

"So how's the car anyway?"

Tal quirks an eyebrow as he takes a sip of his cold beer. "It's been a week and you ask now?"

Eli grins as he sits back in the couch at the apartment. "Asking the day it's fixed means nothing - asking a week later will gain a true answer as to whether or not it was really fixed."

Tal smirks and remains standing behind the couch, keeping an eye on the football game while stretching his legs. He'd been on his knees at work for too many hours today - standing felt better than sitting. He thumps the back of Eli's head. "You actually have to ask about your sister's work?"

"Why not?" Eli shrugs. "I like hearing about yet another happy customer."

Tal laughs. "Confident. I like it. My car's great. Purrs like a kitten."

"Maybe you found a new auto shop?"


"Was it the prices or the customer service you liked most?"

Tal grins and is glad Eli's back is to him. "I can definitely say.... yes."

"Yes to what?"

"Your pick."

Eli swings a look back up over his shoulder to find Tal's eyes twinkling. "Uh-huh."

Tal takes another sip of beer, not giving in to the teasing. He does look at his watch though. "I probably shouldn't stick around too long if you've got plans for supper."

Eli shrugs. "Not much planned. Scarlet's out of town, but Ryan will be home soon. I'm thinking steak. Wanna stay?"

"Um..." Tal isn't sure if he should say yes or not. "Maybe."

To be safe

Seeing the man walk twords them Stacy gives a smile. She was more laid back right now because she wasn't on duty but she still tried to be a little professional because this was there first meeting. Taking Mick's hand in her own and giving it a firm shake she glances to Ashlee and than back to Mick again.

"It's very nice to meet you Mick. The ranch is much bigger than I expected and so very nice looking. Just from looking at the outside it's easy to tell you care a great deal about this place."

Taking Mick's hand and giving it a shake Ashlee can feel her cheeks get a little red as she looks up at him and receives the wink. Looking to her mom for a moment she raises her one eyebrow wondering if her mother noticed the good looks too before quickly looking back to Mick once again.

"It's very nice to meet you Mr. Henson. It looks so exciting here I can't wait to explore."

Looking at her daughter again and smiling Stacy catches sight of the look in her eye and gives her head a little shake. Mick's good looks hadn't passed her by but thats not why she was here not to mention he had a ring on his finger anyways.

"I hope we didn't come at a bad time and interrupt anything. I wasn't sure what times you guys did everything around here, so I just hoped for the best really."

Feeling Jason's emotions on how he was not feeling well it didn't sit right with Katie. He was over tired, not hungry, and just not himself. It made her worry.

"Ok, I'll see what I can find."

Leaving the office and making sure Trooper stayed Katie made her way across the floor and into the kitchen. Still feeling the odd feelings from Jason Katie let out a small sigh she really was worried.

J...are you sure your ok? Maybe we should go see Rick just to be safe.


Looking up at Katie, it suddenly became very hard not to let her feel how sick he felt at the moment. Surely it would pass, right? Maybe it had nothing to do with their connection or this invisible virus Rick kept talking about. Maybe he just had a bug or something.

"Um... yeah... why don't we eat lunch here? Then I can actually get my work done today that I missed while taking my cat nap."

Whatever was bothering him though, refused to leave him in peace when thinking about food. Dinner tonight with Katie sounded great... except for the dinner part. Along with a new lurch to his stomach, another pain shoots through his skull. And this time... he knew he'd had no control over it and he knew that Katie felt it too.

Dropping his gaze to his desk, he focuses on some paperwork, hoping maybe, just maybe by a slim chance, she wouldn't have noticed he felt as poorly as he did. "I think there were a couple sandwiches left in the kitchen," he mentions. "And Susanne brought cookies earlier."

"Yeah, put the rest of 'em out, then after Dylan is done with the stalls, move those mares back in here." Mick takes off his gloves as he gives directions. "I'll be back in a bit."

Heading out of the barn and towards the main office, he stops, spotting two figures he did not recognize, walking up the driveway. At first, he's curious, then as he realizes it's a woman and a girl, a small smile comes to his lips.

Leaving his work be for now, he tucks his gloves in his back pocket and aims for the newcomers instead. His expression was a pleasant one... he was glad they were here, and glad they would finally have an extra pair of eyes around here.

Approaching both of them, he stops and smiles, extending his hand. "Howdy. You must be Stacy and... Ashlee, right?" He offers his hand to the girl too, giving her a little wink. "Glad you two made it. I'm Mick Henson."