

Exiting the store and heading to her car Misty carry's her package fishing for her keys to open the door and sticking the packages in the back. Once getting situated and into the car Misty pulls her phone from her pocket. Dialing Dani's number Misty waits for the familiar voice to answer.

"Hey Dani, its Misty. I happened t be in the area and I was wondering if many you wanted come company? I bought some ice cream and though maybe we could go to the park and enjoy the nice weather."

Misty wasn't sure if Dani would come or not but it was worth a shot not to mention being off of work, and Carson working she was kind of bored. Spending some time with Dani would be nice for herself and maybe Dani as well if she needed a friend.

Coming up the walk way Beth's step was a little lighter today. Her day seemed slightly better, as last night she had gotten more sleep than the day before. Though her eyes still held the slight tired look, it wasn't as bad only the normal.

Getting to the bench were she often seemed to find Justin Beth stops cocking her head and looks at him for a long moment.

"Every day is a new surprise with you huh? Today it looked like you were hit by a mac truck. You ok?"

Beth offers a slight smile to Justin hoping he was ok though he looked a little sore. She was worry for him anyways and the condition he was in. Even though she saw him once a day and not for very long, she considered him and aquatint and would hate to see him sitting there in to much pain.

Returning Alec's kiss Ryan moves with him and snuggled down into the couch making herself comfortable. She new she was still in her normal clothing but she didn't want to move right away again.

Draping her arm over top of Alec and resting her other under her head and on her chest she looks up at him for a moment grinning.

"You don't mind if I sleep out here with you again tonight do you? If ya do I can give ya space."

Ryan new Alec probley didn't mind but she wanted to ask anyways to make sure he new she want trying to smother him. That was the last thing she wanted to do.

No warning

Alec's lips curl up into a grin and he leans down to give Ryan a kiss on the lips. "Thank you. You're nicer than your brother is."

Eli rolls his eyes. "Well I'd hate for you to show your gratitude like that to me, rather than her." He smirks and shakes his head. "I'm going to bed. The Elite come knocking, don't wake me up."

Alec waves him off before looking back down at Ryan. "Thanks. This couch is more comfy than that cot over at TJY. Not to mention I don't have any hot bricks to keep me warm down there."

Grinning again, he kicks off his shoes and scoots down further into the couch, moving Ryan right along with him. He knew she would need to get up before getting ready for bed and she might not even curl up with him for the night at all, but for now, he'd get comfy anyway.

Scott doesn't return the hug, though he doesn't pull away. It wouldn't be hard to put an arm around his sister, but he would blame the awkward position of sitting next to her on the bench. He gives a nod at her mention of next week. "Okay..." Looking up, he watches as she leaves, feeling his own emotions churning as he sees her wipe away her tears. This was all wrong. How had they gotten to this horrid point?

Putting things away in the bag she'd brought him, he folds over the top and stands up, ready to go back to his room. He didn't feel like fooling around outside today. It had been bad enough that Justin had had the nerve to bring Sapphire here - he wasn't in the mood to put up with anything more.

Watching as Sapphire disappears from sight, Scott starts forward but is stopped by Justin's hand to his shoulder.

"Hey... stick around," Justin prompts gently. "Thought we'd work off some energy."

Without any warning, Scott spins around. Fire blazes in his eyes with an intention that had been there since he'd seen Justin had brought Sapphire. Being asked to stay was the last straw, and there was no hesitation. His fist meets Justin's mouth with enough force to send him sprawling on the ground.

Justin didn't even have time to react. One moment he was standing beside Scott, and the next, he was reeling backward, his world flipping upside down. His head bounces off the corner of the bench, adding to the pain already shooting through his mouth. Instincts cause him to shield his face and head with his arms in case the attack wasn't over. It was though.

Scott stands back, already feeling guilty, but ignoring it. "How dare you bring my sister here," he hisses. He wasn't mad at Sapphire and he wasn't mad that she'd seen him. He was mad at Justin for initiating the visit without telling him first. "You ever pull a stunt like that again, so help me, you'll pay."

Justin winces, catching his breath and cringing at his new headache. Anybody with brains would have let Scott walk away. But not Justin. Seeing Scott leave, he calls after him. "It's not my fault that all you want to do is hide from the world. Your fear of seeing your sister just proves you're scared of the truth."

Scott whirls around with a fresh glare. "I am not!"

Justin slowly picks himself up, wiping his bloody lip and steadying himself on the bench. "Then why do you keep running? You're too scared to face the shadows and you're too selfish to even let your sister in. The Agency data isn't holding you back. You are."

Gritting his teeth, Scott turns and walks away without another word. If Justin wanted to come drag him back outside, so be it. But this visit was over.

Justin scoffs and eases down on the bench, feeling dizzy. Scott had surprised him. He'd been so calm around Sapphire - apparently it truly was Justin he was mad at and not his sister, but he was also a good actor, which made Justin's job all the harder now.

Wiping his lip again, Justin grabs his backpack and stands, wincing again at the pain in his head. His walk to his pickup was slower today, his body language down and out. What was he trying to do here anyway? Any other person would write up this incident in a report and have Scott put on meds to calm him down. Was Justin just too stupid to not do the same? Maybe he'd bit off more than he could chew after all.

Realizing his lip was still bleeding, he stops and fishes in his backpack for some random napkin or tissue.

Dani curls up at the end of the couch, pulling her knees up and sniffing as more tears come. She was glad she was at Dalton's instead of her own place, but it was still quiet and lonely. Blowing her nose again, she looks to the television, but she knew she wouldn't find anything she wanted to watch.

Her mind was battling back and forth with pictures from her dreams and pictures from the new memories that had come to light. She felt miserable and... small. It was the only way she could describe it. She felt small and insignificant. Helpless to stop this barrage of emotions connected with memories no one should have. It was no wonder she had locked them away. She'd always considered herself strong and able to handle herself. But apparently there was more to her childhood than she'd ever known. Apparently she hadn't always been so strong.

Another tear rolls down her cheek and she picks up the phone, then puts it down again. No, her brother was at work. She'd talk to him tonight. She had to. She had to find out the truth.

That feeling

Feeling Justin's hand on her shoulder Sapphire didn't turn to look at him. Her eyes were still on her brother. They had started to get some where with each other she didn't want to leave now. There was so much more for her to talk about, so much more she wanted to say and just not enough time.

But bundling it all up into one lump Sapphire moves twords Scott slowly not to startle him wrapping her arms around her brother and holding him for a long moment. Even if he didn't hug her back that was ok.

"I love you Scott very much, and I'm sorry for all the things I said too. I'll be back to see my maybe one day next week. So its not bye, only see you later."

Giving a sniff Sapphire retreats for the hug and stands wiping the tears from her eyes. She missed her brother, she wanted to be friends again and she hoped this was the first step.

Motioning a half wave Sapphire turns giving a nod to Justin before heading down the sidewalk to where he car was parked. All in all it had been a good visit and she was pleased.

Watching Eli and Alec as they break into hysteria again Ryan just blinks. It was her turn to now think they were completely off there rocker. If it hadnt been for the lack of beer in the house she might had thought they were drunk,

Leaning into Alec a little Ryan gives a laugh too finally. It was late, they were all tired and silly so this was probably normal. Hearing Eli was ready to take Alec back to TJY though she lets out a sigh followed by an aw. Almost like a little kid who was told to come inside.

Hearing him ask to stay again Ryan perks up a little bit. Looking to Eli she waits for his answer before looking back to Alec and than Eli again till he says it was up to her. Grinning again and looking to Alec and giving a nod.

"You can stay the night again. I don't care if Reese and Jason come looking for you. Least your staying out of trouble for them."

Truth be told she really didn't care if Jason and Reese did come, she enjoyed Alec's company to much to care. Not to mention there was something about falling asleep in his arms that was nice. It was some of the best sleep Ryan had ever gotten. Just being close to him with nothing else involved felt nice.


"Yeah... goodnight, Ryan." Leo gets out of her car and stands back, watching her leave and the taillights disappear down the street and around the corner, a little faster than maybe should be. He grins a little and shakes his head.

Wandering to his own car, he gets in and just sits for several minutes. Bring Cassy to the shop? He probably wouldn't. It would feel too much like he was showing off a girlfriend. Maybe if the gang was getting together for something else, or happened to meet somewhere... that would be different. No, he may have started down the road to getting over Ryan tonight, but he was far from implying to anybody that Cassy was his girl. They were still very much just friends.

Perking up as Ryan comes into the apartment, both men are still a bit flushed in their faces from their silly laughing. Eli nods vigorously. "Oh, yes. Yes you did call me a genius but it never hurts to hear it again. Lay it on, sister."

Alec snickers. It was way too late and everything seemed funny. Swinging his head over to Ryan, he grins, laughter pooling in his eyes. "Glad you made it back, babe."

Sliding his arm around her, he pulls her top half down into his lap, his fingers tickling her ribs. "I didn't wanna have to come looking for you, ya know."

"He means your chocolate cake," Eli adds.

That's all it takes, and once again, both guys start laughing. Eli covers his face with his hands and tries to stop, his shoulders shaking. Finally he stands up and staggers into the kitchen, wiping his eyes as he goes and trying to compose himself. "Come on, Alec," he calls. "Kiss your woman goodnight. I gotta get you back to TJY."

"Awww." Alec's laughing and tickling both stop. "Killjoy. They won't even know I'm gone and besides, half the night is already over."

"It's only two-thirty and I am not gonna get woken up at five by Reese or Jason come pounding on the door looking for you."

Alec sighs, not even realizing his one hand is running softly through Ryan's hair. "If I promise to leave right away in the morning, can I stay?"

Eli wanders back into the living room, his hands on his hips. Looking at Alec, one would think he was some lost puppy. More than likely, this ruffian didn't even realize that his eyes were begging them to let him stay. Was it loneliness? Eli sighs. "Ask Ryan, it's her apartment."

Alec looks down at Ryan pleadingly. "Can I?" All it was was a lonely dark room awaiting him. He might never admit that he was lonely at TJY, but spending so much time with Ryan and Eli the last few days had become quite addictive. TJY held nothing anymore but work and emptiness.

Feeling Sapphire's hand, Scott looks down at it, just quietly listening to her speak. A few weeks ago, he would have turned her away, snapped at her, maybe even yelled at her. But today he was ready to hear and accept her words calmly without arguing.

Was Hope really not mad at him? He still didn't feel like seeing her yet. It was a strange combination of missing her terribly and not wanting to see her that made his insides churn. Was it just pride that was getting in the way or more? Were they really meant to be together? Or would he have to really say goodbye to another love lost?

His mind shifts with Sapphire's voice. He had been her hero? Still was? That surprised Scott a little bit. From what he remembered of school was him failing at taking down the bullies and getting beat up himself. But maybe it was just the effort she remembered. How could she still view him that way now though? He was weak... he was in a mental facility. How could anyone look up to someone like that?

Finally Scott turns to see Sapphire's face and dares to look in her eyes. Could they really get along again? Could they really work around this issue with Gage? Scott didn't know how. He loved his sister, and he was sorry for the things he'd said to her. But that didn't change the fact that she was dating someone he hated - literally.

Looking back down again, he lays his other hand on top of hers. "I'm sorry," he whispers. His voice wavers as he tries to hold back his own tears. "For... for the things I said to you. I... I just... I don't know how to... to work it out with... with everything." What he said seemed to make no sense at all and it frustrated him to not be able to put into words what he was feeling. He loved her. But he was still hurt and confused. He wanted to be around his sister again and get along with her again. But he couldn't ignore the things that angered him so.

Giving her hand a little pat, he backs off and goes for another piece of beef jerky. "Thank you for coming," he mentions softly. "I... I appreciate it."

Justin's hand comes up from behind to lay on Sapphire's shoulder. It was time for her to go.