
Don't want too

Leaning against the fence Chad lets out a small sigh as he looks across the ranch. He new Mick wouldn't tell him to leave or even ask him but he wasn't surprised by what he said either. He's cause quite a commotion while he was here, and he felt bad about it all. For the people at the ranch like Mick, and for Rosalyn too.

   "I've thought about it. Going into town to keep the peace here for everyone. Only thing is if I did that I know it would make Rosalyn feel even worse."

Sucking in a breath again and pushing off the fence to turn to Mick a little bit Chad searches the older mans face. There was much in his eyes, wisdom, strength, the look of how much he hated having to do this. Mick's eyes ran deep and he had no doubt in his mind that was he was doing was for Rosalyn and no one else.

   "I'm not staying here because I want something to prove to Jim, or because I think it will make him get to know and like me. I am staying because of Rosalyn and what little time we have together before I have to head back to work. Maybe Jim will never like me, and maybe he will always judge me before he gets to really know me but even if I do stay in town that wont change his mind either."

Chad really didn't like the thought of leaving before he'd planned too. He wanted to spend all the time he could with Rosalyn. The thought of being driven away by someone who didn't want to get to know him, who judged him before knowing a lick about him just didn't settle right with Chad. He didn't want to disrespect anyone let alone Mick. This was his ranch after all.

   "I don't want to go Mick, I don't want to leave Rosalyn...not yet and at the same time...I don't want you to think I am disrespecting you."

Being bumped down to Eric again Stacy smiles bringing her lips. Every moment spent, talking, kissing, just cuddling was another moment Stacy loved. These feelings and everything else came out of no where. It surprised her but she liked it. 

Finally pulling away Stacy gives his nose a little kiss before standing a little straighter. If she could she would stay right here with Eric all day, but she had some work of her own that needed to get done and if she didn't do it than it never would.

  "Ok, I'll let her know and I am sure she will understand. I will be back in a little bit to check on you."

Getting situated and the food dished out Grace didn't mind listening to Jared talk. She rather liked hearing him talk his voice was in a way soothing. Taking a bit of her potato salad Grace holds up a finger to Jared's question. It never failed when she took a bit a question was always asked of her. Not that she minded at all she just found it kind of funny.

   "Well when I am not working I like to read, talk walks, and draw. Oh cooking if you couldn't help is a fun pass time as well. Aside from work I dont really get out of the house much because I don't have many friends."

Drawing silent again for a second and taking a little peace of her own chicken Grace chews it before taking a drink of water. Studying Jared for a moment before talking again.

   "I use to like to go to the zoo and museums as well. Might be seen as little kid stuff but sometimes its nice to be reminded of the little things that mattered. How about you?"

By your own choice

For just a moment, Mick doesn't respond as he studies Chad's face. Finally though, he nods. Leaning both arms on the fence, he looks out across the pasture. "I'm not going to tell you to leave, Chad. I might think it was dumb of you and Rosalyn to spend the night together - innocent or not - but that doesn't warrant me kicking you out, in my mind." 

He pauses, his eyes continuing to roam the field. When speaking again, his voice remains quiet and steady. "I do wonder though if you've considered leaving by your own choice, for Rosalyn's sake. Not to run away or break things off, but..." He shrugs and finally turns his gaze back to Chad, locking eyes with him. 

"I guess the way I figure it, if I didn't like seeing her torn in two like this, I might think it would be a good idea to swallow some pride and go grab a hotel in town instead. I don't agree with the way Jim's handling things. But I care a great deal about my niece, and I just want to make sure she doesn't get any more hurt for the sake of pride. Sticking around isn't going to show Jim anything other than you disrespecting him - true or not." 

He stops again, letting Chad consider his words. "I'm not going to try and force you to do anything. It's just something to think about. I can't control my brother and I don't want anybody to get any more hurt than they already have been."

Still grinning, Eric shakes his head. "Naw... I don't need nothin." He pauses in thought. "Well... another kiss might be nice..." 

Bringing his good leg up, it nudges Stacy back down on him. Slipping his hand behind her head, he coaxes her close enough to kiss her lips again, holding her for several long moments. They didn't often get time alone to be affectionate. On nightly walks, it was a job to do, and getting up to the hayloft didn't happen but once in a while. It was kind of nice to have just a few quiet moments now.

"Okay," he finally relents. "That should hold me over for a while." He smiles, running his hand down her cheek. "In the meantime, just tell Ash I can't ride with her today."

Getting situated on the floor and using the bed as a backrest, another smile creases Jared's lips. "Mm.... this really looks good." 

And it was. He really did like Grace's cooking... and her company. Despite the pain in his shoulder, he tried to be in a good mood. 

"So.... what do you do when you're not working?" Jared takes a bite of chicken, glancing over at her. He new a lot about her, but at the same time, there was a whole lot he didn't know. He really didn't know her much apart from her job and... if they were going to be... friends... he was curious.


Enjoying the walk Chad didn't mind the silence as long as Rosalyn was with him. They could not say anything at all and he'd feel like they talked away talking about everything. It was just one of the many affects she had on him. 

Coming back around to the ranch Chad's hand still in Rosalyn's he stands a little taller seeing Mick. He respected him a great deal, and the look that was in his eye now made him worry just a little. He didn't think Mick would tell him to leave but there was something that told him things might go a little more south than they already had.

   "Alright, I will meet up with you there as soon as I am done here."

Giving Rosalyn a smile and a reassure nod he was confidante for her. He didn't want her more upset than she had already been today. He really did want to see her like that anymore. It was still hurting his heart to think about the look that had been in her eye and he didn't like it.

Once she was gone Chad turns back to Mick. Searching his face for a long moment he was silent. He wasn't sure what Mick was going to say but he had a good guess. He was just happy that Mick was staying calm and being really good about this whole thing. At least for his nieces sake.

   "I am guessing Jim talked with you?"

Being pulled down to the same level as Eric Stacy can't help but laugh. Hearing he was going to be ok she was revealed but cringed at him staying off it. She new how hard it was for him to do that but maybe the intensive of going with them tomorrow would help with that.

   "Alright no roughhousing...at lease for now. But once your better I can't promise anything ok?"

Leaning in and giving Eric a kiss Stacy pulls away just smiling down at him. She was really happy he was ok and than tomorrow he would be able to come still. She was looking forward to it and new Ashlee was too.

   "Do you need me to get you anything?"

Grace can't help but laugh as she lays the blanket down and starts to pull out some of the food. Laying it down into a place setting for each of them Grace than helps Jared down to sit with her.

   "Well I am happy you like my cooking. It makes me feel good having someone who likes eating it."

Just giving a smile Grace really meant it. She did enjoy having someone to cook for and she liked being able to make him smile. It put a bright spot in her day even if he didn't know that. 

   "Alright...lets dig in."