
Half carton

At Maggie's question, Garret visibly stiffened, and he shifted back to his place setting, picking his own fork back up again. But he didn't take a bite yet. His mind was too far away.

"It was a long time ago," he answered quietly. "I had to learn how to act at dinner parties around wealthy people. I had to learn how they talked...ate...danced. There were fancy dress balls with girls dressed in long, flowing blue dresses and diamonds that sparkled under chandeliers. And when the music played, they moved like they were floating...like a dream, except it was real. They'd dance all night. And when the moonlight shone through the windows, they looked like princesses, just waiting for someone lucky enough to dance with them." 

Laura had stopped eating to listen as Garret's voice had grown softer and softer. His gaze was glued to his plate, but his mind was obviously a very long ways away. "It sounds beautiful," she commented gently. 

"She was." Garret's eyes suddenly grew dark before he blinked and straightened up to keep eating. "But it was a long time ago," he repeated. 

Laura nudged Nate's foot under the table. Her face wore an expression of sympathy. Nate had told her about Victoria, and anyone could tell that Garret's heart was far from being mended. How beautiful was the life he'd just described. Yet it was all within the ugly world of the Agency. How could a little boy - evolved into this grown man - even hope to survive out here after that was all he'd known? It was no wonder he was struggling so. "Was chocolate ice cream part of the enchanted evenings?" she asked lightly to help change the mood.

He finished chewing and managed a wry grin, pulling himself away from the memories. "Not generally. I could sneak in a spoonful every once in a while but it was a rare treat." 

Laura smiled. "Well, tonight you can have as many spoonfuls as you want. But be quick, because Nate will eat a whole half carton if my back is turned too long."

Axel's shoulders dropped, but he knew he shouldn't argue with Jess. She was right... the lake wasn't going anywhere, and the way he was feeling, he really did need to rest. "Okay," he relented. "I'm sorry...but thanks. Staying here actually sounds like a pretty good idea." 

Wandering to the living room, he eased down to sit on the couch and tried to adjust his sling so his hand would be more comfortable, but there really was little he could do about the pain at this point. It was just going to hurt, and that was that. He waited for Jess to join him on the other side, and slipped his arm around her shoulders to give her a kiss on the cheek, then just rested his head on her shoulder. As much as he wanted to be the strong one for her, tonight... he was the one that needed support.

"I gotta prepare for the worst," he mentioned quietly. "If I lose use of my hand... my job is done. My instrument playing is done. I don't know what I'm going to do."

The restaurant wasn't crowded, but most tables were filled. It was quiet with low lights, creating a nice atmosphere with soft music playing in the background. Most customers were dressed nicely, and were enjoying well-prepared meals. 

Kirk sat across from Adison and swirled his ice around in his water glass. He'd contemplated wine, but thought better of it, especially since this was a working dinner. He hadn't been in the office much this past week. All of his assignments were being handed over to other agents, and he hadn't even had Adison over in the evenings, too busy with his classified case to even mingle. Although his main reason for keeping his distance was his inability to keep information from her, and he couldn't afford to spill the beans too soon. 

Now though, he looked at her with a multitude of thoughts running through his eyes. He'd asked her to come to discuss work, although in a place like this, it was a little hard to concentrate. He finally took a sip of water and sighed. "I have a question for you, and you can't ask why I'm asking about it yet, but I just need to find out where you stand." 

He paused and took another deep breath. "You know a little about the Agency. We've had a few cases pass our desks the last couple years, but nothing really in depth, right? But I've also told you a lot about them through my investigation of the Elite. They are one of the worst crime organizations there is, and also one of the most brutal. They despise people who try to go up against them, and they kill or torture without a second thought. So. Knowing how dangerous they are... if you were asked to pursue taking them down... would you?" He cocked his head. "Pretend it would not affect your employment. You could take it or leave it. What would you say?"

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