
Even better

Karla can't help the smile that spreads across her face at Kip's comment. He always had a way of being silly, but cute at the same time and making her feel good.

"Mmm...ice cream does sound good. Think there is any way for us to sneak out of here and get some?"

Karla grins. She still was pretty shy but she had before a little more bold with Kip and some of the others. Bring out and seeing new things, living with Alice and Twila it was a new experience that was helping her to open her up.

Just leaning into the hug and giving a small giggle at the kiss Alice didn't mind Kyle didn't show a lot of affection in public. She was the same way and would rather show that in privet and not made a scene. The little but of affection was nice, and it just made the bigger stuff better.

"As long as you keep saying than I'll keep believing it, not that I really would even thing different. But it still feels good to hear it."

Tilting her head a little to see up into Kyle's eyes Alice smiles at him again. A happy feeling ran though her, and she new he missed his friends, maybe when things calmed down a little they could have a cook out at her house and get everyone together.

"Did I tell you how proud of you I am?"

Looking up from the sound table at the sound of Wayne's phone Jackie gives a nod. She had already started rechecking everything and mixing it together seeing how it sounded, and maybe what could be tweaked.

"Yeah yeah take your call."

Moving the head phones back in her head again Jackie listens to the music moving a few buttons on the bored, backing the table up and listing again. Glancing to Wayne's seat as Erik sits down Jackie stays quiet for a moment as she reaches to pause the tape. Not letting Erik know she was watching him out of the corner of her eye she says nothing waiting to see if he said anything.

Seeing he didn't say anything but continues to look at the bored Jackie finally turned her chair to him and gave a friendly smile.

"If you want to throw that headset on and listen while I mix a few things your more then welcome to since Wayne is not here. Just don't think him I let you, he might get jealous."

As her brother comes and takes the case of beer from her Ryan gives a small laugh following him into the kitchen and putting the bag down on the table. Taking in a wiff of the dinner it smelled so good.

"Mmm...I have no problem with that since it smells so amazing. I picked up a few things from the store to have with dinner, nothing amazing but it gives us a little something else to eat."

Going through the bag and taking out some of the items to put in the fridge for now Ryan stops be her brother looking up at him. He wanted to ask her something...she couldnt help but wonder what it was and thats why when the phone ran she had no problem letting it.

"Ok sure...whats up?"

Waiting for Eli to continue Ryan can't help but straighten a little hearing Leo's voice. She was a littel shocked and surpised he was calling...but...he was. Looking to Eli she would of went to the phone but he hung it up to fast for her to get to it.

"Wow...that was....unexpected. Maybe I should call him back or talk to him him tomorrow at work. Either or, I wanna you to finish what you were asking first."

Pulling into the drive way Sapphire gives a smile with a bit of surprised seeing Gage waiting for her. She though for sure she'd have to wake him up today like she normally did. Not that she minded but it was nice to see him a little less tired for his own health.

Stopping the car and getting out a little Sapphire leans on the top of the car and looks across at Gage with a smile.

"Well good morning to you bright eyes. You look extra perky today. Really were looking forward to our date?"

Sapphire continues to smile as she waits for Gage. It was good to see him that was for sure. After a few days of going without because he was just to tired, it made this even better!


"Aw man... Thanks a lot. Now I totally lost count." Kip stares up at Karla, a silly grin spreading on his face. "Hi there."

Remaining on his back, his eyes shift from her right eye to her left and back again. "You're very cute at the moment, but you're still blocking my view." Still grinning, he sits up too quickly and puts a hand to his head as he experiences a wave of dizziness. "Ugh. I want ice cream."

Kyle chuckles and slips an arm around Alice, pulling her in for a hug and a kiss to the top of her head. That was about as public as he got, but no one questioned them being a couple anymore. "Mmm... you're all I need to keep going. Who needs as crowd?"

Smiling at her he sighs deeply, tired but happy. Sometimes he did wish Phil or Jen or Mike or even Jason and Katie were here though... He was looking forward to his future and what was in store with this band, but some days he did miss the old group and the fun they'd had.

Wayne's ringing phone causes him to smirk in annoyance, but checking who it is, he sighs in surrender. "I'll be right back," he mentions to Jackie. "Run that back through and see how everything sounds so far."

Watching Wayne leave, Erik eyes the control panel and takes the liberty of sitting down in the desk chair, swiveling a little bit and taking in all the buttons and switches. He had a pretty good idea of what most things were, but was anxious to hear how the final mix would turn out.

"Hey, Speedy!" Eli comes from the kitchen, wiping his hands on his jeans. "I'm here, I-" He stops mid sentence and steps forward to help her with her armful, relieving her of the case of beer. "I take it you didn't want to take two trips."

He laughs and shakes his head, going back into the kitchen, from which the mouthwatering steak aroma was wafting. "I decided to cook the steaks on the stove in some new spices," he informs. "I think they're going to turn out pretty good. Oh, and I got some french fries in the oven."

He'd begged off work early tonight... though he wouldn't tell Ryan that. He'd wanted to get home early to have supper ready by the time she showed up so she wouldn't have to do anything. "And by the way-"

Eli is cut off as the apartment phone rings and he sighs. "Let the answering machine get it. I was gonna ask you your opinion on something. I've been thinking about..." His voice trails off once again, this time as another male voice comes through the answering machine - one he hadn't expected.

"Hey, Ryan, it's Leo, um..." He was just getting ready to go pick up Cassy but had needed to make this call first before his conscience bugged him any more. "...Just wanted to apologize for last night. I was a jerk and... I'm sorry. I'll be in to work tomorrow... so.... yeah... later."

Gage bops his head to the rock music playing on the radio as he slips a clean shirt over his head. Going to the fridge, he grabs the bottle of water and drinks straight from it before going back to the living room to sort through his pile of laundry. A few pieces of clothing fly in this direction and that until he finds the clean pair of socks he was looking for.

Flopping down on his mattress, he pulls the socks on his feet and just sits for a moment, his fingers strumming his legs as he looks around, then glances at the clock for the tenth time. Change of plans. Supper instead of lunch. He was ready early... right? Shower, clean clothes... yep, he was ready.

Standing again, he paces by the window a couple times, then finally slips on his sneakers and leaves his apartment, deciding to go down and wait for Sapphire outside instead. Trotting down the first flight of stairs, then sliding down the railing of the second, he reaches ground level and gets outside into the warm evening air. Hooking his thumbs in his pockets he paces up and down the sidewalk, waiting.


Alice clasps her hands together bring them to her mouth as she listens to Kyle. She always loved the way he sung, how he sounded to her it so lulling, and pretty. Knowing he'd come this far, and not was standing and shinning it was so wonderful to know he was doing what he loved and not holding back anymore.

Seeing Kyle's grin as he starts to open his eyes and look at her Alice gives a nod of her head moving her hands so her own smile could shine. Moving to the little couch that Kyle sat down on that was beside her Alice leans into Kyle a little her eyes drifting to his face and taking him in.

"You don't have the energy of the crowd to keep you going here thats why. You just have to deal with us."

Alice gives a small laugh slipping her hand into Kyles and giving it a squeeze. Everyone was doing great, and even if it was long, and they were all tired they were doing good, and sticking to it.

Shifting a little on the floor Karla looks over to Kip who was now laying on he back. While everything was going on today she'd stayed very quiet not wanting to interrupt anyone or making any noises to mess anything up.

Seeing Kyle come out of the sound room though Karla takes the opportunity to scoot a little closer to Kip and lean her head over his giving a little smile.


Stoping for a moment and cocking her head her smile still formed. Shaking her head a little bit She whispers.

"Hi there."

Shaking her head Ryan heads to clock out pulling out her phone and holding it for a long moment. Contemplating in her head if maybe she should just call Alec or not. Shaking her head and stuffing the phone back into her pocket Ryan decieds not to and gets into her car.

Stopping at the store and getting stuff for dinner along with another case of beer Ryan finally heads for home. Not taking to long to get home Ryan juggles everything in her arms

"Eli...I'm home, I got the beer. Are you home yet?"

Dalton raises his can of pop and gives a shake of his head before looking back at his computer. Going to type something again Dalton gives Alec a sidelong glace, a little humor in his voice but his face strays motionless.

"Don't spill anything on that computer...."

Ceiling Tiles

Though his sights are on the computer screen, Alec's eyes widen slightly at the thought of Dalton sitting on him. "Dude... I think you might have just come up with something scarier than the Agency."

He lifts his can of pop towards Dalton in a toast. "Might get brownie points from the big boss on that one."

Grinning a little, he tries to settle down to work, though it's hard for him to concentrate. There were too many things going through his mind. At least now with what Misty had given him, he wasn't feeling quite as sore at the moment. "Alright... I'll let you know when I hit something fishy."

"Naw... it's okay." Axel didn't need to be thanked for checking up on a friend. He would have said more about war and stubbornness, but he refrains. If Ryan wanted to make the men make the first move, that was her business, not his.

"Take it easy tonight. And if you need anything..." He pauses, keeping a straight face as he continues to tinker in the engine. "...as your brother."

Glancing to the side, he throws Ryan a wink. He'd work here a while longer, then call it a day too. He had his own date tonight with Jess and wasn't going to miss out on that. Afterward he had band practice, but having Jess along for that too made things just a little more enjoyable than they already were.

"Standing on the curbside with,
The people you call friends.
You play their game and listen to,
Judgmental criticism.
You swallow all the lines they feed,
Just hoping that you'll win,
A few more looks passed down your way,
But love's become so thin."

Kyle's eyes are closed as he sings, his voice ringing crisp and true. Standing in the sound booth, the glass blocked the outside sounds from him, helping him concentrate. He knew this song so well... it was his own pen that wrote it... it were the words that had formed from himself.

Jackie and Wayne had suggested it as the first song on their test run. They would put together a demo album, feel out how people liked it, then tweak it and find out where they needed the most work.

"Lies! It's all about the lies.
Hairstyles, makeup, chains and dye.
Brand of shoes and price of jeans,
Whether you wear large or small,
Convince them that you're cool.
Blonde or red or streaked with black,
What's your weight or favorite drink?
Take the drugs - who cares, it's fun,
Rob the store, a hit and run.

Sitting on the park bench with,
The people you call friends.
You think they care and love you so,
You stick it out with them.
Believing all they say to you,
It's like a dream gone wrong.
Things don't seem the way they should,
But you're stuck and still hang on.

Lies! It's all about the lies.
Hairstyles, makeup, chains and dye.
Brand of shoes and price of jeans,
Whether you wear large or small,
Convince them that you're cool.
Blonde or red or streaked with black,
What's your weight or favorite drink?
Take the drugs - who cares, it's fun,
Rob the store, a hit and run.

Wayne leans back, putting his feet up on another chair in the recording room. His pen taps his clipboard and he makes a few notes as he listens to Kyle. "That guy's got quite a voice," he comments to Jackie, or whoever was listening.

Erik was standing behind him, watching through the glass and he nods. "That's why we picked him. He was holding back in JetStream, but I'm glad he waited to show the world what he had - otherwise he might have gotten this far without us finding him first."

Wayne chuckles. "Maybe. But it sounds like it's your whole team that got you this far - without you, he might not have gotten anywhere either."

"You've been running all your life,
On the lies that you've believed.
You think that you're not good enough,
Unless you fit the mold.
Stop swallowing the lies of men,
Stop trusting in the false.
Nothing on the outside counts,
It's what's down deep in you.
What's down deep in you?
What's down deep in you?

Child of beauty, what do you see?
Child so innocent, what have you become?
Look with your heart, don't give in,
Be the one God made you to be.
Child of beauty...
What do you see?

Hairstyles, makeup, chains and dye.
Brand of shoes and price of jeans,
Whether you wear large or small,
Convince them that you're cool.
Blonde or red or streaked with black,
What's your weight or favorite drink?
Take the drugs - who cares, it's fun,
Rob the store, a hit and run...
Don't believe the lies!"

Kyle's eyes open to see some of the others and Alice watching, and a grin spreads on his face.

Wayne presses the intercom. "Alright, sounds good."

Kyle quirks an eyebrow. "First time through?" Twila had had to have several takes with her violin and on the backup vocals, Kip had struggled with the harmony, taking at least five tries to get it right.

"Yep," Wayne confirms. "Pat yourself on your back - probably won't ever happen again."

Kyle's grin returns and he takes off the headphones, exiting the booth and flopping down in a chair next to Alice, grabbing his water bottle. "How did I ever do whole concerts? I'm exhausted and we've only done one song." Over and over and over.... but at least his vocals and keyboard parts were over for now. They were planning to do at least one more song today... or see how far they could get. Eventually they'd end with eight and go from there.

Off to the side, Theo was playing an imaginary set of drums with a couple of wrapped granola bars, while Russ was pacing back and forth, silently practicing on the guitar strung over his shoulders. Twila had left the room to use the restroom and Kip was lying flat on his back off in the corner, having already completed the bass and vocals he needed to do for the first song, and apparently counting ceiling tiles.