

Tal grins as he chews on his carrot. He probably wouldn't stop thanking Ryan, but he'd lay off for a little while at least, to keep her happy - his main goal was still to be here for her. The returned friendship from both her and Eli sure felt nice too though. Being able to help Ryan plus gain friends... maybe he hadn't thought he'd find both in the same place, but he certainly wasn't going to complain. And maybe... maybe until the last few days he hadn't realized what he'd been missing out on by not having any real friends.

Noticing Ryan rolling her neck, then hearing her comment about it killing her, he puts the rest of his carrot in his mouth and wipes his hands on his jeans. "Aw, well that's no good. Here." Coming up behind her, he places his hands on her shoulders and slides them up towards her neck, letting his thumbs find the knot. Massaging the area softy, he digs just a little bit, but carefully. After a few minutes, he slips one arm over her shoulder and around her front, careful to not let his forearm cut off her air, while his other palm remains on the knot at the base of her neck. "Relax for just a second..." Without much warning, he gives her a slight jerk. A pop is heard and he nods with satisfaction. "There ya go."

Sliding his hands back again, he rubs the spot gently to ease any soreness. "Feel better?"

Dylan quirks an eyebrow at Ashlee's statement about being lost. He wasn't sure why he sensed a deeper meaning. Personally, he'd rather not be lost in the first place - heading in the right direction to begin with seemed a whole lot better than wandering aimlessly, wasting time until one could find the right path again - especially if it was stupidity that got him lost in the first place. He supposed he could see some validity in Ashlee's perspective though... if one wound up lost, using it to find the right way again was probably the best outlook in the long run.

Realizing she's just waved, he stops thinking and returns a little wave and a nod. He wasn't so sure about doing schoolwork together, but he knew they'd see each other - it would be awfully hard not to around here.

Sighing, he aims for the door as well, but pauses just long enough to glance over his shoulder and realize that Mick was staring at him. The stare was a strange look... disapproval? Curiosity? Dylan couldn't be sure. He furrows his brow as if to ask, "What?" but the only response is a slight nod before Mick turns away. Dylan shrugs it off and keeps his route to the door. He'd given up on trying to read his father. Finding his tells in poker was one thing - in real life, Dylan still felt lost in a mystery.

Rick wasn't surprised Katie agreed to his request, though her saying yes to staying with Jason was still a relief. Her question though brings on a helpless expression that is hard to hide.

He sets a hand on her shoulder and looks her kindly in the eye. "There is always light at the end of the tunnel, Katie... always." He didn't have any other answers. He wished he did. But he didn't. So right now, hope and faith in God were all that they had. Otherwise, he and Misty were working blind.

"The biggest thing now is convincing him to take off work and let you stay with him - but I won't broach that subject for a few days at least, when he's stronger. I may need you to help convince him." Rick offers the best smile he can. "It'll all work out."