

Rosalyn falls into Chad's embrace, melting under the protection of his arms. Keeping her face hidden in his chest as they step inside, she shakes her head, trying to regain her voice. "It's... it's me he's angry with." 

More tears come. If she could nuzzle any closer, she would. "He thinks I'm being stupid..." She sniffs before swallowing hard and scrunching her eyes shut tight. "And he thinks I'll just... just get hurt. He... told me not to see you again and... and he was going to force Mick's hand and... and get you to leave." 

Her slow tears become a series of sobs as her emotions bubble over. She hadn't meant to cry all over Chad, but it was just all so confusing and it hurt so much. 

As Rosetta joins him, a soft smile spreads across Mick's face. Giving her hand a squeeze, he turns to kiss the top of her head. "Mmm... I think you've said it once or twice... I love you too." 

Giving her his other hand to hold, he slips his arm from between them so he can wrap it around her shoulders. Letting the swing rock gently, his eyes continue to watch the ranch. "It's hard to imagine life away from here. Sometimes it's even hard to remember my own life before I came back here." 

Scott manages a little smile, unsure if Hope really wanted coffee all that much, or if she was just looking out for him. Either way it was okay with him - he was the one who'd asked her to come anyway. 

"I dunno... sometimes I think this house is cozy and sometimes it feels like something's just waiting to happen." He didn't like to think he was still scared after all this time, but it was the truth. If there was one thing he wanted out of life it was to not be afraid anymore. But so far he hadn't figured out how. 

With an awkward pause at the table, Scott rises to check the coffee. Opening the cupboard, he retrieves two mugs, only to turn towards his blind side and ram his head into the open door. Flinching, his fingers lose their grip and one the mugs is sent to the floor with a crash as it shatters. The loud noise startled Domino enough to send her scurrying from the kitchen, then peek back around the corner carefully, wondering what on earth had happened.

Groaning, Scott slams the cupboard door, blaming it rather than his lack of caution. Kneeling on the floor, he starts to pick up the pieces, muttering to himself. "Never liked this cup anyway." In truth, right now he felt all thumbs. He should have just come home alone. He shouldn't have asked Hope to come. He shouldn't have invited her to his house. It was all his stupid fault and he felt utterly ridiculous and embarrassed, and would just as soon scrap the whole evening and go crawl in bed and forget about it. But he'd been dumb and now he still needed to take time to drink coffee with Hope whether he liked it or not.

And somewhere not far away, Chance and Destiny smooched the night away, then ran off together, disappearing altogether.


Waiting for Scott to unlock the door Hope was pashent. She wouldn't rush him inside, or act like she was in a hurry. Fact of the matter was that even if it was a little cold out it felt nice and Hope didn't mind the fresh air.

Entering the apartment and looking around Hope steps to the side and lets Scott head in the direction he wanted to go. Following behind him She unzips her jacket before coming to the table and setting it on the back of one of the chairs. Be offered to sit down at the table Hope was happy to as she waited for the coffee to be ready. Looking across the table at Scott she gives a smile before a little shake of her head.

   "I don't know why you're calling yourself a coward. I can for coffee, not to protect you."

Hope's smile curves a little bit as she tried to make Scott feel good. He might be a little skidish but she was ok with it and it didn't really bother her at all. Scott was an important person to her and she would always treat him as so.

   "..anyways its cozy here, I like it better than going out anywhere."

Giving a thoughtful nod and continuing to stir the sauce in the pot. Though she had her own feelings about Carson Misty was really happy for Alec. There was a look in his eye that said he wanted to know his family and who was she to think anything wrong with that. 

   "I am very happy for you Alec. Maybe you will be able to get to know your family more slowly."

Finished with the stuff inside she had to do Rosetta walks to the door. Peeking out and seeing Mick sitting on the swing Rosetta opens the screen door letting it gently close behind her as to not wake BJ. Coming over to the swing Rosetta eases down next to Mick and leans her head on his shoulder slipping her hand into his own. It was moments like this that she loved the most sometimes.

   "Mmmm...nothing like having a crisp night to snuggle close with someone. Have I told you I loved you today?"

Hearing the soft knock at the door Chad was a bit surprised. He hadn't been expecting anyone and had just crawled into bed. Not wanting to dismiss the knock though in case it was something important he slowly walks to the door his pajama pants on, but no shirt, and his bare feel scraping softly on the floor. 


Seeing her standing there and the tears that were clear in her eyes Chad's heart went out to her. He could only imagen what the fight was about and new he was more than likely in the middle of it. Sstepping forward and putting his arm over her shoulder Chad pulls her in close to him and wraps his arms around her before turning to step inside a little more. 

   "Shhhh...Shhh...come on in babe its gonna be ok. Was your dad angry with me again?"