
Two Coffees

Though somewhat settled down compared to earlier, Garret's stress level was still high. Only after Justin had gone did he resume his pacing, every once in a while throwing a glare at the security camera. But today he didn't have enough control to take it apart for attention. Besides - they weren't going to give him what he wanted anyway, especially now. He didn't like it that he'd lost control. He didn't like feeling this much pressure get to him. He didn't like it that Justin had been able to perceive his deepest secret so easily. Had he really fallen so far? Had he really lost all sense? All strength? Was he really just an irrational, weak man leading himself and his beloved to slaughter?

Stopping his irratic pacing, he faced the wall that separated the two cells, and placed his palm on the cool blocks. Was Victoria on the other side? Was she so close, yet so far out of reach? Would he really be able to pull off this entire, insane scheme? It was all he had. She was all he had.

Aaron slowly rose from the floor, and put a hand to the back of his throbbing head. It took several blurry moments to remember where he was, and what had happened. And when he realized just why he had a splitting headache, he muttered an angry curse. This would be the last time he'd ever agree to working with that woman again. If his hunch was right about her and Garret, Garret could keep her, and good luck to him.

After gaining back his full bearings again, Aaron took a look across the street to find it quite. No sign of Garret, Victoria, or that downed Elite officer. He didn't know what had transpired, or if the guy had died, but two things were certain: there was something terribly wrong with Garret, and Victoria had gone in. Aaron new well enough that she had most likely taken advantage of the situation to follow through with her plan of being caught so she could get inside. The only problem now was that was the extent of Aaron's knowledge - she hadn't given him any kind of plans regarding communication or how she'd get out. He was completely in the dark now, and even more frustrated for it.  This whole thing was ridiculous. If he didn't see any sign of her or Garret in the next forty-eight hours, he would come up with his own plan.

Laura sighed and turned to give Nate's forehead a kiss. "You always see the good in people, don't you? Even someone who would seem a lost cause."

She snuggled down a little closer to him. "If that's how you really feel though, it may take some work to convince Reese. Rick implied he's pretty hot about the whole thing. And if I know Reese, he's probably pretty close to pulling the plug on this thing and giving Garret prison time."

Jason grinned a little, glad Katie hadn't teased him about his ridiculous comment. "Okay...we'll do it soon."

Reaching his office and easing down in his chair, he nodded to Katie. "Thanks. I should be okay now." He opened a drawer to retrieve a bottle of pain killers. "I'll buy you two coffees if you don't mention this either." He smirked. "All Rick needs is another reason to keep tabs on me."


Nate thinks for a long moment his good arm gently running up and down Laura's arm. She did make a good point but there was just something that told him Garret wasn't all bad. He could never try and explain it the way he wanted to, it was just a feeling.

   "I don't know I can't really explain the feeling I have. I guess...Garret could of let me bleed out, he could of run off, and we never would got got him again. I see people like Misty, and Carson and it reminds me that even the Agency can have people who want out, and just change there life around."

He new it was hard for Laura to understand, and maybe she didn't even agree with him and that was ok. But there was just something that didn't add up, for reasons unknown.

Sitting on the bus Chad looks out the window as the rain pored down. He'd messages Rosalyn a few times and hadn't gotten any reply. He'd hoped everything was ok, and maybe she was just busy but he couldn't help the feeling he had in his stomach. 

Hey, I know I am probley more than annoying at this part and I'm
sorry if I am. Just worried since I haven't heard anything from 
you. Hope all is well, and if you just want me to go away. Just
tell me.

Letting his finger hover over the send button for a long moment he finally presses it tucking his phone back in his pocket. It had been a long month on the road and getting the texts here and there from Rosalyn had helped break up the crazyness. He missed them now but maybe with some luck he'd get a reply this time around.

At Jason's comment Katie couldn't help the heat that came to her face. She wasn't use to those comments from Jason anymore so she couldn't help but blush. Continuing to help him, and see him try to recover from his own embarrassment she couldn't help but give a small laugh.

    "Coffee sounds good. Just let me know when and where."

Getting into the interrogation room Victoria sits down on the small bed watching as the Agent left the room. On her way in she had seen another room and could only guess that, that was where Garret was. So if she played her cards right, it was only a hop skip and jump than they could be out of there.

Standing she starts to pase the floor. She didn't like this, but what was done was done, and now it was time to start planned the escape. Not wanting to give that away to soon though she just continued to pase, taking everything in little by little before stopping at the wall that separated there cells. She hoped he was ok, everything had been so strange and not like him at all. She could only wonder if the Elite had done someone that bad that caused this.