
All this time...

As Nate stepped inside, Garret looked up quickly, surprised at anyone's presence before it was mealtime, and doubly surprised to see it was Nate. His eyes immediately took note of the arm sling, and slight paleness in Nate's face. For his injury, he was back to work awfully fast - even faster than an Agency man would be. Was Reese that strict or had Nate actually wanted to come back into work? Regardless, Garret couldn't help but feel a bit of relief to see Nate alive, up and walking.

Remaining seated, his face showed no expression as he listened. As Nate mentioned Victoria though, and his suspicion if love, Garret's eyes flickered. He was desperate, but terrified the Elite would use his love against him. It was his only true weakness, and they now knew.

Garret slowly got to his feet and took several small steps towards Nate, looking him square in the eye. His pulse was racing, and a bead of sweat trickled down the side of his face. Emotions churned within him to the point that if one looked, they might be surprised to see traces of tears held back by sheer willpower. But he still had his own set of requests. 

He held out his cuffed wrists to Nate. "Let me see her. But take these..." He glanced down at his ankles. "...and those, off first." His eyes returned to Nate's. "You have my word - I will not hurt anyone. I will not try to get away, or try to take Victoria. I'm not asking you to trust me. Just allow me this, and you'll get your answers." His eyes begged Nate to understand, and his voice quieted to almost a whisper. "Fifteen minutes." He wanted eternity, but for now, fifteen minutes was all he needed to explain things to Victoria. "And I'll talk to you without a fight. That's all I want."

"Hey, shhh..." Eli reached out and gently brushed away Ryan's tear. "You're going to be okay," he assured. He paused as the doctor informed them he was leaving but would be back, then returned his focus to his sister. "I don't... I don't know why you thought you were getting messages from Alec. But you weren't. Not really." It was hard to admit, but it was the truth. "He...he really did die, Ryan. He really is gone. I know you were upset about it but...but maybe you were more upset than you admitted?"

Eli searched her face for answers - anything to explain her strange behavior. He was no psychologist, but he needed to know why this was happening to his baby sister. "You thought he was still here and...and wanted to run away with you, so..." He hesitated to ask this, but he needed to know if his suspicions were correct - and it would help understand her state of mind. "You were still in love with him, weren't you? All this time?"

From what I am told...

Ryan's mind was so foggy. She remembered hearing Alec was dead, but than she got messages from him. She remembered going to his funeral, but than he wanted to run away with her. She remembered a fight with Eli, and than nothing else. It was like time had stopped, or her brain had, while her body still moved. Ryan couldn't remember that part.

   "I...I remembering being told Alec was gone, but I remember talking to him too. I got a message from him. We were going to be together again."

Leaning her head back on the pillow Ryan closed her eyes as so many things ran through her head. A tear ran down her cheek. She didn't know what was happening, or what was going on. She felt so confused.

   "...He said he was ready to run away, to get away from everyone who hated him, for us to be together. Whats wrong with me Eli? If Alec is really gone...than...whats wrong with me?"

Nate stands and gives a nod to Reese. It meant a lot to him that Reese was still going to let him do this. He still had a chance, and so did Garret. He just had to get through to him, and he had a good idea how.

Standing outside the holding cell door Nate just looked in the window for a long moment at Garret. Something had changed slightly. Nothing that made Nate worry about his safety, but something with Garret had changed. He almost seemed nervous, upset, and scared.

Opening the door Nate sets inside before shutting it behind him. Just standing there for a long moment still observing Garret before taking in a deep breath. As Reese had reminded him his guard was up but not to high. 

   "From what I am told I owe you a thank you for saving my life. The way I see it you could of let me die there and gotten away but you didn't. Makes me think maybe you have a soft spot too. Which really worked out well for me or I wouldn't be standing here."

Holding a set of keys in his hand good hand Nate fiddles with them for a long moment. So many options to be weighed, so many situations to go over, so many outcomes. It was often hard deciding what was the right one, but Nate new he had to at least try.

   "I've been told that you have been pretty despret to see the woman who shot me and I'm not quite sure why yet. I have my suspicions, and my guesses but I dont really know if they are right or not. So I'm not going to give you an ultimatum because even if you told me no I'd probley take you to see her anyways. After all...I'd probley be the same way if my love one was so close, yet so far, left in the dark but trying to save...."

Nate is silent for a second just searching Garrets face. Why would anyone go crazy to see someone else, someone else that maybe had been sent there to kill him. Why would Garret risk everything for one person. If his speculation was right it was because Victoria was more to him, even if an Agent wasn't aloud anything more, that didn't mean it couldn't happen. Maybe Victoria was the key to all this, the last piece of the puzzle that didn't quite fit yet.

   "..So I ask you, not at Elite to Agency, but man to man. Once I take you to see her afterwards if you could fill me in on the whole story of what is going on, that would really help me out."


Reese sat behind his desk and listened as he allowed Nate to present his case. His agent shouldn't even be here - he should have been home resting. But it was obvious that little could keep him away at this point, and Reese was too tired to fight him. The last couple days had worn on Reese, made apparent by his weary stature. This whole thing set him on edge and seemed to be leading them in circles. The last thing he wanted was to slip up and make them vulnerable like he'd already done with Garret. Reese's nose was still swollen, his eyes black and blue from his nearly broken nose. The others were still recovering from that episode too, making this situation even more of a risk.

He sighed deeply as Nate finished his spiel. "You're right. I did make you Garret's handler, and I'm not going to take that back. I think you should be home resting but that's beside the point." He leaned back in his chair and fiddled with a pen. "Since you're in charge of him, I'll allow you to do whatever you think is best, within reason, of course. You should know that Justin was here once but seemingly got nowhere. But be aware - I think he's holding back. I can't put my finger on it, but I think Justin knows something he's not telling me. I don't know what his motive could possibly be, but there's a missing puzzle piece there. Also, Carson has confirmed that Victoria is a high ranking Agency operative. That's all he knows, but it's enough to make us take every precaution with her. And don't forget... Garret may have helped save your life, but then he came in here and threw his weight around so hard, it took five men to slow him down. Do not... I repeat... Do not let your guard down."

Reese waved to the door. "Now go before I change my mind and scrap this whole idiotic plan to save people who don't want to be saved."

Garret sat in the floor of his cell, ankles and wrists cuffed - a stark reminder that prison was all too close. Things had been quiet. Too quiet. No one had spoken to him since Justin had been here. Not one word. Other than meals, the door stayed shut, and he had no idea what was going on. He had no idea if Victoria was still here or if she'd been carted off to prison. Although his gut told him she was still here, and she was near. But he was blind and it made him feel all the more claustrophobic.

No one had told him if Nate really had survived. No one had threatened, interrogated or even spoken to him nicely. It was a silence that could drive him mad. But only because he was failing at bringing Victoria into the fold. Without a chance to see her, this whole thing would be in vain.

He leaned his head back against the hard wall and stared up at the security camera. His eyes had regained their dark, hollow look. With each passing minute, his freedom was just that much farther away.

Eli remained at Ryan's bedside, having never moved until she's finally woken up. It was hard seeing her so disoriented, but he was relieved she was awake. Tal had been there when she'd awakened as well, and had been equally as relieved. Making room for the doctor though, he'd volunteered to go get some more coffee for Eli and himself.

Eli reached out and took Ryan's good hand to give it a squeeze. "The important thing is you're going to be okay." He and Tal had both already expressed to her how happy they were she was okay, but relief still couldn't cover it for Eli. He had almost lost his sister tonight, and if he had...he wouldn't have known what to do.

Once the doctor had left temporarily, Eli searched Ryan's face for any more clues. "You...say you were going to go see Alec but...but we talked about this... Alec is gone... Remember?" He hoped she wouldn't fight him again. He hoped he could get through to her. That maybe her strange behavior had just been a short-lived minor thing.

He swallowed hard, knowing she was hurting, physically and emotionally both. "They...question whether or not you did this on purpose because you didn't even slow down. It looked like you aimed at the tree, and you didn't brake. Do you...really believe you were going to see Alec?"


The next few days seemed to pass quicker than normal. Things were different around work but one would guess it was the slight tension from having not one, but two highly trained Agency Agents in there facility. It was far from the norm to have two at one time, and knowing how skilled they were, or at least would seem just added to the stress of everything.

  "You asked me to be his handler so I'd like to keep doing that. I believe Garret really is here to try and change. He didn't have to save me! He could of just run off after I was shot but he didn't. That just doen't strike me as someone who has alternate motive."

 Nate had been released from the hospital last night and told to take it easy. He was going to be ok other than maybe ripping his stitches out. First thing this morning He'd come to work his arm in sling and all to talk to Reese. He hoped he wasn't to late and he could still help Garret.

  "I don't know anything about this woman, nor do I feel I should trust her. She did shoot me after all, but I think I can get Garret to tell us whats going on and maybe his whole store. If we keep pushing, and squeezing without really giving him anything it's only going to make him clam up, and possibly turn him against us. So please Reese...let me see if I can get him to work with me a little more, for everyone sake?!"

   "I...I can't remember. I was...I think I was going to see Alec. I don't remember running a red light, I dont even remember crashing."

Ryan sat up in her bed as a Dr shone a flash light in her eyes. She really didn't know what was happening, way she was here, where Alec was, or anything. Everything seemed a blur, and nothing made sense to her right now.

Looking over at her brother she would see the worry in his eyes. He was tired, he was stressed and it was because of her. Was she really losing it? She'd herd people throw around that she'd tried to kill herself, that it was because of Alec, but nothing mad sense and she was so confused. What was really going on?!