

    "I can understand where your coming from. Sometimes its easier when something bad happens to look at it as revenge, karma, or something they deserve than to feel bad. Specially when its someone who has wronged us in the past. It makes us angry that we are feeling bad, so instead we try to justify it was ok."

Dalton leans back in his chair and lets out a sigh. He could really only image how Scott felt but with his own reasons he understood how he felt too. He'd dealt with many people who'd wronged him in life and the pain and anger that went along with it was not easy to deal with.

   "But that can turn us bitter to the world, and thats not way to live. Sooner or later we just need to let go. Easier said than done, but its a must if we want to live on."

Having Alec here would not be easy for Scott, so now was him time to try and take his mind off it. That's what best friends do.

   "Now, pass me something to drink. I'm dieing over here. I mean look at me, I'm withering away."

Once JT was gone from the room Misty rolled onto her side bringing her legs to her chest and wrapping her around them burying her head into the pillow. She was alone, alone in everything, like always. Maybe forever she would be. Weeping into the pillow Misty just let the tears and screams come. Thats all she would do till she just cried herself to sleep. Maybe when she woke Alec would be there again.

Dancing with Garret was sometimes rare at these events but when it happened Victoria was in heaven. She smile was genuine, but one would know what because she faked smiles with everyone who danced with. It was the closest they would ever get in public and sometimes her heart just wanted to scream and it was the only time she could show it a little more.

Something was different tonight though. She felt almost like something was wrong. As the music stopped, and she heard Garrets words trail off, her heart started to race. It was not like him to talk like this, not here.

   "I'd love you no matter what too, and though sometimes we are far apart, it makes coming home that much better. If you weren't here I don't know if I could survive."

There was more that Victoria wanted to say but as the music stopped so did her words. It never got easier, and never became more fair. Giving a small smile to Garrett and a slight curtsey thanking him for the dance.

   "Meet me later to talk more? You have me worried."

Walking back and forth in the office Rosetta continues to wait on hold with the feed store. She had dreaded asking them to extend there credit but it was the slow months and they needed more supply. There payments were almost always on time so she only had hope that they would. 

Passing the window Rosetta stops and takes a few steps back looking out again. A small gasp came forth as she watched Mick and Eric. For a moment she was upset. Mick new he shouldn't ride like that anymore. But than seeing the smile on his face Rosetta could be mad. He looked....happy. Something she hadn't seen in a long while.

   "Ms. Henson, we can extend your credit one more time with us but after that we wont be able to anymore."

Not really even fased by the voice on the other end Rosetta gave a nod like it could be felt from the other side of the phone and than hung up placing it down on the desk and heading for the door. Heading twords the barn Rosetta couldn't help her own little smile. She wanted to be mad, but couldn't be. 

   "Mick Henson....You do realize Angel will have your head if she saw you right? You are lucky, I don't."

Hearing a noise outside Ashlee goes to see what was going on. Watching Mick and Eric race drew her out even more. How it must feel to fly on a horse like that, and they were both good too. A small smile forms on her lips as she continued to watch. She new Eric could ride, but she didnt know he could ride this good. She wondered if she'd ever be that good, but than shed have to ride for that to even be possible.