

Being on the couch and completely wrapped up in Dani and her warmth on top of him Dalton can feel his own eyes start to close. He'd stayed away for most of the movie but now that is was coming close to the end his eyes were growing heavy as sleep started to over taken him.

Moments later though Dalton's eyes fly open as he hears Dani's cry and her jumping away from him. Not sure what was going on still half asleep himself he sits up right. His heart beats in his chest so loud if no one else hears it he would be surprised.

Just looking at Dani for a moment as he trys to calm his own nerves he see the look of fear in her eyes and it makes his heart race even more. It was hard for him to try and let her know it would be ok specially with his size if she was still dreaming but he had to try.

Trying to tone down his size a little Dalton slides from the couch to the floor so he was level with Dani. Moving a little closer to her he takes her hand in his own gentily.

"Dani its me, you had a dream....your safe...it's ok I promise, its just me and you here."

Not being able to hold back her laughs anymore Aerith just lets it roll out as Reese comes over and joins in picking on his son. It was so nice to see there interaction and see the twink in Reese eye since he had met Angelica it was very refreshing.

"It was all his idea too"

Aerith gives a nod as she throws a glance to Wyatt and gives another laugh. Finally though as her laughs slow down she gives a small nod before standing and going to the other side of Wyatt tugging in his arm.

"Coming on lets get you out of here before you do drown in your own laughter and before we have to see you dad and Angelica make out."

Just a dream

Wyatt gasps for air, his face turning a shade of red as his coughing starts to mix with laughter - from feeling like an idiot and from listening to his dad. Angelica's own statement seems to make the whole thing much worse, not to mention the look on Aerith's face, and Wyatt's laughing just proves to make him cough even more.

Reese can't help but start to laugh too, pulling Angelica's hand up to give it a kiss. "I think someone needs rescued."

Getting up from his seat, he walks the couple feet to the next table and gives his son's back and hearty whack. "Cough it up, cough it up."

"Got it... yeah... I'm good..." Wyatt wheezes and gives a little wave, his eyes watering.

Reese laughs again and shakes his head. "Boy, you almost made headlines as the first person to ever drown in a glass of water."

"Careful." Wyatt threatens with what was left of his water.

Reese backs up a step, grinning from ear to ear. "Hey now... who crashed whose party, hmm?"

"Oh, alright." Wyatt sets the glass back down. "You win." He grins up at his father, not having lost any of the humor in this whole thing. "I guess we can leave you alone... now that you totally ruined our own joke."

Reese starts to laugh again. "Aw... did I spoil it, hmm?" He nods to the table. "We can make it a foursome if you really want to."

"No... we were just fooling." Wyatt rolls his eyes and starts to get up. "We'll leave you be."

"Sit down." Reese shoves him back in his chair. "You wanted to crash a party, you got it. I'm not letting you leave now."


"Oh, no... you're gonna have to stay for the duration, smooching, playing footsie and all."

"Agh!" Wyatt stands up quickly, putting his hands over his ears. "Lalalala!"

All it does is serve to send Reese back to his laughter and he looks to Aerith. "You might want to get out of here before he really creates a scene."

Smiling a little as Dalton shifts around on the couch, Dani doesn't hesitate to burrow right in and get comfortable in a warm spot. One arm draped around Dalton's middle, and her head rested on his chest, moving gently up and down with his slow breaths. Up... down... up... down... a steady, soothing rhythm against the quiet beating of his heart. Dani's focus on the television gets a little blurry, and her eyelids begin to close. She snaps back to attention to watch the movie, but all too soon, her eyes are heavy again...

...The movie intensity grew as it approached the end. The music became louder and a woman screamed as the bad guy came after her. But it wasn't the movie that was playing in Dani's mind. Minutes before, she'd fallen into a deeper sleep than anticipated and as the dreams began to flow, her hand had tightened into a fist, putting Dalton's shirt in a death grip. The dream was abstract, but dark and evoking the feeling of fear. Dani was a little girl again, wandering through rooms and opening doors, looking, searching for something important, but she didn't even know what. Finally, the last room was her own bedroom as a child - the one with pink curtains and blew gently in the breeze. The door opened easily enough, but the overhead light produced an eerie glow instead of the bright beams it was supposed to. The room was suddenly not the haven she remembered, and she became her real age again, looking in on herself as a child, and a dark figure whose face was hidden in the shadows. She saw herself draw back into the corner where the bed met the wall, her blankets pulling clear up to her chin. But the figure came anyway.

The scream coming from the movie registered as Dani's own childhood scream as the hands reached for her.

"No!" Giving a cry, Dani sits bolt upright, ripping herself from Dalton. Getting tangled in his legs, she winds up turning herself around and falling off the edge of the couch, her arm whacking the corner of the coffee table and her knee twisting as her foot gets caught on a cushion.

Her heart racing, she gasps for breath as though the wind had been knocked out of her. Her entire body shook and tears began to stream from her eyes, though at first, she didn't even notice. Her senses told her where she was and who she was with, but her mind was stuck in that dream... that nightmare... the nightmare that had unlocked a door that had been closed for years.

Whimpering, she holds her hurt elbow and leans against the couch without trying to get up. It couldn't be true. It wasn't true. It was just a dream. It was just a dream.


Just shaking her head and sitting down at the table with Wyatt Aerith takes her own menu trying to find what she wanted. The chicken sandwich looked pretty good, but so did the Gyro wrap. Not sure between the two she was so into figuring it out that she only caught half of what Reese said.

Seeing Wyatt spit the water out on the table she moves her chair back a little bit and gives a shriek. Just looking at Wyatt and blinking for a long moment he wondered what on earth till it click what Reese has said.

Moving her chair back to the table she stops the waitress for more napkins before starting to clean up the water.

"Wyatt...breath breath...are you ok?"

Hearing Reese words Angelica's eyes sparkle as her mouth turns into a grin. Not even missing a beat as Wyatt spit out the water Angelica reaches across the table laying her hand on top of his.

"Mmmm...I could go for dessert. We should of had that first and than come here. That was if we ran out of time and had to get back to work we at least had something nice before the meal."

Angelica gives a wink to Reese, knowing how she meant it and how it sounded were to different things, but playing along was more fun.

Hearing Angelica's comment Aerith's eyes widen a little as she looks across the table at Wyatt. This was something she really didn't need to hear.

With dinner finished and the left overs left on the table for now Dalton leans back on the couch just shifting a little so his long legs could rest on the edge of the table without the food. Keeping his arm around Dani he pulls her a little closer to him so she was half between the couch and him and half on top of him. Completely comfortable her continues to watch the movie giving the top of her head a kiss.


Wyath throws Aerith a smirk for throwing all the blame on him, though there was still a smile in his eyes. Heading towards the tables, he turns to her and puts a finger to his lips to signal her not to announce their arrival. Instead, he pulls out a chair for her to sit at the next table over, not three feet from Reese and Angelica. Then he sits across from Aerith, absentmindedly pulling out a menu to glance over. "Let's see... ooh, they have a new steak sandwich."

Sitting across from Angelica, Reese had already decided what he wanted - knowing what his favorites were here. Movement catches his eye and he looks to the next table over, his expression going blank as he just stares and blinks. What on earth was Wyatt doing here... surely he'd seen them when he'd come in with Aerith.

He looks at Angelica then nods to the younger couple. He mouths the words to her, "on purpose?" Seeing Wyatt and Aerith, he knew is son too well to think that this was a coincidence. Wyatt didn't even like this place all that well. It had to be because Reese himself and Angelica were there.

Leaning back in his chair, he gives Angelica a little smirk. Speaking to her, he raises his tone just enough so Wyatt and Aerith could hear. "So maybe after we're done here, we can go back to your place for a little... dessert."

Now, Reese knew good and well that Angelica had some of his favorite ice cream bars in her freezer. Wyatt, however, did not know this, and the pause before "dessert" was too much for him not to hear.

Wyatt was just taking a sip of water the waitress had just brought, when he hears his dad. Choking on his drink, he manages to only spit half of it out onto the table as a coughing fit ensues.

"Okay." Dani smiles and walks lightly to the refrigerator, glad to get the topic of conversation off of herself. "Mmmm...." she looks around for all the things she needed for the salad and sets to work.

It isn't long before the food is set in the living room and Dani had chosen a good action flick to watch while they ate. The food was scrumptious and she made sure to tell Dalton so, even though her stomach couldn't handle a full portion tonight.

Eventually the meal is over, but the movie is far from it. Dani slips off her sneakers and sits back a little bit, pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around them. Soon though, the position just isn't comfortable enough and she finds herself nuzzling into Dalton a little bit, hoping that he'd scoot back too and give her some cuddle time.


Laughing again and shaking her head Aerith straightens a little more seeing the car pass. Waiting a little while before she pulls out Aerith finally does having Wyatt in her ear makes her laugh even more.

After the short while and they are sitting outside the diner Aerith still had a smile on her face as Wyatt seemed to be overly excited about this.

"If he gets mad, I'm just going to point at you and say it was your fault."

Laughing again she finally gets out of the car waiting for Wyatt to join her before heading inside. Once in she looks around for a moment till her eyes find who she was looking for. Seeing them the grin returns to her face as she points and than lets Wyatt go first as she is close behind.

Just holding Dani for the long moment Dalton listens to her again as he just continues to give her the comfort she needed even if it was just a woman thing. Just listening he understands how this could confuse her and he felt bad there really was nothing else he could do to help.

As Dani finally pulls away a little Dalton smiles down at her the love so strong in his eyes. If anyone ever tried to hurt Dani they probably would never be able to tell anyone because he would get to them first.

Giving her a light kiss on the lips once again before letting her go and going back to the stove to mix the pasta and pour it into the strainer calling over his shoulder to Dani.

"In the fridge there are all the fixing for the salad if you want to get that stuff and toss i together that would be a great help. Than pick out what movie u would like to watch and we will be good to go."

Worthy cause

Being drawn into Dalton's arms again, Dani melts like she almost always did. Nuzzling into his chest, she thanks him. "It's nice to know I got you to look out for me." Her voice was slightly muffled as she spoke against his embrace.

She sighs deeply, her arms sliding around his waste to be closer to him. "But I really think this is nothing... it has to be. I mean... I would know if it wasn't... right?" There wasn't as much confidence in her voice as she'd hoped for. "It's not like I have any tragedies that I would be remembering or anything... I've had a happy life." She really didn't understand what was happening in her subconscious. But she couldn't deny the fact that all of a sudden, she didn't want to dig any deeper into her own mind. In the amount of time it would take to snap her fingers, she had put up a blockade against whatever it was her mind wanted her to see that was trying to surface. It was an unfamiliar and scary feeling.

"It can't be anything to worry about. I'm... I'm sure I'll feel better after spending an evening with you. And then tomorrow it'll all be gone and I'll realize that it's just been a woman's weepy sort of day."

Nodding again, Dani pulls away a little bit. "So what can I do to help get the rest of supper ready?"

"Yes, Yoda, we are." Wyatt keeps a straight face as he looks out at the street, waiting for the familiar car to pass. "Ooh, oooh, there they go. They're in Dad's car. No, wait, don't pull out yet - he's got eyes in the back of his head."

Waiting until the other car was a fair distance away, Wyatt points. "Okay, now."

Fifteen minutes later, Reese and Angelica are spotted parking at a little diner downtown. "Aha.... nice quite atmosphere... bet they really wanna be alone, huh?" Wyatt grins and evil grin. "Let's park and go plop down next to them. Dad will kill me, but it's a worthy cause."

Not ready

Listing to Dani Dalton understand now the look he saw in he eyes. Suppressed memories was something he new well and it sounded like what Dani was dealing with. It hurt to see her hurt but there was nothing much he could do other than be there to support her.

Not turning back to the stove at the mention of the pasts Dalton steps closer to Dani but not with fast movement now understanding why she was jumpy.

"The pasta's not ready yet."

Reaching out Dalton wraps his arms around Dani as he bends down slightly. Just holding her for the longest moment he just wanted to comfort her the best he could. Keeping his on arm around her the other goes to her hair to gentile run though it being ever so soft.

"I promise Dani I'll always do the best I can to keep you safe and not let anyone hurt you."

Pulling over where Wyatt told her to Aerith can't help but laugh. She loved his reactions sometimes on things. Just his voice, and his expressions they were so cute!

"Its good to see you dad enjoying his time with Angelica. He's to sweet to be sitting alone not doing anything."

Aerith's own eye sparkle as Wyatt feels her own little side of causing good clean trouble. Sitting and waiting Aerith puts a little music on but keeps it low so if they wanted to talk still they could.

"Trouble makers we are you know."

No memories like that

Dani feels herself not wanting to look up at Dalton, but his gentle touch prompts her chin upward. Looking in his eyes, she saw the concern for her, and in a way it made her feel good. He cared.

"I... I don't know," she admits softly. "I just... I don't know."

Looking down again, she fiddles with the roses even though they were perfectly fine. "I just have this really weird... feeling." Pausing to think about it, she again felt like just bursting into tears for now apparent reason.

Biting her lip, she turns to look back up at Dalton again, her eyes glistening. "All day I've been so afraid... but... but I don't know of what. Ever since this morning... since-"

She stops, not wanting it to sound like anything was his fault or that she was afraid of him. It wasn't true as far as she was concerned. "Well, since I was at TJY." She swallows hard, not even sure how to voice what she was feeling. "You know when, like... you see or hear something and... and you know that a memory is connected to it, but it's blurry and you're not sure what the memory is, but you know that whatever it was did remind you of something?"

Dani fingers the soft rose petals as she glances downward again. "That's what it feels like. Except.... except I don't want to know what the memory is... and I don't even know why."

So confused about her own feelings and why she was even having a hard time at all, a tear finally surfaces. Maybe it was more frustration than anything for having these mixed emotions all day long. But part of it was again the feeling like she was just a little girl that wanted to cry.

"It's dark..." Her voice comes out almost a whisper. "...and frightening. But... but I don't even know what it is. It's like thinking there's a monster in the closet but being too scared to open the door and find out."

Wiping her eye quickly, she fiddles with the flower vase and pushes it aside, stepping back a little to admire it. "But I don't have any memories like that," she states with confidence. "I mean, the worst I ever had it was when I was told my family died and that doesn't frighten me. So... so whatever this is, I'm sure it's just a weird emotional day or something."

She nods as if trying to convince herself of that fact. Turning back to Dalton, she forces a smile to her face, now trying to convince him of the same. Her eyes could never lie though. "I think we better get that pasta off the stove, don't you?"

Wyatt's eyes widen a little bit and he looks to Aerith as a silly grin quirks on his lips. "Were you just gonna say girlfriend? You were gonna say girlfriend."

He tries not to laugh, but it comes out as a snicker anyway. "You know... it's kinda funny to think about... but I honestly haven't seen him this willing to break out and have fun once in a while since... well since I was a kid."

He points to a side street. "If we pull in here, we can see when those two pass by. I would love to crash their party... just to be ornery."

Grinning, his eyes twinkle with mischief. "But I promise if it really does look like we're interrupting something special, you and I will take off. It's just too much fun to pass up this opportunity."