

"Okay, yeah. Pizza sounds good." Jason was glad Katie didn't seem to mind not spending the evening together. He didn't want her to feel bad or anything. Maybe doing lunch instead really did help.

"I gotta finish up some reports for Reese, then we'll go grab something." Straightening, he taps his hand on the top of the cubicle wall. "See ya in a bit."

...Eating lunch together wasn't unusual. But it felt just a little bit... off today. Like something wasn't quite right. Jason couldn't put his finger on it. But of course, feeling anything lately wasn't exactly something he was good at, let alone interpreting what he did feel. He tries to ignore it for now though, and does his best to have a good time with Katie. Once back to TJY, the rest of the day goes quickly for him, and he leaves just a little early so he could get home in time to shower and change before meeting up with Sandy and the guys...

Kyle slings an arm around Alice's shoulders as they exit the building into the night air. He'd enjoyed being a part of the audience tonight at a concert. While part of him always liked being onstage, it was nice to have a break and just sit back and listen. And any time spent with Alice was fun anyway.

Heading to Kyle's pickup, he gives Alice a playful little jolt. "So I was thinking we could-" His words are broken off by the sound of shattering glass in the parking lot, followed by loud laughter. Kyle's eyes sweep their surroundings. "What on earth..." By now, others from the concert are filtering into the lot as well, and everyone could see there were five men who hadn't attended the concert. They were all dressed in black leather, all having motorcycles, though they were rotating between riding and running around on foot.


"Yo, try this out!" A motorcycle engine is revved as one rowdy weaves in and out of cars with one hand while chugging a beer.

"Hey, who got the nice car over here? Check it out!"

"Dude, we gots da good crowd tonight. Hey! Here they come!"

Another empty beer bottle is flung through the air, landing on the pavement to explode into a million pieces, followed by more laughter. "Hey, look at me! I'm Batman!" Three men had abandoned their bikes and one jumps on a car and climbs up and over the top, across the trunk and jumps to the next car, then the next. An alarm goes off, mixed with more shouting and howling like dogs.

"Hey, get off of my car!" A man from the concert audience stalks up to his car that was being used as a jungle gym. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Aw man! We got party poopers on da loose!" The one guy jumps down to face the man, revealing he was quite the larger of the two. Simply walking forward, he gets the man to back up. "Boo!" The man jumps, making the rowdy cackle with drunken humor. "Chill man! Have a beer!" He slings a bottle in the man's direction - it isn't caught and crashes to the ground but not before splattering beer all over the victim. The man just stands a bit stunned, angry but afraid to fight.

Someone nearer the building dials the police while the ruckus continues. Kyle hangs back with Alice, his face showing displeasure. His truck was far enough away, maybe they could skirt around. "Come on," he prompts. "Let's get out of here before we're pulled into this stupid mess."

The noise, laughter and rowdiness keeps on as Kyle guides Alice alongside him, aiming for his truck. Once they're inside though, Kyle is just ready to start the engine when he looks back to the building to see Twila emerge alone. It only takes a moment for her to be spotted and two of the men approach and start to harass her.

Kyle shakes his head. "No... no, no... they just crossed the line." He wasn't going to let anyone get away with messing with one of his friends. He didn't want to leave Alice alone here either, so he nods for her to follow him. "Come on. I'm not waiting for the cops."

Twila backs up against the building, wide-eyed at the two men laughing and jeering. They weren't hurting her but as one touches her hair, she slaps his arm away, only bringing more laughter and a threat to hit her with a beer bottle but no action. "Get away from me!" Twila begs. The dim light wasn't helping any and she couldn't see clearly, making it even more frightening. "Leave me alone!"

"Oooh, the little lady got spunk!"

"Hey!" Kyle sets Alice to the side and approaches the scene. "She asked you to leave her be, so do it."

"Whoa!" One of the guys whirls around and takes a swig of beer before pointing at Kyle. "A knight in shinin' armor. Who's that?" He points at Alice.

"None of your business. Now get out of here before I take you out."

"Ha! I think he's got two women here!" He cackles and finishes off his beer before tossing the bottle aside and letting it shatter on the ground.

It was hard to see faces this far away from the parking lot light, but tension was rising. Kyle takes a step forward, far enough that Twila can slip behind him. She skitters out of the way and over nearer Alice, trembling slightly. Kyle glares at the one man and points to where their buddies were still making a ruckus around the cars. "Get out of here."

"Aw, we're jist h'ving a bit o' fun!" The rowdy's words are slurred and he reaches out to pat Kyle's shoulder, but Kyle won't let him. Grabbing the man's wrist, he twists it around and gives a little shove, forcing him to back off.

"Woooo.... this's a smart 'n here!"

"Naw, he ain't all that smart." The second man takes a step closer. "Otherwise, he wouldn't have interfered. But then... he's good at that."

Kyle furrows his brow in confusion. He recognized the voice and it sounded like the guy knew him. But in the shadows, he still couldn't make out his face. "I only interfere when I see people like you displaying how stupid you really are."

"Why you..." The first thug is stopped from advancing by his buddy.

"This one's mine, Les. Back off."

Only now does Kyle catch a clear view of the second man's face. And when he does, his eyes widen in shock, all defenses down. "Hunter?"

"Hey, buddy ol' pal." Hunter stands with a cocky air, despite his churning emotions. He hadn't planned on seeing Kyle tonight... or ever, for that matter. He hadn't even known Kyle was back here at all, let alone at a stupid concert. All he'd been doing was having a good time after tonight's race. Seeing him now brought on a wave of feelings he'd buried and wanted to keep buried. Though a part of him wished to back off now, he was just drunk enough to let anger rule instead, so it was easy to push aside what he knew was right. "What do you think you're doing, ruining our fun?"

Kyle blinks. "That's all you have to say? You're actually with these guys? Making an idiot of yourself?"

"Hey now, be nice." Hunter cackles before his glazed eyes drift to Alice then back again. "I see your shadow is still with you. Impressive. You like showing off in front of her?"

"I'm not showing off," Kyle defends. "What are you doing here? You fall off the face of the earth, then when I see you again, you're a drunk, harassing people?"

"I'm not drunk." Hunter stretches out an arm then reaches in to touch his nose. "Just slightly inebriated, see? Don't get so riled, WWCK." He sets a hand on Kyle's shoulder. "It's bad for your health." Though his tone was even, a threat flashes in his eyes.

Kyle's shock turns to anger and he whacks Hunter's hand from his shoulder. But as soon as he does, he's open, and a fist flies into his gut. Doubling over, Kyle stumbles back into the wall and sinks down to the ground, holding his stomach and gasping for air.

"Never listen, do you?" Hunter hisses. The other guys were still making a scene behind them in the lot, whooping and hollering and breaking more bottles. Hunter stares down at Kyle's form. "Come on, tough guy. Get up. Show us what you got. Or have you gotten soft?"

Kyle doesn't move. He wanted to get up and punch out Hunter's lights. He wanted to get up and stop this mess before someone really got hurt. But even greater was the pain that had struck his heart. The man before him... the man who had just hit him... Kyle had once called him his best friend. But it looked like their friendship was over. He was too shocked and saddened to get up and fight.

As the phone rings, Reese growls. He should be home, but instead, he was still at TJY and since Susanne was gone, he either needed to let the phone system pick up or answer it himself. He opts for the latter, hoping it wasn't something that would keep him at work any longer. No such luck. "This is Reese."

"Hi, Reese. Happy to catch you. Brown here. We've got a situation."


"We just got a complaint - there are five drunk guys down at a concert who are stirring up trouble. We don't think anyone's been hurt yet but it's getting out of hand. Problem is, my men are all either gone or tied up. This isn't usually your department, but do you have any agents you could send down there?"

Reese withholds a sigh. He wasn't sure who was here anymore tonight, but he'd come up with something. "Yeah... I'll figure it out. Just give me the address." After receiving the information and ending the call, Reese heads out on the main floor. Jason was off duty for the night, Con was already gone, Pete had disappeared earlier in the day... if no one else was here, he'd go himself. Spotting a couple people working late though, he's glad. He arrives at Katie's cubicle just as Gunner is there handing her some paperwork. "Just the two agents I wanted to see."

Gunner quirks an eyebrow and looks at Katie, then back at Reese with suspicion. "Yeah?"

"Got a call. Concert downtown. They got some rowdies causing trouble. Nothing major yet, but there's alcohol involved so it's escalating pretty quick. Police station doesn't have anyone to go so Brown called in the favor. I want you two to go break things up and bring in whoever you can."

Gunner smirks. "Just what I wanted to do."

"No complaints, Gunner. Get in gear and go."

Gunner looks down at Katie and sighs. "Looks like it's you and me. Let's take two Elite vehicles."

Rocky's grin feels like it's a permanent fixture on his face. "Okay good."

Grabbing a napkin and a pen, he scribbles out where his church was located, and slides it over to Michaela. "Services are at nine and ten thirty - I gotta be at both for the music, so if you wanna just come to the second one, then we can take off from there, that's fine. Up to you."

"Um..." Dylan picks at he bristles in the brush, contemplating what he wanted to do now, or what he should do. He was still feeling a bit woozy, but didn't want to go back to the house quiet yet. And if nobody cared if he was in the barn...

"Yeah, okay, I guess. What are you doing now?"

Great Idea

Looking up at Jason Katie give a small smile. It was strange for him to mention going somewhere and not invite her. But that was ok right? For them to have sepret time...if it was ok, why didn't Katie feel ok?

"Yeah, yeah lunch sounds good. Ummm...want to do something easy like pizza?"

Katie never had heard Jason tall about his high school friends. It just seemed so strange now, maybe it was just the fact she couldn't read Jason's mind.

"I'm probley gonna work late tonight anyways."

Thinking about what Rocky had offered Michaela gives a nod a smile on her face. She really liked the thought of going with Rocky to fellowship. It excited her more than the date.

"I think that sounds like a great idea. Spending time with God, you and meeting new people what could be better."

Looking over the horse again and can't help but continue her smile. She was happy Sparky had been here to ease some of Dylan's doubt. The more people he new cared the better it would be for him to accept.

"Actully I still trust you. I don't think you would let anyone get hurt. You just lost your way."

Ashlee goes back to brushing the horse just a little more getting a few of the lose strands. Stopping again and putting the brush on the shelf in the back.

"So, want to help me with some other stuff or do you have to go?"
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Some friends

Dylan was just a little surprised to be asked to help Ashlee with the horses. He had to admit... he missed being in the barn. Once he'd overcome his fear of the animals, he'd begun to realize that a real love for horses was growing. Sparky had said it was in his blood. He wasn't so sure. But maybe that was just because he wasn't ready to admit that he was becoming like his father in some ways. He couldn't deny that he did enjoy the horses now though. It was hard to believe he'd been so afraid before but... maybe he'd changed in more ways than he'd realized.

"Yeah... yeah, okay. If nobody'll kick me out, I could use something to do for a while."

Wandering into the barn behind Ashlee, it doesn't take long to be grooming a tall bay mare. Dylan's hands were a little shaky but not enough to keep him from full strokes, making the mare stick out her neck in pleasure. Dylan works in silence for a while, a curry comb in one hand, a brush in the other, making his way from the neck, on down to the back and towards the rump. The sound of brushes and the swish of her tail was like gentle music. The smell of the barn, which Dylan had hated when first arriving at the ranch, was now a sweet comfort. Maybe he really hadn't minded it all along... maybe he just hadn't wanted people to know that he actually did like it here.

"Hey there... how's it going?" Sparky ambles past, giving Dylan's shoulder a pat.

Dylan looks up quickly, startled first, then studying his uncle to see just how he felt. He couldn't really tell though. "It's... going. I hope you don't mind... that I'm helping Ash, that is."

Sparky shakes his head. "Nope. I'm just glad to see you on your feet again."

Dylan bites his lip. "Really?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Sparky cocks his head, his smile fading into a more serious expression. "Move forward, Dylan... looking over your shoulder all the time will only give you a crick in your neck. This is your home. That never changes."

Dylan could feel an odd sensation in his gut. It was kind of like guilt but coated with warmth. He wasn't sure how to take it, but finds himself nodding slowly. "Okay..."

Sparky's grin returns. "And when you're ready, so is Sharpshooter. He misses his rider."

Watching his uncle walk away, Dylan eventually looks over the horse's back to Ashlee, not resuming his work quite yet. "So maybe you're right. But that still doesn't change the fact that nobody around here trusts me."

Rocky mulls over the options for a moment before shrugging. "I'm helping lead worship this Sunday... if you didn't mind coming to my church, we could do lunch after then go bowling? Maybe a few other people would come too? If you didn't mind?"

Cindy folds her arms and looks into her open closet. The suitcase on the bed behind her was half-packed. Nobody knew that but her, though. She'd mentioned this to no one. It had only been around two weeks since the news of Wes. Part of her knew she needed to just give herself more time. And part of her wanted to get out of here so bad she could taste it. The walls were closing in on her and all she wanted was to not be here. She didn't want to see Wes' belongings. The things he'd made. His clothing. The pictures of him on the wall. She just wanted to get away from it all. Not forever... but just for a little while. Long enough to let the healing begin. Long enough that when she returned, she'd be able to face this home again alone. Some people would understand. Some wouldn't. But it's what she knew she had to do. Right now, she had to cling to what she had - the things God had given her. Some where here at the ranch. And some were not. But if she did not try to gather close to her the blessings, she would feel as though she had rejected them, and she would never want to face God and admit that she had denied any of the blessings He'd given her.

Taking out another blouse from the closet, she folds it neatly and places it in her suitcase. She wasn't sure exactly when she would leave, but it would probably be soon. Dylan was better, which meant BJ would most likely stay at home again, starting tonight. And Kaylee - she would be going with her.

"I'm gonna... go hang out with some friends tonight." Jason leans on Katie's cubicle wall, staring down at her while she worked at her desk. He folds his arms, resting his chin on them. He'd gotten in touch with Sandy and had agreed to meeting her at the Pizza Box, along with Will, Rusty, and whoever showed up. He was... looking forward to it... at least he thought he was. He and Katie almost always tried to do supper together, and he knew he could take her along... but tonight... These were old friends, and he didn't want Katie to feel left out. That wouldn't be fair to her. And maybe part of him just wanted to see if he could find some enjoyment in this and just focus on his own time for once.

"Just some old friends from high school... gonna kick back and reminisce." He gives her a bit of a smile. "So... since you and I won't be doing supper, if you wanna go do lunch with me here in a bit, I'm buying."


One Month

"Uhhhh....nobody does, sorry to disappoint you."

Ashlee gives a smile as her eyes held a little bit of humor. She didn't know for sure if anyone did hate Dylan or not but if she had to guess she would say no one did. Everyone made mistakes and any one of them could be forgiven, so Dylan's could too.

"Want to come brush some of the horses with me? Eric says there soothing nature can really help when your having a bad day."

She really did believe Eric when he had told her that. For some reason just being around the horses it seemed to make her feel better when she was down in the dumps. Maybe it would help Dylan too or at least keep him busy for a little bit so he didn't feel like a caged animal in his room.

Taking another bite of her sandwich Michaela thinks for a long moment. It's not like she had a busy life she just did things in different spirts of the day. Sometimes it was hard to plan anything.

"Well the rest of the week I have nights free, Sundays I always am free and next Wednesday I have free too. Sooooo...take your pick."

She'd spouted out when she had off now Rocky could pick the rest. She thought it only right that he make the official date but maybe an idea wouldn't hurt.

"We could always go to church together Sunday and than do something after if you want."

"We can't give up looking. We didn't find a body that means he's out there somewhere still. We owe his wife that."

Shean leans back in the car seat. He was on the phone as soon as he heard they were going to declair Wes dead. It hadn't even been that long yet they just couldn't...not yet.

"At least a month for someone who gave there life to protect us. I know that's a long time to maybe to find nothing but we need to that for his family. So if its true there us real closure there."

He'd go and look for Wes himself if he had too. Just as long as someone was looking for him. That's what Yw cared about.

"Yes Sir. I know he would if done the same for me. Yes, thank you. One month, I got it, thank you."

One month was better than the other option if not looking at all. He had to find something, he just had too.

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Unknown History

Dylan stops short, almost being run into. He shake his head at Ashlee's apology though. "Not your fault. I'm in my own little world at least half the time if not more." A look of wry humor passes in his eyes... eyes that were far clearer this morning than than they had been... eyes that no longer told of secrets... eyes that no longer hid behind a glaze of a self-inflicted prison.

He slips his hands into his jeans pockets and shrugs. "I'm feeling okay. Kinda woozy but I couldn't stand being cooped up inside any longer. I guess I..." He shrugs again. "Guess I wanted to find out how many people hate me now."

Though it hurt a little, Tal willingly returns Ryan's kiss, glad to know that she didn't want to pay attention to the threats either.

"Eh... it shouldn't be surprising. Somebody like him who would stoop low enough to leave you in the first place..." He coughs, wincing as he does. "That alone... leaving you... proves he was stupid to begin with."

Though his face is still red, Rocky laughs. "Thanks for trying to make me feel better. I still made a fool out of myself though."

Keeping his humor intact though, he crunches down on a potato chip, grinning. "Then it's a date. What night works best?"

After watching the news for an hour, Jared was confused enough about world events to change the channel and wound up finding an old comedy that was at least funny enough to make him crack half a smile. It didn't keep his weariness away though, and that, together with all of the pain medication he was on, finally prompted his eyes to close.

No sooner had he dozed off though, that a sound at the door roused him. Slowly turning his head, he spies his mother... and Justin? After that first visit by his brother, he hadn't come back, and Jared had wondered if he even would. Lydia came every day. But not Justin.

"Hello, Jared." Lydia smiles big and comes to sit by the bed. "How do you feel today?"

Jared grins. "Like I got hit by a bus. But better I think."

Lydia chuckles. "Always the humor. That is a good thing."

Conversation was kept very light and was mostly led by Lydia. Though Justin pulled up a chair too, he remained mainly quiet, observing more than interacting. He hadn't really wanted to come today. But his mother had asked him... and he knew he couldn't just ignore this whole thing, especially after he'd already been here once. And maybe... deep down... part of him was curious as to what would happen if he did interact with Jared a bit more.

It wasn't long before Lydia decided it was time to go, although she tells Justin that she wanted to stop and talk to some of the nurses, so he could stay a few more minutes. Once she leaves the room though, the silence brings even more awkwardness than there had been already. Both brothers find their eyes locked in a strange tense gaze. Finally, it's Jared that speaks. "We didn't get along, did we?"

Justin drops his sights for a moment. "Why would you say that?"

Jared shrugs. "Maybe the awkward pauses... or the way Mom doesn't talk about the two of us much... or how you avoid coming here."

Justin looks back up at him and purses his lips. As hard as it was, he knew the truth should be spoken. "No... we didn't get along. As a matter of fact, since being adults, we hardly spoke to each other."

"I see." Jared nods slowly, not really sure how to digest that. "What... I mean, why?"

Justin almost laughs. He'd like to tell Jared just the reasons. How he was a jerk. How he lived a life to be ashamed of. "I guess... we went our separate ways."

"It's more than that." Though calm, it was obvious Jared was somewhat frustrated. "What happened between us?"

"Look, it really isn't worth digging up."

"It is to me... Please."

Justin sighs. This was just so uncomfortable for him. "If I rehash the past, it's only my perspective - it would be an unbalanced story because you can't tell your side of things."

Jared swallows hard. He was almost afraid. "Sometimes there's a right and wrong behind opinion... I was wrong... wasn't I?"

Justin's brow furrows as he leans on the back of the chair he straddled backwards. How could he say it? How could he tell this clueless man what kind of life he'd lived? The lies he'd told? The grudges he'd held? The manipulation he'd learned all too well? It didn't seem fair anymore since Jared was innocently ignorant.

Unable to think of any good way to explain things, Justin stands up. "I think we best just let this subject lie."

"Not again." Jared's eyes beg him. "Please... just talk to me. I've obviously done something wrong and I'm sorry I can't remember so I can apologize for whatever it was. But if you tell me, I can."

Justin returns the chair to its place and shakes his head. "Saying you're sorry now isn't going to change or fix anything. If you can't remember, there isn't a point." He turns towards the door. "I gotta go."

"Justin, wait!" Jared raises his voice. "Talk to me!"

Justin keeps on going. "I'll see you soon," he responds calmly.

Jared growls loudly but it does no good as he watches his brother walk away. For the first time since waking up, he tasted what must be his temper. Perhaps it was good that he was immobile, but it only added to his frustration.

"Hey, handsome." The nurse walks in with a cheery smile. "Ready for supper?"

"Go stick a sock in it," Jared grumbles.

The nurse stops and quirks an eyebrow. "Forget I said handsome. What's wrong now?"

"I'm a jerk, that's what's wrong." Jared toys with the edge of the bed sheet. "Or at least that's what I think. Or something."

The nurse cocks her head and approaches a little more slowly. "You look more blue than mad."

"I suppose."

"Well, out with it."

"How can I get out with it when I don't even know what I did?!"

The nurse fluffs up his pillow before setting her hands on her hips. "You're not making any sense."

Jared rolls his eyes. "Thanks for that information."

"Why are you so upset? Was it a visitor you had?"

"Yeah... my brother."

"So what's so wrong with that?"

"Apparently I did something to him but I don't remember what and now he hates me. He doesn't want to admit it though so he keeps coming like everything is fine but he won't talk about it. So I'm stuck in the dark and can't even chase the coward out of here 'cause I can't walk."

The nurse smiles and pats his arm. "Better to be stuck here than arrested for assault."

Jared smirks. He wanted to stay mad, but it was hard when the cute little nurse was grinning at him like that. "Yeah, I suppose. But you better stay and help feed me my supper or I'll lie here and pout."

It was the nurse's turn to smirk. "Last I knew, you had one good arm and that's all it takes to shove jello into your mouth."

A little smile finally quirks Jared's mouth. "You could hold my other hand."

"Oh, psh." She gives the same arm a whack that she'd just patted. "I'll be back with your supper shortly."

Watching her leave, Jared sighs. Maybe being ignorant really was best at this point. At least he couldn't stew about what he didn't know.


Came Bewteen Us

Michaela can't help but chuckle again. She wasn't laughing at Rocky but she was laughing with him. Maybe she was hiding her own nerves in this whole thing but she was happy she was not the only one.

"Yes I think I would like that. I was wondering when you might as or if I was going to have to do it."

Her lips curl up in a bright smile as she looks across the table at Rocky. A little humor shone in her eyes to prove she was joking around with him but she was happy he asked her. She hadn't really had many boyfriends herself so this was pretty new to her too.

"To me you did a pretty good job in asking me. There is no perfect way so you did great."

Comfortable on the couch with Tal Ryan runs her hand though his hair softly. Looking down at him as he talks a smile spreads across her face. She was happy that he wasn't going to listen to Alec. Ryan just hoped at the same time Alec would get the point and not trying anything else stupid.

"That means a lot Tal that you wont back down. I am happy for that because you mean a lot to me too and I'd be heart broken if Alec came between us."

Leaning down Ryan places a soft kiss on Tal's lips just letting it linger for a moment before pulling away. Tonight she was going to spend it at Tal's encase he needed anything. The couch or chair would be her bed and she didn't mind at all. As long as she new he was going to be ok.

"I am sorry though that Alec is acting like this. I never thought he would stoop this low."

Wondering out of the barn with a brush in her hair Ashlee wasn't paying much attachen as she was pulling the hair from the brush and letting the wind carry it away. Looking up at the last second she was able to stop though a few feet infront of Dylan as to not run into him. Giving a smile and a wave.

"Sorry about that. I guess I was in my own little world. It's really good to see you up and around. How are you feeling?"


Rocky stops mid-chew and finally looks across at Michaela. Why his heart was suddenly thumping a little faster, he wasn't quite sure.

Finishing his bite, he sets his sandwich down and his one eyebrow arcs as he cocks his head. "Well, um... I guess... yeah... if you don't mind. I mean if you'd like to. Date that is. I mean go on a date. With me. Bowling. Hang out type of date. Not a date date. Or a date. Whichever... you prefer?"

Blinking, Rocky furrows his brow, getting the feeling that he'd just made no sense at all. His cheeks turn soft crimson, although his mouth does curl up into a sheepish smile. "Can you tell I've been out with girls a million times? I mean, it takes talent to botch up a simple invitation like that. I'm a pro and I didn't even know it til now."

It was several hours later, and Tal was settled on his couch with his head in Ryan's lap as a movie played quietly. At the moment, without moving, he wasn't in too much pain, which was better than earlier. His hand holds Ryan's, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing her palm. He was glad for her help with taking care of things, and more glad for her company. One thing did bother him though, and he hadn't brought it up yet...

"Hey, Ryan..." He readjusts his mouth a little so his jaw wouldn't protest him talking. "About what Alec told me..." He'd found out that there was no proof his attacker had been Alec. He didn't know how it had happened, or what had malfunctioned or how Alec had made it work, but he knew it was him. He had no doubt. And at least Ryan and Eli believed him.

"...I don't plan on obeying him, ya know. I mean... he's just being stupid and there's no way I'm gonna quit seeing you 'cause he's threatening me." He gives her hand a squeeze. "You mean too much to me for that."

The sunlight hits Dylan's eyes hard and he squints, shuffling slowly off the porch as the screen door falls shut behind him. A little wobbly on his legs, he leans on the railing for a moment, letting his brain get its bearings.

As predicted, it had been another day or two and he was finally feeling well enough to at least get outside for some fresh air. His muscles felt shaky and his stomach still wasn't quite right, making work not an option today. But at least he could get some sunshine and get out of the bedroom for a little while. The only thing that bothered him was facing people. He'd seen his dad... Stacy... Ashlee... Dan... Rosetta... Jade... but that was it. Not since going downhill anyway. He feared what people might think even worse than when Dan had brought him back from town. Now they all knew. They all knew that he'd made the wrong choices. They all knew he'd been weak. Not strong enough to stand up and say no.

Sighing, Dylan trudges forward. It was warm out, but he'd thrown on a light flannel shirt over his t-shirt anyway, still feeling slightly chilled. Tucking his hands in his pockets, he slowly approaches the barn for lack of a better place to go.


Sitting in the parking lot for a second Trey just thinks about what Pete said. It really meant a lot to him to know Pete was saying it as a friend and not Reese's lap dog. But Trey wasn't sure if he really wanted to talk about it or not.

"Thanks Pete, I'll remember to take you up on that sometime."

Giving a grin and opening the door Trey steps out of the car and starts to head inside. He just wanted time to process everything and just sit in quiet. That was the normal for him and he was use to it by now.

Michaela gives a small laugh as she takes a bit of her sandwich. She was enjoying the light conversation with Rocky. It was always nice and didn't feel to strange. She liked there time together it was just calm and peaceful knowing someone else shared her faith with.

"Ohhh, I like bowling. Never been to good at it but I still like it."

Taking a sip of water than giving a smile Michaela's eyes twinkled a little as she could feel her hands go a little cold. She wondered something but didn't know if she should ask or not. She didn't want to embarrass Rocky but if she didn't ask she would never know.

"And I'd like to go with you...that is...if its an official date. or if not...I'll...go anyways?"


Pete wonders about Trey's response. Why had Alec given Trey smokes to begin with? He didn't know they'd had contact at all. Was Alec doing something he shouldn't? And what would have made Trey change his mind anyway? There were many questions. But only Trey knew the answers.

The rest of the ride is quiet until Pete pulls into the TJY parking lot again and cuts the engine. Glancing at Trey a last time, he puts his sunglasses up on his head. "Just so you know... if there's ever anything you need or need to tell somebody, I'm here. And I mean as a friend, not as an informant to Reese."

Tal's grin returns, glad that Ryan was enjoying the puppies. They'd be gone soon... but she'd have her own, and they'd still have the memories.

Rick glances over to Ryan and then up at the clock. "I'd like it if he stayed here for a couple hours just to keep an eye on things to make sure there's nothing I missed. After that, when he goes home, he needs to rest for a day or so, and only go back to work when he feels up to it."

Hearing Rick, Tal smirks a little. "Try tomorrow. I got bills to pay."

"Nobody's gonna stop you," Rick agrees. "But let me tell you - tomorrow is going to be worse than today. After that, you'll start feeling better."

Rocky chuckles and shakes his head. "You mean last time you got all the way backstage and you didn't get an autograph? We're slipping." He grins and is ready to say more when the waiter appears to take their orders.

Once settled with food and starting to eat, Rocky nods. "Good stuff." It really was good food. He would have described this place as "foofoo" to anyone else, but he had to admit that it was one of the better sandwiches he'd had. He also had a feeling he'd be back.

"So... we need to like... go do something sometime." He concentrates on his lunch, finding it easier to look at the bits and pieces of lettuce that needed to be picked up, rather than Michaela's face. "You know like... a movie... bowling... something."

Close First

Getting into the car Trey still felt uneasy and his stomach sick. The look, the worry, the anger she had seen on Ryan and Eli's face was imprinted into his mind. Maybe it was seeing other people around him care. Or the fact that what Alec had done was reckless and could of landed him in a big amount of trouble. Whatever it was though the cracks just grew a little bit more...conscious.

"Yep, so far everything is alright. I just had to give Alec his smokes back. I didn't feel like selling those ones anymore."

Looking back out the window Trey just lets the scenes pass him by. He was quiet, a lot more than normal but his mind was still processing a lot of stuff he'd learned in the last few days. It was still confusing and odd but he'd find the meaning in it somehow.

Giving an even wider smile Ryan was happy that this attach hadn't caused Tal to change his mind about her and stay away. She cared a great deal about him and to lose him she would of been crushed.

"You better believe I wanna come over and help. I'd have to say spending time with you and the puppy's is taking a close almost first to car racing."

Looking up and over to Rick Ryan gives a nod of thanks. She was happy that he helped Tal out, Misty too. If she new one place she could always go when not wanting to hit the hospital it was here for sure.

"When will Tal be able to go home Doc?"


Tal manages a bit of a crooked grin while looking up at Ryan, still laying on his side. He gives her hand a squeeze. "Yeah... maybe I'll look a little scarier now, huh?" Though in pain, he knew it could have been worse than just a couple broken ribs and cuts and bruises. Even though he didn't want to admit it, he knew that Alec was well-trained and could have easily killed him had he wanted. Tal was bigger than Alec, but Alec had the skill.

Trying to sigh without it hurting much, Tal just studies Ryan for a moment, feeling badly that this had upset her so much. He could tell that it bothered her to see him hurt. That it made her angry. He was sure Eli was angry too. He wished he could have stood up for himself. Eli would have been able to. Was it really that Tal didn't know how or that he didn't have the guts? He wondered.

"I gotta get home and take care of the pups," he muses. "Gonna come help me?"

Alec hadn't been expecting anyone, so hearing a knock made him just a little leery. It had only been a half day or working the roadside, and he'd just been dropped off a few minutes ago. Still in his dirty clothes, he wanders to the door.

He was surprised to see Trey standing there. What was happening? Had something gone wrong with the plan last night?

He doesn't have enough time to speak before Trey does. Realizing Trey's anger, and his refusal of the payment, Alec can feel his blood start to boil. Seriously? Trey cared? How he found out, Alec wasn't sure, unless someone had complained to TJY or even took Tal in. Either way, Alec wouldn't be surprised, but no one would have any proof, so it didn't worry him. But to have Trey react like this... it was not what he would have expected.

Taking the cigarettes that were shoved back to him, his eyes narrow in displeasure. Was Trey daring to threaten him? Was he really daring to give him a warning? Did Trey think he'd be scared off? Besides all that, why did Trey even care one way or the other what Alec had done? It was baffling, aside from irritating.

Opening his mouth, Alec can't even reply as Trey walks away. Slamming his door shut again, he tosses the carton aside and goes to the window to look out, folding his arms in disgust. He sees Pete's convertible and wonders if Trey had spilled the beans. No... if he had, he'd already have Reese breathing down his neck. For some reason, Trey had kept quiet, despite his obvious displeasure.

No matter... Alec continues to scowl. Tal would have gotten the message. And Alec would find a way to take care of matters again if Tal refused to pay head to his threat.

Waiting until Trey gets back in the car, Pete pulls from the lot and heads back to TJY. He remains quiet for a few minutes, studying Trey through his peripheral vision.

"Everything okay?"

Blood Money

Looking back to Eli again Ryan shakes her head. She new this was wrong, she new more needed to be done but they had nothing else to go by. It was a dead end and it was obvious that Reese wouldn't do anything without any proof.

Giving a shake of her head and letting out a long sigh Ryan looks to Eli before moving past Reese and going back into the infirmary to be with Tal. Going to the bed side Ryan takes his hand softly in her's again to let him know she was there. Giving a soft smile she leans down to kiss his head.

"Hey look at you, now you've got some of your own battle scars."

Being a bit surprised that Pete didn't ask anything more Trey follows him out to his car. Not knowing where Alec lived or how far away it was He just rides in silence. Going through what he would say to Alec and what he was say to Pete if he did ask any questions.

...Pulling into the big parking lot and having Pete tell Trey what apartment was Alec's he gives a nod letting Pete know he wouldn't be long. Zipping his hoodie up and sticking his hands in his pockets Trey makes his way to Alec's apartment giving a strong knock on the door.

As Alec opens the door Trey just glares at him for a long moment. He wasn't sure if Alec would remember him but he didn't much care.

"If I would have known you were going to almost beat a guy to death I wouldn't have helped you."

Trey did his best to keep his own temper on an even keel but let his irritation show through.

"Pull a stunt like that again and I will turn you and myself into Reese about what happened. You can have these back too. If I sell them now its considered blood money and thats not cool."

Without letting Alec reply Trey turns and heads back down the steps. He didn't care if Alec had anything to say he didn't want to listen to it. He just wanted to get back out to Pete and head back to TJY.


"I didn't mean to imply your friend would lie or try to harm himself," Reese quickly explains. "I'm just saying that it's obvious he was mistaken. Alec didn't leave his apartment last night. Perhaps the attacker was someone who you don't even know. Someone who has admired you and thinks you don't have a right to be with anyone else. It's sick, but it happens."

Reese shakes his head. "That's all I can say unless there's more proof, I'm sorry." He could see how upset both siblings where, but there was nothing he could do. His hands were tied as far as Alec was concerned if there was no proof. He felt badly though, wishing he could give them more than this. "There won't be any medical bills for you bringing your friend here, even if Rick wants him to stay or come back for follow-up. That much we can do."

Eli shakes his head in disgust. He was glad for that, especially if Reese felt there was no connection to TJY at all. But it didn't seem to matter. Something was wrong here. He could feel it in his bones. "If I find my proof, you better hope there's something left of Alec for you to actually content with."

"If you find proof, whatever is left of him will be going straight behind bars for severely stepping over the line."

If only. Eli looks to his sister again. Was there anything else they could do here?

Pete looks up at Trey, surprised at the request. Abandoning his computer work, he studies the young man's eyes, wondering at the strange look he saw. There was something going on. Something unsaid. Something between Trey and Alec - which was odd in itself since Alec hadn't been around here lately.

Silent for several moments, Pete turns and picks up his phone. "Susanne? Yeah, I'm stepping out for a few minutes. I'll be back shortly."

After hanging up, he stands, grabbing his car keys. "Well, I don't know what time Alec will be back after working, but we can at least go check it out." Exiting his cubicle, he heads for the door. Questions burned inside of him. His gut warned him to ask Trey more. What if something really was wrong here? What if there was something they should know about? But he swallows the urge to ask. If there ever was a time he wanted to show Trey he was willing to trust him, it was now. To break that would be to break everything he'd worked so hard at the last few days with gaining back Trey's friendship.

Tal moves his face around a little, feeling the tightness of the stitches. He knew as soon as the numbness wore off, it would be hurting pretty badly again. He gives Misty a small nod. "Okay... thanks... for helping."

It took just a few minutes for Rick to take several x-rays, and a few more minutes for him to see the results as Tal laid back down on the table, still on his side.

"A couple ribs are broken..." Rick points to the x-ray, showing Misty. "I was more worried about his back, but it looks like his spine is okay. He's just got some very deep bruising there. Looks like it's all above his kidneys though, so that's good."

Trying to listen, Tal has a hard time not drifting off. He was utterly exhausted. The next thing he knew though was incredible pain in his back and he stifles a groan.

"Easy does it," Rick comforts as he applies liniment to Tal's back. "This is just to help with the bruising and swelling."

Just a feeling

Watching as Hal brought up the information. Watching and listing Ryan's confusion grew. She still was made but she didn't understand. If Alec had been in his apartment why would Tal have said it was him. Looking to her brother she gives a few blinks.

"Tal said it was dark but he said the attacker said "Stay away from Ryan or next time will be worse." and it was Alec's voice. I really don't think Tal would lie about that not to mention those injorys he has can't be self inflicted."

Ryan cross her arms across her chest. She had a gut feeling this was Alec it seemed like something he might do even if there was no proof. Something is wrong, something had malfunctioned. It frustrated her to no end not having an answer though. Ryan could only hope if they wernt going to believe them that it wouldn't happen again.

Coming up from down under Trey walked with the carton of smokes in a bag. He was on his way to find Pete and see if he new any party's that were going to be going on. They were some of the best places to sell the packs he could find.

Turning the corner though Trey comes to a stop seeing he commotion going on by the infirmary and he wondered what it was. Looking down like he was doing something else he listens to what was going on, the accusations, the accused, and the lack of proof and it makes Trey sick. He never wanted to anyone to get hurt but someone had pretty badly by the sound of it an put a little anger in him.

Starting up his rout up again Trey now aimed for Pete's cubicle with a different purpose and reason. He felt mighty rotten and played at the moment and there was only one thing he could think of doing.

"Hey Pete, I need you to do me a favor and trust me enough to not ask any questions. I need you to take me over to Alec's apartment. It's not for anything bad and I am not going to start any trouble I just...have to talk to him about something."

Trey didn't expect Pete to agree with out some answers so if he didn't than he would just walk himself. But a part of him hopped he would. He wasn't sure why this was bother him so much but it was. Maybe it was the worry, anger, and pain that showed on Ryan's face but all Trey new was it wasn't right.

Standing over Tal and trying to be as gentle as She could be Misty stitched up the last cut on his face. Giving him a soft smile it dosnt take her long as this cut was smaller than the others.

"There you go right as rain. Just make sure you keep them cleaned so they don't get infected ok. I think Rich is going to do a few more Xrays and if everything is ok you can go home ok?"



Reese's eyes widen as he crosses his arms. Alec? How? Listening more to Ryan, he furrows his brow, confused and annoyed with the whole situation.

"Well first off, it's impossible that it was Alec, and secondly, even if it was and we knew about it, we would certainly not allow it!"

Heading down the hall, he motions for both Eli and Ryan to follow him. "Come on. I'll show you." Hal had been watching the monitors last night, and the tracers were always played back later to ensure nothing had happened. Reese had heard nothing from Hal, which meant nothing had happened.

"Hey, Hal? We need a minute."

Hal swivels in his chair in the control room and looks with curiosity at the small group. "Eli... Ryan..."

Eli simply nods.

"Last night - Alec." Reese points to the computer monitors. "Where was he?"

Hal quirks an eyebrow, confused, but checks anyway. He gestures to the screen which showed a minute-by-minute scan of Alec's whereabouts that could be printed if so desired. "He was in his apartment." His finger follows the timeline. "All night."

Reese looks back to Eli and Ryan. "I don't know what's going on here, but our equipment has not been proven to be faulty so far. Alec went to work this morning and we saw his every move. It was not a tracing failure, and he cannot remove his ankle bracelet without us being very blatantly warned."

Eli scowls, setting his hands on his hips. He looks at his sister, not questioning her own statements, but rather Tal's. "Could he have been wrong? Was it dark? Is he positive it was Alec?"

Tal tries to keep his head as still as possible, glad the side of his face was numb now but still feeling the pain of stitches. With Rick and Misty hovering over him as he lay on the table, he was feeling rather embarrassed about this whole thing and being the center of attention. He was grateful... just not quite sure how to feel.

Rick cleans off the third and last deep cut on Tal's face, prepping it for Misty to stitch. "Go ahead and finish that up, then I want to get a couple x-rays to see if anything on his spine or ribs is broken."

To anyone

Help Eli with Tal Ryan shuts the door and locks it behind them as they continue to the car. Getting there and sliding into the back Eli didn't have to tell her twice as she gentile put Tal's head in her lap and took his hand.

Feeling his hand tighten around her with every little bump Ryan new how much pain Tal really was in more than just looking at him. With every bump it hurt her a little more and a little more. She didn't understand how anyone could do this to another person. It only fed her anger even more.

Once inside Ryan dosnt leave Tal's side as Rick checks him over. She offers him a soft smile though her anger was still under the skin with every wince Tal made it only made it grow more and more. Looking up as Reese enters the room Ryan gives Tal's hand a gentile back before letting it go.

"I wont be far. I've just got to talk to Reese with Eli for a second...ok?"

Leaving Tal's side and going with her brother outside Ryan let her anger now show on he face. Reese had said he made it so if Alec went anywhere other than were they wanted than why had they not known Alec was at Tal's, why didn't someone come and stop.

"It was Alec! Tal said he broke into his house and told him to stay away from me or he was going to get worse next time than he did this time."

Ryan was trying not to let herself get anymore upset than she already was but she just couldn't help it. The more she talked about it the more her anger grey and the more it hurt her.

"He can't get away with this. He could of killed Tal Reese, and if there is a next time he just might. Something has to be done. Alec can't be aloud to do this to anyone."


Eli can feel his anger building, but he keeps it under the surface for now. There was no point in losing his temper here when neither Tal or his sister were to blame. But she was right - Alec would pay.

Seeing how distraught Ryan was, Eli's heart aches. It was rare she was this upset, and even rarer that she would allow any tears to show. Reaching out, Eli sets his hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "It'll be okay... somehow... I promise."

In the living room, Tal manages to get himself up and slip on his sneakers. He'd go, but only because he didn't want to cross Eli. Whether anybody knew it or not, besides Ryan, Eli was his best friend. Tal wouldn't force him to drag him to TJY. And at least it was there and not the hospital. He hated hospitals.

Managing to find his keys, wallet and cell phone, the latter two really matter but he never went anywhere without them. Leaning against the wall, he closes his eyes, wanting to just slide down on the floor right here and call it a day. But he knew he couldn't.

A strong arm comes up under his own and he winces before turning to look at Eli, willingly shifting his weight to lean on him. "How bad do I look?"

Eli smirks. "I won't tell you. Come on," With his arm around him, he heads slowly for the door, nodding to Ryan to follow. Once outside and to Tal's car, Eli helps Tal ease into the backseat, though it was obviously painful. "I'll drive. Ryan, you sit in back with him."

The ride to TJY doesn't take long, but it felt like it. With his head in Ryan's lap, Tal felt every little bump in the road. He didn't utter a sound though, keeping the pain to himself. The only signal that it hurt was his grip on Ryan's hand...


Gunner turns from his desk to see Eli and his sister, helping another man down towards the hall. "Whoa. What-"

"Have Reese come to the infirmary," Eli orders.

Gunner's eyebrows rise. "Well what do I-"

"Just do it!"

Gunner blinks as the three pass, but obeys, dialing Reese's office.

Making it slowly down the hall and finally to the infirmary, they push the door open. Tal is about ready to collapse, leaning more heavily on Eli with each step.

Rick turns from the counter, his eyes going wide. "Eli?"

Tal finds it rather strange that people around here knew Eli that well. He knew that Eli had kept an eye on Alec for them a while back but... was that really all there was to it? He sure knew his way around here well.

Eli nods to Rick. "Doc. This is Tal. You know Ryan."

"I do." Rick is quick to approach, gesturing to the table where Tal can lie down. "What happened?"

"He got beat up last night."

Rick immediately starts checking Tal over. "Why didn't you take him to the hospital?"

"Long story."

Poked and prodded, Tal winces, hating every moment. When Rick tries to roll him onto his back though, he stifles a cry of pain.

Rick wastes no time in pulling up the back of Tal's shirt.

Eli turns away for a moment, closing his eyes to maintain his composure. Did Alec know what he'd done? Had he been so vicious to harm someone to this degree on purpose? It made him sick.

Rick cringes at the sight of huge bruises on Tal's back. There was obvious swelling as well, but it was what was deeper that Rick was concerned about. Someone had done a good job with what he guessed to be hefty kicks. "Alright, stay on your side, it's okay." He turns to Eli and Ryan again. "This is going to take a little while to get him cleaned up and to check everything. You're welcome to-"

"What is going on?" Reese enters the infirmary, stopping short at the scene.

Eli swings around and immediately his temper flares. Stalking up to Reese, he stops only inches from him, just tall enough to look down into his eyes with a glare. "So much for keeping your dog on a leash," he hisses. "I hold you partially responsible for this."

"Whoa, whoa." Reese holds up his hands. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Can we-"

"Would you please take your conversation elsewhere?" Rick didn't mean to snap, but this was hard enough without an argument going on behind him.

Reese looks between Eli and Ryan and nods to the hallway. "Please explain what happened. Out here."

Once in the hallway with the infirmary door closed, Eli tosses his sister a look. "Go ahead. You know more than me."

Not Fair

Coming back to Tal once she was off the phone Ryan places a fresh cloth on his face. She new Eli would come and he would make Tal go get looked at. If she wasn't so angry she could of done it herself but she felt to horrible for many different reasons right now.

As Eli comes into the apartment Ryan stands. She didn't have to say anything yet as Eli talked to Tal and made him go with them. One way or another he was going Ryan just hopped it would be with his own free will.

Getting pulled into the hallway Ryan looks up at her brother her eyes still a blaze but also the look of sadness, and pure terror in them for Tal's own safety.

"Tal said Alec wanted him to stay away from me and thats why he did it. My guess would be he though if he beat Tal up enough it would scare him away and than he could get me back. But he's very wrong, I can't stand him even more now than I did before."

Ryan's hands clenched at her sides. She couldn't remember the last time she was this mad. It had been a very very long time and she wished she'd never had, had to have thing anger come out again but this...Tal he was someone she loved, part of her family and someone had hurt him.

"Alec can't get away with this Eli, he just can't. Tal is lucky to be alive in there let alone the wounds we can't see. I don't know what the heck is wrong with Alec's head."

Looking back into the living room Ryan can feel a hold tear run down her cheek as she looks at Tal. This wasn't fair, it wasn't right and he shouldn't have had to go through this. He'd done nothing wrong. It had been Alec that was wrong, about everything and with everything he did. So why did Tal have to pay?


Eli didn't usually keep his phone on him at work, but today he had, hoping he'd hear from Ryan about Tal. His friend's lack of communication this morning was a bit worrisome, though Eli figured there must be a good explanation.

Feeling his pocket vibrating, he sets down his tools and answers it quickly, covering his other ear to keep out the loud sounds of the shop. "Yeah? Ryan? What's up?"

Hearing her tone, a chill runs down Eli's spine. She was angry, and he could tell. But why would she want to kill Alec? And why did she want Tal to go to TJY? It didn't make any sense. Unless...
His heart skips a beat. Had Alec done something to Tal? There were too many questions to ask over the phone.

"Okay, I'm on my way. Sit tight and don't do anything stupid, whatever you do." He still had no clue what was going on, but he knew his sister - the same blood that flowed through his veins flowed through her too, and once a McKade was angry, it was awfully hard to keep a lid on it.

Heading out of the garage, he clocks out immediately, still talking on his phone. "I'm leaving right now. Be there in ten minutes."

....Arriving on his bike, Eli is quick to dismount and head to Tal's apartment. He doesn't bother knocking. Getting inside, it only takes one sweeping glance to notice Tal lying on the couch. And even from here, it was obvious that he was in bad shape.

"Have mercy..." Eli approaches quickly, taking a knee next to the couch. "Holy cow, Tal... what bus ran you over?"

Tal pries open his eye enough to give Eli a withering look. "Funny."

"No it's not." Eli removes the cloth Tal had been holding and forces Tal to turn his face for Eli to see. "You need help."


Eli gets to his feet and gives Ryan a look that was angry, worried and determined all in one. Looking back at Tal, he sets his hands on his hips. "You're in no shape to argue. Even if you try, all I gotta do is pick you up and carry you and there's nothing you can do about it. So get up, get whatever you need and we're going to the Elite infirmary."

Grabbing Ryan's arm, he drags her into the hallway, leaving Tal to make up his mind. "Alec did that?" he hisses. "Why?"


Hearing that it was Alec anger burns even more through Ryan. Did her really think this would get her back? Did Alec really think this would cause her to love him again? He was wrong because all it was doing was confirming why she didn't want to be with him anymore. That the choose she'd made was the right one.

"One good hit is better than no good hit specially when it comes to someone like Alec. I hope Trey your not going to listen to him."

Ryan turns her head a little bit. She new her gaze held a fire that maybe Tal had never seen before but it was not for him. She held compassion, love and worry that he would be ok. The anger, that McKade fire was for Alec, that dangerous flam burned so bright she wished she could just smash a hole into him and if she was to see him she new she would do it.

"Wait here ok, I am going to go see if I can get you some more ice. I need to call Eli too, to let him know your ok. When you didn't show up this morning I had called him to see if he saw you."

Letting go of Tal's hand Ryan goes to the kitchen and leans against the counter for a moment before bringing her fist to it in a swift punch that sent its own wave of pain through her arm.

Finally pulling out phone and dialing Eli Ryan paces the kitchen waiting for him to pick up. When he finally does Ryan can't help the growl she lets out thinking she had waited to long already.

"Eli I need you to come over to Tal's apartment right now. If you don't your going to be less one sister because I killed Alec. I also need to try and get Tal to go to TJY to get looked at and he wont come with you. I know you can convince him. Please come and hurry."


Tal should have known better than to think Ryan couldn't guess who his attacker had been. Right about now, he'd like to get up, growl a little, pace and hit something. But he hurt too much to even move, let alone get up. And all it did was feed his frustration.

His one eye stares at his hand that was held for several moments before finally daring to look up into Ryan's gaze. She was so worried... In a strange sort of way, it felt good, knowing that she cared that much about him to be that worried. But her worry changed nothing. The fact of the matter was that he'd been beat up by some jealous bully and Ryan knew exactly who it was.

He finally nods slowly. He was a horrible liar to begin with - he might as well not even try. "Yeah... yeah, it was him. He, um..." He moves his thumb to rub Ryan's hand. "He wanted me to stay away from you."

He gives a quiet scoff. "I never even saw him coming. I got off one good..." He pauses as a new wave of pain rushes through him. "...one good shot and that was it. So much for... being able to handle myself."

Was it...

Continuing to look at Tal Ryan's heart ached for him. It hurt her so much to see him in so much pain. Someone who wanted to get back at him? There was only one name that came to mind for that. Tal wasn't a person who had to many enemys.

"Who would want to get back at you Tal? It was Alec it wasn't it?"

Ryan softly takes Tal's hand in her own. Cocking her head a little more to look at him she almost wanted to cry for Tal. Just seeing him like this was so hard.

"Tal you have to tell me. We can't let him get away with this. Was it Alec Tal?"

Bad liar

Tal doesn't like the idea of going anywhere, and his expression showed it. "It'll be fine," he mumbles. "Please... I don't... don't wanna go anywhere." All he wanted was some more pain killers, but he'd already reached his max dose and didn't dare take any more yet.

Ryan's adamant question causes him to look away again. Closing his eyes, he swallows. Even that hurt. "I dunno... it was dark... I guess it was just somebody who wanted-" A muscle spasm in his back causes him to suck in a sharp breath. "...wanted to get back at me for... for something."

Feeling a little trickle down his cheek, he realizes the movement of talking must have disturbed one of the cuts, causing it to bleed again. Reaching to the table, he grabs one of the cloths he'd used earlier, and holds it lightly to his face.


Watching Tal as he talked, moved, walked and sat down she could tell Tal was far from ok. He was injored pretty bad and he needed medical attachen and Ryan new it.

Following Tal into the living room Ryan sits down on the table in front of Tal. Her heart raced and her anger rawred for whoever had done this to Tal. He was one of the nicest, sweetest people in the world who wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Tal your not ok. You can hardly sit without being in pain. Not to mention a bunch of the gashes on your face are going to need stitches or your going to have scars. Not to mention the stuff we can't see. I just want to take you some where to get looked at..."

Hearing Tal once again mention someone had broken in Ryan takes a quick look around the room. It didn't look like anything was disturbed or stolen. So why would someone break in, beat up Tal and not take anything. A sicking feeling hit's Ryan's gut as she squints a little. She hopped she was wrong.

"Who was it that broken in Tal? You had to have known his voice, or at least from what he said he wanted? How would ever want to hurt you? That makes no sense. Tal you need to tell me who it was!!!"


Tal inwardly cringes at Ryan's reaction. It could have been worse, though, right? Slowly closing the door again, he shakes his head....slightly.

"No..." He hadn't spoken a word in the last few hours and only now does he realize how much it hurts is jaw and face to talk. "I'm... I'm fine." Maybe it was a good thing he hadn't talked to her on the phone - his slurred speech made it sound like he was drunk, not hurt.

Finally catching her eye, he feels the stupidity he knew would come. He'd been beaten up in his own home. What kind of a wimp did that make him?

Saying nothing more yet, he slowly shuffles back to the couch, easing down carefully. He winces. No... sitting didn't feel good. It hurt his back too much. Sliding back down onto his side, it felt a little better.

"It was just some guy," he mumbles. "Broke in last night... I'm fine... really..."


Head On

Still standing at the door Ryan feel a wave of releaf wash over her as she hears the door unlock. Tal was there and he was ok, but that just leads to a whole another group of questions. Maybe Tal forgot about breakfast? That would of been odd though they had been doing breakfast quite often lately it really was almost normal now. Maybe he over slept?

"What did you're alarm not go off or did you just want to blow me off this..."

Ryan's voice trails off and the smile quickly fades from her face as Tal opens the door all the way and she takes one look at his face. Stepping inside she can feel her heart start to race all over again it looked like he had been hit head on by a car and it frightened Ryan wondering if it was really as bad as it looked.

"Oh my goodness Tal...What happened? Are you ok? Do you need to go to the Hospital, please tell what what happened?"

Taking the hair tie from her wrist Ryan quickly puts her hair in a pony tail to get it out of her face. Bending down a little to get a better look at Tal's face it looked like he needed stichs in a few places, and to tick his head on the freezer for others. It was really bad.


Tal pries open his one eye, hearing Holly whine. His pulse quickens as for a moment, fear reenters his veins. He'd just dozed off... how long had he been asleep? Why was Holly anxious? Was someone here again?

Lying still, he hears Ryan's knock, not realizing she'd already been knocking for several minutes. Although her muffled voice sounded worried, Tal was somewhat relieved it was only her. Of course... that presented a whole new set of problems.

Setting aside the ice pack, he swings his legs off the couch, stifling a groan. His back hurt so bad, as did his ribs. Managing to stand, he keeps one arm around himself, but forces his body to straighten up. trudging to the door, his bare feet scuff the carpet. He was in his ratty jeans and t-shirt... hardly dressed in a fashion fit for company. But it wouldn't matter anyway.

Reaching the door, he slowly unlocks it. He'd been stupid. He should have answered his phone. He should have done something. Anything. Now he'd worried Ryan and had to face her instead of just telling her he wasn't feeling well. Why hadn't he thought of something better than this?

Swallowing hard, he musters up the nerve to open the door... slowly... partway... all the way. His gaze, however, remains glued to the floor. It would take just one look to see the damage on his face and he knew it. There was no hiding it. Stepping back so Ryan can come in, he still doesn't look up at her.


"Alright Eli thanks. Yeah I'll let you know whats going on if I find anything out. Thanks, later."

Hanging up the phone with Eli and putting out of her parking lot Ryan's heart thumped in her chest. It was confirmed through her brother that Tal had not shown up at work today, nor had he showed up for breakfest before work with Ryan today. Now he was also not even picking up his phone. It made Ryan worry because it was not like Tal at all. Her next option now was going over to his place.

A few minutes later Ryan pulls into Tal's driveway. Seeing his car parked in the parking lot she found it a little odd. No lights were on in the house by why would his car be here if he wasn't? Ryan could feel her heart start to race even more. Had something happened? Was he ok? Many questions entered her mind.

Getting out and quickly walking to the door Ryan knocks. Getting no answer she trys to look in the window on the door, and than the window by the door. But the shades were drawn and it was dark. Knocking again a little louder Ryan just wanted Tal to answer to know he was alive.

"Tal, are you there? Come on...You're worrying me."

Michaela liked listing to Rocky talk about his day. To some people it might bore them but not to her. She liked knowing what was going on in someone elses life and it was nice not to have to talk about school work at the same time.

"You're going to have to let me know when you consort is. I really would love to go and watch you guys place. It's usually for a good cause you guys use the money for too so I don't mind helping in that way either as long as I have the extra."

Leaning forward on the table again Michaela pushed a lost strand of hair behind her head as she grins a little bit her eyes giving a silly little twinkle.

"But if I go I have to get your autograph. Might be worth something someday you know."


"Rocky's world..." Rocky chuckles. "Oh, it's as interesting as normal. Which isn't saying much." He shrugs. "Got a concert coming up. First one Cryptic has had in a while. I think we're all half wanting things to pick back up again and half enjoying a normal life. As long as we still got locals who want to hear us, I guess that's alright."

His fingers fiddle with the salt shaker. "And work is... well, it's work." Actually, it had been quite hectic lately. He'd had to take over a different delivery route which meant longer hours and less time at home or with the band. But he had to pay his bills.

What else to talk about? Studying Michaela's face, he notices the sunshine coming through the window and caressing her cheeks in a gentle glow while bouncing off her eyes. His smile softens. "I guess... that's about it."

Alec chews on the inside of his lip, thinking about how much time he'd need. He'd wanted more than an hour, but he was already pushing it by contacting Trey this late. He'd make it work.

"An hour is fine. Your smokes will be brought at midnight and left around back by the dumpster for you to find."

He pauses, looking over his shoulder at the apartment parking lot. "If you can't get the job done, call 555-0382 by one-thirty. That's the pay phone I'm using. Otherwise, I'll assume we're good to go." He thinks for another moment. "If it falls through and they catch me... you're going down too. Just remember that."

Ending the call, Alec heads inside and up to his apartment. He could take a cat nap and rest for a while, but he was too hyped up for that. No, he would think. He would plan. And at two o'clock, he'd be leaving...

Tal laughs. "Yeah, he'll be surprised all right. If he complains though, just tell him that you got the house training covered - tell him you've had plenty of experience training him, so he needn't worry about a puppy."

His eyes twinkle with humor and he gives Ryan another quick kiss.

"Are we ready to order?"

Tal's face reddens slightly, but his grin remains, even though he know the waiter had caught them. "Um yes... I believe we are..."

...The whole evening had been as close to perfect as ever. Tal stretches and yawns, shutting off the kitchen light after checking on Holly and the puppies one last time. After dinner, Ryan had come over and they'd had an absolute ball playing with the puppies. They'd talked and laughed and had totally lost track of time.

Ryan had picked out which pup she wanted - it was the special one of the litter - the only one with a white marking. It had also been rather rambunctious and seemed to take to Ryan more than any of the others. The only other oddball was the runt, and Tal wasn't sure if it would have problems later or not after its rough beginning. He also didn't know if his buyer would want that one or not. He'd have to wait and see. Though the runt was cute, he was just glad that Ryan had chosen the one she had - it would be easy to remember and would always be identifiable by its markings. Ryan had been so excited too... the whole thing was worth it just to see her face light up like it had.

Yes... the evening had been perfect. Tal shuts off the rest of the lights and flops down on the couch, turning on the television. He didn't have to be to work until noon tomorrow, and though exhausted right now, his mind was still very much awake. If he could fall asleep to a late night show, he'd be able to rest...

Alec approaches Tal's door quietly, having avoided being seen thus far. He'd had someone deliver the cigarettes to Trey at midnight and had not received a phone call, so he hoped everything was set. If not, he was dead meat. But if it worked out... then this would send his message loud and clear that he was not to be forgotten or replaced.

He reaches for the door handle and isn't surprised to find it locked. Fishing a small tool from his pocket, he knew he'd be inside within seconds.

Tal's eyes flutter open. He'd finally fallen asleep on the couch and the television was still droning on with the volume set at a quiet level. What had woken him?

Holly's low growl comes from the kitchen and Tal is immediately on edge. His dog rarely growled or barked at nothing. Sitting up, he listens carefully over the television but heard nothing. As Holly insists something is wrong, Tal finally stands up and aims for the kitchen to check on the pups. His timing couldn't have been worse.

As soon as Alec has the door unlocked, he opens it a crack and is surprised to see Tal moving about by the light of the television. Though it changed things a little, it wouldn't ruin the end result.

Turning on the light in the kitchen, Tal looks around and reaches over the child gate to pat Holly's head. "What's wrong, huh? I don't see or hear anything."

Holly bristles even more and her growl becomes a vicious bark with her teeth barred as she stares behind her master.

Tal whirls around, completely unprepared for the fist that meets his mouth. He's hit with such force that he stumbles back into the wall, sinking to the floor. Dazed, he tries to get past the pain in his jaw to see what was going on, but for several seconds, everything spins. He hears Holly growl again, someone wail in pain, then a sharp whimper and dull thud. Fear grips him as his heart races. Regaining his senses, he shakes his head and pulls himself to his feet just in time to receive a kick to the gut. Brought to his knees, he swings blindly at his attacker, only to have his face struck with the hard knuckles again.

"Who are you?" he demands, gasping for breath and now on his hands and knees. "What do you want?!"

Alec glares down at his prey, landing another hard kick to Tal's gut - hard enough to send him reeling back on the floor. Pouncing, he sits atop Tal's gut, pinning him down. "I want you gone," he hisses.

Tal struggles under the weight, trying to see his assailant was, but it was difficult with only dim lighting. The man was dressed all in black, his face hidden in in dark combat makeup. Was this a robbery gone wrong? Was this a personal attack? What? Who? Why? Tal bucks his hips and rolls, gaining the upper hand long enough to land a hit to the attacker's jaw. It lasts only a moment though before he's on his back again with several hard punches to his face. The taste of blood floods his mouth and his eye stings to the point he cannot open it. "Who are you?" he wheezes.

"Your worst enemy," Alec growls. "What you get tonight is nothing compared to what you'll get if you don't stay away from Ryan."

A cold chill runs down Tal's spine. Alec. "You swine!" He swings at Alec's face but misses, resulting in a crushing blow to his ribs. Crying out in pain, he's released and doubles over on the floor.

He wouldn't remember much after that. Everything was a blur...

...Tal finds himself surrounded by quiet darkness. Swallowing hard, he tries to get his bearings. The feeling of carpet brushes his face and he realizes he's still on the living room floor. Rolling onto his side, he yelps and abandons the effort for a moment. Rolling the other way, he succeeds in getting to his hands and knees. The kitchen light was off and so was the television.

Crawling forward, he gropes for the lamp by the couch, accidentally knocking it onto the floor. After fumbling for a few more moments, he finally gets it upright and turned on. His head and face were throbbing as was his ribcage. He squints around the room, his left eye not wanting to open all the way.

Spotting a still black form by the kitchen, his heart leaps into his throat. "Aw no... no... Holly?"

Crawling over to her, he kneels, forgetting his own pain for now. Running his hand along her head and neck, he croons to her, tears filling his eyes. "Holly... c'mon, Babe... please..." His voice cracks. "Please be okay..."

Holly's eyes flutter open and she gives a start, but relaxes under Tal's hands. Looking around for a moment, she rights herself and stands, unbalanced for only a few seconds. Relief sweeps through Tal's veins. She must have hit the wall and been knocked out, but she seemed to be alright. He runs his hands all down her back and over her sides, finding a tender spot along her ribs where she might have been kicked, but nothing seemed to be broken.

Sliding to the kitchen doorway, Tal opens the gate and coaxes Holly back inside to be with her pups before latching the gate again. Sitting on the floor, he realizes just how much everything really did hurt. Finally pulling himself up on his feet, he bends, cradling his ribs. The room spun and he leans against the wall until he can regain his balance and make his way to the bathroom...

...It was nearing ten o'clock. The phone had rung five times. Tal knew it was Ryan. He was supposed to meet her for breakfast this morning but he hadn't dared leave his apartment. She was probably worried about him by now. He should have answered his phone. But he still didn't know what he was going to tell her.

Lying on his side on the couch, he didn't try to move. Half his face was purple and swollen, along with his left eye that now he couldn't even open. He had several bruised ribs, if none were broken, and his back was too sore to even lay on it. He'd managed to get a glimpse of his back in the mirror and it was plenty black and blue as well - probably from Alec's motorcycle boots.

First aid paraphernalia was spread out on the cluttered coffee table. Bandages, bloody washcloths and more. Setting a cold icepack on his face, Tal winces but keeps it there, trying to get the swelling down. What was he going to tell Ryan? He was so very angry. Alec's actions were childish and cruel. Tal knew Ryan would feel badly though, and he didn't want that. He didn't want her to feel like she was the cause. And, selfishly, he didn't want her to know he'd been unable to handle Alec. No... he didn't know how he was going to tell her.

He glances to the phone. If Ryan called again, he'd need to talk to her or else she'd show up at his door and he'd never be able to hide any of this.

Alec stares himself in the cracked mirror of his tiny bathroom. His eyes scowled back at him. He felt no better now than he had last night. Maybe even worse.

Scoffing at himself, he throws some water on his face and dries with a towel. Checking out the bite mark on his arm, he covers it with a bandage and pulls his sleeve down over it. Nobody would know. There would be no proof. It had gone without a hitch. So why...

He looks at himself again. So why was he not feeling good about it all?