

Watching Maggie spill her ice cream, something in Garret's gut twisted just a little as he tensed. He hadn't even realized it until it was over and he was relaxing again. He had too many memories of spills, broken dishes, trips and falls...when he hadn't been so lucky to have someone like Nate around. Instead, he'd been slapped at the least, locked away on average, and beaten at most. And for just a moment her, he'd feared for Maggie. What made these people different? Why had Nate hardly batted an eyelid at the mess?

He didn't have a whole lot of time to dwell on it, before he was suddenly faced with a new dilemma. His ice cream was done, and now Maggie had handed him a very unfamiliar deck of cards and she was looking at him with those eyes again.

"I'm... I'm kind of tired..." Actually, after doing nothing but stay in bed all day, tired really wasn't the right word. He started to hand the cards back, then saw Nate and Laura. They'd done nothing but be there for him today...maybe a few minutes wouldn't hurt. 

"...but..." He looked back at Maggie. "I guess I can stay up a while longer." A game? Really? He wasn't sure he even understood the point, but he'd had a lot of that lately. He sat up a little straighter, closer to the coffee table. "You'll have to teach me."

Kirk finally smiled and rolled his eyes. "I never should have thought you'd even hesitate. You're as bad as I am." He sighed. "I...didn't ask to be put in this position. Once they had me backed into a corner, I came out guns blazing in favor of keeping the Elite running. Guess I didn't even realize how passionate I was til then. And...one thing led to the next, and all of a sudden they were putting me in charge." He shrugged. "Comes with a pay raise...as long as this turns out to be a success. But... I'm not really sure I'm up to the job. The Elite doesnt know yet - that's why it's all under wraps at the moment. Big boss things they'll rebel or something."

He paused his conversation as their food was briught and he thanked the waiter. "I'm supposed to work alongside Reese, and I just don't know how that all is going to work. I feel like I've been set up to fail. Like they set all this up just to shut me up and they know it will never work. Then it'll be my fault and they can sweep the whole thing under the rug. It'll end up exactly how they wanted it in the first place but then they'll have the excuse that they tried to make it work, and obviously the Elite just had to go. I..."

Kirk suddenly stopped as he realized he was rambling. A silly grin curled his lips. He sure had missed Adison lately. This was exact why he'd had to avoid her - because when he was with her, everything always came spilling out. "Yeah so...anyway, I insisted on taking at least two agents with me and they agreed, most likely just to appease me. But...as long as they're giving me a shot...no matter how much of a long shot it is... I wouldn't pick anybody over you."


As Kirk stayed serious Adison's smile faded too. This was no laughing matter, and she should of known better than to make a joke. Continuing to listen to Kirk she had no idea what he was talking about. She was worried because she wanted to do her job? It made no sense.

   "You know your secrets are same with me."

Continuing to listen Adison couldnt help the look of surprise on her face. She new her and Kirk had talked about maybe someone from the FBI coming in and helping the Elite and keeping an eye on things, but she never dreamed it would be him. This seemed all so sudden but at the same time it didnt. 

Taking another sip of coffee Adison just let the silence linger as she searched Kirk's face. This would be new and exciting, but at the same time dangerous  She new her answer already though. If she could help take the Agency down she would, this was her life.

   "I'll do it. As long as you'll be by my side, I'll do it. One I've been miserable at the office without you. Second this is what we trained for, this is why we wanted to be agents. If we can help...if I can help, I want to very much."

Giving a smile Adison searches the dark pools in Kirk's eyes for a moment, her own game a small twinkle.

   "Anyways, If you are going to put yourself in danger I need to be there to watch your back. I think I'd go crazy knowing you were in danger every day and I could do nothing."

Enjoying the moment Jess gives a jump at Axel's pain and her face said how sorry she was. Even if she wasn't the one who caused him pain she was still sorry he had to feel the pain at all. She wished he could catch a break but he just couldnt. Something was always happen to him one way or the other and she hated it. 

   "Oh I definitely can come to you."

Leaning in close to Axel Jess gives him a soft kiss doing her best not to touch his arm and hand. Pulling away and leaning the other way she comes back in for another kiss deeping it. She missed spending time with Axel she wasn't about to wast it now.

   "I think that sounds like a great idea. What do you think Maggie?"


Getting a little excited Maggie forgot she still had her bowl with a little soupy ice cream in it and send it flying to the floor spilling ice cream. Looking down and than up at Nate and Laura Maggie's eyes started to fill with tears as she sank down in the couch a little. She hadn't meant to spill it.

Seeing his sister had spilled her ice cream Nate calmly set his bow down on the table and smiled at her. He new it was an accident, and the carpet in there was old.

    "It's ok Maggie, you dont need to cry it was an accident. Here...take your bowl to the kitchen and grab some paper towels and I'll help you clean it up."

Looking to Laura he smiled. He new she wouldn't be upset about what happened. It was only a mistake. Waiting for Maggie to come back Nate moved the coffee table back so he could get to the mess better.

It didn't take long to clean the mess up with Maggie's help. Though the carpet was stained a little bit it hardly looked like anything had even happened. 

   "There ya go, good as new. So now...what gave to you want to play?"

Thinking for a second Maggie left the living room and ran up the steps to her bedroom only to come down a few moments later. In her hand she had a set of Uno cards.

   "Let's play Uno."

Going over to Garret she hands them to him smiling. She wanted everyone to play because it was family game time.

    "Do you know how to play? I can show you, so you can play with us...please."

Nate looked to Garret and than looked to Laura. He wondered if Garret would join them, and hoped he would. It was be nice to have an extra person in on the game.


Despite the ironic humor of Adison's question, Kirk didn't crack a smile. He just looked at her with the same seriousness he'd worn all evening. "That's what I was afraid of." 

He sighed and leaned back in his chair, still studying her. "I don't like the thought of you going to war, you know. I know you can handle yourself, but I..." He dropped his gaze. "I worry about you." To distract his thoughts, he reached for his water to take another sip. It was a long, quiet while before he finally looked back up at her again. It was time she knew the truth. 

"What I'm about to tell you is currently classified. It won't be in the near future, but until the information is released, it's important that you speak to no one about this." He was more serious than normal. Sober. Concerned. Worried? "I told you that I was being transferred, and that's the truth. But I'm not transferring to another branch of the FBI. I'm transferring to the Elite, and it's my job to help restructure the organization." He paused, letting that sink in. "I've also been given my choice of two more agents to come with me. The powers that be want at least three FBI agents working within the Elite to keep tabs on how things are run. I...may have put up quite an argument in the courtroom the other day. As a result, I was put in charge of this endeavor, and I haven't quite figured out whether it's a punishment or an honor." 

He folded his hands on the table and looked Adison in the eye. "That's the short version. I...asked you how you felt about the Agency because...you're on my list of agents I'm considering taking with me." He stopped again as his eyes searched hers. "Selfishly... aside from you being a dang good agent... I want you with me because I can't imagine not having you as my partner." He swallowed hard. "But I don't like the thought of you being a new target for the Agency. So it's going to have to be up to you."

Axel sighed but nodded. He knew Jess was right. Everything would turn out alright. Maybe not the way he'd planned or how he wanted it, but it would be okay. It had to be.

Shifting his head a little, he kissed the side of her neck softly, moving up to her cheek, then around to her lips, letting his own linger there for a few moments. Pulling back, he smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Maybe staying here was a better idea after all." Moving back in for another kiss, he just enjoyed the moment, not really caring about the movie she'd put in, or the ice cream they were going to have. If he couldn't take her to the lake, at least he'd show her how appreciative he was of her willingness to bear with him through the good and bad times. 

In reality, he did have a few moments to ignore everything else, but shifting just the wrong way, he accidentally put weight on his hand, which sent pain shooting through his palm, fingers, and all the way up his arm. Recoiling sharply, he just leaned his head back on the couch, his face contorted in pain as he sucked in a breath. "Okay so maybe you're going to have to come to me," he tried to tease. 

Grateful for Nate's little intervention, Garret tried to focus back on the meal and ignore all the memories that had just come to mind. All of them brought pain, and it was just as well if he didn't have to think about them. 

The offer to go to the office halted his thoughts yet again, as he scraped his plate clean. If he went back to the office, would they make him stay? What if Reese wanted him there and wouldn't let him come back here? He'd wanted to go back to the Elite earlier but...now he wasn't so sure. He didn't know what he wanted anymore, which was almost worse than having a bad plan. "I don't know," he finally replied. "I guess I'll...see how I feel tomorrow." Physically he would probably be better. But mentally? At the moment, he felt incredibly out of sync. 

Seeing his clean plate, Laura smiled. "Garret, would you like seconds?"

He thought for a moment and bit the inside of his lip. It did taste awfully good. Finally he nodded and held out his plate. "Thank you." 

The rest of supper was fairly quiet, and once it was over, the living room was the normal place to sit for the evening. Laura convinced Garret to join them since they'd be having ice cream soon anyway, so he took up one corner of the couch, awkwardly observing how they functioned. It was strange...how they liked just...sitting here. Talking. The television was turned on, but no one really paid that much attention. Brian took most of Laura's concentration until she took him upstairs to put him to bed. It was just...quiet. Peaceful but confusing. 

Then the ice cream. Garret wouldn't admit to anyone that he'd waited all day for this. Remaining in the corner of the couch, he held his bowl of plain chocolate ice cream, eating it more slowly than any of the others, savoring every bite. It was worth staying up for. 

Laura slipped glances in Garret's direction before catching Nate's eye and smiling. Had they finally found something their guest enjoyed? "You want to play a game with Maggie tonight?" she asked quietly. They still had plenty of time before bed, and it would give them something to do as a family.


Forbidden Question

Listing intently to Garret Maggie's eyes never left his face. They way he talked it almost had her in a tance as she listend to him talk about the party's, the balls, and the dresses. She had never been to anything like that and had only seen that kind of stuff on tv.

Hearing Garret say something about someone being beautiful Maggie picked up on it fast. He couldn't help but wondering and before she could think about it she asked.

   "Did you have someone you danced with? Where is she now? I'd like to learn how to dance."

Looking at his sister from across the table Nate gave her a stern look but not angry. He new this would be a hard topic for Garret and maybe one right now he didn't want to talk about.

   "Maggie, finish eating and let Garret eat his ok?"


Maggie picked up her knife and fork again trying to hold it like Garret had showed her and cut some of her food. It felt strange but she was doing it anyways like Garret showed her. Maybe now the people at school wouldn't make fun of her.

Giving a laugh at Laura's comment about the ice cream he shakes his head and holds a look of guilt. Ice cream was his guilty pleasure. Just letting the silence linger for a long moment Nate finally talks again setting his fork down.

   "Tomorrow I'll be going into the office for a few hours. I have some paperwork I need to turn in. If you want to come with me for a little bit Garret."

   "Don't be sorry. As long as I get to spend time with you that's really all that matters."

Giving a smile Jess went into the kitchen and got some stuff together for ice cream in a bit before turning a movie on low. Sitting down she scooted into Axel and leaned her head on top of his. With all the trouble he already had with his hand she could only imagen how hard this would be.

As Axel talks again Jess heart hurt. She new how important all the stuff he just listed off was to him. Misty had helped him get a little of his life back, but what if it was damaged again. It had been hard the time time trying to repair it, now...she wondered if it would be almost impossible.

   "You'll take it one day at a time and just have to find something new to do. I know you can, and I know you will with enough determination. I'll be there to help. Have you called Misty? Maybe she can help again."

It had been a few days since Adison had seen Kirk and she was starting to get cranky, but she did her best to just give it time like he had asked but it had been so hard. So sitting across from him not made Adison happy and she new people back at work would be happy for sure as well.

Taking a sip of her own coffee Adison just listened to Kirk. She had no idea what he was talking about or why he would ask something like that. It seemed odd but maybe it was just all part of his top secret job now. Putting her coffee cup down Adison looked at Kirk question in her eye, but she would not ask.

   "I'd say...as long as you had my back I'd be all for it. Once reason I wanted to work for the FBI was to work on the cases that were harder, get the bad guys that were meaner, and help those who needed it."

Folding her arms on the table she looked down for a second before looking back to to him again. There was no joking tonight, at least not at the moment. This was work related it needed to be treated as such. Though she did wish it was a normal dinner, she new work always came first.

   "If the Agency is as bad as we have been told, they need to be brought down. No one should have that much power to hurt people for now reason. Why are you asking me?"

 Relizing she had asked the question he had said not too she rolled her eyes. It was in her nature to know everything and not just part so it was hard not to ask that. She just grined at Kirk.

   "Forget I asked that, forgot I cant ask the forbidden question...sorry."

Half carton

At Maggie's question, Garret visibly stiffened, and he shifted back to his place setting, picking his own fork back up again. But he didn't take a bite yet. His mind was too far away.

"It was a long time ago," he answered quietly. "I had to learn how to act at dinner parties around wealthy people. I had to learn how they talked...ate...danced. There were fancy dress balls with girls dressed in long, flowing blue dresses and diamonds that sparkled under chandeliers. And when the music played, they moved like they were floating...like a dream, except it was real. They'd dance all night. And when the moonlight shone through the windows, they looked like princesses, just waiting for someone lucky enough to dance with them." 

Laura had stopped eating to listen as Garret's voice had grown softer and softer. His gaze was glued to his plate, but his mind was obviously a very long ways away. "It sounds beautiful," she commented gently. 

"She was." Garret's eyes suddenly grew dark before he blinked and straightened up to keep eating. "But it was a long time ago," he repeated. 

Laura nudged Nate's foot under the table. Her face wore an expression of sympathy. Nate had told her about Victoria, and anyone could tell that Garret's heart was far from being mended. How beautiful was the life he'd just described. Yet it was all within the ugly world of the Agency. How could a little boy - evolved into this grown man - even hope to survive out here after that was all he'd known? It was no wonder he was struggling so. "Was chocolate ice cream part of the enchanted evenings?" she asked lightly to help change the mood.

He finished chewing and managed a wry grin, pulling himself away from the memories. "Not generally. I could sneak in a spoonful every once in a while but it was a rare treat." 

Laura smiled. "Well, tonight you can have as many spoonfuls as you want. But be quick, because Nate will eat a whole half carton if my back is turned too long."

Axel's shoulders dropped, but he knew he shouldn't argue with Jess. She was right... the lake wasn't going anywhere, and the way he was feeling, he really did need to rest. "Okay," he relented. "I'm sorry...but thanks. Staying here actually sounds like a pretty good idea." 

Wandering to the living room, he eased down to sit on the couch and tried to adjust his sling so his hand would be more comfortable, but there really was little he could do about the pain at this point. It was just going to hurt, and that was that. He waited for Jess to join him on the other side, and slipped his arm around her shoulders to give her a kiss on the cheek, then just rested his head on her shoulder. As much as he wanted to be the strong one for her, tonight... he was the one that needed support.

"I gotta prepare for the worst," he mentioned quietly. "If I lose use of my hand... my job is done. My instrument playing is done. I don't know what I'm going to do."

The restaurant wasn't crowded, but most tables were filled. It was quiet with low lights, creating a nice atmosphere with soft music playing in the background. Most customers were dressed nicely, and were enjoying well-prepared meals. 

Kirk sat across from Adison and swirled his ice around in his water glass. He'd contemplated wine, but thought better of it, especially since this was a working dinner. He hadn't been in the office much this past week. All of his assignments were being handed over to other agents, and he hadn't even had Adison over in the evenings, too busy with his classified case to even mingle. Although his main reason for keeping his distance was his inability to keep information from her, and he couldn't afford to spill the beans too soon. 

Now though, he looked at her with a multitude of thoughts running through his eyes. He'd asked her to come to discuss work, although in a place like this, it was a little hard to concentrate. He finally took a sip of water and sighed. "I have a question for you, and you can't ask why I'm asking about it yet, but I just need to find out where you stand." 

He paused and took another deep breath. "You know a little about the Agency. We've had a few cases pass our desks the last couple years, but nothing really in depth, right? But I've also told you a lot about them through my investigation of the Elite. They are one of the worst crime organizations there is, and also one of the most brutal. They despise people who try to go up against them, and they kill or torture without a second thought. So. Knowing how dangerous they are... if you were asked to pursue taking them down... would you?" He cocked his head. "Pretend it would not affect your employment. You could take it or leave it. What would you say?"


Smiling Katie ran to catch up with Jason and gave a nod. Though she hadn't said anything she still had been thinking about the whole thing with the Agency too and it still confused her. Not that anything the Agency did made sense but they had a pattern and this just didn't fit it. 

   "I think he should be in tomorrow. I'll do my best to remember, to remind you to ask."

As Garret helped her Maggie smiled. Listing intently and concentrating so she could remember what he was telling and showing her. She found this simple thing so interesting she really wanted to try and remember so she could do it herself too.  

   "Thank you for showing me."

Maggie looked up at him and searched his eyes. He held a look the was different, it was soft, caring, Maggie liked it, it made her feel warm. I just made her feel good all over.

   "Where did you learn all that?"

Though Axel said he was fine Jess could see there was more. He was in pain and though nothing might be broken it was possible his bad hand was worse now. It made her feel good he still wanted to go to the lake but she new maybe it was best to just have a night in for his own sake. 

   "I can give you some TLC here, on the couch with a movie and ice cream. I don't mind honest. Once you are feeling better we can go to the lake. It's not going anywhere promise."

Putting her brush down an pulling her hair back Jess throws it up in a bun before smiling at Axel. She wasn't upset she just wanted to make sure he was ok first.


Axel gave Jess an apologetic look and stepped close to give her a gentle kiss on the lips before answering her. "Accident at work. I'll be okay." His eyes betrayed him though, and he tried to smile. "Nothing broken anyway so... we'll see if I still have feeling in my fingers in the next couple weeks." 

His shoulders dropped a little. He was in pain and nauseous, but he hated spoiling their evening. Too many other times he'd ruined dates because of his mood swings, and he didn't like doing it to Jess again. "It's okay...we can still go to the lake. I mean... I might need a little extra TLC..." He threw her a sly grin. "But I know a great spot on the beach for that."

Waiting just a moment, Jason slid from the pickup too, purposely forgetting his leftovers in the back seat. Coming around the front, he moved close and gave Katie's shoulders a squeeze. He didn't linger though, and aimed for the door.

Before getting there though, he paused. "Hey... Don't let me forget to talk to Nate when he comes in. Maybe he can ask Garret about what's been going on and see if he's got any theories."

Maggie's sudden question made Garret pause mid-chew and he glanced over at her, surprised. He looked down at his own hand, questioning what she saw. He'd spent so many gruelling hours being humiliated and frustrated, sitting at a formal table, being forced to learn proper etiquette that now he forgot it wasn't normal outside certain circles. 

Later he would question the reason for his next move, but in the moment, perhaps he forgot where he was and who he thought he was. He set his own fork down and scooted closer. "Here..." He took her napkin and folded it neatly before setting it on her lap. "Elbows off the table," he directed softly. "There. And..." He took her hand to set the fork in a proper position between her fingers. "Then small bites. And if it's too big..." He took her other hand and set her knife in it, positioning her fingers to make to make it easy. "Cut, set the knife down, and take your small bite."

Across the table, Laura's eyes had gone wide. Her curiosity of Garret's background was killing her, but she didn't dare ask. All she could do was look at Nate again, showing him her surprise.