

"Oh yeah sure no problem."

A small glint passes through Cassy's eye and is gone as fast as it came. She understood what Leo was trying to say even if it still hurt for just a moment.

Giving a smile and recovering Cassy gives a nod. At least happy this was out of the way now.

"I still loved movies, and I got to eat so of course I haven't changed my mind."

Maybe it really was best like this anyways. She's just become single herself and it would be horrible to rune a friendship if this was only a rebound.

"If there is a note on the food, don't eat it. I think I can handle that."

Following Ty to the table as he sat down Libby took a sip of her juice. Thinking for a moment about Ty, comment about watching to get somewhere higher in TJY for a moment she takes the topic of her, and brings it back to Ty once again.

"Have you thought more about seeing Rick? I'd like to see you reach your goals and not just settle for the bottom. You deserve more."

Giving a smile to Ty though her face was messed up, her eyes still sparkled for a moment really proving her words were true. She'd love to see Ty go somewhere higher in TJY.

Changed your mind

Ty gives Libby's hand a little squeeze, knowing that right now she just needed some extra special attention. "Something to drink it is, then. C'mon and I'll show you where everything is so you'll know your way around."

Leading her to the kitchen, he head to the cupboard over the sink. "Right side is glasses..." He opens the cupboard to show her. "And... left side is plates. Silverware is down in this drawer here..." He pulls it open, then shuts it again. "I want you to feel free to get whatever you need or want while you're here, okay? The only time there's food that's off limits is when Wyatt brings home leftovers or something that he's saving for lunch the next day, or sometimes he's a turd and doesn't want to share what Aerith has fixed."

Ty grins and opens up the refrigerator. "If that's the case, he puts a note on it so it's obvious, 'cause he knows I'll scrounge up anything when I'm hungry and I'm always hungry."

Chuckling, he points to the bottles of pop and pitchers of ice tea or juice. "Wyatt keeps us stocked up, so whatever you want to drink is here. And...." He reaches in for the small pizza box. "This is my beloved leftovers."

It's only a few minutes before he's settled at the kitchen table to eat across from Libby. "Need anything later, just call TJY, okay?"

Leo hadn't meant to make Cassy backtrack, but maybe it was for the best. He liked her company, he really did. It was just...

Sighing a little, he finally climbs down the ladder, giving up on the outside project for tonight. "Maybe... just sticking with the friends thing would be good." He manages a smile, not wanting to make Cassy feel bad. Unfortunately, this conversation was inevitable. He wasn't in a relationship, she wasn't in a relationship, and they were spending a lot of time together. It was only natural that this would come up at some point. It didn't make it any less awkward though.

Getting to the ground, he stands in front of her, looking down at her sunlit face. "I'm just... not ready for anything else yet, Cass. It's not you though..." He quirks another little smile. "I like spending time over here. It's just..." He shrugs lamely. "I think you know what I'm trying to say." He reaches out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "I like being friends with you and right now... I think that's all I can handle... if it's okay with you. I still wanna do dinner and movie though... unless you've changed your mind."

If you really dont wanna

Thinking for a moment Libby wasn't to hungry, but she was kind of thirsty. It might be nice to sit with Ty as well to spend as much time as she can before he went to work.

"I could use something to drink. I've been kind of thirst since I got here but I was comfortable on the couch to say anything to you."

Trying to give the best smile she could Libby steps a little closer to Ty taking his hand in hers. Right now she just liked feeling him extra close to her. It just felt nice having him there and so close.

Thinking for a moment Cassy gives a little shrug. She wasn't even sure herself what was playing but she defiantly felt like seeing something funny maybe and there was always at least one funny moving playing.

"Well down in the Desmon Plaza, they have the dollar movies. They are a few years old but are still some good ones. I'm kind of in the mood for something funny."

Searching Leo's face for a long moment Cassy can see the hesitance behind his eyes. It was kind of discouraging through she couldn't blame him. They both got out of rough relationships, she just thought she'd take a stab in the dark.

"Or....if you don't really wanna call it a date...it can be a friend thing only."

Its not that Cassy didn't have confidence that she made the comment but only that she didnt want Leo to feel uncomfortable.

Food and movies

"Mmm, I got a little while." Ty smiles kindly at Libby. "I need to eat something first... Should be to work about seven tonight. Gonna be a long night since Hal is off - I put in extra hours when he's off. Kinda boring sometimes, but it brings home a little more cash." He smirks a little. "I guess I wish I could move up past janitor sometime but..." He shrugs. "Well, you know why I won't get that far. Anyway..."

He thumbs to the door. "Got some leftover pizza from Mom and Pop's in the fridge to warm up... do you want anything?"

Movie... and dinner. Leo chews on the inside of his lower lip as he thinks, fiddling with the paint scraper. "Um, well... I like food and movies." He laughs a little and shrugs, though his eyes stay glued to the tool in his hand. Why he was stalling, he wasn't even sure. "I don't even know what movies are playing. Which did you have in mind?"

Good time

Looking up at Leo, the sun shone behind him it seemed to just make him glow a little more. It was almost like a picture captured in time that someone would look at and wonder how it got to perfect.

Continuing to smile Cassy thinks again before speaking again. Friendship or a date...someone could have a date as friends right? Cassy didnt want to scare Leo away, but...maybe she wouldn't?

"Well...I guess maybe...it could be a date. Dinner, a movie, just have a night time out together."

Cassy felt so shy, it had been a long time since she had asked someone to go out somewhere with her. Her heart thumped waiting for the answer, worst could happen is he said no, but maybe that would hurt even more.


Leo pauses his work, leaning his arm on one of the ladder rungs to look down at Cassy. His eyebrows rise just a little and he shifts his weight to see her better. The setting sun was casting a glow on her face, making her eyes sparkle and her hair shine just right. There was a little look of hesitance or shyness, though her smile overcame it.

Picking some paint from under his fingernails, he waits a few moments, mulling it over in his mind. "Movie, huh? Like... noontime, friend with a friend thing or... evening date thing?"

His eyes finally find hers again, his question lingering. He really did want to know what she meant.


Happy to hear that Leo would bring flyer to the stop with him was a big help on its own. Trying to get out there all she could was an important thing and having a place like the auto shop having flowers were traffic was always coming in and out was great.

Thinking for a moment Cassy plays with a twist tie in her hand she had found laying on the counter inside. She was trying to decided if she wanted to ask or not feeling slightly silly, even though she didn't know why.

"No I think I'll let you have to day off tomorrow."

Cassy's lips turn up in a smile.

"Maybe...would you like to see a movie tomorrow?"

Helping Ty bring some of her stuff inside she only grabs whats really important. Personal items, cloths and a few books to read. Tucking them onto of the corners of his room so they would be out of the way.

"Yeah I will probably just spend the whole in here or reading. I'll feel strange if I sat out with Wyatt."

She'd probably stay hidden for more than one reason. She didn't feel like to many people seeing her like this anyways. Keeping to herself and even maybe the quiet would be good. Though she did wish Ty didn't have to go.

"Your bed does look comfy too. I'll probley sack out again."

Just eyeing Ty's room this was the first time she has seen it and she was just taking everything in. She liked it, though it was a boys from her own hadn't been to girly.

"What time do you have to leave?"

Unless there's something else

Leo continues to work as Cassy talks, interested in her plans and nodding at her proposal for him to take fliers back to J&J's. He would - no one would object to him putting some up on their bulletin board in the waiting area.

He scrapes more paint, accomplishing a large portion of trim above the doors before the sun starts sinking any lower. When Cassy comes back out, he's still on the ladder, knocking off some of the rotten trim to replace.

Looking down at her, he shrugs at her question. "Don't have to work since I didn't get today off like I was supposed to. Figure I'd come finish this job here, unless there's something else you need me to do."

Ty finally sits up as well, next to Libby and he nods. "Wyatt will be fine with this. He's got a big heart, ya know? I know he won't mind you staying here 'til we find a more permanent solution."

Standing up and stretching, he yawns again, feeling way too tired to go to work but knowing he had to. Meandering to the door he slips his shoes back on and the next ten minutes are spent bringing in a few of Libby's necessary items and putting the truck in the garage.

Once back inside, Ty leads the way to his bedroom and he realizes that he doesn't think she's been back here before. Opening the door, he motions her in, setting a couple of her boxes down. His room was obviously a guy's room but even so, it was kept fairly neat. A few posters of musicians or bands were on the walls, and his calendar was one of sports cars. Electronics lay here and there, and his small desk in the corner had something that resembled a small engine on it, that he was apparently tinkering with or trying to fix.

Ty gestures to the bed. "Feel free... I won't be here all night and you might as well have a bed rather than the couch, 'specially if Wyatt's out there watching tv or something."