
Not Scared

Standing in Reese office Destiny looks out the small window. It had been a few days now since everything went down. Destiny was still not herself the dark cloud hanging over her heart and following her around. They hadn't seen hide or hair of the Agency and Destiny just want to move on with life, get out of that safe house and not be reminded of everything.

Her hands absentmindedly going to the chain around her neck her fingers running over the curves and shapes. She could leave, but she'd always remember...Chance plagued her mind now.

"I think its safe for me to go now Reese. We haven't seen any sigh of the Agency in days and I can't keep taking up anymore of your men's time. I'll be alright, and if I even think the Agency is close again I'll call you."

Destiny turns from the window and comes back to one of the chairs in Reese office. Her eye held dark circles under them that maybe sleep was filled with nightmares. Destiny's shoulders just not as high. Her spirit, her heart they had been broken and where the peaces were she hardly even new.

But life had to move on even if she had to force herself. Time didn't stop and Destiny couldn't take have to keep Jason there anymore when he should be out with his girl. Alone...once feared....seemed so welcoming now.

Hearing everything Axel said Jess gives a small nod so she was listing. Axel had told her the store of his brother once before well letting her know what had happened in his past. But still now she didn't mind he told her again. She new it was hard for him but she was there to comfort him.

Once he was done talking Jess thinks for a moment little a silence settle again. She didn't know exactly how Axel felt because though she had her problems and things she delt with it was much different from this. But hearing the pain in his voice was enough to show anyone how they were feeling.

"I'm sorry all that happened with the person closest to you. I can only imagine how much it must have hurt."

Shifting a little on the couch Jess turns so she was no looking at Axel her arm resting across him and up on his chest playing with the logo on the shirt. Looking up at him again it was easy to read her own emotion that she was sorry he felt this way.

"Axel, you brother was wearing the matching dogtags to yours. It has to mean something that all this time, after everything he still kept them close to him. Maybe the past is in the past, and he came to tell you he was sorry."

Silent again for a moment Jess lets out a small sigh searching for the right words in her own mind.

"I can't even imagine how you feel Axel, but I know you always do what is smart, or the right thing. If you do want to call your brother I can give you the number and I wont leave you to face it alone because your not anymore. But if you don't want to call him I can toss the baby and I wont think anything less of you. Maybe at least hearing him out or why he is here though wouldn't be a bad thing.

Ah so Quinn was only passing thought.Where he came from, where he was going, or how long he really was still staying was still a mystery. But maybe it was that mystery that drew her to him.

Having her how thought process stopped by the sound of a very bad Elvis Anastasia turns her head slightly to see how was on the stage. Not knowing who they were she turns back to Quinn giving her head a little bit of a shake. Looking down at her own drink she cringes a little.

"Oy, at least the pop is good."

Catching the comment about doing better than the guy up there Anastasia now had a peaked interest of what Quinn did sound like up there and a smile curls on her lips.

"Why don't you get up there and show me how much better than him you are. You not scared of crowds are you?"

Anastasia was a teasing jeer yet a question herself she didn't know. Not to mention just to get Elvis off the stage there would be great. Her eyes look into Quinn's dancing with his the sparkle glitters.


Happy to have a bit of a distraction, Quinn shakes his head. "Just... passing through." He motions with his hand. "I never stay anywhere for too long. Gets too boring."

Though this stopover had certainly been anything but boring thus far. Finally taking the cherry from his coke, he plucks it with his teeth and chews while he fiddles with the stem. "Probably stick around here a few days though... unfinished business I guess you could say." In reality, he'd told Jess he'd be here a couple of days, so if there was any slim chance Axel would actually call, he'd still be here like he'd said. Once the time was up though, he'd be out of here.

Quinn's attention is suddenly diverted to the stage and he can't help but cringe at the male singer who apparently was trying to sound like Elvis. "Oh my." Quinn grimaces, trying not to be too critical, but this time it was obvious the dude shouldn't quit his day job. "Even I could do better than that, poor guy."

He shakes his head and takes another sip of his drink. "Yep... pop is still good though."

Settled in the couch in the quiet, Axel's eyes fall shut for a while, but then open again as Jess speaks once more. He sighs and lets his fingers intertwine with hers, back again, over her palm, then intertwine again, back and forth as he let his mind process.

"My brother and I were always close growing up." His voice is quiet... strained. He never talked about his family. There was never a reason to. "I guess I looked up to him in a way, too. Even in school we were just one grade apart so we still did a lot together. We were inseparable."

Falling silent again, one might think he was going to say no more, but he finally speaks again. "The dogtags... those were just kinda our thing... kinda like a promise to always be there for each other. Kinda silly once you think about it, but at the time it seemed cool." He pauses and almost chuckles. "Quinn always thought it was funny when someone would think they were real dogtags."

Axel's hand retreats to run up Jess's arm and back down again. "About the time I was a senior in high-school, Quinn had already graduated, so we started having different friends. I knew some of the ones I chose weren't the greatest, but I figured I'd stay out of trouble. Quinn didn't approve and he warned me. We had a few arguments and weren't quite as close for a while. Then everything went down with me being arrested."

Another pause comes and one could almost feel his inner tension rise. "I never could figure out why my family didn't believe me that I was innocent, especially Quinn. We'd never lied to each other and I mean, something like that... He told me straight to my face that I was lying... said a few things I won't repeat... just like I was a common criminal."

He'd never forget that day, sitting at the table behind bars... that heated conversation had torn his heart in two. For a moment, Axel almost stops breathing until he kisses Jess' head again and holds her a little closer. "I don't know if he just believed the evidence or what... but when we parted, we both agreed in anger that we didn't want to be brothers anymore. He was angry, I was angry and... those harsh words were the last ones spoken between us. I never saw him again after that. He didn't come to my trial and when I got out of prison, everyone was gone. My parents had never even visited me before the trial, though my father did show up for court. I never spoke to them again either."

Shifting a little, Axel straightens out his legs and wraps a foot around one of her ankles. "I don't know if I can call him, Jess. I don't know what good he could possibly want. But if I don't call... I'll always wonder what might have happened."

Chance cleans out the cabinet over his bathroom sink, placing the contents in a small box and marking it "Bathroom." Closing the cabinet, the mirror swings back into place, showing his reflection. His face still bore the marks of fists, and a bandage was still in place near his eye. But the gaze returned to him was dull, lacking life. He'd wanted so badly to come home, and now that he was here, he hated it.

At night I see your tears.
The ones I brought to life in you.
Every time I breathe,
I think that it might be my last.
Forever punished by,
The vision of you crying.
No matter where I turn,
No matter where I go.
These chains won't let me free, no.
You're still haunting me.

"I'll give you fifty for it."

"Seventy five."


Chance hands over his stereo to a man milling in the group out back behind the apartments. The sun was setting and a haze fills the air. The cash is slapped in his hand and he pockets it, turning from the others without farewell. There were things that wouldn't fit in his car...things that he could replace later on if he wanted. But everything seemed worthless right now.

I can't close my eyes.
Your tear-filled eyes stare back at me.
I still see your face.
Arrows to my heart cut into lifelessness.
Running for my life.
Shadows suffocating.
Reaching for my soul.
You haunt me.

Chance hangs up the phone and crosses one more thing off his list. Things were moving very quickly. Whenever he'd thought about this transition, he'd always imagined several weeks or even months to prepare. But as it was, several days was all it really took.

Leaning on the kitchen counter, he flips open a file folder that should have gotten to him before he'd left for Nevada, but it had arrived late. The Underground file had been thorough, including a photo of their bait. Chance's thumb runs over the black and white portrait of Destiny. Her eyes held a faraway look of someone who had just lost both parents. Yet the quiet beauty was still there. While someone else might just simply see an attractive photo, Chance saw a life he'd helped ruin.

Setting the picture aside, he takes the file and holds it over the sink. Taking a lighter, he lights the papers on fire and watches them burn until all that was left were black fragments. Picking up the photo again, he holds the lighter to it. But after several long moments, he lowers the lighter and walks away.

Mirrors tell a lie,
I see your face instead of mine.
I can feel your touch,
Your breath caresses hardened soul.
Suffering within,
Eternity of running senseless.
No matter what I say,
No matter what I do.
These chains won't let me free, no.
You're still haunting me.

Crossing the street to the Elite station, Chance catches sight of a woman on the sidewalk, her blonde hair blowing in the breeze. And for a moment, his heart stops. But as she turns, the mirage fades and his pulse slows. Her face was unfamiliar.


As he enters the station, he eyes Doug. "Just came to clean out my desk."

"Yeah, well..." Doug reaches behind Shirley's desk and lifts up a cardboard box without a lid. "Toby had me clean it out yesterday. Everything's here."

Chance accepts the box with humility, his face reddening. He turns to go, but is stopped.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" It was Toby's voice this time.

Chance turns back around and holds the box in one arm while his other hand fishes in his pocket. Drawing out his Elite badge, he stares at it a moment, running his hand over the star. Tossing it onto Shirley's desk, he nods. A farewell wanted to come, but his voice just didn't cooperate. Aiming for the door, he hits the outdoors once again, taking the box to his car.

I can't close my eyes.
Your tear-filled eyes stare back at me.
I still see your face.
Arrows to my heart cut into lifelessness.
Running for my life.
Shadows suffocating.
Reaching for my soul.
You haunt me.

Another crumpled piece of paper is tossed into the waste basket as Chance sorts through his files while his phone was held to his ear. “I just wanted a change, that’s all. Been here long enough; figured I’d venture out and do something new. I might-”

“Toby called me, Chance.”

Chance’s blood runs cold as the other male voice continues.

“What else have you lied to me about? These past few years – how much was true, huh? And even now, you’re still not man enough to own up to the fact that you betrayed your own and sold them out. If you’re just going to be feeding me lines, then stop calling. I don’t have time to listen to any more lies.”

“Wait, don’t hang up. Dad, I-”
Chance slowly lowers his phone.

Morning comes again,
But darkness still surrounds my soul.
Watching every step,
Your face appears at every turn.
Torture drives my heart,
I hate myself for lying.
No matter where I turn,
No matter where I go.
These chains won't let me free, no.
You're still haunting me.

"You look like you could use a friend. Let me help you... I want to. Come on."

Those had been Tiffany's words the evening before at the club. Her eyes had held such sparkle... such life. It was almost as if fate were taunting Chance, reminding him of what he'd lost. He remembered a similar sparkle... a similar life that he had helped to destroy. He just wanted to feel it again, grasping at straws for a second chance.

But as he stares out the window now, a bottle of wine and eight hours later, he watches the rain fall, his soul mirroring the gray light of dawn that couldn't break through the clouds. He didn't belong here either and he hated himself even more for thinking this would fix anything, least of all the ache in the pit of his soul.

Moving back to the bed, he grabs his shirt and jeans and quietly leaves, closing the door to the bedroom where Tiffany was still asleep. The sad truth was that she wouldn't miss him.

I can't close my eyes.
Your tear-filled eyes stare back at me.
I still see your face.
Arrows to my heart cut into lifelessness.
Running for my life.
Shadows suffocating.
Reaching for my soul.
You haunt me.

"I'm out."

"You can't just leave like that and you know it."

"Yeah well, I am." Chance paces the edge of the swimming pool while keeping conversation on his cell phone. "I can't be seen with the Elite now and I don't want to run around in hiding. I gambled and lost."

"You've been an asset to the Underground. So you messed up once. We can still use you."

"Look, Mr. A, I'm not kidding. I'm out."

"You're owed for-"

"Keep it. I don't want your money anymore. Don't look for me. You send men, I'll take them out." Chance flips his phone shut and twirls it in his hand, disgust written all over his face. But it wasn't just a disgust for who he'd been involved with...it was disgust with himself for ever playing both sides of the fence.

Yelling in frustration, he hurls his phone through the air. It flies across the pool, across the perimeter fence and crashes into a dumpster, shattering. No one would reach him now.

What lies ahead of me?
What darkness do I follow?
I can't rid myself of memories,
I can't drag them from my mind.

Chance's sunglasses slide down over his eyes as he puts his car in gear. His apartment was empty. Loose ends were neatly tied, and he was free. Pulling out onto the main road, he merges with the busy evening traffic. Glancing at the road signs, he moves to another lane - a lane he'd never driven in before. Heading against the setting sun, he leaves behind what had been his world... a place he'd never intended to leave. But all he wanted now was to get out. All he wanted now was to run.

I can't close my eyes.
Your tear-filled eyes stare back at me.
I still see your face.
Arrows to my heart cut into lifelessness.
Running for my life.
Shadows suffocating.
Reaching for my soul.
You haunt me.


Giving a smile finally getting his name Anastasia pulls out one of the chairs and sets her drink down giving a small chuckle as someone hits the wrong note. Not that she was laughing at them but that his comment just seemed to be all true.

"Well Quinn its very nice to meet you now."

Just letting the quiet linger for a moment as someone finishs up there singing. Anastasia didn't mind the quiet though it was strange she never met Quinn before but the quiet didn't seem so treating at all. It was rather comfortable.

Finally turning to look at Quinn again Anastasia cocks her head a little question in her eyes. Maybe a little curiosity on who he was a little.

"So Quinn, you said you were new in town. Are you stay a while or just passing though?"

Feeling Axel make room on the couch for her Jess just slips next to him resting her head on his other arm making sure she was snuggled in night and tight. Bringing her arms around his Jess holds on to it and runs her fingers over his hand.

"I am real Axel, I always will be and I'm not going anywhere as long as you let me stay."

Continuing to just lay with Axel Jess lets the silence linger. They could be together and not say anything at all and it felt like they had the best conversation. Sometimes the air could be filled with un needed words so the silence was nice too. Finally talking again though after a few more minutes Jess tilts her head back just a little more.

"Do you want to talk about it?"


Having been totally lost in his thoughts, Quinn looks up quickly as Anastasia approaches the table. He'd been paying very little attention and hadn't even seen her.

"Well, if it isn't the princess." He grins a little as his hand slides onto the table, slithering back with his dogtags to tuck them in his pocket. "Not too bad around here." He glances around the room and nods. "Good cherry coke." He holds up the cherry with humor.

"The singing..." He glances to the stage then back at Anastasia with a twinkle in his eye. "Well, the cherry coke was great."

Leaning back in his chair, he cocks his head and studies her for a moment. Finally, he reaches out his hand. "I'm Quinn. Wanna join me?"

Hearing Jess enter his apartment, Axel stirs a little, but doesn't get up. Feeling her sit down next to him and her hand on his arm, he shifts his head to look up at her. Letting go of the pillow and letting it drop to the floor, he takes Jess' hand and pulls her down to him, settling back so there's enough room for her to lie in front of him.

Wrapping his arm around her, he holds her close and breathes in the sweet smell of her hair before kissing her head. "I just want you to keep me from running away," he answers quietly. "I just want to know that you're real and that my nightmare isn't all I have."


Walking down the street and getting outside of After Hours Anastasia looks around at the people outside quick to see if anyone she new was out there. Seeing a few people she says hi before heading inside and looking around. It was a crowded night tonight but sometimes she liked it like that. It was easy to blend in.

Going to the counter and getting a virgin drink Anastasia slowly walks the floor noting the person on start and the quiet mood change of everyone in the room. Heading to her normal table where some friends would sit she catches sight of Quinn. A smile forms on her lips as she walks over to his table taking a sip of her drink. A smile forms on her lips in seeing him again.

"So Stranger you ended up finding your way here after all huh? Well even if I don't know your name its good to see you again. How do you like it so far here?"

Anastasia had a dark glint in her eyes from the dim light in the room but it made them look more luring and twinkle just be a little bit brighter.

Leaving her house Jess brings a few movies and some snack food in case they wanted anything. She didn't mind staying inside with Axel and not going out. She liked when it was just them sometimes it was just...nice.

Getting to Axel house Jess gives a knock before checking the door and finding it unlock she lets herself inside. Looking into the apartment and seeing Axel on the couch Jess enters.

"Heya, I brought some stuff with me if your in the mood a little bit later."

Going to the table and setting some of the stuff down Jess comes back to the couch and sits on the edge putting her hand on his arm.

"Can I do anything for you?"

Little world

Quinn parks out on the street, eying the building where people were coming and going. He had received directions from the gas station attendant, therefore successfully finding the hotel he'd been looking for and also the bar and karaoke cafe. A couple hours ago, he'd decided not to come. He'd rather hibernate in his hotel room after the earlier events of the day. Axel was on his mind now, and it didn't make for pleasant feelings. But, after a short nap and finding absolutely nothing worth watching on television, Quinn had finally decided to head over to After Hours and just see what was happening. Maybe it would be a good distraction.

So, now that he was here, he eventually exits his car, locking it and heading inside. He'd cleaned up a bit since earlier - showered, trimmed up his beard and combed his hair. At least now he didn't look like a hobo. He'd switched out his cargo pants for a pair of dark blue fitted jeans and his t-shirt was a clean black one now. The chain around his neck was just visible above his collar.

His dark sneakers were quiet on the pavement, and his eyes roamed everything around him. Nodding to a couple people standing outside, he enters on the cafe side of the building, just taking in the activity for a moment. He never really felt nervous in crowds... sometimes it was a rather good place to disappear, though ironic. Fitting in though... that was a different story.

Eventually, Quinn orders a cherry coke and finds a small, round table in the back corner where he could see the entire room, but be away from too much of the hubbub. Listening to a few daring karaoke singers, he grins once in a while, sometimes amused at the efforts of untrained voices, and sometimes thinking some weren't so bad. Mostly though, he simply sits... listens... thinks... and tries to relax. Both elbows rest on the table as he watches the stage and listen to the music, singing and laughing.

As a woman goes onstage to sing, a slow song starts, and she didn't have too bad of a voice. The song was a bit sad, and it seemed to mellow out the room. Quinn spins the cherry that had been served in his drink, staring into the carbonation bubbles. His eyes move to the dogtags that he'd removed from his neck and set on the table. This was supposed to be a fun little stopover and it had turned into so much more. Or had it? Axel probably wouldn't even call.

His eyes remain down, lost in his own little world.

The ringing phone startles Axel and he reaches up over his head to grab it and answer it. Hearing Jess' voice, he relaxes a little, setting his head back down on the cushion, and pulling the pillow a little closer. No, he wasn't ok. "Yeah... yeah, I'm alright."

No, he didn't feel up to company. "You think maybe you could just come over here for a bit tonight?" He bites his lip. He knew he couldn't pull away from her... none of this was her fault and he couldn't make her feel badly for any of it. "I know we were gonna go out but... would that be okay?"

Receiving a "yes," Axel winds up the short conversation and hangs up. Instead of getting up and ready for company though, he just stays where he is. Curling up again, he remains on the couch, his arm still around a pillow. He was used to running away from times like these, but he knew he couldn't this time.

Not feeling like getting up, Axel knows that his front door is unlocked and that Jess can let herself in when she arrives. For now, he just wanted to stay here a while longer.

Up to him

Beth pats Zora's head and gives a little smile to the door before watching them leaving. Standing at the door Beth gives a wave as she watches Justin and the dog drive away before heading back inside.

"He has to let me work here, he's my Uncle. Ok, well he doesn't have to but I guess he'd rather it be there than for someone else."

Anastasia gives another grin and a small shake of her head as Quinn still doesn't tell her his name. He was the man of mystery and for some reason, something about that seemed even more luring.

"Maybe she will tell you stranger, maybe she will."

Watching as he leaves Anastasia just stands there for the longest moment. Grinning at her own self.

"You look redikulace standing there grinning at nothing."

A man in his early Fourtys was standing infront of an office door looking at her his own grin showing on his face. His hair was a short spiky jet black color and his cloths resembled an older rockstare but not way out there and tacky.

Turning around Anastasia eyes the man for a moment before sticking her toung out at him.

"Oh shut up."

The man laughs and walks closer to her giving her a half hug and leaning down a little to kiss the top of her head.

"I'm your Uncle I am aloud to tease you and look out for you. Why do you think I hired you here?"

"Ummm...because I know what I am talking about when it comes to older music and this is where I mostly get my stuff from?"

Anastasia gives a laugh and shakes her head again. She'd worked for her Uncle quite a while now and loved every moment. When she was off sometimes she could be found here too. This place alone was like home. She just...felt like she belonged here.

"Ok, so maybe that is why I highered you but I got to make sure no skum bags try to take advantage of you."

"I think that guy was hardly that."

"Yeah, but I've never seen him before just watch yourself if you plan on going to After Hours tonight."

"You know I will Uncle Chuck."

Anastasia leans up and gives her Uncle a kiss on the cheek before moving away from the counter and going back to putting the records back in order. Would she go to the Cafe tonight? She hadn't been there in a while it might me fun. Not to mention the mystery man might be there as well.

Looking at the clock and see what time it was Jess figured she'd call Axel now. He had been home for a little but now more than likely and been able to relax a little so it would safe to call. Dialing the number and waiting Jess finally hears Axel's voice.

"Hey Hun, I figured I'd call because I wasn't to sure if you up to company tonight or not. Are you ok?"

Jess wasn't sure what to say other than that. Making sure Axel was important was a must and than if he still wanted her to come over than she would but she would leave it up to him.


Standing up and accepting the leftovers, Justin nods. "Thank you. I had a nice time too. You have a nice home and you're a good cook." He smiles, then pats his leg to signal the dogs he was ready to go. "C'mon, girls... time to go home."

Both dogs rise obediently, stretching and yawning. Danitza gives Beth's hand a nuzzle and lick before trotting to the door, awaiting her leash, while Zora is a little less enthusiastic, remaining glued to Justin's heel.

Once outside, it was already growing dark, and Justin heads for his truck, turning to wave to Beth one last time. "Goodnight, Beth. See you tomorrow."

Quinn's eyes still shine, though now he smirks at Anastasia. "You drive a hard bargain. I'm surprised they still let you work here."

Taking the record and his change, he cocks his head. "Though I suppose I could have a less attractive woman flirting with me." Tossing her a wink, he turns from the counter and waves over his shoulder. "I gotta get gas anyway. I suppose the pretty blonde down there will be more than willing to give me directions."

Pausing at the door, he glances back to the counter, a grin still held in place. "Later, Princess."

"Thanks, Ryan." Axel nods and finally turns to go. Avoiding the other guys, he clocks out, then heads around and up the outside steps to his apartment. Getting inside, he shuts the door and leans back against it, sighing deeply.

After a few moments, he sheds his work clothes to change into a comfortable pair of baggy jeans and a clean t-shirt. Then heading for the couch, he lies down on the cushions and pulls a pillow up to hold in his arms.

Quinn. Their parents. The past. Childhood. Prison. It was all coming back again.

Axel closes his eyes tight, not wanting to face any more nightmares. Not now... not when things were going so well. Maybe Quinn would just leave town and not start anything. Maybe nothing would happen at all and life could just move on.

...A few hours later, Axel knew that Jess would either be calling or showing up, and he was still curled up on the couch, not having risen once. He just didn't feel like it.

Jog Memorie!

Working quietly with Axel Ryan picks up on his body language and just the demeanor he held today. There was something wrong just how Axel was acting was far from normal for him. But staying quit Ryan continues to work till finally Axel wants to quit.

Standing up she just studys him for a moment before finally giving a nod. She felt bad not know what was wrong and wished she could but it was Axel and he always kept it to himself.

"Yeah not a problem, I'll see you tomorrow. If you need anything Axel, just call."

She new he wouldn't but it was worth saying it anyways just in case one day he really needed someone to talk too.

Another smile spreads across Anastasia's lips. Seeing Quinn go back to the Ricky Nelson record she gives another little chuckle. Finishing his humor and wit a tiny bit interesting. Seeing him go to the counter Anastasia moves away from where the records were and goes to the counter ring him up.

"Mmmm...I can't quite remember the directions. Maybe if I new your name it would jog my memorie now how to get there."

Leaning on the counter a little bit with the bag Anastasia's eyes twinkle with a humor in them as she search Quinn's face. His eyes seemed so deep it was hard to over look them. They were deep luring pools that just seemed to draw someone in.

Beth couldn't help the warm feeling she felt inside. It was different but nice, it just seemed to warm everything inside and give her a little tingle. Being around Justin was nice, and it was a great feeling to think about having a friend. Beth had been alone for a long time she never realized how lonely it was till now.

Hearing Justin had to leave for the night Beth finishs up in the kitchen bring a small container back into the living room with it.

"It is kind of getting late. I didn't even realize what time it was. I back up some left overs for you though so you can enjoy it tomorrow."

Beth gives a smile handing it to him a little proud of herself knowing she'd made it through the night without panicking or anything. She had a nice time tonight and enjoyed herself. She was happy Justin had come out. Her nerves seemed to be disappearing slowly as well.

"We will have to do this again sometime. I....had a nice time."


Once Axel is rejoined with Ryan, he lets her know what he's been working on, and shows her where he needs an extra set of hands. Working for a while, he's quiet... even quieter than normal. Though dropping a wrench twice and struggling with a hose that was simple proved his mind was very far away from this task.

Eventually he grows frustrated enough that coming up from the engine, he shakes his head. "This brute doesn't have to be done until tomorrow anyway... I think I'm gonna call it a day."

It was unusual that he would quit before anyone else, but he sets aside his tools, proving that he did intend to stop for the day. "If Darrel complains, send him to me. It'll just add to this fantastic day I've had."

Leaning on the tool bench and staring down at nothing, he knows that it wasn't like him to be sarcastic like that and it didn't feel good, but everything inside was so upside down at the moment, that he didn't even know how to react to anything.

Turning to look at Ryan, his mouth opens, as if to say something, but then he shakes his head, changing his mind. "Sorry. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Mom and Pop's... no, Quinn recognized that name and he wasn't about to go back there and tangle with the cook. "Karaoke, huh?" He lifts an eyebrow in interest. That scene sounded like an easy one to blend into... just fade away from eyes for a while. Races didn't interest him, nor did the prospect of hanging out at a bar. "That sounds like it might be what I need tonight."

Still sifting through records, he lifts his head and looks over to Anastasia at her last comment. A thin smile tugs on his lips and his eyes show a little twinkle. "Not fair, huh? You're the one walking around with a name badge. If I did that, somebody would think I worked here too and I guarantee you'd lose customers."

Still grinning, he goes back to the records and returns to the Ricky Nelson one that had drawn his attention in the first place. He needed to go, but he would probably be back before he left town, so he could look around in here some more. Pulling out the album, he nods. "Can't pass it up."

Wandering to the counter to check out, he pays with cash. "So I'm going to need directions to that cafe... and while you're at it, I'm also looking for the Super 8 that I apparently missed and have been wandering around trying to find." His eyes roam Anastasia's face again as a grin toys with just the very corner of his mouth. "Help a poor, lost soul and I might be back for another record before I leave town."

Justin smiles and shakes his head. "You've given me plenty. Thank you."

Chuckling softly, he watches Beth. "The zoo is a fun place to go. When I was a kid, I could wander around there for hours."

Remaining seated as Beth takes the dishes and returns, his mind wanders several directions, deciding which one might be best to take, or seeing that neither mattered. He was getting a little sleepy though.

Leaning his head on the cushion, the peace he seemed to emit does not leave. "I should probably get going, Beth. If I don't, I'm liable to fall asleep here." He grins. "If you want company for that trip to the zoo though, let me know, alright?"