

"Oh, well that would work." Jason nods and takes a bite of chicken. "You could meet Sandy then too. I think you'll like her. She's been dying to meet you, I know." 


Jason looks up quickly, his eyebrows rising. "Hey, man, what's up?" 

A young man approaches their table, grinning from ear to ear. His reddish blonde hair was cut short and spiky, his build medium-height and athletic. He eyes Katie for a moment before looking back at Jason. "Well what do you think? I'm hungry."

Jason smirks. "Go figure. I've been here how many times and never ran into you?" 

"No kidding. We meet up once and now we're everywhere." The guy laughs, his green eyes twinkling.

A new grin creases Jason's lips. "We had to have gone right by each other a million times." 

"Probably." He pauses and glances to Katie again. "This the phantom girlfriend?" 

Jason laughs and shakes his head. "A phantom, she is not. Sorry." Introductions had completely slipped his mind. "Rusty, this is Katie. Katie, Rusty. He's an old friend from high school." 

"It's true." Rusty extends his hand to Katie. "Everything but the old part. I'll always be a month younger than him." 

"Yeah, yeah." Jason waves him off. 

Rusty grins. "I'd love to stay and crash your party, but I got my own girlfriend to meet up with. I'll catch you later." 

"Right." Jason watches him walk away, then remembers something. "Oh. Rusty!"

"Hmm?" Rusty stops and turns around. 

"Saturday night. Pizza and bowling. Sandy's idea. You going?" 

"Of course!" 

"Alright. See you then." Jason relaxes again and picks up his fork to finish his food. "Okay, so where were we? Tomorrow? So you wanna come along to the park then?" 

Confused, but trusting Ryan, Tal lets her go and tries to relax. It isn't easy though. His leg was packed in tightly, and so was his right hand. Not to mention, a brace was holding his head still, and it felt like the side of his face was all bandaged up. Accident? What accident? Fighting to remember, flashes of the dark alley come to mind. Then he knows. 

It doesn't take long for the doctor to come in and check him over, asking him a ton of questions about how he feels and if he feels this or that or if such and such hurts. What Tal really wanted was just to get out of here. But after learning the extent of damage, he's a bit shocked and dismayed. He was going to be here for a little while. 

After what seemed like forever, Tal is finally left alone with Ryan again. Though exhausted, he was at least alert now. It was hard to talk - his jaw was incredibly sore. But apparently that was to be expected since it had been fractured. He was supposed to minimize his talking, but he didn't want to just lie around in silence. 

Finding Ryan's hand again, he holds it, trying to reassure her... or maybe himself too. "What have you been doing the last few days?" he mumbles. "Don't tell me you've been here the whole time."

Letting her ponytail loose, Ariel shakes out her hair as she enters her house. A morning of horseback riding with her brother had been fun - it always was. 

Humming to herself, she wanders to the phone to find there was a voicemail message. Whenever going out to clear her head, she never took her cell phone. It was a rule she'd started long ago. 

Picking up the phone, she listens as she aims down the hall to her bedroom. Hearing Trey's voice, she pauses what she's doing, to listen a little more carefully. He... needed someone to talk to? He sounded... different. 

Easing down to sit on the edge of her bed, Ariel thinks. Whether Trey knew it or not, he'd broken her trust in a few ways. She wasn't scared of him, nor did she hate him, nor did she not forgive him. But... remembering how he'd been that night... it still made her somewhat uncomfortable. And remembering how she'd needed to baby him and pretty much manipulate him in order to get him to stay and settle down... She might have succeeded, but it hadn't been fun. She was glad she didn't have to watch him for the Elite anymore. That helped. And he had been kind of sweet that evening at the party and going out for pizza. It was just... Did she want to keep hanging out with him?

Shaking her head, she stands and goes to find some clean clothes then goes to the shower. Letting the warm water run over her, she sighs deeply. Trey needed a good friend, and she knew that. He'd always been a gentleman when sober. She did like his eyes. And... she wasn't one to just turn her back. There was no reason to.

She lets her thoughts go for now and finishes up her shower.  Putting on her clean clothes, she wanders to the living room and flops down on the couch with her phone. Dialing, she waits to hear Trey's voice.  

"Hi, Trey. It's Ariel. Got your message. Sorry it took me a while to get back to you." 

She twirls a strand of hair around her finger. "Lunch sounds good if it's not too late. Want me to come pick you up?"


Being sweeped up into Carson's arms Misty can't help but laugh a little as her arms go around his neck to hang on. Retuning the kiss and looking back into Carson's eyes Misty gives a smile leaning her head against him. His mood swings confused her but she continued to just keep moving on from them. Life sometimes had a funny way of making people like that sometimes and Misty could only hope it would pass quickly.

   "You get the plates and I'll finish putting everything into bowls and what not so we can sit and eat."

Turning to the counter and getting some serving bowls out Misty puts the mashpotatos into one, the beans into another and the rolls into one more bring them over and placing them onto the table. Grabbing two glasses she sets them down as well before looking to Carson.

   "What did you want to drink tonight? Beer, Milk, Juice or water?"

Feeling Tal's fingers tighten around her own again Ryan can feel her heart race. Was Tal really waking up, was he going to be ok. She didn't dare hope anymore but she couldn't help it, it was to late to stop it. Seeing his eye lids start to crack open Ryan stands so that Tal could see her better without having to move again. A smile spread across her face and small tears rolled down her cheek.

   "Just hold still Tal, you had an accident....give me a second I have to go get one of the Dr's I'll be right back, I promise."

Leaving the room Ryan goes to find a Dr letting them know what was going on. She wanted them to check Tal, make sure he was ok, look at everything she had to know he was going to make it. Tal was strong and Ryan new it...but she didn't want anything to backfire.

Taking a bit of her egg roll  Katie gives a nod to Jason. If he got time with Kaylee that would be fun for him and Katie wouldn't mind helping him with her. She enjoyed the little girls company and no matter what she always found a way to make her laugh.

About to say something Katie was cut off by the beeping of the phone as well. Just watching Jason she could feel something strange at his mention to it being Sandy and wanting to meet Kaylee as well. It was a feeling Katie had felt a few times before when Jason had said he was going to hang out with his friends. In a way...she felt left out. 

Looking down at her food and running her fork through her rice Katie doesn't look up again at Jason's next comment either. It almost felt like a slap to the face or a punch to the gut. Katie had always had Thursdays off for as long as she worked at TJY and now...Jason was forgetting that too?

   "Well, I'm pretty much caught up on all my work. I don't think Reese would have to much of a problem if I switch my day off for tomorrow with Friday. Than I can spend time with you guys too."


"Mm-hmm..." A beach sounded nice. Carson could almost feel himself sitting on the sand on the Australian coastline where he used to spend his downtime. 

Almost dozing off, his stomach suddenly growls very loudly. Opening his eyes wide, a grin forms before he laughs. "I guess I better feed that thing before it gets loose." 

Sighing, he finally rights himself and stands to stretch and yawn. Seeming to have renewed energy, he bends down to sweep Misty up off the couch, holding her in his arms. Smiling, he gives her a long kiss. "You're the best. And you always will be." He stares her in the eye as if looking into her soul. "Don't you ever forget that." Another kiss follows before he carries her into the kitchen and finally sets her down. 

"Want me to get the plates out?" 

Tal felt as though he were surrounded in a very thick fog, dulling all of his senses. But he did hear a voice. It was soft... familiar... safe. Trying his hardest to pull himself from this strange state, his fingers tighten again around Ryan's hand. 

Yes, I'm awake. I'm here. What's wrong? Where are we? I hurt. Are you okay? 

The words seem to get stuck between his brain and his vocal cords, piling up in his subconscious. Swallowing hard, his throat felt as though he'd just drank a box of nails. A strange piece of torn memory surfaces for a brief moment, making him feel again the tube being forced down his throat. It was gone now though. What was happening? 

Light. Yes, there it was. Light. He had to lift his eyelids. He must. He had to find out what was going on. The work required just to open his eyes felt exhausting. But slowly, slowly, they crack open, just enough to view a very blurry world. 

Looking right then left, Tal finally sees a blurry figure standing over him. He blinks, trying to bring things into focus. Trying to turn his head, only proves to shoot pain down his neck so he doesn't attempt that again. 


He squeezes her hand again, trying one more time. Finally a whisper makes it to the surface. "Ryan?" He blinks again, his eyes opening a little wider, helping clear the fog. Bits and pieces of the room slowly come into focus and his ears pick up the sounds of beeping and whirring again. Was he in a hospital? Why? What was wrong with him? Was he okay? 

Fear suddenly races through his veins, raising his blood pressure. "What's happening?" he asks hoarsely.

Alec pries his eyes open and stares at the digital clock that rested on the floor next to his mattress. He should have met the road crew two hours ago. He closes his eyes again and rolls over the other way, pulling his blanket up farther. Someone would show up soon. He knew it. And he didn't care... 

..."Alec!" Wyatt bangs on the door, hearing nothing. Growling, he finds the right key and opens up Alec's apartment. It only takes a moment to see the sleeping figure at the far end of the living room. "Hey! Alec!" 

Nothing. Wyatt suddenly wonders if there was cause for concern. Walking quickly to Alec, he kneels down and gives him a shake. "Hey. You alive?" 

Alec's arm flies back to smack Wyatt's shoulder. "Off me," he grumbles. 

Wyatt's eyes narrow. "Are you sick?" 

"I'm sick and tired," Alec retorts, his face still turned towards the wall. 

"Tough." Wyatt stands and gives the mattress a kick. "You were supposed to report to work. What happened?" 

Alec glares at the wall. "I decided I didn't want to go to work today."

"And since when have you been allowed to make that decision?"

"Sue me." 

Wyatt shakes his head in disgust. Heading back across the room, he retrieves his cell phone and calls back to the office. "Alec's fine - he's just playing stubborn. You wanna force him out to work, I'm gonna need backup. You want me to bring him in, I will." 

Reese sighs. "Well what do you think?" 

"I don't know!" Wyatt throws up his arms. Things between him and his father were still tense, and he was not in the mood to go back and forth about what they should do. "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it." 

"Okay fine. Bring him in and we'll see what's going on. He was fine the other day." 

..."What's up, Alec?" Reese was tired. There was too much going on for him to have to worry about Alec's bad attitude. After recent events, his tolerance for Alec in general was pretty thin the way it was. Knowing Wyatt had to just about drag him here was not helping. 

Alec sits in the break room - surprised he wasn't locked in the interrogation room again. He stares up at Reese with dull expression. "I'm tired and wanted to sleep." 

"Well maybe you stayed up too late." Reese frowns as he stands in front of him. "You've shown up every day for work until today. Why now?" 

Alec shrugs. 

Reese shakes his head. "You're pushing the limit, Alec. I'm still waiting for proof of what you did to Tal Donahue. You refusing to work is just one more count against you."

Alec doesn't respond. 

"Look at me!" Reese bends to his eye level. "What is wrong with you?!" 

Alec flinches. "You wanna put me behind bars? Is that what you want?" 

"It sure would be a lot easier than dealing with you." 

"Fine." Alec stands up to face him and holds out his wrists. "Lock me up. Go report to Brown, or the judge, or whoever, that I'm going around beating guys up and refusing to work." 

Reese's eyes narrow. "What are you trying to do, Alec? What's your game?" 

"I don't have a game," he hisses. "Everything has been ripped out of my hands - what do you expect me to do?" 

"I expect you to be appreciative of the fact that you're not already behind bars! You have a record ten miles long, which includes multiple counts of murder! Do you realize how lucky you are to even be standing here?!" 

Alec's hands drop. "So arrest me and be done with it." 

"If I do that, my program dies." Reese grits his teeth. "So help me, I will not allow you to be the cause of this program failing. There are too many other people from the Agency that need our help. I'll be hanged if I let you tear this thing down." He takes a step back and points to the door. "You have off work today and tomorrow to get your head back on straight. Now move!" 

...Alec trudges from TJY, having refused a ride back home. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, his feet scuff the sidewalk. He feared prison more than anything else, for sure. Being stuck behind bars. Having no freedom at all. Yet at the same time, it almost seemed better than this. Out here, he was taunted with what he wanted just out of reach. It was like dangling a carrot in front of a horse but never letting it have it. At least in prison he'd know he was there for life and couldn't do anything. Out here... it was just pain. Mistakes, stupidity and pain. 

"...So Mom said she might leave Kaylee with me for a day." Jason eats his Chinese food at lunch, sitting across from Katie at Tou Han's. The last couple days had been fairly quiet. He'd spent some time with his mom. Some time with friends. A little time with Katie. Nothing too exciting. Well - at least not that he knew. It didn't feel exciting to him. He'd avoided talk of Trey with his mother though, not wanting to broach that subject again, and while at work, he had made sure he didn't see Trey at all. Other than that, things seemed... normal. Eating supper a couple times with his mom and Katie had been enjoyable though. At least he had felt that much.

"I thought that might be kinda fun. Thought I might-" He's cut off by his phone beeping. 

Taking it out of his pocket and reading the text message, he grins. "Or maybe not. Sandy wants to meet Kaylee." Replying to the message, his grin remains. "She'd get a kick out of that. Maybe she'll even meet me us at the park or something. Apparently Kaylee likes the ducks." 

Finished with his message, he looks at Katie again, then purses his lips. "Oh... you work tomorrow, don't you? I forgot, I've got off but you don't."


Being left in the room alone again Trey just continues to hold the paper. He didn't know what was to choose. He was being given freedom, something he wanted more than anything, a life outside this holding cell and for the first time, for the first time he was scared.

Reaching over to the phone on his night stand Trey takes a little paper out from under it that had Ariel's number on it. He wasn't sure if she was working or not today but he try calling anyways. He needed someone to talk to and...well...it always seemed easy with her even after he'd found out the whole thing was a set up.

   "Hey Ariel, I wasn't sure if you were working or not. Wondered if you wanted to grab a bit to eat or something. I...kinda need a friend to talk too."

Hanging up the phone Trey now wondered if Ariel would even call him back. He new things were far from perfect with them but  they were working on it. Would she be sad if he left? At one point Alec thought the answer would be yes but with everything that had went on...would she now?

Continuing to look down at Carson Misty gives another smile even though his eyes were closed. Sometimes she wished she could just run away too. When the stress became to much, when life just seemed to crazy Misty wouldn't have minded just getting away.

   "Maybe we should take a vacation and get away for a little while. Maybe a cruse, or a beach somewhere..."

The sound of a vacation did sound nice. Just getting away the two of them...just spending time with each other souly maybe thats what they both needed.

   "...Maybe thats what we both need."

Sitting in the chair next to the bed Ryan keeps her hand in Tal's. This was the position most people would find her in now adays. If she wasn't working she was sitting here with Tal, keeping her fingers locked with his so that if somewhere...deep down...he'd know he wasn't alone and he had someone fight for. 

Leaning her head back and closing her eyes Ryan felt so tired, but sleep only came in spirits. Feeling a movement on her hand Ryan's eyes fly open. Had she just dozed off and imagined that or had Tal's hand really moved. Getting up and moving to the edge of the bed Ryan looks down at him. With all her heart she wanted it to be true that Tal had just moved his hand. Even that would give her hope.

   "Tal...are you awake? Squeeze my hand again if you can...please sweety...I'm here."


"Take all the time you need," Reese agrees. He wasn't going to push Trey one way or the other. It was totally up to him what to do. Reese had briefly discussed this with Angelica too, making sure she was okay with all this as well. After all, she'd been the one who had pushed for the Elite to offer protection in the first place. Now - it was time to move forward in whichever direction Trey chose. 

The comment about curfew makes Reese chuckle and he shakes his head. "No. No more curfew and no more babysitters. Although I have a feeling Pete will miss having you around." 

Nodding, he turns to leave. "When you make up your mind, let me know."

"I sure do." Carson offers Misty a smile, though it's a weary one. Letting his eyes fall shut again, he wishes to stop time and just remain like this. 

"Do you ever wish we were somewhere else?" he asks quietly. "Do you ever wish there was something more... something different?" Setting her free hand on his chest, his fingers stroke hers lightly. "I wanna run away." 

He swallows hard, suddenly finding it strangely difficult to control his feelings. It was a true rarity for him to become emotional at all, even when it was just him and Misty. Tears were something simply not shown. So they remain hidden even now, behind his closed eyes. "I wanna just take you and run where no one will ever find us." 

Days seem to all meld together in a hospital. Especially for those waiting for any news or change in a loved one's condition. Every minute drags on until time just doesn't seem to exist anymore. For the one lying motionless and quiet in the bed, time takes on a strange dimension, evolving into an odd mixture of dream, reality and thoughts that belong to neither world. 

Day two: No change. Eli and Ryan take turns working, sitting with Tal and taking care of Tal's dogs. Day three: Tal begins breathing on his own, allowing the doctors to remove the assistance of the machines. He remains asleep. Day four: Doctors are more positive about Tal's recovery. His lung is doing well, and his internal organs are functioning properly. Eli and Ryan continue their routine. Day five: All is quiet.

Tal's mind feels as though it's very far away. As if it has separated from his body to take an unplanned vacation, leaving him in a rather confused state. Where was he? Why did he feel as though his body was being restricted? He felt dizzy. In pain. There were strange sounds around him. Strange smells. He wants to see, but his eyes are so very heavy, as if he cannot even muster the strength to open them. But amidst the fear and confusion, there was a small spark of hope. Something warm. Something familiar. A hand. Ryan's hand, nestled in his own. His entire body felt immobile. But his fingers twitch. Slowly, they curl around Ryan's hand, giving it a weak squeeze.


Looking up at Eli Ryan felt like a little kid again looking up for hope in her brothers eyes. He's been the strong one, he'd been the whole they fraught so desperately for them to stay together, he was the one who took on three jobs to support her and John. Now...now he was the strong one again and Ryan was grateful.

   "Alright...lets go look after Tal."

Backing away from her brother Ryan takes one last look at the window she new was Alec's before turning away and getting into her. Pulling out of the parking lot the going was slowing than coming. Though Ryan wanted to get back to Tal she didn't want to get back to the hospital.

Still sitting with Carson on the couch Misty continues to run her free hand through his hair knowing that he liked and enjoyed it. Hearing his words about just sitting there Misty's eyes filled with concern. Was it work, was it something at TJY, was it everything that had been happing with Alec. Misty didn't know where to start.

   "We can sit here like this for as long as you want my love. You know if there is anything bothering you...you can talk to me right?"

Looking up at Reese Trey eyes him for a long moment. He found it strange that the top dog was standing in his room. He hardly ever saw Reese unless he'd done something wrong. So it made him wonder why he was here now. The look in his eye though was much different than one he had seen before.

Hearing Reese's apologies Trey was a little surprised. It felt nice to hear it, though he had to admit he thought he never would. Reaching out and taking the paper from Reese Trey just looks at it for a long moment. He had freedom to go home and yet something...something made him a little sad about it too. He also could choose to stay and maybe...just maybe get to know his family a little more. If he stayed though he could always go visit his family in Mexico right?

   "I'll need to take some time to think about my desition if thats...ok?"

What suprised Trey even more was the fact that TJY would be willing to help him get on his feet if he stayed. It was strange to have so much kindness but as the same time he soaked it in like a sponge and enjoyed it too.

   "Just one thing though...if I stay and get my own place...I won't still have to have a curfew will I?"

Trey couldn't help but let the corners of his mouth upturn in a smile just a little bit his tone joking. Maybe this place wasn't so bad after all and they did have some good people here...In the while he'd been here Try had leaned many things. Maybe there really was more to everything than the little he had known.