

Hearing Jeff's little joke and seeing that familiar glint in his eye it made Angel feel good and confidante that things might be a little different now and for that alone she was happy and willing to agreeing on letting Jeff do a little more than normal as long as he new when to call it quits.

   "Your welcome Jeff and dont sweat it. Whats done is done and forgotten we are good now, thanks for the apologize though."

Giving Jeff another smile and a nod Angel was please and she was happy too. If he kept this up than he would be feeling better in no time. Having balance was important and once Jeff found it things would become much easyer.

   "If you need anything else Jeff, feel free to ask ok?"

Feeling the hand go up her back and than seeing Hunter Katie grins up at him. It gave her chills just feeling his fingers run up her back but it wasn't a bad thing. She'd been wanting to spend some time with him all day but had refrained knowing he needed his sleep. Though she had stopped in once and a while to make sure he was ok. 

   "Of course you can...as long as I get a hug first."

Reaching out and giving Hunter a hug Katie was happy to see he'd gotten some sleep. Even if his body was still the sleep was needed before he got himself sick. He looked healthy now and she was happy, that meant what Angel gave him had worked.

   "You might feel like Rip but you don't look like death anymore. I was getting worried, but seeing you renewed now I am guessing what Angel got for you worked."

Katie gives a large smile as she pats Hunter's hand and lets her fingers rest over his.This was the start, and with Hunter getting some sleep it was just the start. She couldn't wait to share more time with him.

   "So tomorrow want to go riding with my dad and I? Angel gave him the ok so we are gonna head into the mountains."

Rip Van Winkle

Sitting on the table, Jeff gives Angel a reluctant nod. "Okay... nothing wild. I'll even ask Sparky to ride Hawk today and get all his energy out so tomorrow he'll be as tame as a lamb." He stops and quirks an eyebrow. "Hawk, not Sparky. Well, maybe Sparky too. He could use some calming down too. Ever since he's been married, he's just been a handful, ya know." 

Quirking a grin, a familiar old teasing glint appears in his eyes. Sliding off the table, he pulls his t-shirt back on before giving Angel a grateful glance. "Thanks... for everything." He winces just a little, remembering how he'd treated her. "And I'm sorry I was such a bear before too. I haven't felt much like myself lately."

"Yeah.... yeah, okay." Arriving at his bunk, Hunter squeezes Katie's hand, turning towards her. "You're stuck with me now, ya know." He lets her hand go to reach up and brush her cheek with his fingers. "I hope you don't regret it." 

Leaning down, he gives her lips a tender kiss. "I'll see you later." He hoped it would be later than sooner, if that meant he could sleep. He felt like he was walking around dead right now the way it was, and he could feel his body trying to shut down. He'd gone without sleep before, but it had never been anything like this. 

Giving Katie's chin a light tap with his thumb, he turns to go into his bunkhouse. Once inside, he takes off his jacket and kicks his boots off into the corner. Studying the bottle of pills for a couple minutes, he finally takes a dose and lies down on the bed. It was so soft and comfortable. His body wanted sleep so badly, while his mind continued to race with fear of that horrible darkness. But his eyes felt so very heavy. Maybe if he could just get a half an hour in... that would be better than nothing...

...Prying open his eyes, Hunter groggily looks about his surroundings. The lighting was strange. Dim. Soft. Rolling over onto his back, he winces as his muscles protest. He felt as though he'd been run over by a truck. 

Blinking, he finally gains a few more of his senses and he looks over at the clock. Shocked to see that it was almost seven o'clock he then looks to the window. No wonder the light seemed strange - it was much later in the day than when he'd laid down earlier. He must not have moved at all either, according to his achy back and legs. 

Eventually sitting up, he runs a hand through his matted hair and tries to bring his mind into focus. Seven o'clock... he'd slept over eight hours straight. No wonder he was groggy. And... he hadn't woken from a nightmare once either. Though feeling tired from such a hard sleep, at the same time, he hadn't felt this good for over a week. Finally, finally. 

Getting himself up and washing out his eyes, he finds his sneakers and pulls on a clean shirt. He'd need to do laundry again tomorrow. With as few things as he'd brought, he was doing laundry every two or three days. He was grateful for Becky's willingness to help out with that though.

Finally making it out of his bunkhouse, he sees little movement around the ranch and knew that supper was probably well under way. Wandering to the mess hall, he slips in the back door and scans the room. Yep, it looked like supper was at least halfway over. Spotting Katie over to one side, he ignores some of the other glances thrown his way. More than likely everybody had noticed his absence and knew he'd been trying to sleep all day. They could wonder what they wanted for now. 

Ambling over to Katie's table, he comes up behind her, running his hand up her back before giving her shoulder a playful squeeze. "Got room for me?" 

He pulls out a chair and sits down, stifling a yawn. Giving her a sleepy smile, his eyes still weren't fully awake yet. "I feel like Rip Van Winkle." 


Keeping her hand locked with Hunter's Katie walks with him back to the bunk. She new that she had worked that was left unfinished and she needed to finish it but she wanted to make sure all was ok with Hunter as well. She'd get to her work again soon and new no one would razz her to much.

   "I understand Hunter. Maybe trying to sleep is best for you right now. You don't want to over work yourself to much at this point."

Katie new that maybe there was a little fear there about sleeping but it really was a must and Hunter had to at least try to get a little sleep. Maybe these pills would work and for now it would be Hunter's quick fix so he could function like a normal person.

   "The worse that happens it doesn't work and we go back to Angel. At least go into it positive though ok?"

Hearing another knock and looking up again to see Jeff Angel was a little surprised. She was sure she wasn't going to see Jeff for at least a few more days, but she was happy he had come. Knowing his reason made her feel even better that he'd come to see her. She was confidant that maybe he was understanding the realism of everything.

   "Alright lets look ya over and see how you are doing and we can go from there ok?"

Looking Jeff over and asking him a few questions Angel gives a smile before stepping back and giving a little nod. Jeff was not all the way but he was much better than he had been. There was a little more color to his skin, and the dark circles under his eyes seemed to be less. For that Angel was very happy.

   "You can go riding tomorrow if you promise me if will be a relaxing ride and nothing to wild!?"

I Promised

Taking the bottle from Angel, Hunter nods at her instructions. "Okay... thanks." In reality, he knew that a hammer wouldn't be the next step - a shrink would. And that was something he was unwilling to try. 

Leaving with Katie, he wanders beside her towards the bunkhouses. "I'm not gonna be any good today at all with the shape I'm in." Sighing, he studies the bottle in his hand as they walk. "Maybe I should just try to sleep today instead of worrying about barn work or riding, I don't know." In reality, he was afraid this wouldn't work, and he really didn't want to have nightmares during the day too. At least he'd contained them to the night so far. But he was so tired...

It was only moments after the two had left Angel's office that there was another knock to her door. Poking his head inside, Jeff spots her before entering. "Morning..." He hadn't talked to her much since he'd come back from the hospital, making him feel just a little awkward, but he knew it was time. 

"Um... I don't want to bother you, I just... well, I promised Katie I'd go riding with her when I felt better, and I do. I was thinking about tomorrow but... I wanted your approval first. If you don't think I should yet then... I won't."


Giving a little laugh Angel shakes her head at Hunter's comment. At least he had a mild sense of humor still. If anything else that was a good thing and a plus. Though looking between Hunter and Katie Angel could see the worry on both there faces and she new that it was the truth.

   "I'd rather not have to take care of another concussion myself. I deal with enough of those in a week."

Backing away and unlocking her cabnit Angel looks through what she has. Something that could knock Hunter out but was not to strong or habit forming. That was a tough combination but she was sure she had something. Picking up the bottles and reading them finally she finds the one was was looking for.

   "Here we go. This might not knock you out knock you out but it will get you in a deep enough sleep you wont dream. It's not habit forming so you wont have to worry about that and the only side affect it a little dry mouth. I want you to try taking it every other day starting today."

Looking to Angel Katie gives a nod of thanks and a smile. Would this work for Hunter she wasn't sure but she was thankful Angel was trying anyways. Hunter did need to sleep and if this at least gave him a few solid hours than it was well worth it.

   "Thanks Angel for you help."


Following Katie back to the ranch, it was all Hunter could do to keep his bike going in a straight line. He'd originally set out with the intent of driving straight back to Nevada, but after the short break, apparently his sleepiness was back full-force. 

Making it back to the ranch though, he tries to ignore the fact that others might have seen him leave and now he had some explaining to do. They might not ask... but the had a feeling Mick at least would be questioning him. 

Going to Angel's with Katie, Hunter rubs a tired hand over his face before offering Angel a weak smile. "I need something that's gonna knock me out - and I mean, knock me out. If you don't have anything, Katie's gonna have to take a hammer to my head and I really wanted to avoid a concussion."


Katie wondered if Hunter still really didn't know what was wrong with him or if he was just failing to face the truth. Either was she was in this with him now and she would continue to help and stand by him till he did face the truth and found his way.

   "Alright, talking to Angel when we get back sounds good to me."

Looking up at Hunter and giving a smile Katie leans up to give him another soft kiss on the lips. Before heading back to her car and making there way back to the ranch together. She wasn't sure where this new chapter was going in life, or how it would end but what she did know was to enjoy the ride while she could and if good came from it than it was far from a wast.

Getting back to the ranch and parking Katie waits for Hunter to take his stuff back to his bunk before heading over to Angel's. Giving a little knock on the door before walking in Katie gives a little wave to Angel who was at her desk.

Hearing the door open and looking up Angel smiles seeing Hunter and Katie. Taking note to the dark circles under his eyes she could guess Hunter was still not sleeping good. She new he'd had nightmares and she gave him a mild sleep aid to see if would help but it seemed it was not, but that was only her observation.

   "Morning! What can I do for you guys?"

As If

Looking down into Katie's eyes, Hunter sees the remnants of tears, but also a new shine of hope. There were a lot of people he could say no to... apparently she wasn't one of them.

Her question makes him roll his eyes and he reaches a hand up to wipe away a couple remaining tears from her cheek. "As if I could leave now."

Sliding his arm back around her, he just holds her for a few quiet moments, studying her gaze. His eyes were so dark and tired... exhaustion had long since set in. But his mouth creases into a small smile. "I don't know why I get the funny feeling you're gonna be the death of me. But I guess if I have to die, having you around would make it more enjoyable."

Bending, he kisses her forehead before sighing deeply. "I only ask that we talk to Angel when we get back." He leans his head against hers, closing his eyes. "I've gotta sleep..." His hand absentmindedly rubs her back. "I've gotta figure out what's wrong with me."

Don't want

As Hunter pulls her in for another kiss Katie doesn't resist. Just letting her own emotions run free and flow into her kiss. Bringing her hand behind Hunter's head and her other hand to his back she rubs it gently. Her heart pounded in her chest so hard that it might just pound right out. Katie didn't care though this moment she would let last, this moment she had been waiting for would continue.

Letting a soft murmur free Katie lets her fingers play with Hunter's hair softly brushing the back of his neck her other had holding him tight as she could feel his grip on her tighten. Just letting the kiss continue as she lets what she felt come out. Finally as Hunter breaks the kiss but pulls her closer Katie wraps her own arms around him. 

Her tears now had quieted a little but her eyes were still slightly glossy as she sniffed to keep from getting Hunter's shirt wet. Just staying silent after hearing his words Katie lets out a sigh she just mumbles a little into his shoulder.

   "We can heal your mind, but I am not sure I want to give you, your heart back."

Standing there for another moment Katie was happy this was a quiet road with them both standing in the middle like they were. Some traffic would be held up if not, but it was rare anyone not going to the ranch would come down this way so they were safe.

Finally pulling away a little Katie keeps her arms around Hunter. Searching his eyes she gives a small smile looking up at him. Just continuing to search his eyes Katie's heart continued to pound but she didn't want to hide it. It was another way of just saying how she felt.

   "Does...this mean you will stay?"