

Moving around the bar and taking money from customers Beth keeps Zach in her views as well. It felt nice to have someone there that wasn't drink and didn't slur when he talked. Making a silly face here and there as she passed him by Beth found herself wondering what had gotten into her. That was definitely not like her but it just seemed to come out.

Finally having a moment of free time again to stop and chat with Zach Best smiles. Hearing his question she can't help but laugh a little it. Not answering right away though she wondered. Her and Justin did a lot of stuff together and she liked him, but he never seemed to make a move beyond friendship. Surely she had shown how much she had grown since he first met her. They wernt dating so to go out with Zach once wouldn't be so bad....right?

"Coffee sounds nice, but I don't get off till three if you want to wait that long. As for the boyfriend, there is nothing to worry about there. However if you get out of line there are a few bouncers there that might."

Beth looks to the two big guys sitting by the door. One sits yawning while the other trys to pick up one of the drunk girls. Rolling her eyes back tilts her head and looks back to Zach.

"Ok I take that back!"

Sitting across from Reese Angelica used her form to curl some noodles as she listened to Reese. She new he had something on his mind but she had no idea just how indeepth it had become. Mulling over his words she's quiet for a long moment. Processing, thinking, and figuring out the best answer.

"When the Elite became public did you have to sign any papers on what you would be doing, or would have to send to the bored or what not? As long as you haven't signed any new papers since than, than you can't get in trouble if you don't give the bored everything they want, or follow all there rules. They are bound by that paper as much as you are."

Taking a sip of her water Angelica continues to think. It was hard because being a lawer she couldn't tell Reese to do everything she would like too. Though she didn't want to help all she could. She believe in The Elite's cause and new they were good. There was nothing about them that scream foul play.

"I don't see a problem with putting some of the old rules back into play. The Elite is not like every other law enforcement and to have it become that way would be a shame. I think a good idea though would be to get someone you trust, and shares the same passion as you onto the bored so if need be they can keep there ears and eyes open on the inside."

Leaning back in her chair Angelica study's Reese for a moment. She couldn't imagine everything he was going through right now. If he had been carry this alone no wonder there was so much tention around the office. It made sence now.

"Also I think it would be a good idea if you talk to your Agents so they know whats going on and why things are happening the way they are. I think it's important for you to have that open communication!"


Immediately loving Beth's sense of humor, Zach laughs. "Your secret is safe with me."

Still smiling, he studies her face for a moment. Yes, there was definitely something about her that did not match her occupation. There was a softness about her that didn't fit someone working in a bar. He wondered how it was she'd come to be here.

He also wondered what on earth he was doing. But after boring evening after boring evening, company and pleasant conversation was too inviting to pass up. He could talk to his dog all he wanted, but it just wasn't enough. He still hadn't settled on finding a church yet either, so finding good friends wasn't coming quickly. And his coworkers? Well, there again, there just weren't too many there that he'd want to hang out with. So he was at a bar. That made a whole heap of sense. He inwardly rolls his eyes at himself. No, it didn't make a lick of sense. But he was here, the cherry coke was good and whether or not anybody would believe him, the company was good too.

After glancing from side to side, Zach leans into the counter a little more. "Okay, so, would it be safe for me to ask you out for a cup of coffee when you get off work, or is there a boyfriend hiding in the shadows that would come beat me to a pulp for asking?"

Reese grins as Angelica links arms with him. "I'm thinking.... Chinese. If you don't mind a little less than formal atmosphere, I'm actually craving the sweet and sour chicken at Tou Han's."

Not half an hour later, Reese was seated across from Angelica at a booth in the little Chinese restaurant. The aroma alone would make anyone hungry. As much as Reese had been craving this food though, he ends up picking through his chicken, not eating as much as planned. Quiet, he's thoughtful, carrying on some small talk, but nothing too much deeper than the weather.

Eventually, though, he sets down his fork and rests his elbows on the table to set his chin in his hands. Looking over at Angelica, he searches her eyes. "I need help, Angelica. There's something I've been trying to get a handle on for weeks now and... I finally realized I can't do it alone. I shouldn't be talking to anyone about it but..." He shrugs lamely. "If there was one person I'd tell, it's you because I trust you."

Sighing, his gaze drops for a moment before he looks back up at her again. "The Elite is in trouble. The board is cracking down on us and wanting more and more control over what we do. Brown doesn't like it, but his hands are tied. I'm having to send more and more reports every day and include more and more details on everything just so the board can scrutinize everything we do. It's putting us in a box and squelching our purpose."

That wasn't really new - everybody was aware that things weren't like they used to be and that they were answering to higher authority now. They still had a different set of rules than the other law enforcement agencies, but the reins were getting tighter.

"I wouldn't mind so much but it's beginning to affect our agents. Freedom is gone. They're struggling to stay within bounds and make sure they don't get in trouble, rather than letting their passion for justice lead their actions. We're the Elite... but we're not allowed anymore to act like it."

Another sigh slips out. Did he dare say what he wanted? "I've... been considering reestablishing some of our former policies." He bites his lip. Did she understand? "Unfortunately, that would require a level of secrecy. We would be far from underground like we were once, but... the board might not exactly know about everything we're doing. I'm afraid of leaks through the board, I'm afraid of them coming down harder on us, and I'm afraid of losing my agents because of stupid rules and regulations that are only there to control us. But if we reestablished some of our high priority, top secret files..."

There. He'd said it. The implication hangs in the air. "I know you're a lawyer and bound by a different code of ethics. And if I didn't trust you like I do, I'd never make you keep a secret like this. But I gotta know... Is this something the Elite should do? Or do we follow the board and bend to their will until we're just like every other law enforcement out there?"


Feeling a bit of color come to her own face Beth was kind of happy the lights in the bar were dim. One couldn't notice it to much. Why did he say that though? She wasn't all that special, or maybe it wasn't that but the fact that she was only use to Justin giving her those kind of complements.

"Well if you think a coke I pour for you is amazing, than I better not let you ever try my cherry pie. A friend of mine tells me its to die for and well, I'd really like it if one of my regulars wouldn't die."

As the conversation moves on Beth gives a smile nod as he tells her about finding his way around. Unlike most of the people who came into the bar the Beth didn't want to listen to because they were drunk with problems she actually wanted to listen to Zach. She was interested in what he had to say.

"It's not to big here. I think you'll catch on quick to where everything is. I mean you already know you way here. So thats a good start."

Stepping away from Zack for a quick second as someone else at the bar got her attachen for another drink Beth holds up her finger that she would be right back. Pouring the drink, taking the payment and making some quick small talk it doesn't take long before Beth is back once again.

"Well its nice to meet you Zach. I'm Beth and yes thats my real name. But don't tell anyone ok."

Beth gives a wink to Zach a teasing dance in her eyes.

Looking up from her desk Angelica gives a smile. She and a few cases unrelated to the Elite she was working on but she could use a break herself. Seeing the weary look on Reese face She new something was on his mind.

"Yeah I could use a late lunch. Just give me a few moments to wrap things up here ok?"

A few minutes later Angelica was getting her coat on and means Reese on the main floor. Giving a smile and tucking her arm under his she was ready.

"I'm good to go where ever you like. You know what I like and dont so I trust your judgment!"


Watching Misty leave his office, Reese wonders a moment about her and Carson. Was everything really okay? He'd brushed off Carson's behavior a few days ago, but now with Misty wondering about it...

He shakes his head. It really was none of his business, even if he did care. He'd just keep his eyes and ears open.

Sighing, he stares at all the unfinished paperwork strewn about. They were accomplishing a lot of things lately, but there were also a lot of things going wrong and they needed to get a handle on things. Nobody really seemed happy anymore. Was it him? He knew he'd been tough on everybody lately but he had his reasons. Then there was Wyatt, who hadn't come in today at all - Reese really couldn't blame him, though they did need Wyatt here, whether he was on probation or not. All in all, things around the Elite had been very tense lately. There was a lot going on, including much that no one but he knew about. He had some very hard decisions to make, which had only added to his stress lately. Soon though, he'd have to go one way or the other, and it could cause a major change in the Elite once again. It wasn't an easy burden to bear... and he was tired of doing it alone.

Getting up from his desk, Reese wanders out across the main floor and down the hall. Stopping at Angelica's office, he knocks and pokes his head inside. "Hey... you got a minute or two to talk? Not here though... over a late lunch?"

Tal grins and shrugs. "Wherever you want to go. Today is your day... until we have to go back to work."

Lifting her hand to his lips, he gives it a kiss. "You're an amazing woman, Ryan... don't let anybody tell you otherwise."

Having the woman read his mind, a smile spreads on Zach's face. "I really am too predictable," he muses. Taking a sip, he shakes his head. "Nah... it's not what's in the cola. It's... kinda like how food from people we like always tastes better. It's not what the food is, but who serves it."

A slight tinge of red reaches his cheeks before he takes another sip of pop. Moving on quickly, he nods at her question. "Yeah, I'm finally figuring things out around here. I've lived all my life about three hours north of here and just didn't get down here very much. Now that I got a job here though, I better learn things quick."

Slowly spinning his glass on the counter for a moment, he finally reaches his hand out. "I'm Zach, by the way, and I've been trying to get up enough nerve to ask your name for weeks now."

Small Conversation

Talking with a customer that was a little more than tipsy Beth really wasn't intested in his story so she glances around the room. See the man she had a few times before she smiles as he waves. Giving a small wave back she looks back to her customer and pats his hand.

"I can't believe she did that to you Mike. Just take it easy, cool off and in the morning it will be better."

Taking a few steps back as he downs his shot Beth shakes her head a little before turning around and grabbing a clean glass. Going over to the soda fountain Beth fills the glass with cherry cola. The man didn't need to tell her. Every time he'd come in before it was the same thing. Odd but she wouldn't turn him away. A customer was a customer, and he had to be the best looking one she had seen all night.

"You're either lost again or there is something in our cola that makes you come in every week for it. "

Beth smiles setting the glass down on the counter and grabbing a hand tole to wipe her hands on. It was almost like a breath of fresh air when this man came in because he wasnt there to get drunk and tell his sad storys. Maybe thats was made him different, and have a cretin glow about him. Beth could feel herself almost going out of her way to talk to him.

"So how's it going today? Starting to get your bearings around?"

Leaning against the chair Misty's mind wonders for a moment. That was strange that Carson would turn down a case. He always was ready to jump on one. Misty found it rather odd on top of everything else that happened today.

Hearing Reese comment about Carson really not being and oddity Misty gives a smile. Maybe her mind was getting away from her. With everything else going on it could just be she was reading more into things than she should have.

"Yeah alright. I guess your right. Sorry to have bothered you."

Turning Misty heads for the door hesitating for a moment but shaking her head she exits. If she was making this up in her head she better cut it out before she caused problems when there was no need.

If Eli did know what happened today Tal was right he probable would kill Alec. No one messed with anyone Eli new let alone his little sister.

"I think your right. I'd rather keep Eli with me than having him be with John. Even if that is selfish."

Drawing silent for a moment Ryan looks out the window. Wasn't often she talked about John, let alone him being in jail. Not that she was embarrassed but more than it made her sad. She missed her brother just as much as she would miss Eli.

Looking back to Tal Ryan smile letting the moment of sadness slip by. How could she be sad with Tal there.

"So where are we going for lunch?"