
Kinda Fun

As Rosalyn turns and makes her comment Chad places both his hands on her shoulders. His voice was stern but loving still as he talked to her. He didn't like seeing her like this at all. It made his own heart break for her.

   "I am only going to tell you this once...I am not going anywhere so you can stop saying that."

Leaning down and placing a kiss on Rosalyn's lips Chad with draws and gives her a smile before sliding his hand down her arm once again locking his had with her and starting forward twords his jeep.

   "We are in this together and now together we are going to have a nice date. Any suggestions on where to go?"

Making there way back to Ariel's apartment the night had come to an end all to quickly and Trey really didn't wan tot say goodnight to her yet. Hearing her suggestion about taking a walk Trey glances out of the courner of his eye and gives a smile. Why hadn't he thought of that one.

   "A walk does sound nice."

Coming to the next road Trey takes a left instead of continuing straight. He new the perfect place to go for a walk on a warm evening. They had been there before many times before but it was still one of the best place and Alec liked it.

Finally getting to the beach Alec doesn't stop where the drive way was but pulls the car across the grass and down by the same. Cutting the engine He sits there for a second before getting out and going around to Ariel's side.

   "I hope you don't mind walking in the sand. It will be fun."

Don't have to

Mick nods to Chad, locking eyes with him for just a moment. "You're welcome. Take care of her." Giving Rosalyn's shoulder a pat, he turns to go back to the barn and either get some work done or try to cool off his brother. 

Left alone with Chad, Rosalyn can feel the tears trickling down her cheeks. Her hands slide down to Chad's, glad he couldn't see her face. Leaning back against him, she swallows hard, not even knowing what to say. 

"I'm so sorry," she whimpers. Sniffing, she wipes her eyes on her sleeve. Finally turning around, she focuses on Chad's shirt, rather than looking up to his face. "You don't have to take me out... If you want to leave, I won't stop you. You shouldn't have to put up with this."

Ariel giggles and takes another bite of dessert. "Don't worry... I won't let you eat the rest yourself." 

It wasn't too long before the dessert was gone and table talk had all but run out. Back in the car again and headed home, Ariel felt more relaxed with Trey than she had in a long time. Maybe it was just the nice evening. Maybe it was him being so sweet. Maybe it was the simple fact of taking a step forward tonight and no longer hanging in limbo. Or maybe it was just a variety of things combined. No matter the reason, if he really wanted to date her, he'd have to do things right. 

"I still like evening walks," she hints, throwing him a sidelong glance as he drove. 


Giving his own little chuckle Trey raises his glass and clinks it against her's. His eyes giving a new twinkle. Maybe things would be ok, and would work out. This was a new start so now...anything was possible and he was able to write the pages.

   "To new starts, new relationships, and the many new chapters we get to write."

Finishing with there food the laughter seemed to come a little easier and making jokes and just enjoying themselves was nice. Trey was happy that now everything was out in the open, and he could just be himself with her. To him that was important.

   "Weakness huh? Good to know, good to know."

As Ariel pushes the plat closer to himself and takes a fork full of the dessert. Savoring the taste for a long moment. Finally looking back at Ariel he gives a nod before taking another bit and eating that one as well, before moving the plate back into the middle for both of them.

   "Wow, that is amazing. Better take what you can, while you can before I eat it all."

Letting out a long breath and heading out of the bunk with Rosalyn Chad couldn't help but be a little nervous himself about her dad. He new an angry father was never any fun and he hoped maybe if he could just talk to him, see he really cared for Rosalyn he would be ok.

Keeping his hand locked with Rosalyn's as Jim comes over Chad can't help the cringe inside he felt when met with that glare. Maybe this wouldn't be so easy after all. About to greet Jim Chad stops short met with his angry words. Just staying quirt for a moment Chad listens but when words of hate were being slung in his direction and the direction of someone he cared about it was hard to stay quiet.

   "Rosalyn is not making a fool of herself, or doing anything else wrong for that matter, having feelings for someone is not wrong as long as you act in the right manor and we have been"

Falling silent again Chad just lets the yelling match continue. There was so much more he wanted to say, and seeing Rosalyn so upset made it even worse. Hearing Mick's voice Chad was happy he stepped in. At this moment he had a straighter head than himself and the last thing he wanted to do was say something he regreted.

Wrapping his arm around Rosalyn's wast Chad pulls her a little bit closer to himself as Jim starts to walk away. Looking to Mick he gives a small nod of thanks. At least for now there would be no more yelling and everyone could calm down a little bit.

   "Yeah, I think dinner in town would be nice...maybe see a movie as well. Thank you Mick."

Chad had no problem complying to Mick's request. He had respect for him, because Mick himself had respect for Chad. On top of that as well he wanted to make this easy on Rosalyn though he new no matter what now it was going to be hard. But they were in this together form here on out and he wasn't going to back away.


"Okay good." Ariel grins again before turning her attention back to her food. "That way, if I help you find a place, I'll know where to go when you invite me over."

Laughing, she lifts up her water glass. "To your new start. May this be the beginning of a bright future." Her foot nudges his back, her eyes retaining their twinkle. 

The rest of the meal, Ariel found enjoyable and relaxing. Knowing now that Trey's intentions were and knowing that they were going to date more, that question no longer hung in the air. And without it, small talk and laughter came more easily. It helped, too, knowing that Trey had decided to stay. Would things work out between them? Who knew? But at least there was a little bit of direction now, and that was good enough for Ariel. 

"Ohhhhh man..." Ariel savors the bite of dessert and sighs with content. "Now this... is a slice of heaven." She takes another bite, but also pushes the plate closer to Trey so he could share. "Just so you know... chocolate is one of my weaknesses. I shouldn't tell you that, but I figure you have a right to know." 

Accepting Chad's hug, Rosalyn buries her face in his chest, trying not to cry. Surely it wasn't that bad. Surely she was overreacting. Surely her dad wouldn't make a big deal out of it... right? 

Following the prompt of Chad's finger, she lifts her face to find his eyes again. Considering his words, she eventually nods. "Maybe he's not as mad as Clint thinks. Unfortunately, Dad's got just as much of the Henson temper as his siblings." She sighs, quirking an eyebrow. "For now, I won't tell you whether or not I inherited it." 

Pulling away, she wanders to the window where she moves aside the curtain to look out. Jim was headed to the dining hall, and by the pace of his long strides, he wasn't happy. She glances back over her shoulder, worry in her eyes for this man she hardly knew but for whom she had already formed deep feelings.

Squaring her shoulders, she walks back to Chad and takes his hand to bring him back to the door. "Come on... I don't want to postpone the inevitable."

On his way to the dining hall, movement catches Jim's eye and he glances toward the bunkhouses. Realizing it was Rosalyn and the man he recognized as Chad, he skids to a stop and spins on his heel to head in their direction. Meeting them halfway, his eyes glare first at Rosalyn, then Chad, then back to Rosalyn. Seeing them hand-in-hand didn't do anything to subdue his anger. "What in blazes do you think you're doing?!" 

Rosalyn cringes, stopping beside Chad. "I'm enjoying the company of someone who came to see me," she replies calmly. "What does it look like?"

Jim's eyes narrow. "Don't play that game with me," he warns. "You don't want to know what it looks like to me." His stare shifts to Chad again. "I don't know who you think you are, but you better turn right back around and-"

"Leave him alone!" Without thinking, Rosalyn steps between them, her own eyes flashing with anger. "He's done nothing wrong, so why don't you just calm down and talk about this with a level head?" 

"I have a level head!" Jim points down the driveway. "Your secret little romance has gone on long enough. I won't stand idly by, watching my daughter make a fool of herself - or worse." 

"The only one looking like a fool right now is you." Rosalyn backs up a step until she feels Chad behind her, taking her stance with him. "I knew you'd be upset and I'm sorry. But if you'd just calm down, we could talk about this."

"There's nothing to talk about!" Jim's glare finds Chad once more. "You are not welcome here. Go pack up your stuff and get out of here before-"

"It's not your call!" Rosalyn raises her voice to rise over her father's volume. "You have no right to kick anybody off this ranch and you know it." 

Jim's blood boils as amazement for his daughter's bullheadedness shoots through his eyes. "I'm warning you, Rosalyn. Don't make this any harder than it needs to be. So help me, if you-"

"Jim!" Mick barks as he approaches quickly. "Back off." 

Jim throws his brother an angry glance. "This is none of your business. I already told you that, so keep your nose where it belongs."

Mick folds his arms, clearly taking his niece's and Chad's side. "When you want to throw somebody off my property... it is my business." His eyes warn Jim not to try anything stupid with him. "When you've calmed down, we'll talk about it. But as of right now, your daughter's friend is staying. If you have an official complaint against our guest, I suggest you bring it before Rosetta and myself... after you're done shouting." 

Seeing that there's no point in continuing this argument right now, Jim shakes his head in disgust. "I will be talking to you about it. As for you..." He turns back to Rosalyn. "You better get your work done like you're paid to do and be home at a decent time. And this discussion is far from over." Spinning around, he gives no opportunity for rebuttal, and stalks back towards the barn. 

Tears sting Rosalyn's eyes and she stands numbly watching him go. It was far worse than she'd feared. Clint had been right. Looking to Mick, her lower lip quivers, her eyes begging him for help. 

Mick sighs deeply and looks to Chad. "I apologize for my brother. He's just looking out for his daughter. If you wouldn't mind, I suggest you two have a date in town tonight to avoid any more fights until he's calmed down."