
Nudist Colony

Even if it was a little smile Hope liked seeing it, and knowing that a little bit of a twinkle was still there in Scott eyes. Just continuing to walk with Scott Hope lets the silence linger some more not minding the quiet and enjoying the fresh air.

Sitting down on the bench with Scott Hope lets him lean into her not minding one bit. Making it a tiny bit more comfortable she puts her arm up and over Scott's shoulders so she is holding him as he leaned on her. It was a nice feeling knowing that even if he was still upset with her he did in fact not hate her.

As Scott bolts up right breaking the silence Hope takes her arm from his shoulder putting her hands in his to try and stop them from shaking a little bit. Listing to him and his realization on who came to see him that night he has slipped into all the data Hope's own face pales just a little.

Austin, the same Austin that beat Scott up? Why would he be here and what did he want with Scott? Had he helped the process of Scott's madness along but why?

"Scott...are you sure it was Austin? Can you remember what he said to you if anything? Any little bit might help us Scott. He's harmed you before and if he's trying to again I want to do all I can to keep him away from you."

Hope keeps her hands in Scott as she looks at him. Worry, anger, confusion was all written on her face. She'd never met Austin before and she hoped in a way she never did least give him a peace of her own mind.

Ryan can't help the laugh that came from her mouth. She was happy Eli left already so he wouldn't ask why she was laughing.

"Clothes yes yes of course. I don't want people to stair after all. However I think we should all live in a nudest colony. Cloths can be so uncomfortable."

Giving another laugh and a shake of her head Ryan pokes at her eggs with her fork before setting it down and sitting up in the chair.

"Ok, well I better let you go for now. I need to take my shower and head to work. I'll see ya about one."

Giving another laugh and shaking her head at Rick her face expression stays unchanged. Alec didn't shock her, he was a Banks after all. She did like seeing Rick squirm though and she was going to have to remember to tell Carson about this. Maybe they could take a trip down memorie lane themselves.

Saying a quick prayer Cassy new it was something Leo wasn't use to but it was important to her to bless the meal they were going to eat and thank God he gave it to them. Though it seemed each time they prayed it seemed a little easier for Leo to adjust. Maybe one of these time he would take the honor of praying.

Once finished and breakfast started Cassy couldn't help but feel the meal came out better than normal. Maybe it was the simple fact that putting a little more love into it because it was for someone else really did make it that much better.

Hearing Leo's comment a little color comes to Cassy's face. It wasn't often she ever heard them but it was really nice coming from Leo.

"And I would have no problem doing that. It's nice shearing a meal with a friend and its a great reason for me to cook."

Taking another bit of her food and than a sip of her OJ Cassy just lets the liquid slip down her throat waking her up a little more than she had been before.

"You look alot better than you did the other night when I first came over. I do believe Leo you are on the mend and by tomorrow you should be as right as rain."


Scott musters up something close to a smile... almost. On one hand, he felt no humor, and on the other, he was glad that at least Hope could still tease.

Continuing their walk, Scott falls silent once more. He was quieter than the last few days. After the fiasco with him then Alec and all that, he'd realized he needed help but... but now a few days later... the desire to go home had returned. He just wanted... peace. He just wanted to be left alone and to stop having to deal with all of this. He felt as if his will to fight was gone.

Walking the circular path, it eventually winds back to the bench where they'd started at. Scott wished the path would just go on forever in one direction so he wouldn't have to look back.

Sitting down, his hands are still in his pockets, his shoulders slouched. He was the picture of someone who had lost so much... miserable... broken. Leaning to the side, he rests his head on Hope's shoulder, closing his eyes. Could he just will it all away? Could he just wake up and have it all be just a bad memory?

Without warning, an image comes to Scott's mind and he sits bolt upright, his face turning white as a sheet. His hands start to shake. "I... I remember." He swallows hard, trying to stay in control. "It was Austin..." He takes a sharp, ragged breath as his pulse races and he beings to rock slightly. "It was him... he... he was the one who came."

Alec's grin widens, the sly spark in his eye increasing as he leans on the counter with his back to the others, still listening to Ryan. "That all sounds great to me, late lunch and all. But, um... I'd recommend getting on some clean clothes after you're out of your grubby ones. I mean, I don't mind, but when you come to pick me up, I doubt you'd want to start that kind of stir."

Rick spins around, his eyes widening before he looks back at Misty. "You call that cute? And yes, unfortunately, I hoped it would end with you and Carson. But noooo, his brother had to end up here." He rolls his eyes. "Why me?"

Joining Cassy at the table, her request to pray wasn't unusual. She usually prayed before meals. Leo wasn't totally on board with that whole thing. He was sort of on-again, off-again with the God thing happening, but he did find it surprisingly nice to have a prayer before meals. It just seemed to set a peaceful tone before eating.

"Um... you can." He gives Cassy a sheepish grin. He wasn't used to praying much, let alone aloud.

After the prayer, he starts in on his eggs and a smile comes to his lips. "Don't know what you did, but these are better than any eggs I ever make." He chuckles before taking a sip of his orange juice. "When I'm feeling better, you'll have to make those hashbrowns too."