

Having Dani curl into him it felt so nice for Dalton. He loved knowing there was someone there who trusted him as there shelter, it was just...a nice feeling to know. Hearing her thanks just shot another warm chill though him as her squeezed her just a little and returns the kiss to her lips again pulling away and searing her eyes his voice was but a whisper.

"You're very welcome. I'll always come over when I know you need me, no matter where I am."

Feeling her snuggle into her more Dalton shifts on the couch still holding Dani it was quiet easy. Resting now in the corner with his leps up, but down far enough to rest his head on the coutions. Keeping Dani mostly on top of him so his strong arms could hold her. Once his hands hands finding it's way to her hair. Letting his fingers drift through the soft hair, it was soothing for him alone.

Giving a content sigh his eyes fell shut. Now being here with Dani he felt like he could sleep again and if he did, he didn't mind at all. Just keeping her close with him so he could chase the dreams away was important.

Continuing to dry the dishes Misty catches sight of the far off look in Carson's eye. It was a look she saw every now and than. It was a look she new meant he was thinking, dreaming, remembering. She new sometimes he missed home, and he missed the life of action sometimes she wished there was more she could do to make that come true for him.

"Maybe when we can we can take a vacation to Australia. Might be nice to get away, and have you show me your old stomping grounds."

Misty didn't know what to do other than that and maybe seeing if Reese could give him more cases. but if he did that than who would run the restraint? It was hard to see her husband struggle like this but she new in a way it was normal. Carson was a mad of action and still young, do this day in and day out was hard.

Coming over to him and wrapping her arm around his wast Misty looks up at him and gives a smile. She did her best, and she loved every moment with him. All she could do was be there, and be the best she could.

"I think ice cream and a move sounds great, and even better is the cuddle time with you."

Giving a grin and getting back to the fire Trey gives a look around at all the people. Some more faces were new, and some he'd met but taking them all in he liked knowing who had come, and who had gone.

Looking back to Ariel he gives a nod. She was very differnt, and it felt good to be around her even if they said very little.

"Sure we can sit on the bench and get warm a little. After that while you check on the hot chocolate I am gonna make some phone calls, but I will be back to sit with you more."

Letting his arm fall from her shoulders he wasnt to sure how people would feel seeing him with his arm around her knowing he was the new kid. The last thing he really wanted to do was upset anyone.


Ariel smiles at Trey's words, catching a glimpse of something deeper. There was more to him than meets the eye. She wonders if perhaps tonight was the only chance she would have to see that other side.

Though laughing at his comment about being a human heating blanket, she hadn't expected him to put his arm around her, so when he does, she looks up at him quickly. She supposed she'd made the first move by linking arms with him, but she hadn't thought he would do anything differently than that. While her feet move her forward, she still looks up at him, curious.

Grinning, she finally leans into him, slipping her arm around his back. "Mmm... you are warm. Thank you." He was... different. Not like the other guys who were only out for one thing, but not like the guys who were overly polite either. Could she be misreading him? Was he really just trying to make his move and she'd be sorry later? Something told her that wasn't it. Her instincts were usually trustworthy, and this guy didn't seem to have ill intentions - especially if he was a friend of Pete's. Not to mention, he was nice and tall and decent looking, too. His arm around her felt strong and she could tell he was in pretty good shape. Not that it was everything, but it did help the appeal.

Walking slowly back towards the fire, the glow meets them and even a ways away it was already warmer. The music and loud chatter was still going, but now that Ariel had had a break, she didn't mind it so much. Pointing to a bench near the fire, she glances up at Trey again. "Want to sit a few minutes? Then I still have to find out about that hot chocolate."

Carson gives Misty a sidelong glance as she puts the dishes away, his forced smile a sign that he wasn't sure when they'd have time off together. He did enjoy working here and having ownership of Mom and Pop's... it was something stable, and that was something he'd never had before, so it did feel good. It was honest work, and there were days that he did enjoy the cooking, now knowing so much more than he had in the beginning. He wouldn't say it was a passion at all, but he didn't dislike it. And still working with Herb and Mabel was enjoyable.

Then there were days like today when he grew weary of the same thing hour after hour. Even when Ryder was back on his feet and well, he couldn't ask him to take over for more than a day, unless it was Elite related. But with no one to step in, Carson was forced to work six long days a week, sometimes seven. They really couldn't afford to hire another cook... it was tight enough with three waitresses and sometimes an extra set of hands. Not to mention, the restaurant really wasn't big enough to hire another full-time cook.

It was days like today when Carson's mind wandered to the past... to what he used to do. Though he knew what he'd done was as far from right as he could get, the emotions were still there... the drive... the excitement... the thrills. And now... he was in a kitchen every day where the most excitement was someone wanting anchovies on their pizza.

But it was worth it, right? This was stable... honest. He didn't want to turn into who he'd been before. Would he always feel this way?

Suddenly realizing that he'd drifted into a silent stare, Carson snaps back to attention, trying to remember what Misty's question was. "Yeah," he muses. "Yeah, soon."

Letting the drain loose in the sink, he watches the water swirl and disappear. For a brief moment, the water brings a memory flashing in his mind of a river in Australia. He didn't think of Australia much anymore, but when he did, it always brought on a feeling of nostalgia and he wasn't even sure why.

He shakes his head and starts to wipe off the counter, forcing himself to focus again. "I vote for grabbing some ice cream on the way home to eat while we watch a movie of your choice."

Hearing Dalton enter the apartment, Dani remains where she is, her eyes falling shut for a moment as she feels his kiss. Being pulled nearer to him as he sits next to her, a fresh tear rolls down her cheek. She'd made it through her repressed memories, but once in a while, a nightmare still took her by surprise.

Dalton's words make her feel so safe, and moving closer, Dani crawls onto his lap, nuzzling her face into his broad chest. Her arms go around him in a hug and she takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she begins to relax.

"Thank you," she mentions quietly. She could apologize again for waking him or for making him come over, but she knew he would just chide her so she refrains.

Moving back and sitting up juts as little, she gives his lips another kiss before returning to rest against him again. Her eyes drift shut and for the first time since waking, she felt like she might actually be able to fall asleep again.