asks, one of us can get him back to Nevada. But... I have a feeling he won't, and I'd just as soon keep him here as long as he needs." 

Jeff thinks he understands and nods. "Yeah, I kinda got the idea maybe he needed this place more than he let on." 

"...And maybe somebody else needs him to be here too." 

A little smile forms on Jeff's lips and he concentrates on his food once more. "She's awfully happy around him. It's good to see her smile again." 

"Sure is." Mick finishes his burger and looks to BJ's plate before pointing at it. "Finish up those last few bites, and you can have a brownie for dessert."

Leaning his head back too, Hunter quietly chews his food. He always got a nice warm feeling when Katie talked like that... about how she liked spending time with him. He wasn't sure he'd ever figure out why she had such an affect on him. She just... did. She was different from other women he knew - he'd known that from the start. She... accepted him for who he was, faults and all, while at the same time not compromising her own moral standards. That took a strong character, and maybe that's what he found most attractive about her. It was a quiet, beautiful strength, even if sometimes it was hidden under trial and uncertainty.

Taking another bite of his hamburger, Hunter had to admit it was good. He wasn't sure who had done the actual grilling, but whoever it was knew what they were doing. Glancing down at his plate, he studies the food... how good everything was. His eyes roam this room... where everything was nice and clean and offered freely. His clothes washed without question or complaint. Food - good food - given as if to their own family member. Even medical care, offered without hesitation or demand of payment.

And quite suddenly a lump in Hunter's throat makes it impossible for him to swallow another bite. He quietly takes a sip of lemonade instead, trying to keep these sudden emotions under control. 

Resting his head to the side, it leans gently against Katie's, thinking about the day and everything that had happened. "I didn't have a nightmare when I slept this afternoon," he comments quietly. Though they hadn't spoken of it, he knew that surely she had seen the similarity with today's accident and his explanation of the nightmares. "Maybe... since it really happened... the nightmares are finally over." 


Gathering the pictures up and closing the folder Angelica didn't want to look at them anymore. Even if there was something odd there it made her stomach churn and she didn't like it. To see Carson fall so far away Agency or not it sent a pang to her heart and hurt.

   "Do you really think he would of left Misty for another reason besides the Agency? I mean you never know what happens behind close doors...."

Angelica cocks her head and looks up at Reese again for a long moment. It'd hard to believe anyone would leave Misty though. She'd been so kind and loving, they way she acted with Carson you could tell how in love her was and how much she enjoyed being his wife. She'd been content.

   "...But I just don't see that. Misty just seems so loving and caring. This whole thing just leave me confused. I keep searching for a good answer but all I come up with it just because."

Giving a laugh Misty trys to hid it but just can't. Seeing Jason's cheeks go red it was way to cute and unusual for her to pass up the moment for a chuckle. Seeing Rick point at Jason though and than look at her talking about him coming to get his blood tested tomorrow Misty gives a nod.

   "Roger, I'll drag him in here if I have too."

Looking back to Jason and giving his arm a whack Misty goes back to her chair and sits down. Though her cheeks were red Misty didn't mind much. With Jason things where different, softer, but at the same time satisfying and she liked it.

Making sure Rick was back at the counter Misty leans forward to Jason a little bit as a grin forms on her face. Keeping her voice low Misty didn't want Rick to hear to much and yell at her for being a bad influence on Jason.

   "So, ice cream, my place, tonight, movie?"

Giving Jeff's arm a little pat Rosetta smiles. Holding out her own arm she lefts him link it with hers as they exit the bunk house. Rosetta didn't mind helping Jeff, she new he'd over done it today but it had been for a good reason and she couldn't be mad.

   "We are definitely not elderly but I will help you to the mess hall anyways. After all I'd hate to have you fight with the ground."

Walking slowly across the yard Rosetta didn't mind. She liked just enjoying the time outside, and the light chat with Jeff. It was nice and she was in no hurry. Tonight's dinner was a good one but it would be waiting there. Time spent with her brother was nice even if it was just a little walk.

Finally getting to the mess hall and getting inside and settled Rosetta sits across from Jeff and next to Mick with BJ on her other side. The food was good, the company was good what more could one really ask for. 

Just watching Jeff though she could see how tired he still was and she felt badly for him. She new it was hard to go day in and day out always being tired. It wasn't till you slowed down that, that feeling went away.

   "Any word on how Hunter is?"

Sitting down on the bed next to Hunter Katie props one of the pillows up against the wall and leans on it. Hearing about how sore he was but how much more sore tomorrow would bring she gives a nod. She new for a fact that was true. The second day was always the worse because your muscles would have time to relax and the pain kicked in double time.

   "It might have been a rough trip but you did it with grace, lets just never do it again ok?"

Giving a smile and leaning her head on his shoulder for a moment Katie just wanted to see Hunter smile. Her joke had been lame but maybe in a way thats how she was trying to deal with it herself. Not that she thought what happened was funny, she just didn't want to think about how she'd almost lost Hunter.

Finally taking a big of her burger a small murmur slips out. She always loved burgers on the grill and could never tire of them. If she could eat them twenty four seven she just might.

   "Man oh Man, the guys out did themselves again with the grill."

Leaning her head back Katie gives a smile and just savers her food. Hearing Hunter's thanks though she looks back to him and smiles. How could she not come and sit with him? She'd be bored other wise and it would make her a horrible person to come, drop off the food and leave.

   "You're welcome Hunter. I get something out of this too though. I get to spend more time with you."


Growing Boy

Completely lost in thought, Hunter is a bit startled by Katie's sudden entrance. A small smile quickly forms though, and he pulls himself up in bed to sit. "Wow...now this is what I call service." Smelling the hamburgers, his stomach then growls, announcing he was hungrier than he'd thought, after not having had lunch. 

"Mm, yeah... I'm pretty sore all over at the moment." He rubs his shoulder gingerly. "I think maybe it was a rougher trip down that bank than I'd thought." He knew though, that no matter how sore he was now, tomorrow was going to be worse, and the day after. The second day after an incident was always the worst for some reason. But... he wasn't going to complain.

Moving over on the bed, he makes room for Katie to sit too, and accepts the plate, setting it on his lap. He'd spent enough meals with her that by now he was used to her praying beforehand, so it didn't bother him when tonight was no different. This time though... it felt... different, as a little tug came to his heart. He pushes it aside for now though. 

Taking a bite of his hamburger, he murmurs his content. "This hits the spot." He gives Katie a sidelong glance before nudging her with his elbow. "Thanks... for coming to eat with me." 

It isn't until his shoulder is touched that Jeff finally starts to stir. Opening his eyes slowly, he looks around groggily before focusing on Rosetta and realizing she'd been talking about supper. 

Yawning and stretching he legs, he gives her a sleepy nod. "Mm-hmm." Sighing, he relaxes again but eventually forces himself to sit up, running a hand over his face. "Thank you," he mumbles. He hadn't realized just how tired he'd been. He really had intended on getting himself up for supper, but it looked like his body had other ideas. 

Blinking his eyes a few times, he finally looks up at his sister more clearly. "Sorry. I should've set my alarm." Finally fully awake, he pulls on his boots. Standing, he wobbles just a little, only now feeling a bit dizzy. Reaching out to Rosetta's shoulder, he steadies himself before rolling his eyes and throwing her a slight wry grin. "Melady, would you kindly escort this elderly gentleman to the dining room so he avoids a most painful meeting with the hard ground?"

"What what?" Jason looks down and sucks in his already-lean abdomen. "I have an excuse too... I'm just a growing boy, see. Besides, if I get pudgy, it's your fault for eating so many meals with me. Otherwise I'd skip and stay skinny. So I can handle watching you eat ice cream."

Watching Misty come closer, he grins, accepting her soft kiss to his lips before chuckling. "Yes... yes, I did know pregnant women can be moody. But what I didn't know was that you weren't moody before..." 

A firm whack with some papers to his head makes him cringe, his eyes going wide. Turning to look up at Rick, he rubs his head. "What was that for?" 

"For insulting the lady, for starters." Rick smirks at him. He needn't act surprised about seeing the kiss either - he'd seen these two kiss more than once, and had put the pieces together himself. He'd said nothing though, just letting them be. "And second, for not seeing me before you ate lunch like you were supposed to. Did I not tell you I wanted to test your blood sugar?"

"Um... Yeah, I guess maybe you did." Jason crunches on another potato chip. "Sorry." 

"Sorry... sorry..." Rick sighs. Looking to Misty, his finger points at Jason. "Tomorrow, I want this boy's blood tested, even if you have to tie him down to do it."

Jason's eyebrows quirk and he shrugs. "That might not be so-"

"On second thought, just don't let him eat until I've seen him, okay?" 

Jason stifles a laugh, giving Rick a wide smile. "Relax, Doc... you'll give yourself an ulcer." 

Rick rolls his eyes. "Tomorrow. Before lunch. And in the meantime, go expend some of that energy of yours... on a punching bag or something." He rolls up his papers and gives Jason's arm a whack for good measure before heading back over to the counter. 

Jason's cheeks were a bit flushed as he glances up at Misty again. He didn't know why it was so easy - too easy - to openly flirt with her around. Maybe it was because she did the same thing. Whatever the cause, he was finding himself in need of controlling his tongue much more often than he'd used to. Clearing his throat, he swivels his chair back around again to eat another chip, setting an elbow on the desk and hiding his red face.

"I don't know..." Reese shakes his head and leans on Angelica's desk, still staring at the photos. "Maybe when you're like them and you only do things like this for one reason, and you've done it so many times before, there just is no emotion." 

He shakes his head. "But I've seen Carson's emotions with Misty... I can't see him leaving her for such a cold relationship. Cheating on her, yes, but leaving her? For this?" He gestures to one picture in particular where both Carson and Jaz seemed to be in bad moods, according to their facial expressions. 

Reese sighs and straightens up to pace in a small circle. "Why, then? Aside from Carson's obvious lack of physical control when it comes to women. Obviously it's not love. Is it really the Agency like we're afraid of? Jaz is an ex-agent too. Do you think they would have hooked up again to return to working for the Agency?" 


Finished with her even work since she has skipped out on the morning and already having her shower done Katie wonders to the mess hall. She'd grab some dinner for herself and for Hunter before heading to his bunk. She wasn't going to let him eat alone, she would rather sit with him and enjoy his company.

Not to much later Katie was knocking on his door before entering. Two pates in hand with burgers, chips, watermelon and two glasses of lemon aid. It was a nice refreshing supper that had been cooked out on the grill making it that much better.

   "Dinner is server my dear Hunter."

Entering with a big smile on her face Katie was happy to bring dinner for him. She might have felt helpless earlier today with what happened but now sure felt kind of useful. Maybe someday she'd make a good house wife after all. She'd definitely have to work on her cooking though.

   "How ya feeling? Sore I bet huh?"

Looking around the mess happy Rosetta new she was a little early but she new Jeff was mostly early too. She'd promised to come check on him if he wasn't there for dinner and she didn't want to fall though on that. 

Leaving the mess hall and heading for Jeff's bunk Rosetta walks slowly but with a reason. She just wanted to know Jeff was alright and didn't want him to miss out on the good meal tonight. Getting to his bunk she knocks on the door. Hearing no answer she checks to see if it is unlocked or not.  Seeing it was Rosetta opens the door quietly before entering.

Seeing her brother sleeping form in the bed she is very quiet walking over to him. Laying a gentile hand on his shoulder she gives it a small shake to try and wake him.

   "Jeff, Jefffff....its supper time. You want to come and get some hamburgers?"

Hanging up the phone with Alec Misty kicks her foot out a little bit at Jason but miss him. Looking at him and cocking her head a little bit a grin forms on her lips. She had to admit being teased by Jason wasn't all that bad and it gave her a reason to form her own comebacks. 

    "Oh yeah, well at least I have a reason for getting puggy."

Misty reaches out and gives a little poke to Jason's belly. He was far for fat, or over weight, Jason never had been and never would be but she liked to poke fun and make him a little paranoid anyways. Like him teasing her it was funny and she enjoyed it. It was all out of love though and that was the important thing to remember. 

   "And if your not careful Mr I wont let you have any of the ice cream when you come over either. You'll have to sit there and watch me eat it."

Standing and walking over to Jason Misty lays a hand on her stomach. She wasn't huge yet but you could definitely see a baby bump was forming. Misty liked it she thought it was kind of cute and fit her well. 

Leaning down close to Jason Misty's eyes twinkle as she gives him a teasing yet soft kiss on the lips before retreating a little.

   "Didn't you know prego women can be moody?"

Watching as Reese spreads out some of the pictures on her desk Angelica leans in to look a little closer. Normally picture like this would turn her stomach. To think someone who had built a life, was married, and now expecting a child would be happy, not off cheating on his wife, and doing nothing to say he was sorry and wanted to come back home.

But there was something off. Looking at theses pictures were like looking as case pictures when someone was on the stand, or someone at a crime scene. There was no emotion in these pictures, not even a little spark that something was going on even if it wasn't love. 

   "The picture are very empty. There is no sly grin, no spark, no affection, subduction, nothing."

Cocking her head a little bit to look closer at the picture Reese was right there really was nothing. If it had not been for the situation it would be slightly sad to see such a empty couple. It sent a red flag up to Angelica that something just wasn't right.

   "It's just....something is off and I don't like it. It makes me feel very uneasy!"