

Feeling tired herself Katie didn't give up not yet on taking the emotions from Jason. She would rest once he was ok, that was her main concern and worry right now. Knowing her would be ok was important.

Opening her eyes again as Cindy came close Katie wanted her to go again but she held her tong. This was her son she couldn't tell her not to be here right now.

I love you too Jason. Easy does it...everything is going to be ok.

Feeling Jason's body relax Katie opens her eyes slowly as she see Angel come into the room. Giving her a little nod she looks down to Cindy for a moment just studying her worried face. This was new to her, she'd never seen it before and Katie couldn't look past the worry in her eye.

"He's ok Cindy, He's just sleeping. Let him sleep for now, he needs it. Can you get us a blanket please?"

Katie new she would be staying right on the couch for now. She needed to be close to Jason just to be close.

Laying a hand on Cindy's shoulder Angel gives a smile and a nod. Katie new what she was doing and if Jason wasn't ok she wouldn't try to hide it. She trusted Katie more than anything with Jason.

"Its ok Cindy, I'll look Jason and Katie both over."

Coming closer to them both Angel gives a small nod to Katie as a good job. She always found her so strong o be able to handle something like this. Angel wondered if she would be or not herself?

"Ya did good Kate."

Checking Jason's vittles and than Katie Angel was sure they would be ok but were vary tired. It was odd to see them both whipped out like this so she would keep a mental note on it.

Starting to put her stuff again Angel stops as Katie starts to shift a little just getting comfortable. Opening her eyes and looking down at Angel Katie had her own conflict going on inside her now. She wanted Jason to be at peace, he needed it, but at the same time she had her own needs and he was hard to choose. But Katie new in her heart what to do.

"Angel, I want you to inject Jason and I. He needs some rest without emotions, and pulls running through him. He needs to truly rest in peace right now. Please Angel I am asking you to do this for Jason."

Looking up at Katie and just studying her for a long moment Angel was surprised by her request but in a moment she saw how grown up Katie had really become. She was willing right now to push her own needs away for Jason. It was honorable, and very mature.

"Ok, Kate."

Going pack into her bag and pulling out some needles along with the antidotes Angel makes it quick and painless administrating it. Once done Angel cleans up again and leave Katie and Jason rest for now.

Getting on the bike and making sure Susanne was as well Chuck stops before pushing his helmet down. Looking over his shoulder he gives a smile to Susanne. Resting his hand on top of her for a moment he just loved the warm feeling of her arms wrapped around him.

"Mystery, What is a book if you already know the ending, just another book. But a book with a new ending is one worth reading again."

Pulling his helmet down Chuck starts the bike and heads out. Making one quick stop for some subs along with chips and some water to go along with it they were both off again. Wising past the buildings the warm night air moving over there skin.

Getting to the lake that was lite dimly Chuck pulls the bike into the same spot as before and turns the bike off. Opening the sack on the side he pulls out a nicly wrapped blanket and lays it out on the ground a long with the food before offering to help Susanne sit. Sitting next to her he gives another smile.

"Would you do the honor of saying grace?"