

Sitting down again and shaking her head along with a laugh Ryan gives a sidelong glace to Misty who was over at her desk. It seemed like non of this phased her and she wondered if Alec was just let her husband and thats why it just didn't seem to phase her.

Turning her attachen back to Alec Ryan thinks for a long moment on his question. Trying her best to hold in the chuckles that wanted to come out with how he sounded.

"Mmm...Yes I have. After I was shot, and woke up..they gave me pain killers through and iv. You think your flying now, hold crap. I understand."

Thinking for a moment on what the could do here tonight Ryan ran a few differnt things through her mind before letting Alec in.

"So what do you wanna do tonight? Want me to go grab food...want me to get any movies, or bring in my dad's card. What would Alec like to do?"

Leaning on the wall and just watching Leo head to the tool box she found it funny but she liked the way he clanked them around on the inside. Silly yes but true.

Hearing his question Cassy thinks for a long moment before finally answering.

"I was trying to practice before you got here and...I twisted my knee the wrong way. It's just really frustrating sometimes."

Cassy gives a warm smile swiping her eyes.

"Other than that I think everything is good. I got you here fixing stuff after all."


Alec accepts the cup of water, taking a sip then shaking his head. "Not sure this'll help an awful lot... I think I need a wholllotta more help than this."

He squints up at Ryan again. "If I didn't have an ankle that has teeth marks or... ribs that still feel like crap, I'd grab ya and set you right here with me and kiss you from head to toe. Now that would help."

Blinking, he thinks for a moment, not even sure what he'd just said, especially with Misty over in the corner. "Or..." He backtracks. "I could try sleeping like Rick wants... but.... I don't think these meds are making me sleepy. 'Cept I feel drowsy... but not sleepy... just kinda...." He gestures in the air with his hand. "Out... there... somewhere. You ever feel like that?"

Leo grins as Cassy comes to the door, and he ambles inside, now familiar with his surroundings. "Yeah... got stuck at work." He shrugs. "Couldn't say no. But I wanted to come anyway and get a start."

He aims for the toolbox on the counter to find a paint scraper and a hammer, though his eyes glance sideways at Cassy again. Her red eyes had not escaped him.

"Everything alright?"

Dear Alec

Giving a laugh and a shake of her head Ryan can't help but laugh. Sitting down on the bed next to Alec she takes his hand in her own .

"No my dear Alec your not, and yes you are hot but Dr. orders you stay here for now. I can't go taking you out and about running the risk of you being putting on house arrest again can I? That could mean no cuddling on the couch."

Spotting some paper cups on the sink Ryan stands again going over to it filling one of the glass with some cool water. Bringing it back over to Alec she holds it out to him.

"Here this will help you a little."

The studio was quite almost to quiet except for the soft sobs that sounded from the other area. Hearing someone come in thought Cassy comes out to greet Leo moving a little slower than normal, and limping a little more as well.

Giving a smile thought her eyes were streaked red Cassy straitens up the little wrap around she had around her wast over her leotards.

"Hey there, I wasn't sure if you were going to make it after all today."

Moving over to the counter where her water bottle was Cassy grabs it and takes a sip before looking to Leo again and smile.

"I think I'm growing fond of having you around. What on earth am I gonna do when this place is done hummm..?"

Hot in here

"Mmm...." Alec grins, returning Ryan's kiss. "I'd only seen ya gone for two minutes... tops.... or three."

He furrows his brow, trying to think as one of his eyebrows seems to quirk all by itself. "Um... can we go somewhere? Out? It's hot in here. And my ankle feels weird.... not that moving will help." He blinks and squints up at Ryan, his grin turning to a frown as he thinks. "I'm not... all here... am I?"

Leo parks along the curb and slides out of his car, once again in his faded jeans and white tee, ready for work. He'd already been working most of the day at the shop, but he was supposed to have the day off to come help Cassy and he felt bad that he hadn't been able to. So he was here anyway, even though it was late afternoon. He could at least get started on fixing up the exterior of the building.

Wandering to the door, he looks inside before poking his head in. "Hellloooo... anybody home?"


Giving a laugh at Alec Ryan could tell he was totally doped. His eyes were glazed over, and his voice was slered almost like he was drunk.

"Your right you ARE trouble."

Giving a laugh Ryan soon stops as her eyes widen a little at Alec starts a few more of his sentences. Not even thinking and even though Rick had cut him off Ryan gives him a slap to that back of the head.

"And that will be enough of your sharing our business with Rick thank you."

Ryan can't help the little playful ton her put on the end, turning to give a wink to Rick as he want out the door.

Once Rick is gone Ryan leans into Alec a little her lips brushing his. Giving a soft moan as she pulled away a little bit bringing a hand to Alec's face and than slipping it to the back of his had.

"Boy did I ever! Starting to feel lonly yourself you wanted to get me here faster but getting a dog to bit you?"

Know what I mean?

Con straightens and looks down at Jamie so he can catch everything she was saying. "Yeah... yeah, I think she'll be okay. Not sure Ty's thinking straight at the moment... he's in a little deeper than I thought he was but... he cares about her and I guess that's what she needs right now."

Reaching down, he runs a finger along Jamie's face. "I guess it doesn't have to be an Elite case to twist my gut. Kinda made me think of you today and made me all the more glad I've got you here."

Alec is still propped up in bed, his eyes roaming the room as Ryan walks in. Her question brings a silly grin to his face. "Me? Psh... I don't cause trouble, I AM trouble."

He gestures to his wrapped ankle. "Learned today that dogs have sharp teeth. Well... I already knew that, but I don't talk about it. Rick here has been a pain all afternoon though, lemme tell you. After he got he in here, it's been torture. All I wanna do is get out of here but noooo, I gotta stay here again. Hurts to walk though, so I guess it's okay. 'Course Reese hasn't gotten to me yet so I still don't know if he's mad about me spending the night with you. Not that it's any of his business or anyone else's. Though he should know everything's cool since I wasn't dead this morning and your brother isn't in jail. You know though, once I thought about it, it woulda been real easy to-"

"Alec!" Rick spins around with his hands on his hips. "Do you ever stop? Good gracious, man. Remind me never to give you those meds again."

"Why? I feel fine." Alec's eyebrows rise. "I feel so good I could-"

"Shush!" Rick looks to Ryan helplessly. "I'm leaving. Keep him under control, will you?"

"Ha!" Alec throws up his arms. "She's tried. Don't work. Unless I'm staying at her place, then everything is kept under control. And I mean - under control, know what I mean?"

Rick rolls his eyes. "I don't want to know, Alec. Just... I'm leaving. I'll be back in a while."

Alec waves as Rick exits the room, then swings his gaze back to Ryan. "Miss me?"


Giving her own small laugh at Ty's comment it made feel Libby feel good hearing him joke around and knowing she still looked good to him even if he was just trying to make it feel good, it worked.

As Ty leans back and beacons Libby closer her crawls across the couch without hesitation. Leaning her head on his chest and feeling his arms around her he was so comfortable and safe, it was so lulling to her.

Letting her eyes slip closed she wraps her own arm around and under Ty comfortable in a half hug, as he other lays by her head on his chest. For the moment all fears be chased away, everything seemed ok just being wrapped up in him.

Feeling Con's arms wrap around her a smile comes to Jamie's face her hands going to his arms in a returned squeeze. She'd never tire of feeling those strong arms around her, or the soft smell of his skin. Sometimes being away from him only a day felt like years.

"Mmmm....I love you too sweety."

Keeping Con's arms around her Jamie swivels in her chair to face him. Looking into the eyes she had falling in love with what felt like so long ago Jamie is just quiet for a long moment.

"Did you guys end up helping Ty's girlfriend? Is she going to be ok?"

Con had such a big heart and Jamie was so thankful for that. Filled with so much love, enough to give her everything she needed and still share with others. That was on of the things Jamie loved about Con.

Not use to her cell phone ringing at work Ryan new it was Alec, or Eli. Eather way something had to be wrong. Pulling out her cell phone and looking she didn't know the number she might as well answer is in case something was wrong.

"Yeah this is Ryan?"

Listing to Rick on the other end, and hearing Alec in the background a grin forms on Alec's face. For some reason he sounded slightly humorous. Waiting for Rick to finish Ryan leans over the last car she was working on and tightens some bolts before straightening and shutting the hood.

"Well seeing as I would about to come to him tonight in about five to ten minutes thank you for letting me know."

Shaking her head and grabbing her jacket from her work bench to leave for the night Ryan finally hangs up the phone letting Rick she would be by shortly. Before anything she needed to head home for some sleep.

A little while later Ryan was poking her her head in the infirmary door looking around. Entering all the way and seeing Rick as his desk she gives a nod before seeing Alec. Giving a smirk and going over to him she shakes her head.

"Now what trouble are you causing?"


Ty lets Libby nuzzle into him, glad for a moment that his face is hidden from view. The subject of his past usually didn't bother him... but it was only because he never thought about it anymore. He'd trained himself to leave it in the past and not look back. But he couldn't help it that having this happen to Libby brought back these memories... and they did hurt still.

Giving her a little smile back, he reaches to run his fingers through her hair, knowing that she was hurting both inside and out. "If you're a knight, I think we have a bigger problem to worry about here."

Laughing a little, his eyes twinkle, showing that he's teasing. "I'm not sure I look more attractive though... you look pretty good to me, shiners and all."

He scoots back on the couch a little bit to lounge in the corner on his back, and reaches out for her. "Come here," he prompts softly. Parking and unloading could wait.

Drawing her close, he lets her lie into him, wrapping his arms around her gently and offering his chest as a pillow. Kissing the top of her head, he closes his eyes, and leans his head back, weary from the day's events. Right now all he wanted to do was sit here and let the dust settle... and just be with Libby.

Con ambles back through TJY, a bit worn out from everything that had just happened. He was glad he'd been able to help out Libby, though he was still a little worried about her, and concerned for Ty too, who had taken on a lot by committing to helping her to this extreme. Though Con had to agree that it was the best decision to get Libby out of that house.

Tucking his keys in his pocket, he aims for his desk but stops, turns and looks over to where Jamie sat in her cubicle. He'd almost lost her once because of brutality... seeing other defenseless women get beat up now hit a little too close to home.

Instead of working again just yet, he goes to her cubicle instead, coming up behind her and bending low so he can drape his arms over her shoulders and kiss the top of her head. "I just wanted to say hi," he mentions quietly. "I love you so much."

"...but what's the point? I mean, he was there, and I was there and-"

"Alec!" Rick turns around, his eyes wide with annoyance. "You've been talking non-stop for the last fifteen minutes! Please... just... stop."

Alec quirks an eyebrow and looks at Rick, squinting a little as the image was just a little fuzzy. "You're a little uptight, Doc, don'tcha think? Hey, I need to make a phone call."

"Not on your life. You'd probably call the chief of police and tell him there was an elephant in here."

Alec smirks and waves him off. "Nawww... I just needa call..." He stops having to think. "Ryan. Yes. She doesn't know about this."


"And and... and...." Alec scratches his head, a little frustrated with his lethargic, doped-up brain. "Um. I won't show up so... she needs to know."

"I'll call her if you give me her number."

"Five two six, three - no, that's Dave's."

"Who's Dave?"

"I have no idea. But Reese has her number."

Rick rolls his eyes. "I don't know why I do this for you." A few minutes later, he's on the phone, leaving a voicemail. "Yeah, this is Rick over at the Elite. Alec got in a scrape with a dog and he's gimping around here on one leg at the moment. Apparently he was supposed to see you tonight and he won't be able to get out and about until tomorrow probably. You can drop on by if you want, though come prepared - he seems to have lost part of his mind to the pain medication I gave him."

Alec snickers in the background.