

Keeping her hand locked with Hunter's Katie walks with him back to the bunk. She new that she had worked that was left unfinished and she needed to finish it but she wanted to make sure all was ok with Hunter as well. She'd get to her work again soon and new no one would razz her to much.

   "I understand Hunter. Maybe trying to sleep is best for you right now. You don't want to over work yourself to much at this point."

Katie new that maybe there was a little fear there about sleeping but it really was a must and Hunter had to at least try to get a little sleep. Maybe these pills would work and for now it would be Hunter's quick fix so he could function like a normal person.

   "The worse that happens it doesn't work and we go back to Angel. At least go into it positive though ok?"

Hearing another knock and looking up again to see Jeff Angel was a little surprised. She was sure she wasn't going to see Jeff for at least a few more days, but she was happy he had come. Knowing his reason made her feel even better that he'd come to see her. She was confidant that maybe he was understanding the realism of everything.

   "Alright lets look ya over and see how you are doing and we can go from there ok?"

Looking Jeff over and asking him a few questions Angel gives a smile before stepping back and giving a little nod. Jeff was not all the way but he was much better than he had been. There was a little more color to his skin, and the dark circles under his eyes seemed to be less. For that Angel was very happy.

   "You can go riding tomorrow if you promise me if will be a relaxing ride and nothing to wild!?"

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